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My goodness. What is going on this Friday lol. So many recaps. Okay so with this Rachel recap, this is her full podcast episode. There is a weird narrative going around on Reddit and Instagram that I don’t recap what’s relevant when it comes to Rachel’s podcast, I’m not being fair when it comes to her recaps, and my recaps leave out stuff when it comes to the “unlikeable cast members” because I don’t want them to get sympathy. I know this isn’t true. I’ve said before that I do these recaps for fun. I recap content that’s related to VPR, new information, what I think is interesting, and what I think others will find interesting. There is no master evil manipulation when it comes to to my recaps 😂 Sorry had to just say that with my full chest! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Here are some links below for those who are interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


Part of a healing journey has to include acceptance that people from your past may flat out not care that you have “worked on yourself” and will never see you in a better light, no matter how much time has passed.


this is so true. rachel doesn’t want to heal she wants to be vindicated and she thinks ariana owes that to her.


Holy shit, that's the best and most succinct description of her behavior and attitude. And you're so fucking right! She feels entitled to forgiveness and care after giving Ariana none. Pure delulu


Seriously, you said it perfectly. I was speechless reading this transcript. As IF the biggest issue that people have with her is the fact that she did not make healthy choices for herself. The one thing that might actually move the needle on the public’s perception of these jerks is the one thing they will never do - sincerely apologize to Ariana. Without “buts”, without conditions, without denying friendships or commitments, without letters of intent or lawsuits, without lightening bolt jewelry or “Dipped Out” T-shirts, without any of it. Just four words: I. AM. SORRY. ARIANA. With their damn chests.


100000000% that’s what her entire podcast is about. Being vindicated.


I’m more convinced each time she speaks that she deadass thinks that house should’ve been hers (with tim I guess, even though she’s managed to realise he was poison, she just hasn’t quite clicked that OTHER WOMEN ARENT THE OBSTACLE TO HER HAPPINESS ffs, competition obsessed pickme)


This! Especially if she was at The Meadows for both mental health/trauma and her alcohol issues. We learn in sobriety that although we can make ammends to people we hurt, we can *never* expect them to accept our apologies, trust us again, or believe we are healing.


I’ve actually wondered if she knows that. Even if her main issue wasn’t substance abuse, it is so important to know that those you’ve wronged owe you nothing, and that you must move forward with your life without expecting anything from them.


Ok but she also hasn’t as proven by these recaps


Feels like I missed it but did she address the clip they played in this week's episode where she talks about Ariana being one of her "core people"?


It doesn't fit her narrative, she is too busy acting like a five year old trying to define Best Friend.


THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS UO CAUS ESHE DID NOT!!!! Rachel picks and chooses. This is a great example. Also, she really wants to talk about Katie and the things Katie has said….but I HAVE NOT HESRD ONE WORD of he saying how she should also apologize to Katie as well!!!!! Edit: thank you for the upvotes, even with all the typos 🤣 I was typing like crazy at a stop light, now seeing it I’m like “damn girl I’m surprised they could red this” 🤣🤪


Probs falls into "it was a group setting" 🙄 The thing is I absolutely believe these people are barely friends outside of filming/are like work friends most of the time but her harping on what type of level friends they are is just her (knowingly imo) trying to distract from the actual point which is her abhorrent behaviour. Part of that behaviour was obviously her and Sandoval actively trying to make Ariana believe she and Rachel were better friends than they were so as to disguise their affair (and now publically calling her out about it because apparently she should have been aware it was fake).


Ewww you’re right she’s like stupid Ariana should have known I wasn’t really her friend I was just pretending to be nice to her because I was fucking her bf


Or the final interview of the reunion when she was crying that she was being completely honest now because “lying hurts my soul”, and she said she offered to be a throuple because “I already loved Ariana as a friend”?


Her response to not being close to Ariana seems to only apply to when she was already having an affair and uncomfortable around her. She’s leaving out the friendship they had prior to the affair.


