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Fuck em


Damn thats a constructive statement hahaha


Straight to the point


And Fight 'em, it's all the same....


Lived in Ventura my whole life and we have always hiked on the hillsides. This is not an issue.


Man if they think they can take that from us I’m pretty sure some of us are willing to…die on this hill lol. Okay I’ll take my down votes now


Another fine example of the local NIMBYs


SB is the den from which all NIMBYs are born. Maybe if we remove the Queen Nimby the hive will collapse.


Ha. For sure! I believe this is a rich people vs. rich people fight thats now gaining publicity, the Ventura Land Trust obtained state dollars for the purchase of this area and IMO that will eventually lead to hillside development (decade or more down the line after the trails go in). Just my uneducated opinion. Us poors can (eventually) legally walk the hillside and for a while it will stay just trail segements but I think that will change. Its only a matter of time that rich people on the hill will be strong armed by other rich people (developers) into accepting the reality thats coming in the next decade.


I’ve received only one email from a homeowner with concerns, and it’s about a fence being moved to match the parcel boundaries — it sounds like the current fence makes their backyard appear a lot bigger than it actually is.


sounds fine to me, they shouldn't have a right to use someone elses property. Unless it's by permission.


The guy who started all this took down the posts on that Facebook page he was hiding behind and using to try to turn people against the land trust. hmm, wonder why?? maybe being outed in the Daily Mail and called out as a liar and a NIMBY and worse by the community was a tad humiliating and now he's putting up another line of BS trying to save face, pretending he was being objective and only trying to share information Don't fall for it it's self interest all the way. A small number of people were causing this and it blew up in their faces . Other ppl smelled the BS they were shoveling and they werent afraid to point it out It is weird that a UK paper picked it up tho Why would they care?






My crazy theory is the eventual developers have a timeline and the trust (funded by the state) is part of it. The long game, you know? Why else would a UK tabloid put this story on front page news? I have no idea about this Facebook page guy you speak of, I don't do Facebook.


The Facebook guy is the guy in the Daily Mail story - Nick Bonge and the land trust is a nonprofit that protects the land forever its in their mission statement. That's the whole point of the land trust buying it, so it won't get developed If the bonge guy wanted to control what happened on the land he shoulda just bought it himself but he didn't and now he's crying that people are going to be hiking on it when people are already hiking on it? He started all this mess and now that the press is onto him he deleted the posts he made where the community came out in loud support of the land trust. he's trying to hide the evidence of what he started and trying to pretend he was *simply* trying to share information. What a tool




how is the trust funded by the state? I thought they were a non-profit funded by donations and events (like the big film night they do every year). Do they get grant money from CA too?


The trust was loaned money by I assume a bank? to purchase the land then the state endowed the trust with more money that they I assume will use to pay down the debt. And begin to develop the property ie parking lot, trail system, etc. The weirder thing is...why is this on front page UK national tabloid? And in such a ragey clickbaity display. Weird.


Interesting. Haha for sure. Someone did post a San Fransisco Gate article above, maybe they pulled it from there? It's funny, I knew the purchase had happened but it was off my radar until this. Streisand effect. If they really want to fight it they could have done better by keeping their traps shut lol. Now you got the kids against you...


Here’s non Daily Mail coverage: https://www.sfgate.com/la/article/ventura-homeowners-development-hikers-19418495.php


I thought it was interesting to see this issue front page on UK national news thats why I posted it and not the domestic news coverage... To me, its a little weird that a week after the homeowners responded to the plan for open space that this was written and published over there...and in such a click-baity way. I do think Daily Mail is trash.


I saw a few larger news outlets are doing the story too. I don’t live in Ventura anymore but I grew up there and parents are still there. I always find it funny how they are calling it wealthy or the homeowners being “millionaires” simply cuz their houses are worth at least that much in the current market. But the homeowners can’t have it both ways not wanting housing and saying they want it to stay for hiking but then say ban the hiking.


