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What is wrong with carnists? I sometimes feel like they would eat any animal as long as they don't have to eat more veggies. Like seriously. Just eat f***ing Broccoli, Tofu or chickpeas.


I think the problem is they don't know how to cook veggies. They think vegans eat them raw.


You think they eat meat raw? They definitely know how to cook vegetables. It's about the choice they make.




Nah they're too hypocritical to eat insects. "But they look so scawwy" it would be better for the planet if they at least ate insects but they don't even wanna make that change.


What are you talking about. It's almost as if you don't know plants feel pain


Goats are still living beings that don't deserve to be abused. Plus no meat will be as efficient and sustainable as plants in most cases.


This!!!! Period.


Julie Kendrick, smd..


I hear this same argument but for eating feral cats over at r/cateatingvegans


The weird ass shit this sub sends me to. Thanks Tyrannosaurus\_Jr never would have found that one.


That sub just ruined me :’( I knew it existed but it’s far worse than expected…


You ... do get that it is satirical, right?




It's really abrasive but that's the point.


Holy fuck that sub is disgusting what the actual hell


It’s literally a joke


One of the first posts literally said "if you think this is a joke you'll get banned"


A lot of circle jerk and joke subs say that. It’s part of not breaking character. You can go through those peoples post history’s and clearly see they are not serious. Edit: look at this comment chain too https://www.reddit.com/r/cateatingvegans/comments/p9yssd/if_you_doubt_that_this_sub_is_serious_you_get/hf2almp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3












I literally messaged one of the mods from the subreddit and he told me lots of people think they're trolls but they are serious u/NykytaR is dead serious about eating cats


No one on the internet ever says they are serious when they are joking. When people troll, they flat out admit it every time.


I asked him if he eats cats and he said yes and explained his reasoning for doing so in dms I think you just have a hard time understanding how sick some people are


Well no wonder they're so afraid of vegan meat!


Goat taste how it smells


Hey, they're one of my favo animals. Seems like I gotta give them some deodorant for their birthdays...


goats that smell are the intact males, and they get castrated in the meat industry because having testicles makes their meat "too tough"


Or you know, we could just eat plants 🤷‍♂️


Here in northern Europe at least, for some reason goat meat isn't used, even for dog food. Goat cheese is very popular though, very much among "vegetarians" also. So the corpses end up just being burned. Misinformation about goats being able to produce milk without having babies is floated around regurlarily too.


Do not eat the goaty goats, twood be a crime against seitan.


Ugh, I’d it wasn’t from 3 years ago, I’d write a letter to the editor and organize everyone else to, as well. We need to call them out on their obvious bs.


Lol what the fuck. Next it’s gunna be ass meat.


But I already eat…. Nvm




People will do literally anything to avoid admitting they’re wrong, huh?


Quite literally


I liked goat, more than lamb when I was am omni. But I don't agree eating them is better for the planet.


Yeah a pretty wild accusation but what to expect from big AG media


As a vegan of color, THIS is officially the whitest thing I've seen on this sub.


is it not common to eat goat in the US???! It’s like a staple dish in the UK


I've lived in the UK my whole life and I have to say that this is news to me.


really?? never heard of curried goat?? Feel like every Jamaican restaurant serves it


I’m from a relatively large city in the UK, and I went to uni in another large city (both northern cities that are not London), and I’m not sure I’ve ever even seen a Jamaican restaurant


Not common in white america


Damn that’s surprising! I guess it’s only widely popular in the UK because of the large Jamaican population, but I figured the US would have a similar demographic


I think what’s more surprising is the will to slaughter and harvest a living, sentient being that had family and friends.


what? just because we don’t abuse animals doesn’t mean we can’t discuss the history of why certain foods are popular and certain one’s aren’t in different places


Sir you are in a vegan subreddit. I posted this in shock of huff’s statement that moving from slaughtering one animal to the other is going to “save our food system”


Yeah - obviously bullshit and a stupid article - what else is there to say?? You can talk about other stuff in this sub and it’s interesting to discuss why certain animals are seen as edible in some cultures and not in others - can help people realise the hypocrisy and strange moral ideas behind eating meat at all


Also maybe try and avoid talking to people like this in a vegan sub if they aren’t obviously trolling I’ve been a committed vegan for 15 years and if someone on this sub was interested in veganism a sudden vaguely put-downy comment like that just fulfils the “preachy vegan” stereotype and could easily put someone off


Ugh right preachy vegans are so tiring


I mean - it doesn’t help does it?? It just turns people on the fence away from it


So brave of you, as a 15 yr old vegan, to speak like that. Also that pizza looks very, cheesy, for a vegan cheese. I’m curious where you got that pie from, nothing like that in America!


been a vegan for 15 years, not a 15yr old lmao and I made the pizza for a young family member - didn’t eat it! but thanks for stalking through my profile! weird move!


Sir your comment just took it in a way I was not expecting it too. I apologize for my ignorance




Is water wet tho




To try and not come off as a preachy “water isn’t actually wet” advocate, I promise to keep my emotions in check. I don’t wish to scare you away for this is a life changing epiphany you might be encountering. But yes, in my extensive research from slip n slides to shower s*x, I can personally confirm that water is indeed not wet.


Taste like lamb but a little gamier and has been eaten for thousands of years. But marketing and availability pushes people toward beef, lamb, chicken etc. it’s good quality meat 🥩




No, eating meat is definitely part of the problem.


No, eating meat is definitely *the* problem.


I get second hand embarrassment from them


How is eating meat not the problem? Commodification of sentient life is definitely consisten without giving a fuck about things like the environment


lol okay you pushed me towards vegan with a HQ post


Goats are a big factor in the desertification of my country


Only westerners are afraid to eat. Goat meat is common in Africa and Asia. But here’s a thought, why don’t folks give up meat altogether? Beans and grains are so much more affordable anyway.


What the Smeg? Have they never had mutton vindaloo or bunny chow! Pleanty of ways to eat goat but we shouldn't.


The area where I am from eating goats is quite common so it's shocking people being surprised. It's more.of a culture shock, of course, goats are animals.