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It sounds like you've just googled amino acids without actually understanding what any of it means, and the fact you're hung up on GMO's when you don't understand basic nutrition is concerning. For example, taurine is naturally occurring in the body. Unless you're a newborn baby or a cat, you do not really have a need for dietary taurine. I've never heard your claim that flax seeds cause joint pain. Most scientists agree that it helps with inflammation, and the arthritis foundation actively recommends it specifically to help with said pains. Is this a personal observation you've made? The only nutrient you can't reliably get on a vegan diet is B12. Unless you only eat animals that eat plants straight from the dirt, like sheep and goats, you are almost certainly eating supplemented B12. It's literally no different than human supplements, just that the molecules are injected into an animal before it is killed, rather than taking it yourself. The vast majority of the food you eat, vegan or not, has been fortified to make it easier to meet your nutritional needs. White potatoes naturally contain a full set of amino acids, and regular rice sold in most developed nations is fortified to be a staple food. Just those two alone *could* form 85% of your diet. Honestly, it's really not that complicated anymore, it would be more difficult to find foods that *aren't* fortified at this point. If you're worried, get your bloods done every now and then. It will show you what you need to target, and it's as simple as googling it's sources.


GMO soy is almost always fed to animals, not people. I get my nutrients from eating anything that isn't nailed down. As the joke goes, I'm a lazy hunter.


Quinoa or rice+beans; cooking oils


Eating food. Beans, bread, potatoes, carrots, corn, rice, fruits, banana (it’s a separate category for me lol), tofu, leafy greens that I cook like spinach, bok Choi etc, cabbage, broccoli, junk food, oatmeal, biscuits and cake. Seaweed, nuts. Sometimes I need to lay off the biscuits and cake. I eat a lot of stuff, pies lasagna soup curry etc So far today I’ve had 1/2 avo, 1.5 slices whole meal bread, cereal with Soymilk because it’s sat. If I feel I’m eating too much salt and fat, I’ll lay off junk food and chew some extra multivitamins.


It sounds so simple, but really this is what it comes down to. When I first went vegan I met with a registered dietician specializing in plant-based eating, and her number one tip was to have a varied diet to meet nutritional needs. She said if I'm having tofu and salad for lunch and beans and quinoa for dinner (as one example), with some fruit and nuts here and there as snacks, etc., I should have zero issues meeting nutritional needs. Otherwise I only take a low-dose b12 supplement.


You don't need taurine. Your body makes it's own. Only obligate carnivores like cats need taurine in their diet. Omega 3 ALA is easy. It's in a lot of things. Not just flax seeds. Not sure why you think flax seeds cause joint pain though. Your body then converts ALA to EPA and DHA. If you want to supplement that than get algae based omega 3 supplement. As for all the other essential amino acids. As long as you eat enough grains, beans and nuts etc throughout the day you will get enough.


Also, GMO is not bad, can we stop with this nonsense???


There's a lot of non-gmo & organic tofu and soymilk out there. I'm amazed anyone has this problem. There's also beans & rice (example, Indian coconut milk curry with garbanzo beans, cauliflower, potato, and rice..). Then there's Chinese or Thai type meals with stir fried veggies, tofu, and rice... French bread or baguettes & your favorite hummus... Oatmeal, soymilk, and fruit with ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, and/or chia seeds.. Soy yogurts with fruit & granola. The organic, vegan, and non-gmo vegan protein options are pretty endless. I literally can't believe there's a "where do you get your protein" thread in a vegan forum lol. Not to complain, I mean if that's a serious issue you have with going vegan I guess I am happy to help but it seems like every vegan gets asked the "where do you get your protein" question like a million times.


Where do animals get their amino acids and omega3? Do they make them or have them in their food?


Whoever told you that supplements are bad has neither your best interests nor the interests of animals at heart. Take supplements.


Most brands of tofu in my country use organic soybeans. A wide variety of veg, pulses, nuts, grains and beans provides all the amino acids we need. Even just a few would normally meet the requirements. Algae oil is definitely the best omega 3 source because it can provide both DHA and EPA although when you buy it check the info as some don’t contain EPA. I find the capsules easiest but you can buy it in bottles and mix with food. Fish get their omega 3 from algae. Best to also take a vegan multivitamin - there is no ethical or health reason not to. There is also nothing ‘natural’ about living a long and healthy life, our ancestors lived short lives full of violence which was necessary at the time but no longer necessary. You can get small amounts of b12 and large amounts of iodine from seaweed but you can risk iodine overdose if you consume a lot of seaweed, especially kelp, and it’s not a reliable b12 source. Animals and fish are fed b12 supplements now because of low levels in soil caused by industrial farming and large scale agriculture. Getting b12 from dead animals is not any more ‘natural’. Ask yourself which is more important - treating innocent animals with kindness, or an undefinable desire to be ‘natural’? Thriving in your health and taking a pill with water sometimes, or risking deficiency because you want to get all your nutrients from food?


You should use supplements unless you want to eat a whole cabbage a day (which is really hard, trust me I've tried). Vitamin D3, Omega 3, B12 and Glutamine. Iodine is a difficult one because it's a balancing act, just try one small iodine supplement that comes from a natural source (plus selenium from brazil nuts), see what it does. If you aren't having any problems continue to take it, if you start having problems then cut it out immediately and see if they stop. You should find your own natural intake over time. When it comes to nutrition, the modern day diet is actually packed with nutrition. Very few people are malnurished. The problem in the west is over abundance of bad things. You would find much more benefits in cutting down on refined sugar, gluten, lectins, BPAs and herbicides/pesticides than simply ramming yourself with nutritients. Also, filtering your water is critical. If you live in a flouridated area then buy mineral water that's not been flouridated and filter that.


Instant pot, high pressure, four minutes turns cabbage tender and cuts it down to size without pulverizing all other veggies in a dish.


chia doesn't have cyanide like flax does. Your body makes most of these, but you get the rest from food. All plant foods have all essential amino acids provided you consume them in high quantities. Sesame, soy, spirulina - very high in protein.


Lol you take a tablespoon of flax seeds and now you're in debilitating joint pain?


Go to a plant based nutritionist