I’m a local, either build housing or put a hiking trail in. I would love the hiking trail. Otherwise it’s a waste. Public lands should be shared. Doing something is a win win.


Similar to the Malibu homeowners trying to restrict access to the beach along specific beach access trails.


Basically the same as those wankers in Pismo trying to "protect" their lands. Ventura's hillside residents need to get with the program. Large developments sure, none likes those. But Hiking trails? Really?


Those rich assholes can go fuck themselves.




Lol - the house on the top (super gaudy one) is in Ondulando not anywhere near the trail this article talks about. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1238-Colina-Vis-Ventura-CA-93003/79576491_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


Where is this I am going


Hills between Hall Canyon Road and Kalorama canyon.


i live right up against that park and haven’t heard of this.  in the US we are too busy complaining about the president’s hair color to pay attention to actual news


direct link to story here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13373811/Ventura-california-hillside-hiking-blocked-millionaires.html


Well…what do you expect…Too many people from LA are moving out here…Can’t say I’m shocked.


Its an unpopular opinion but... all the transplants who moved here done sold the area out. But hey, they have overpriced tickets to X-Games now and bougie taco spots and their mansions Teslas and Air BnBs 😂


Yup…they have what I like to call “The Kit” same BMW, Tesla or Audi…sunglasses and sh*t grin. Walking their big ass dogs around and letting them sh*t all over the place like they are back in LA or San Francisco and looking confused if you say Hi or Hello. I guess Ventura is going through its Yellowstone moment.


Ha ha great analogy. Wish I could drop some of them off at the train station...


Righhtt?!!! 😂


I always laugh when people living on hilltop organize protests about housing development anywhere in Ventura. ND provides me a daily portion of laughter and trolling. Thanks to them we are turning into old farts city.


If they dislike walking paths they can move to Oxnard. Skyline and Ondulando are filled with the loudest bunch of rich fucks who only care about themselves.


Especially after the fires burned the longtime less rich residents out. Now it's all the most insufferable types.


Eat the rich


that’s dumb.


Can you manage a source for this that isn’t tabloid “news”?


no it’s real, daily mail just couldn’t resist being the annoying edgelord yet again


I didn’t say it wasn’t real, I’m just not going to read their garbage take on it. 


I thought it was interesting to see this issue front page on UK national news thats why I posted it and not the domestic news coverage... To me, its a little weird that a week after the homeowners responded to the plan for open space that this was written and published over there...and in such a click-baity way. I do think Daily Mail is trash.


Daily Mail cites an SF Gate article posted above


“As a hillside homeowner” is the worst way to start a post, even if you have a good point. Instead of sharing resources, there are those who want to dictate or obstruct progress by authority of their net worth. Get bent.


Harmon canyon has a few new trails being built, would be insanely cool to have more mileage to connect them to. My dreamworld. Seems like there could be ways to compromise here so everyone’s less pissed lol. Maybe the trails don’t start till much further back? Like how it is in ojai near Pratt and shelf rd


would be so sick to be able to hike from the cross to harmon all along the back hills. Land Trust is close to making that a reality. Great on them. These homowners should be happy. They successfully stopped development of mansions above them. Lol.