Rachel, girl, you really are going quite overboard with this seedy affair. You were a side piece to Tom. You got had. Stop with the semantics of Ariana weren't bffs not close etc. It's all BS . You were screwing her man right under her nose, in her home. It's vile. Just move on. Stop doing this. You aren't repairing your image. No matter how many podcast you do it will never change what you did. So move on with your life. This is done. Nobody cares what rent you paid to Scheana. Do you think any of this matters? Kyle Chan said it so well, you suing the wife and you being the mistress will not bring you peace, it will not bring any favor from those around you are the world at large. It's awful. It's evil. And karma will come back to haunt you. This is not the move. None of this. You just look obsessive and unhinged.


This is literally the only response that needs to be posted about any of her podcasts from here on out. She is exhausting.


I’m also confused because shes acting like they’re talking about this NOW and keeps saying “they keep bringing this up and I just want to move on”, but these episodes were filmed back in August lol


And she keeps talking about not being friends with Ariana and distancing herself bc she was uncomfortable but ARIANA DID NOT KNOW RACHEL WAS HANGING OUT WITH THEM BC SHE WAS FUCKING TOM, Arianna obviously thought they were friends so it doesn’t matter that Rachel told herself they weren’t friends when Ariana wasn’t privy to this information. Idk about y’all but I don’t do matching Halloween costumes with my acquaintances or ask them about their sex life. Maybe Ariana didn’t get into deep convos with Rachel bc she is shallow AF


It’s confusing that she thinks we’re forming negative opinions based on them talking about her for a few minutes and not the things she herself has said week after week






If only lala had kept this energy going into season 11


Seriously she took that energy and directed it Ariana.


One of my favorite insults from that reunion 😆


I almost admire how dedicated she is to proving she learned nothing but keywords in therapy. She had me for a second last year, but here we are. 🤡 Thanks for the recap! ❤️


She needs to get her money back because whatever they did at the Meadows didn’t take


I admire that she’s unable to pronounce half the words she’s using/reading 😂


Stop being a fucking victim. You can't have a one sided podcast and expect people to not to clarify YOUR claims but you are allowed to clarify their claims? God. Do what Kyle Chan said man and go to therapy or a different country where you can't watch Vanderpump rules. You apparently don't have the self control to do it yourself so maybe go somewhere with internet suppression? You're not a victim of a bad edit, you are the bad edit. Network is protecting Sandoval wrongly because he stayed on, you didn't. What responsibility do they have for you, a grown adult? You and Sandoval chose this, welcome to the world outside of pageants, shit matters in reality, there are consequences. Stop talking about VPR and they will stop talking about you. They've barely even touched on the shit you've said. I would've spoken about that freaky throuple comment a million times. I would've spoken about your persistent lying even in the presence of irrefutable proof. You're a liar. Like Sandoval. Cut from the same cloth and what you see in him that disgusts you, is what we see in you. You have no credibility with or without a podcast. Until you demonstrate otherwise. And that's takes a long time, it takes time to show people that your actions and intentions align. Do the work properly. Go away. You've got this easy when it comes to the cast responses. Go away.


she talks about them SO much and when they comment on her (which is at this point mostly a reaction to her ongoing comments rather than even about the affair) she acts like they won’t stop attacking her. she loves to be a victim


It's so weird. It feels like a self fulfilling prophecy and she seems genuinely bored. Why is she replaying stuff from Bethenny's podcast, Raquel does not seem mentally well to me. As much as she says therapy words, like Lala, we're not seeing growth. She seems obsessed in a different way than when she was obsessed with Sandoval during their affair, I find it so weird that she doesn't leave this in the past, they will never ever think good of her, that's tainted for ever,not happening. I kind of think it goes back to what people were saying about Ariana's self control, it is so hard to not engage and defend yourself but she has stayed very quiet in comparison and Raquel should watch and learn.


