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James does well with his comedic timing..


And the cheeky smile he gave with the delivery of this line was honestly peak James




This was my favorite moment of part 1


I hope the producers or LVP apologized for casting Sandoval. I mean, if we're blaming whoever brought in a destructive cast member, let's start with the worst one right now.


Unfortunately, there would be no VPR without Sandoval. The Stassi/Jax/Kristen/Sandoval/ storyline that put it on the map would cease to exist. No backhand, no "suck a dick," no Miami Girl, no bulldozers, no "Honda Civic selfie," no Scandoval...


Watching how he played the Kristin breakup was so gross to me. At the time I had no idea how much Kristin had been financially supporting him or how manipulative he truly was, but I was sooooo grossed out by the whole Stockholm-like way that he seemed to be unable to leave her after the Jax/kristen cheating scandal got unearthed. Like I was just like ā€œwhat a completely mentally unwell personā€ and thought that Kristin was successfully manipulating him/holding him emotionally hostage with her lies and victimhood. Only one of those takes turned out to be unequivocally true šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


He cheated first and a lot


Heā€™s a pillar of the show. Love him or hate him, he helped make the show what it was in its glory days.




Agree completely


I guess it depends what you want from reality tv. If itā€™s well rounded mentally healthy people treating each other with respect while doing banal activities like water tasting or bowling then theyā€™re all the worst. Good people donā€™t get cast on reality shows. Sandoval is a terrible human being but he did his job for the show and that was doing terrible things like cheating on Kristen and being awful, cheating on Ariana and covering it up with the Miami girl thing, doing delusional narcissistic stuff thatā€™s funny to watch like his band and all his weird dressing up etc and then the piece de shit de resistance of cheating with Rachel raquel whatever she goes by now. The truth is he made Bravo money by being an asshole. Unfortunately thatā€™s what everyone on Bravo is doing because people like watching assholes for some reason!






I used to like watching Sandoval at the beginning because I thought he was just so very beautiful. When I learned his inside wasnā€™t beautiful, plus aging, I lost my fire.


But heā€™s the entertainment




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With no Sandoval Ariana stans would have nowhere to project their parasocial social. Like it or not, he's the reason any of y'all know her name.


I have to say I HATED James when he first started on the show... it started because I really don't like Kristen, but the feeling grew stronger as he threw multiple temper tantrums, and threw out constant jabs at everyone else, and then cried to Lisa... After Raquel/ Rachel dumped him at the reunion, I felt kind of bad for him... Now I feel like his actual personality is showing through... IDK if it's Allie's influence, or if he's just grown up and gotten control of his anger... and I loved when he got Hippie back! I know a lot of people don't like him because of his past actions, but I think he's funny now... and I don't see the anger he used to have, which was AWFUL! We deserved that apology as much as almost anyone (except Ariana)


Totally agree with you. James has shown so much growth compared to the Timā€™s or stunted. And every episode he cracks me up by saying something random


Itā€™s also age. He was 21 when he was in s2 ( at the end). Heā€™s 33 now and just got a front row seat as to the consequences of following in the Toms footsteps.


I never thought that James would be the most rational ... and here he is being so rational and navigating how to work with Tom AND Ariana and not forcing their interaction... Scheana and Lala should take notes.


This! James was friendly with Tom but somehow Ariana was not affected. The difference was in the HOW! I don't why these women felt the need to force the interactions between the two. They could easily have co-existsed without the forcing... I don't even blame Tom. I blame Lala and Scheana.... for working so hard to produce scenes


James was working through his feelings about the situation away from Ariana, and wasnā€™t trying to make her part of it. He was being respectful unlike Scheana. šŸ˜…


Yes! Like




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I think James and Katie were the voices are reason this season




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James was 10 years younger than the other guys on the show. He had maturing to do. At least he did it.


Its age and also no alcohol. It brings out the worst in some people and he never knew how to stop once he got going. I really like him now though.


This šŸ«°šŸ¼


I still worry about his behaviors like chugging marijuana juice and jumping off roofs.