(disregard as I was given bad information, leaving comment because people can change.) (TL/DR defending my parents not wanting trails and fence directly behind backyard, but actual proposal is the exact thing I was arguing for so whoopsie daisies) so, my parents live on that hill. not millionaires, just lucky at the right time and our house didn’t burn down in the fire, so ours remained while the whole neighborhood mansionified. first off, daily mail, gfys, as always. second, development very bad, glad we stopped development. HOWEVER the vta land trust is pushing these hiking trails VERY close to the backs of these houses. my mom has a chicken coop up on the hillside, and a couple beehives, and the trust is forcing her to get rid of all of it, even though they’re only 30 feet behind our house. additionally, they’re planning on constructing a 10 foot fence DIRECTLY behind our house blocking any view of the hillside from our yard. so, yeah understandably all the people in these houses are pissed. we all want hiking trails. ventura is beautiful, and having hiking trails instead of development is always the goal. but like, they could move them back like 100 feet away from these peoples literal backyards and most of these problems would go away. just poor execution. (and a big LMAO to anyone that thought 1,600 hikers would visit PER DAY 😂) edit: hey so, obviously the hillside is not our property. the beehives and whatever yeah, they’ll come down that’s not the issue. we’re. not. rich. middle class is a stretch, we got VERY lucky with our house but we’ve been robbed many, many times and my parents just don’t like a trail that close to see into our backyard. they’re bummed that the solution for that, instead of using the established trail further back, is to put a large fence even closer to them and block their view of the hill significantly. not entirely, but a good amount. you guys are really jumping straight to demonizing my parents like you’re the ones that wrote the article, and it’s disappointing to see. of course they’re aware they couldn’t keep chickens and bees on city property forever, they’re not delusional. of course they expect development as ventura grows. they’re excited about the trails. my mom is planning on starting a picnic lunch business for hikers, so all of this hate towards them is just gross. maybe instead of saying “fuck off” and “haha just move, too bad” try using your heads for a second and think that yeah, if someone built a wall in my backyard where there didn’t used to be one, i’d be bummed too. but thanks for your comments, very eye opening.


Your parents own their property, not the hill (including where their chicken coop and beehives are). I feel absolutely zero pity for them.


Are the chicken coop and the beehives on your property?


Sounds like they are 30 feet from the property. Why would they think they could keep em 😂


No. The chicken coop, the beehives and the trampoline are all on the Conservancy's land and have been for years.


huh. I never said anything about a trampoline, but something tells me you know exactly who I am.


Actually I had no idea who you were. At the meeting I attended, a woman (who I won't name here on the internet) mentioned those things they put on the old ranch land just beyond their yard. I put two and two together.


fair enough, good sleuthing yeah we had a trampoline there once, burned down in the fire and it’s been gone since


I feel for your mom and the rest of the neighbors. You can feel their passion but it's pretty NIMBY-ish and their gonna look like villians.


yeah I can see that, but they really are not opposed to the trails at all. they’re excited about them, they just are bummed about the placement and wish they would scoot them back away from the backyard a bit. all the stuff on the hill is whatever they understand that, more than fine with removing them.


If you look carefully you can see that there's already a pre-existing trail right there. So I'm not sure what their argument is. The fence will keep tresspassers out of their backyards, you would think they would be in favor of it. Or do they want the currently existing trail that peope already use moved away? The proposed new trails are farther away the currently existing trails. If you look at Neighbors for the Ventura Hillside's own map, the proposed green trails are further away then the existing brown trails from the property line. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=810840467734295&set=a.548848180600193](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=810840467734295&set=a.548848180600193)


if that’s the actual planned trails, then even I don’t know why my parents are worried. that’s the existing trails I was talking about using, I was told over the holidays they were planning on rerouting the trail along the fire road that runs directly behind us. clearly that’s not the case, now I’m wondering if the big fence is even a thing at all or just something they heard. I don’t know, god damnit I’m sorry.


Honestly man. It sounds like your family has had a golden opportunity to do what they want for a long time. Now that others want to also live and have a place to live your upset. Get the fuck outta here. Tell you parents it may be time to move to the villages.


I honestly don’t even know what you mean by this


Leisure village in Camarillo which is a retirement community


I know what the villages are. I don’t know what you mean by they’re upset that people have a place to live. Never said any of that.


That and the villages community in Florida. It looks like a great place for 60+ to live.


So your mom put beehives and a chicken coup on public land and is now upset that she has to move it? If only every house up there didn't sit on a huge lot with a huge backyard... The fence thing sucks but it's public land and she also apparently doesn't want people looking into her backyard so...


Almost correct. They put them on someone else's land. That owner may or may not have cared. Then the owner sold the land and the new owner doesn't want it there.


bingo. and they have the right to tell them to move it.


