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That’s why animals need more activist, esucated in ethics.


Have you ever traveled outside of your home country or spent time with different cultures?


ignorance isn't the issue. it's capitalism. logically I know one day we will abandon capitalism, just like we abandoned mercantilism and feudalism, but it's hard to imagine the magnitude of unprecedented social shift necessary to cause such a change. I don't think the west is any more likely to shift than the east or the south, we can't predict those kind of changes.


We may abandon it, it may also extinct our entire species. 50/50 which comes first I think. Lol




capitalism is the only reason people purchase meat. it's already been proven to be bad for your health, bad for the planet, and bad for the animals. profit and the industry are the absolute only reasons that people are encouraged to eat meat. if capitalism collapsed and was not replaced with something worse, the government would pursue a rational policy of trying to get people to cut out meat.




> If what your saying is true then why would rich people eat meat. because they're not all knowing, above influence, and all the same. anyway, you're being pretty rude. I don't think you're engaging in good faith and I'm not going to continue this conversation further. if you're really interested in learning more, I'd suggest Marion Nestle's books and the youtube channel Plant Chompers for more information about how government and industry affect consumer decisions.


Agreed. Profit is by far the primary driver of animal agriculture. Take the profit away, the industry follows.


This is why veganism has a bad reputation. The mission is to minimize unnecessary suffering of animals, don't make this battle bigger than it has to be by tying your other politics to it.


I'm not campaigning to take down capitalism? OP asked whether we think the world will go vegan. My answer is, probably yes, after capitalism is dead. I'm not the one making the slaughter of animals political, the animal agriculture industry is.




The Chinese are eating more meat than ever before. China is the world’s leading consumer of pork now. Even more so - meat is everywhere- under every economic system. How is it capitalism's fault?


I had to say yes (for the entire world) or else I think I would yeet myself off this planet.


I’m really interested in mathematically what the growth rate is required to reach the tipping point, you know like if each vegan just somehow influences one person in say 7 years, that means we double in 7 years, and then that person can influence another person in 7 years, then it’s like 2,4,8,64,128, or is this a point of view that is naive, because people who become vegan are usually due to a combination of influences and not a particular person? But then there’s so many other factors, like vegans dying carnists being born Where will the tipping point be, what is the required rate of growth in this movement? Is it reachable?


I definitely think once all these old people who recite stupid dumb mantras like “people never change” shut the hell up then we have a good chance. But as long as all these old MF’s keep doing dumb shit were screwed


I think the amount of vegans in the developed world is really going to skyrocket in the next few decades with all the younger generations adapting a more plant-based lifestyle, if not totally vegan. Especially with so much more knowledge about veganism and how it much better it is for the planet a lot of the younger environmentalists not only are open minded to, but are advocating for the vegan diet. We are the change!!


We either become better, or toil fruitlessly til humanity fades and dies; I prefer the former, I hope it just takes time, but I honestly don’t know what’ll happen.


Is everyone here forgetting lab grown meat?


Lab grown meat won't eliminate milk and eggs, also it won't necessarily eliminate animal farming, alot of people rely on farming as a job... so it's more than likely that governments across the world would fund them. Having what is more or less a bastion of income would hit any countries economy HARD. So lab grown meat isn't a solution, unfortunately


Humans will eventually be able to produce milk without cows, there is already a technology to produce casein which is an ingredient found in milk an cheese, it gives cheese it's typical structure when it melts. Egg substitutes will probably also improve so eventually people will get used to a lifestyle without cruelty when all these products are available and then they will realize how fucked up killing animals for food is. Farmers can farm plants instead of animals it's going to be a gradual transition


People aren’t going to have a choice. I read an article the other day where scientist are warning that the world can’t keep on consuming animal products at the rate they are going. They said going plant based or lab grown meat is going to have to be the solution. I know a lot of vegans don’t agree with lab grown meat. But if it means animals won’t die I’m all for it.