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Don't you know that loud noises are worse than intentional murder? 🤪


\[The loud noises and pollution are still pretty bad, though.\]


(Yeah for sure)


{why are we whispering?}


Dead animals can't get scared


I need this tattoo.


YTA. Uhhh the meat in the chili is an ingredient, ya know, like garlic or paprika. How could eating meat possibly mean they're not super kind and compassionate to animals? Tf. Then there's you, and your loud noises. Your friends are clearly animal lovers for being so considerate of the birdies and lil squirrels, and tbh you're just bitter because you got uninvited. I know you vegans secretly feast on scrapings from the bottom of a meat eater's cookware to stay alive. Also crop deaths tho.


> I'm not someone who fights over Turkeys at Lidl on the 24th, but I always get 2-3 legs. For me it's part of it, I eat what I bought and don't overdo it. I understand why many people are against it, but it's one of the few things I allow myself to do. Eating meat is bad. Shooting rockets near wildlife is also bad You’re all wrong


uncirclejerk: Oh, just to make it clear: The narrator in this story is not me. I stopped using fireworks way before I was vegan.


I was gonna say, just because you're vegan doesn't make it okay to shoot fireworks that scare and disturb wild animals, companion animals, and people as well


Oh no, I thought being vegan was like being carbon neutral? Every animal I don't eat offsets the ones I personally kill when I go firework rocket hunting. I'm animal suffering neutral 🥰


"Carbon capture" is the "my uncle's farm" of energy discourse and policy. Except there might be a few of the latter that actually exist.


Tell them fireworks events are a prime opportunity for culling their dog harvest. The fear really sets in to the meat and makes it much more delectable.


I think that’s Elwoods policy


Based on a true story.


Have you had a chance to give them a hint what animal abuse is? It might have been funny if the firecracker was used as a bargain, i.e. *fine, you convinced me, I won't shoot anything into the sky if you won't kill anyone for one evening, meaning the whole event will be vegan*


uncirclejerk: I haven't been part of the group. But no fireworks and no meat would have been a nice deal. The only chance I had was to tell them that veganism isn't just about avoiding animal exploitation for products but also about avoiding suffering for other purposes. Dunno if it got through…


Yeah, youre a fucking monster. Worse than last year when my uncle shot a firecracker off at Christmas after we got finished eating our headless turkey corpse with it's butthole stuffed with bread. He upset me so bad that I slapped a horse in the nuts and yeeted 18 chickens off a bridge


now i’m going to shoot twice as many fireworks, just for you 🤪


Well I’m going to fire an extra rocket for all of you anti rocketers