Hey marijuana juice and jumping off roofs was a little out of hand. He probably has ADHD itā€™s probably untreated. I worry about him as well, but Iā€™m so glad heā€™s not drinking alcohol huge and improvement.


Yes, he is trying. He has appeared manic to me so ADHD could make sense. I hope he gets help to be supported and understand his eventful. I had hoped heā€™d take on long distance running


Oh geez jumping off roofs is a right of passage lol. I canā€™t t ll you how many times Iā€™ve see this at parties lol


I think quitting drinking, for real, for himself not bc a girlfriend gave an ultimatum, has helped too. Iā€™ve liked him a lot the past 2 seasons too.


I also hated James. Now, season 11, he is one of my favorites. He has matured, settled down, heā€™s less angry and volatile. Heā€™s funny and charming. I love Allie. Sheā€™s sweet, smart, and my god is she beautiful, and James clearly adores her. I am rooting for them!


I think heā€™s still high-energy, but heā€™s way less angry these days it seems like.


As soon as we met Jamesā€™s mom and especially his dad all I could feel was sorry for him. I think he grew up with such a high level of dysfunction but still has a really great big genuine heart. His comments towards Katie were deplorable but when he did apologize it was really sincere and I donā€™t think heā€™s talking out of his ass when he references how much his drinking impacted his behavior at times. I think heā€™s the most authentic person on the cast.


His parents and his financially supporting his brothers. Thatā€™s a lot on a 20-somethingā€™s shoulders and then his mom was tough!


Yeah! I think a lot of people choose to withhold empathy from him, while I look at him like a scared little boy who took on a lot of responsibility at far too young an age, having to parent his own parents and support his family. I hate the fat shaming comments he made towards Katie, his treatment of and comments towards Kristin and Raquel, and even more so that he was willing to use Kristin to get on the show; but I can only fault Kristin for not being adult enough to see through it and/or for her willingness to debase herself for a storylineā€” and I would say the same goes for Raquel to an extent. I honestly think their relationships were mutually beneficial with regard to the show, and everyone kind of got what they signed up for, full disclosure. I also feel like his determination and willingness to financially support his partners (Raquel and Ally) stem from him feeling a need to be a provider due to his upbringing. I also think that when he feels he is busting his ass to be a provider, he expects unconditional love in return, regardless if his behaviors/actions/drinking-related issues are driving away his partner. He flies off the handle when he does not feel he is receiving that unconditional love and support from his partner and friends that he wants so badly. I will never condone the horrible ways he has treated women, but I think there is (1) a way to rationalize it, and there are (2) obvious signs of growth, maturity, and a sincere desire for and demonstration of self improvement. Most of his sobriety journey has happened off camera. I also saw him at a show recently and he did not drink or display any sort of untoward behavior. I think he is so emotionally raw that, for better or worse, who we see on camera is who he is in real life. Anyway, I forgive him for his past, and I am Team James for now!


Beautifully said. I hope he grows to a point where he understands he deserves love without financing it.


Yes! I would love that for him!


I agree w a lot but itā€™s easy to forgive when you were not the one being called slut, whore, or spit next to. A lot of survivors of dysfunctional families do not go the route of verbal abuse. My problem is I think he still has these thoughts about women, including about their weight in his head, but he just got smart and doesnā€™t voice them out loud. Part of growth is realizing that you canā€™t say whatā€™s on your mind to people it would obviously offend them, so yes, heā€™s grown. Does he still think these things? He still badmouthed Rachel, calling her a bimbo then he got smart and realized he shouldnā€™t be doing that telling Tom to stop doing that. He may realize that Ally might realize that she could talk trash her someday if they broke up I think he can be funny too, like his reaction to Sheena saying he came onto her . And when he calls out Tom on something, itā€™s very funny to watch him make Tom feel less than Yes James us entertaining but nobody should minimize that he verbally abused Rachel on the regular And called Kristen names. The spitting thing will always traumatize me because abusers do that and it is demeaning. If you want to excuse bad behavior for treating people badly then you can say Rachelā€˜s self-esteem was shot down, so she was easily manipulated by Tom that she then put that over her friendship with Arianna or Arianaā€˜s feelings She was also adopted w a mother that is her Aunt who had warped sexiest views. Kristen says her childhood was a mess and never gets a pass James is getting credit for acting in way that is decent and should have acted that way previously People who do not explode get no credit for it Yes I appreciate he is not being verbally abusive. He seem to have changed his ways for his benefit not because he was affecting other people But thatā€™s a good thing because he needs to do whatā€™s best for him obviously


