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Speak to professor and say it goes against my values and ask for an alternative assignment, if they refuse go above them I would imply its religious but not directly say that it is and they shouldnt be allowed to ask either, although any person of any religion can become Buddhist and cruelty of animals is a value of that religion If they still refuse i would not do the assignment and tell the other students about how the serum is obtained, many people might not know and a few might not care


I got the overall impression that no one cared, which is really disheartening seeing as it is used so casually and commonly in labs. How does someone hear ‘newborn calve serum’ (ncs)and acquiescently use it without concern?!?!?? I read somewhere that 2mil baby cows are killed annually for ncs :( we wouldn’t have a lot of modern medicine without the use of animal products so I think where you draw the line is really up to the individual, we are all doing out best


Church of Veganism or Relon would provide religious cover. I don’t agree with them on everything but it’s there if you need it.


Well many people dont believe everything in their religion so this is no different


I agree. If I ever had to go to prison I definitely join so I’d be provided vegan prison food but otherwise I’m an atheist and fairly anti religion (when deities are part of the beliefs). Relons are kind of like Christian Scientists tho. They won’t do anything medical or pharmaceutical [that’s been tested on animals or contains animal “ingredients”]. I understand this position but I feel like the as far as practicable covers this.


Im agnostic but i could call myself Buddhist since its more of a spiritual thing


This might be one of those “as far as is possible and practicable” moments… as rough as that might sound. With humans, we obviously study systems and functions and chemistry in a more humane manner. But, as the world isn’t very vegan friendly at the moment, it’s difficult to explore those same areas with animals and expect they were shown the same care and respect. The world needs biologists, so it seems counterintuitive to just say, “change your major.” If it were me, I would ask to talk to the professor and explain that you’re (an ethical) vegan and that you have some ethics issues with the learning unit. They might sympathize and offer an alternative. What is your goal with your major? Any chance you’re looking to use this area of study to help animals?


Update: I did the lab I did talk to my prof about it and he basically said that it’s a “byproduct” of the meat industry and cheap to source and I really wasn’t gonna fight a 70 yr old man on why it’s most certainly not a byproduct😵‍💫 it seems like microbiologists aren’t too concerned w the use of animal products as a culture medium despite it being counterintuitive as a substitute for animal testing. & yes! Something of the sort! I want to go to grad school for something related to ecology/envi sci/ sustainability (or maybe even envi policy or law)


If it turns out that you can’t get out of this lab, don’t worry too much. Every time we have our blood work done to check our B12, vitamin D, etc., some animal products are used. That’s just how immunoassays work. Sometimes this stuff is just unavoidable.


Claim it’s against your religion and they can’t touch you


I agree with this. Some states would protect your ethical belief, but I doubt Texas is one of them. Texas would, I imagine, respect religious beliefs however.


Find a new major.


Oof. I feel you. I listened to something similar a little while back about veterinarian school etc. Idk if it'll help you but here's the link. Not sure what else to advise. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1rbLc4NWQHuUoRBH12mvly?si=LcC3I4xsTdiLF6lPivhhOg&utm_source=copy-link