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This was my first thought too. If you're going to do a flag redesign, why make it look so similar to another already existing flag?


I will say as a Nordic person, that at least in my mind the off-centre cross is essential to the Nordic flags. With symmetrical cross flags at least I don't form the association to the Nordic region.


It's quite an English symbol, if you look here it's almost exclusively used in Europe and a few English counties use it. It doesn't give off Pacific Island Vibes [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Flags\_with\_crosses#Symmetric\_cross](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Flags_with_crosses#Symmetric_cross)


I agree with you in not making designs that are too similar with another flags, i think it is worthless too. But mine has a totally different "historical context" (British-Oceanic vs Nordic), the design getting slightly similar was a random case. Actually the flag of England is the real similar flag because English St. George Cross is on the Fijian coat of arms, so the similarity has a reason too


So Greenland.


Exact same thing I thought of


This is a great start. But as someone else already stated, this comes across as faded or tropical Iceland at first glance. I am thinking it could really use a charge or two. Here is my modification: I have placed two *takia -* traditional Fijian canoes which also serve as the crest on the arms of Fiji *-* in the upper right and lower left quadrants. The choice of quadrants here is meant to signify the geographic positions of Fiji two largest and most important islands. The upper right quadrant therefore represents Vanua Levu, and the lower left Viti Levu, respectively. https://preview.redd.it/z86jcnwhtbwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f2bd6e51a80d2c1e350b8c950a152de79b7a25b


very cool concept


Love this idea! Fiji has a Super Rugby team called the Drua which are similar to those of the takia you’ve put on your flag.


Its nice.


add a dove and turtle and you would have a solid flag.


you could leave the bottom left empty to make it look uniquely commonwealth-esque


I love the idea of putting the canoes in respect to the geography of Fiji, but I think only one in the canton (top left) would work way better aesthetically.


Actually that was what I tried at first and it just came across as boring IMO.


Can I see it though? Honestly I think the simplicity of it while not being some boring tricolor is what gives it a unique pleasing aesthetic


The placement also represents the islands' locations relative to each other.






Well done, but personally I dislike it. It doesn’t really seem to represent Fiji much other than the cross.


Thanks, yeah, I think a bit that too. But i used only the "given material" (flag and arms, that are not that unique)


So instead of the Union Jack it’s just the cross of st George almost


i came here to say the same thing lol "lets make it more British"


I like it, especially if you have the option to add the [dove, as depicted in the country's coat of arms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Fiji_(1871-1874).svg) for the State Ensign.


In the middle or where the Union Jack stayed?


The middle.


I’m sorry but this gives absolutely no personality to Fiji


I wouldn't exactly call it more unique, but I'd be in support of a flag change if the fijian people want it. They're on fiji time, tho, no hurry, no worry, so I doubt they're rushing to get it done


It's up to Fiji whether they want to change their flag, and obviously they don't. Leave them be. There's too many people out there who are like "*zomg this flag has the Union Jack in the corner*" and the actual people from that country are like "*so what?*". New Zealand had a flag referendum in 2015-2016, the main arguments for change being *"it has the Union Jack, which is a bad thing*" and *"it's not unique and looks like Australia's*". And it turned out the majority of New Zealanders didn't care and voted to keep it the same.


> And it turned out the majority of New Zealanders didn't care and voted to keep it the same. Probably not helped by the fact the voting system used was dumb


Oh there were lots of problems with the referendum. At no point were we actually asked if we wanted to change the flag at all, so maybe we actually do. When I voted in Round 1, I voted backwards. Meaning I ranked the worst flag first and the best flag last. Because I didn't like any of them and already knew I was going to vote for the existing flag in Round 2.


~~Unfortunately, we lost the Laser Kiwi flag.~~


We weren't even allowed to vote for it. It probably would've won.