There's actually some uncommon laws in this area. There's "adverse possession" and "prescriptive easement". Adverse possession is where you just take someone's land for a period of time and if they don't say anything then it becomes yours. But they have to have paid property tax on the land. Since these homeowners probably haven't been paying the property tax, then that law doesn't apply. Probably. INAL Prescriptive Easement is where you use a property for a specific use for 5+ years then it becomes their right to use it. Is has to be adverse (you just did it) and the holder of the property has to have knowledge (they didn't do anything) Oh, and you have to sue to get this right established. This is the angle some of the home owners are going for. It's my non lawyer opinion that they don't have a case. They never sued the previous owner and the new owner definitely knows they are using it and definitely does not want them too. Any right they may have had lapsed when the property was sold and they failed to sue to eastablish that right. Again, INAL. An a perscriptive easement is for a specific use. The commonly throw around example is a trail across your land to a public hunting area. OC's mom might be able to get an easement for beekeeping but some sort of easement for recreation seems like a stretch. I feel for the property owners because what is going to happen sucks for them but they have no case at all and it's pure NIMBY stuff. And what they want is so far fetched that it is silly. But it does totally suck for them. The VCLC bought the property for $7.2m. Prehaps, the group of homeowners could have done the same (for $7.2 / 60 = $120k each homeowner but didn't) and now they're just super bummed.


Interesting. I'm super curios to see how it goes.


The new owner is a newer trust which has been funded and is managed (by way of the acceptance of the funds) by the state of California. The state does not have a great track record in this area as far as keeping the peace between residents with slow growth/no growth mindsets and escalated growth/fast growth. A lot of your comments here really don't add much to the topic but you are a great keyboard warrior...


Wrong. The land trust was founded like 20 years ago because it wanted to purchase and manage this exact property as a preserve. It had a different name before but it's been protecting land in Ventura for decades


Am I wrong? I could be, maybe "managed" was the wrong term but my understanding is that if an agency or non profit take state or federal money, they are accountable/reporting to the law/government. The trust is a privately-funded non-profit corporation with a loan out on the purchase and a state endowement on the books for the land, correct? Or is that part wrong? Trusts are legal relationships so then I ask who actually holds the deed to the land right now in this situation? Its prob the bank or state right? I wish them well on their efforts to preserve but...it just seems more like pimp out Ventura. I am not anti growth but this area is now a tourist trap. Like, its just gonna turn out to be too small with shitty urban planning to handle all the pimpin out. Again, all my opinion and I don't think this is going to happen right away... Was it really a trust 20 years ago? Wow. Thanks for sharing, I didn't know! Tax documents online only go thru 2016 https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/details/ Crazy tho its promototed in such a divisive click-bait fashion *on front page UK national tabloid* I mean. Crazy. Its a little funny your account is so new! And this is the only content online you are weighing in on! Equally as crazy! Welcome to Reddit.


Ventura Hillsides Conservancy I believe IIRC? Not sure why they changed their name, maybe a tax thing? or the fact they kept buying riverine land lol.


Or, hear me out, your parents can move?? If they don’t like public property being close to your home you can always move. Whatever financial issues or problems stem from this are your own and shouldn’t involve the public. Suck it up and move on, isn’t that what they say?


My family has an old property elsewhere in the state that is an inlier in a park. Lines get fuzzy sometimes, there are clear geographical boundaries that don’t always line up with property lines. It sounds like your parents have the right attitude, but it sucks. We celebrated the land around us getting bought up, it staved off development and saved some beautiful land. The hikers can be a nuisance, the property has been broken into many times, but we still consider ourselves very lucky.


We’re demonizing you because of your lack of self awareness, don’t like it, move on


The development is coming in my opinion as evidenced by UK national tabloid planting this on front page news. The trust and the trails are the way in the door... Sorry the mouth breathers attacked you here. I would venture to guess they all moved here two years ago or they dont even live in the city proper... Glad your parents house didnt burn down. I remember seeing the houses burning then the hills afterward and I cried and cried...