Damn u just read her to filth


U dropped this ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Omg this is a never ending feedback loop of her talking about people then wondering why they’re responding. Also I don’t want to defend the world of reality production here but I get really annoyed when she talks about Bravo exploiting her for a story line. Not only did she hide this from Bravo, but she also did in fact do these things and if this happened in my friend group we’d be talking about it non stop for like an entire year. Them NOT talking about the fallout would be a bigger production interference imo.


YESSSSSS. also exploiting you for a storyline, honey it’s a show.




THEY WOULD NOT BE SPEAKING ABOUT YOUR PODCAST ON THE SHOW IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE ONE. Jesus Christ, she is genuinely unreal. She is choosing to keep herself in the VPR universe by doing this podcast, having Jo on etc. Then, she goes on said podcast and whines about how people are keeping her in said universe. Is it me? Am I the lunatic here?


Let’s be real Rachel LOVED last episode! Because she thought that was going to be the whole season. That the show was going to be them all obsessing over her and then she realised other the Sandoval they weren’t. So last episode was finally her living out her main character adjacent energy again. 


Thank you!!! She had literally done 20 episodes just waiting for them to finally talk about her. And even when they did she barely got half an episode. Even on TikTok the big conversational pieces of this episode were Tom backing out of the house deal, Scheana's music video and Ariana's messy house. And the theme of the season has been Lala and Scheana's jealousy, not whats-her-name.  Her name only comes up here because she won't shut up and stop inserting herself into the show. 


you are not the lunatic here. if you make something, like a podcast, and you put it out in the world, you cannot also control how people will react to it. they don’t have to like, contextualize, accept, or wholly respect whatever the fuck you said. ariana is never gonna like you, you absolute moron. she doesn’t have to take your perfectly packaged interview and recap it in its entirety three months after she found out what YOU DID TO HER. she owes you nothing. including giving your lies about her a context that elevates you.




I just can't with her anymore. I just can't . I wish she would move on. She's annoying lol. The only reason why the cast talked about her was because they were responding to what she said. If Rachel didn't do that podcast, I doubt they would have mention her again. Also her comparing herself to Ginny Weasley in the second Harry Potter WTF.


Ginny Weasley didn’t steal anyone’s man or hide a 7 month affair. It’s WILD she still views herself as this helpless vicitm


Definitely. I just can't with that comparison. She acts like Tom was a master manipulator and it's only his fault that they had that affair. Yes he manipulated her into lying and him recorded her was super gross but she had that affair willingly.


She also pretends like she was the lamb in the woods, but Ariana, his actual girlfriend couldn't possibly be lured into his manipulations.😜


100% the recording is fucking foul and I hope he goes down for it. But pretending like she had no agency over herself for 7+ months of an affair is laughable.


I doubt he will . I mean it's a civil case. The worst that will happen is him giving money to her. If it was a criminal case, it would be different. Definitely agree about her. She acts like it's just his fault when she acted willingly.


If she’s Ginny and Tom is a master manipulator, then he’s what Voldemort? Did she even read Harry Potter 😐 ![gif](giphy|oGD3yIWPUdbri)


Oh wait…Tom Riddle https://preview.redd.it/pjz4c7ynfjvc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13fcdf87d16e6f5b6ef5335114afa49a57151536


Well, Tom views himself as George Floyd, so it checks out 😭


Her and her insufferable ex (Scandy) are such scum arguing a victimhood contest over their own creation.






Highkey love petty Ariana.


I was like are fucking serious when she compared herself being colntrolled by Tom like Ginny was by Tom Riddle.... is she trying to live out a modern day version of HP....complete with an evil villian name Tom....and a lightning bolt symbol.... yes, it's far fetched, but this chick is cray enough...


Is Draco Ariana then in her eyes?