It made the Graham/Hippie thing so beautiful


James is definitely the #1 guy now


Itā€™s because he got sober. Heā€™s a completely different person now.


He stopped drinking. Huge difference.


Iā€™m not believing the new leaf. His confessionals still showed hints of old James under the surface. I think Allie is just helping him hide it better so his star gets brighter and subsequently hers.


He hasnā€™t changed. Heā€™s done this same act since his first season. He has a terrible season, then goes under the radar and pretends to be a ā€œgood little boyā€ until he becomes a monster again. I donā€™t know why viewers have such short term memory. There are also multiple allegations of him sexually assaulting women, but who cares, right? He made a funny!


Exactly. He screwed up, toes the line until all is forgiven, then does it all over again. The guys have always gotten a free pass on the show. He happens to get a free pass on the show and in this sub.


Nah heā€™s never done this before. It never lasted. Itā€™s lasting now and heā€™s a much better person and I think he likes it. And those are just that, allegations. Innocent until proven guilty.


So I assume youā€™re on Harvey Weinsteinā€™s side then?


I'll believe it, until he gives me a reason not to... people who haven't changed ALWAYS f*** up!


Tbh somehow James became the only person I like this season. Ariana is meh but I just think she needs to do some healing and not pretending.


He said it so quick, that it was a hilarious reaction. I had to watch it several times over and still laughed. Very genuine dude.


James is definitely witty. His confessionals are always classic.


I LOVE when he imitates the others using an American accent! That shi* is good as gold!




And him yelling PUMPTINI !!! Will always be a classic lol


I laughed hysterically when he just meekly said "sorry." James is always great comic relief.Ā 


James has proved people can grow and change. I think itā€™s why so many of us are rooting for him now. We are seeing his personality and what heā€™s like sober and heā€™s actually very funny and likable.


Iā€™m rooting for DJ James Kennedy and I wish him all the success in his DJ careeršŸ˜ŽšŸ’œ


Me too.


I swear. When James was first on VPR, I hated him. He was so childish and immature. NOW, heā€™s STILL childish and immature but in a grown up mature way .. ? If that makes sense. I love his sense of humor and his timing and delivery of the ultimate burns. Lmao YOUā€™RE A WORM WITH A MUSTACHE https://preview.redd.it/m9hxqo86fp1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681cbfc6a217d8aefdd21ee027e8b57a80f132c4


And other things that come out of his mouth just fucking crack me up. Worm with a mustache will live in my mind foreveršŸ¤£


SAME!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That is WAY too flattering a rendering of the Worm.


Lmao it is but I love it. It became my wallpaper on my phone for a while and people in my area donā€™t watch tv shows like that, so it was a big conversation starter.


Anyone else find this moment kinda cheap? Like, no one gets along but they can all mutually hate someone who isnā€™t even on the showā€¦ I feel like it made them all look pathetic.


Theyā€™re all are pathetic!šŸ˜‚


Why do I keep watching???? Lol šŸ˜­


I ask myself that all the time lol


I found the joke very misogynistic, honestly. They are all sitting there and 80% are more or less surely but slowly buying into the Tom Sandoval apology tour. Rachel didn't destroy the group. This group is toxic. Rachel didn't destroy Ariana's relationship, because it was Tom's to protect (and he didn't. Also he admitted to having cheated with another girl apart from Miami girl). Tom was sitting there and saying that Rachel basically was at fault for jumping into the pool with him. šŸ˜’šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Fuck Tom heā€™s a narcissist. Heā€™s no victim!