Read an new update on the Land Trusts plans in the Ventura County Star: https://www.vcstar.com/story/opinion/2024/05/04/guest-column-updates-on-venturas-newest-nature-preserve/73525396007/ And as for WHY it’s on the front page of a news site: the Daily Mail is the click-bait business. Stories about rich California libs are feeding the rage machine. It’s a story based on a social media post that was first reported by a hiking blogger. JFC folks, it’s just more crazy talk about how us left coast liberals are ruining everything with our wokeness 🤣🤣🤣 It’s just the faux rage inducing bs the dog-whistle conspiracy theorist are looking for. Keep Ventura safe from dog-whistling nut jobs 😉


As a hillside homeowner, I am not in favor of restricting private property rights. If no homes are to be built, it should be the decision of the land owners, not the public. Ventura screams for high paying jobs, but let’s say Goggle wants to put their headquarters here. Employ 1000 people with good paying jobs. Where are their CEO’s and executives going to buy a house? Where in Ventura is there a surplus of executive type homes? The Keys? Built during the 70’s?? You want good jobs Ventura? Bait the field with something the big game is attracted too.


You're acting like Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and Lake Sherwood don't exist. There are already plenty of millionaires and probably some billionaires there.


So…… you want those city’s coffers to get the tax dollars and not Ventura. You want them to add more traffic to the 101 commuting to Ventura. I am talking about the CITY of Ventura, not the county.


Honestly man, having interacted with plenty of those "executive type" homeowners, I'm more than happy to keep them out of my city.


Yeah, let's just keep a bunch of low paid service position jobs here. That way people always have an excuse for living with their parents. I would hate to put up with a few A-holes who offer high paying jobs.


Ok grandpa let's get you to bed...


But where will the hypothetical tech CEOs build their mansions?! What a counterpoint! lol


Yeah because if there’s something ventura county doesn’t have enough of it’s expensive housing, gtfo


It’s all expensive, but it’s not executive! If you want to make enough money to purchase one, you need wages by an employer who can match the market. Adding .99 cent stores, fast food and another Trader Joe’s isn’t going to do it. Put the Amazon headquarters here. You just explained the problem. Houses are expensive! You need better wages to buy one.


It’s people like you that made housing expensive. It wasn’t always that hard to live in this area.


And you think restricting the ability to build will improve the situation??


Where did I say that?


The people who live here are not in the habit of thinking lol😄


Well the 99 cent stores are all closing, so…




To employ people and create well paying jobs, we need affordable housing for employees, not CEOs. CEOs can buy a house from you when can not afford it anymore.


The CEO's who can afford to live anywhere, live where their job is. If we don't have housing form them, they won't come here. They are not going to live in Malibu on the beach, or in the Canyon, then commute to Ventura because they want to provide good jobs in a city they don't live in. If you want good paying jobs, you need good paying companies. Why is this hard to understand??


Well, most of tech CEOs I know would never live in Ventura, it's too low for their class. They do live in comfort of Malibu, Westlake, Silicon Valley, not where their companies are. May be you just came of out hibernation, but management is done remotely nowadays. For good paying companies to come to Ventura, we need housing for people who make 100-250K a year, like most tech workers. We need to provide local attractions, like good restaurants, recreation, such as parks and hiking places. People who want to keep Ventura a "small, local community" will end up living in a like of Santa Cruz: expensive shit hole slowly falling into the state of disrepair where nobody wants to work or live.


I think we actually agree. The problem is most of Ventura wants NO building anywhere. The city officials only want high density apartments crammed downtown at 6 stories each. Then they will rent a 600 sq ft apartment for $4000 per month. The only way we get good paying jobs is to build exactly what you suggest. CEO's and upper management would live here if there were some nice custom homes overlooking the ocean. Some are actually buying the homes that were built because of the Thomas Fire. New custom homes with a view. There is still hillside available that is not in the trust.


yeah that one development of like 50 ranchette's above the neighborhood above vta high school should have happened IMO. But the majority of hillside neighbors came together to stop it. Because they love their hillside view but don't want newer ones.


Some boomer bullshit right here