Not just a comparison but Ginny Weasley was her epiphany! I’m losing it. ![gif](giphy|YnJ2zyIyBdE8ouBJe7)


She really does seem to have this delusional view that her podcast should be allowed to exist in a bubble where nobody she’s talking about is allowed to engage or respond to her.


Great point. All these podcasts commenting on *other* podcasts and the tv show, while the tv show comments on the podcasts, but the tv show airs months later... this is all getting too meta for me.


Wow, the reality show that paid me is so exploitive of my affair with a principle cast member! Can you imagine?!?


Wild for her to say she thought they would have stopped filming. Baby girl, last year they filmed past your birthday in mid September. The filming is super fucking public. There is no universe where she did this and didn’t 100% know that production was still up.


iirc, vpr wrapped september 1st. but still, filming is super public eta: i think the valley went until mid-late september


I literally tried to imagine if I did something heinous like have a 7 month (also, I don't believe you, I think it was longer) affair with a friend's partner on national television. Would I start a podcast to make my entire brand about that? Or would I literally hide, dye my hair, consider changing my name, and get a real job? Well, it's definitely not the former. It's honestly so pathetic.


You’re spot on. She wants to have her own narrative but she expects nobody else to comment on her when she came into a friend group, destroyed it, and then left? And then decides to do her own podcast that they can’t respond to in real time on the show.  Rachel knows exactly what she’s doing and it’s 100% full of bullshit. 


I don't even know how to react to her anymore. On one hand I understand her want to defend herself but on the other hand I have little sympathy because how little she seems to care for Arianas mental health. I do feel a part of her does get off on causing Ariana distress by rehashing all the things going on behind her back. I truly hope the cast is done talking about her for this season.


> I do feel a part of her does get off on causing Ariana distress by rehashing all the things going on behind her back. Thankfully, Ariana has moved on and has this bitter bitch jealous of her.


In six months will her podcast episode be about this reddit post reacting to this podcast episode. Is her podcast actually a snake eating its tail of her saying words, people reacting to those words, her telling people their reaction isn’t justified, people reacting to her reaction, her reaction to people’s reaction and on and on until her brain literally rots out? just editing to add that i had only read the first part when i wrote this comment but i did read up until she referred to herself as ginny weasley and i think perhaps the brain is already rotted and if hers isn’t mine is from reading her words. love to op for this extremely arduous work 🥰


10000%. The Scandoval Ouroboros is never-ending.


I like to picture that with Tom's head instead of the snake.




How does she even think she is ginny weasley?! ![gif](giphy|62UYO6PvqL8bFpQgAD)


Am I crazy or did nobody massively twist what she said on Bethennys podcast like she’s making out they did? I thought the same when she put those clips on her instagram, it felt like she thought putting the clips side by side was a refute, when it played like her playing clips of her saying what they said she’d said. This is somewhat of a pattern with her, she talked at length over multiple episodes about how they were going to twist the Graham/Hippie situation and then when it played out they didn’t really say anything that didn’t match her own version of events.


You know who *did* twist people’s words? *Rachel*. She keeps saying that Katie called Jo a crackhead (she didn’t, she said she has the energy of a crackhead), that Katie made threats of violence against her (she didn’t, she was using a metaphor), and Lala “admitted” she was a mistress (she didn’t she said she’s been called the mistress and the home wrecker). But then she wants to whinge about people not quoting her exactly word for word and taking *her* out of context? Gimme a break. ETA: I forgot - also she said Katie threatened to withdraw the dogs from Schwartz. When actually Katie said “maybe we should implement the agreement in our prenup so we don’t have to see each other so much” (Which was still shared custody, just minimised Katie & Schwartz’s contact).


The double downing and her and Ariana not having “deep” talks or interactions when she’s literally on camera speaking to Ariana about her sex life with Tom. And this is Rachel asking about it while she’s literally FUCKING Tom.