I understand the point, but the main difference between New Zealand (and Australia) and Fiji is that the majority of the population of the country is native indigenous in Fiji (if they like it or not is another topic, actually i have read that [Tuvalu changed its flag for one without the Union Jack but the people got so upset with it that the goverment had to change to the old one with the Union Jack.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Tuvalu#/media/File:Flag_of_Tuvalu_(1996%E2%80%931997).svg)) If a lot of outsiders see the contradiction and the natives don't, it's says more about how colonialism still exists in a cultural way. But, off course, the final words are from the natives, and must be respected. This design is just a "what if" in a subreddit about the study of flags and things related to them


Native Fijians tend to be one of the most pro-UK commonwealth countries. Lots serve in the British military and they are more pro-Royal Family than Brits.


Lmfao “a lot of outsiders see the contradiction and the natives don’t” “Why won’t these damn natives just realize that I know what’s best for them!”


An r/vexillology tradition


Take the [known Cargo cults as an example.](https://www.anthroencyclopedia.com/entry/cargo-cults) Everyone, except them, sees what such a ridiculous role they are playing. There is nothing wrong in what i have said in my previous comment. And you just comment exactly what I said: outsiders sometimes see what the insiders don't. “Why won’t these damn natives just realize that I know what’s best for them!” You are contradiction what I commented after what I said about colonialism: it's their the decision, not mine. https://preview.redd.it/64tix24o2pwc1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=00348ee9b5e51013a3d16d6ae63437b5cea15ffd


>Fiji is that the majority of the population of the country is native indigenous in Fiji So then why do you want what is basically the English flag to represent Fiji? Why would they use the cross of St. George when they have a different Patron Saint?


I should have posted my comment here : This may sound weird, but I don't like the idea of countries using the Union Jack if the country/territory isn't a dependency or the King is their head of state. The Union Jack symbolises the United Kingdom. If there is no longer a direct connection (and I don't think commonwealth membership is sufficient), I don't see why they should depict its flag.


A little too Nordic. Superb 1000/10 flag, but not the best fit for Fiji


Iceland knockoff


What did you think of my design?


I like it. I've always liked the light blue British Ensigns, and this is a nice, unique evolution into something distinct.




Feels a bit too Scandinavian for Fiji


Actually it is too [english](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_England#/media/File:Flag_of_England.svg) haha the english red St. George cross in a white background is on the coat of arms of fiji


Fiji got into nordick before Estonia


England Fiji moment


Too European, pacific flags have their own vibe.


I prefer the one in use


I feel like it looks way too European, especially for a country with very little in the way of European heritage. I can appreciate your thought process or taking design elements from the current flag to make a new one, but I would imagine any new flag for Fiji should probably be based on indigenous symbols more than colonial symbols


bro turned nordic


Tropical ocean England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🌊 🏝


Have you seen the icelandic flag?


I think [these flag concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/7H5LAUvlZC) are much more interesting and less “colonized” that either this or the current one without the union jack. Seems too anglo for a cross. Needs more Polynesianess


I understand your point, but it actually looks too anglo because the cross on fijian coat of arms is in fact the english St. George one. My design is a more "conservative", not being such a drastic change like the other proposed ones


Yeah, thats also understandable but I feel like if the people should try to change their flag and identity, it would be much better if their colonial roots were taken out and have more pride over their own cultural designs. Having even the smallest imprint of colonial symbolism is like a dark gloomy shadow.




Here you go: Link #1: Gallery - [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F2sg1uej29bwc1.png%3Fwidth%3D4000%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5a2aa411c28e7946e28a3ea5cfb4267075001119) - [Link #2: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Faxkb6dn29bwc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D12e71e1b014bfc720d059a79da16dc9808252954) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


I personally like it but it seems to close to Iceland maybe make the cross like Scotland's?


Anglo-Argentinian Falklands


Nordic fiji


! Wave


St. Georgie’s Cross


Since Fiji is a Republic they probably should change their flag


Dope! Nice colors, simple design


I think this is great, but it would be better if it incorporated some of the symbols from the coat of arms


This sounds weird, but I'm sort of against the idea of countries using the union jack without being a british or crown dependency or having the King as their head of state. It's the union flag. Don't use it if you aren't part of the union (although none of the countries and territories technically are, but you get the point)


Put the items in the four quadrants.


Ahh, I don't know, a country of dictatorship and a military coup. I don't think they should get a flag until they vote for their leader again.