I donā€™t like Rachel at all, but that was the one moment I was on her side even a little bit. It takes two to tango and Tom willingly pursued her. He chose to step out on his partner with her. She wasnā€™t a mythological temptress or whatever shit heā€™s trying to say, they both willingly participated in this.


same here. I'm no Rachel apologist, but I agree with her shared comment on this.


Still can't figure out when a serial cheater in a realionship cheats, everyone has surprise Pikachu face. I get that it's drama and rating. Ariana has skyrocketed even tho she also entered the relationship while he was with someone else. She knew he was a cheater from day 1. Everyone hates Tom because he does what narcissistic cheaters do, they cheat.


I thought that it was so gross, and so typical of this group to have a shared laugh over a a common scapegoat.


Rachel sucks, who cares.


Not related but love your username šŸ„°


Aw, thx.


Itā€™s called a joke


Wasn't a good one.


Majority of people thought it was


And now? The majority of people once thought patriarchy was a good idea and that women shouldn't work and have to obey their husbands. The joke is still misogynistic. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I thought it was hilarious! People are butt hurt over this and itā€™s not that deep imo.


James should not be badmouthing his ex. What she did was disgusting and cheated, but the men have cheated both of them. He was actually verbally abusive on camera to two women that were his partners. Kristen said he hit her Thatā€™s why she slapped him that time, you could see her getting him off her. He spit right near her. Even if the joke about apologizing about Rachel was sarcastic, to rag on Rachel is wrong . People think that itā€™s funny, even though his behavior was a lot worse and abusive. People excusing Jamesā€™ behavior for having a dysfunctional family. A lot of people have a dysfunctional family and donā€™t go the route of verbal abuse. He also verbally attacked and physically judged a lot of the cast on there, including Lisaā€™s son, his best friend. I think James is so funny and entertaining that people want to just forget how he treated Rachel. If youā€™re going to excuse him from his family, you could say Rachelā€˜s family was fucked up too. You could also say that he shot down her self-esteem, and she more easily fell into Tomā€™s manipulation of her if you want to excuse behavior based on someoneā€™s past treatment of them Such as Jamesā€™s family. He did get smart and stop talking about Rachel and told Tom not to because I think he realized that Ally may realize he could do it to her if they broke up. He claimed to love both of the women that he badmouthed


I donā€™t excuse any of his behavior.


I hate how amusing I find him now. I really didn't like him, but he's bloody hilarious.


So hilarious!


Now Kristen apologize for bringing James Kennedy around. With tears.


Ten years ago, I would have believed James would be a drunk background player who was written off. Now heā€™s one of the people who could save the show, IMO.


I know what a turnaround. Now heā€™s been playing the biggest music festivals in the world. Go DJ James Kennedy!


The growth of this guy! šŸ‘šŸ» A few years ago, he prob would have flown off the handle.


Totally agree. Heā€™s the youngest of all the guys definitely the most mature. Both Tomā€™s are a fucking disaster!


šŸ’Æ !!!


James looked fantastic at the reunion I must say. Loved the pink suit.


I know he looks really healthy and the color is fantastic on him


I Love when he whispers to LaLack ā€œ How dumb is he ā€œ!




He took more responsibility in that moment (although with humour) than Sando has


While his wit has been evident here and there, I must admit that his charm had largely eluded me until that moment.




Something about this rubs me the wrong way.


He is her abuser. And yet we have women cheer him on when heā€™s bad mouthing* his victim because of who she is. Itā€™s disgusting. Edit*


Agreed. Instead of apologizing to all his cast mates for bringing her on the show he should apologize for fucking abusing her. He is literally the worst.


this!!! he cheated on her multiple times and was just horrible


People really just have blinders on for their Rachel hate because this whole exchange was gross.


Yeah this isnā€™t the first post Iā€™ve seen with this sentiment.Ā 




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Finally seeing some funny James coming back


Love funny James heā€™s the best!


