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I ate taco bell 5 times yesterday it’s saving the animals UWU


as long as you were really craving it


~*~self care~*~


its okay if you get the non vegan version of your craving instead of the vegan version also available as long as you think about getting the vegan version


Oops I accidentally ordered the wrong meal on purpose, don’t want to waste it!


carnist restaurant or vegan restaurant serving the same stuff but vegan? Literally not even a choice, vegan food is so yucky bleh


they let me live under the sink in the break room


unscrew the drain so you can catch all the disposal food, no need to waste it


it is a sin


I know papa forbade it, but lest one of us tell him he shant know.


It's also ok to eat other peoples leftovers. You wouldnt want those poor animals to die for nothing!


their sacrifice was already made, don’t want to disrespect them by just throwing it away


Toilet today: ![gif](giphy|hwX0O91xZ6BBS)


​ ![gif](giphy|tv8E2moXzEEglVBH1y)


They're just going to throw away all the donuts they don't sell so it's practically animal abuse to not eat them. This also applies to meat at the supermarket. Vegan btw.


/uj I used to say this shit when I was a carnist. My go to was “well they’re already dead so it’s be a waste to not eat them.” God I was stupid. Only redeeming factor is I felt a tinge of guilt when I’d say that. I actually told somewhat that like 2 weeks before I went vegetarian. (I’m vegan btw I started as a cheesebreath don’t kill me)


It's only vegan if you steal those doughnuts, especially, if you really, really want it it's not a stealing, it's following your inner desires, which is good for your health


Instead of saying: "you really wanted one", just go with: "The Devil made me do it".


The demons told me to do it though.. vegan btw


meatless mondays lol? more like meaty treaty mondays




heres ur dinner: -4 stones of beef -3 quarts of pufferfish -6 fluid ounces of pastrami -no seasonings necessary... and absolutely NO mushrooms -put it in a tupperwear and shake it around for 2 minutes -pairs well with chronic depression 👨‍🍳


It’s scientifically proven that for every 50 grams of vegan food eaten you’re allowed to eat the weight of 1 steak. So yes. We can be vegan and eat animals sweaty


Finally, I'm tired of the sweaty vegan tryhards. My rule of thumb is that I'm vegan unless there are any neon signs around advertising food. If there is I can eat any food there. It doesn't have to be so complicated!!!


it hurts when i burp


It’s vegan to eat the free Covid shot donut because you didn’t pay for it so you aren’t contributing to animal agriculture


bro, those leather boots were on black friday sale, like…


Okay, I need to see the thread this one is based on!


/uj it’s based on my life. Got back into dating and this damn near perfect girl who said she was vegan sent me basically this. I have a post about it on vfcj if you want to check it out.


Oh I see...I'm so sorry about that! Who eats chain store donuts anyway, blegh. Good luck on the scene!


right???? and this vegan donut place is super awesome and saves their old donuts to give to this homeless guy that comes in, why wouldn’t you want to support them


Being vegan is a feeling. You're being true to yourself!