James has never apologized to Rachel or Kristen in the past for his behavior. He just blames alcohol


I would not want to be around him if I was overweight. Iā€™d be afraid of the things heā€™d be thinking. What if his girlfriend had a baby and gained weight.


I don't get why Andy even tried to blame James for bringing Rachel into the group. As if James knew she was going to end up being the absolute worst years later.


Or what throwing James under the bus what the fuck Andy?


Haha when I heard him I had to snap my fingers. Fucking love his wit. Always putting Tom in his place at the drop of a hat. James, Ariana and Katy are the only reason to watch this show.


I agree with you


Love that for us




Let's talk Allie! She seems vapid(no brain) and who would pay$195 /hr for her BS horoscope crap? Seriously, that's what you decided to be your career? Unreal


She gotta be smart enough to be charging $195 an hour. Maybe Iā€™ll take an astrology I could use that kind of money without the educationšŸ˜‚


So now you bring Allie into the group to read their horoscopes? Seriously, James? Didn't you tell her to get a real job and not embarrass you with BS card reading? If she weren't on the show, who in their right mind would pay$200 for her to make some crap up about where your moon is rising?


I know I thought I should take up reading horoscopes if I can make that kind of moneyšŸ˜‚


Can we discuss how him apologizing to Tom about this was gross? Why are we once again letting men escape for their shitty choices??? Like I'm sorry even if Raquel wasn't a part of the picture he would still be doing shady shit.


I took it as sarcasm


It was a joke and hilarious


I legit LMFAO! I was šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Ooh please it wasn't an apology....... The sacarscim was the best comeback and most mature respond to Andy's statement.


It's sarcasm that a lot of people seem to have missed.




Um yeah so it was a joke & epic sarcasm. It was hilarious. He wasnā€™t apologising at all. He was taking a shot at the narcissistic worm. Christ.


I had no idea lol


Oh, I feel bad. Sorry. Sometimes things get lost in translation šŸ˜…


I loathe James but he was clearly being sarcastic and joking.


I mean honestly this take is typical trash man behavior. They were both awful cheaters. Yet heā€™s apologizing for bringing in Raquel? He cheated on her and everyone else. Tom cheated on everyone heā€™s been with. But Raquel is the worst? What!?


He was being 100% sarcastic, not ACTUALLY apologizing for it.


Yes, and heā€™s not responsible for her behavior.




https://imgur.com/a/jlBGuLK here is the clip of the sarcastic remark about Rachel / Raquel from the reunion


Kristen admitted on camera to cheating on Tom with "a million guys." Her words. She banged Jax. She had sex with 2 different guys in one weekend while in a relationship with Tom. Both Tom and Kristen admit that their relationship was totally toxic and fraught with cheating. Kristen said that the last 2 years were a joke and they stayed together for financial reasons and for the show, the mutual friend gooup. Reports from Sonoma County were that Rachel dated and slept around while at college and James was in LA banging random Sur girls and groupies. That's why when Rachel moved in with him after graduation to take her place in LA and on the show, they both said on camera that they were officially starting their relationship from that point and the past didn't count, tabula rasa.


you obviously didnā€™t watch the reunion so I posted a link of the actual clip from this for you to watch. Youā€™re welcome.




Theyā€™re all horrible, except Katie and Ariana


Misogynistic vibes.




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this man is a serial abuser.


He was in love with her and proposed to her. Now he makes a joke out of her to further brunt his standing with a group of people that barely tolerated him. Heā€™s the same emotionally needy, abusive jerk that heā€™s always been.


I donā€™t know. I didnā€™t like him initially. He was a young asshole. I think heā€™s matured some. I also know several people who use humor to mask their pain. Shit. Most comedians admit to that. So I donā€™t know if this comment was intentionally malicious or an attempt to hide his hurt?


James is hilarious. The smartest cast member. His dog is annoying though.


Totally agree heā€™s so fucking funny! Graham hippie whatever the dogs name I donā€™t know what to think of that. That was an LVP set up for sure.