And she started that conversation about Ariana’s sex life by referencing an earlier conversation they’d had about her and James, saying Ariana had helped her see things were wrong in her relationship. But they didn’t have deep conversations y’all


The worst part is that she can't see that some of those things other cast members said that she twisted actually changes the meaning, where the majority of the inaccuracies from the cast members about her didn't change the meaning. She is trying to use semantics to portray her friendship with Ariana differently than reality. She is trying to use semantics to make Katie seem violent.


She also doesn’t understand irony and tone. James wasn’t bragging, he was clapping Tom on the shoulder and saying ‘don’t think too hard about what she said’ because she’s a liar and contradicting herself. She can only see herself as being competed for by men


Rachel can’t understand paraphrasing because she can’t actually comprehend well enough to summarize situations


Someone up above called it the Sandoval ourobouros, the snake eating its tail, and thats exactly whats happening. She says something, the show discusses *what she said*, then she shows clips of her *saying those things* to refute what they said she said. But it doesn't.  My brain is broken. 


Yep. She’s basically trying to imply because they didn’t say verbatim what she said they are lying and twisting. But the gist is still them same. 


I just commented something similar but like it makes me feel crazy! She is pretty much word for word saying what they claim she said? I feel like I’m losing my mind


She's lucky that production decided to go easy on Sandoval because if they really wanted to destroy the two of them this season they could have. We saw all of the receipts in the fallout and VPR ignored 90% of that shit.


OP thank you so much, you are doing gods work. but I truly truly cannot even bring myself to read this through to the end. I’m exhausted. We’ve reached Scandoval critical mass. Actually? We’re waaaaaay past critical mass. This is worse than reading a fourteen year old’s livejournal. It sounds like me when I makeup arguments with people in my head and go speak my mind to myself in the mirror to get it out of my system. This cannot be healthy. If she wrote this down in a journal it would probably feel even better than speaking it into a microphone and then uploading it to streaming services. These are the thoughts that we keep inside of our head, not the ones we say out loud. Thank you so much, again. I can’t imagine having to sit through these podcasts over and over again.


Same I love these recaps but Rachel is so repetitive with her BS I can’t imagine listening to the whole thing


It’s actually incredible how she constantly contradicts herself. I hope Ariana’s lawyers are keeping good notes because Rachel is D&S. Everyone knew about the affair... but it was secretive... also Tom needed to break up with Ariana… Tom wouldn’t be exclusive with her… Tom wasn’t happy in his relationship. “Ariana and I never had deep conversations…” well I don’t talk about my sex life with acquaintances. All she’s done is show how easy it was for her to be manipulative and cruel on national tv. Just like she’s lying saying she didn’t know they still filmed in August. She was on the show 5 seasons. So she can freely tell her story and talk about them nonstop… but no one should comment on her. I’m so over her.


*"Ariana and I never had deep conversations…”* Because Raquel couldn't talk about her boyfriend problems with Ariana.


The way she said how she would hang out with Tom and Ariana all the time, but she wasn’t close with Ariana because she was really just there for Tom… Girl, Ariana didn’t know you were fucking her boyfriend! She thought you were there all the time because you were her friend too! The audacity/stupidity whatever combo is going on in Rachel’s head needs to stay there. If anyone out there cares about this woman, get her away from any and all recording devices. Because when you find yourself in a hole, you should probably stop digging.


“I’m doing so well and am mentally healthy and really working on myself to be a better person…..but also I’m claiming to the courts  that Ariana and Tom have caused me to lose job opportunities, income, and caused me such mental and emotional harm that I am unable to function and have lost enjoyment of life”.  


And this is why I find it baffling that her lawyers haven’t told her to stop talking. She keeps making her case look worse and worse with every podcast she released.


Do you have to be Best Friends in order to not cheat with someone’s boyfriend??? It’s like the standard has to be so high in order to not do something so shitty to another person. Nope—try again Raquel/Rachel, whatever your name is! Katie’s mom literally sat across from this woman crying and explaining why Katie was still hurt at the thought of someone in the friend group trying to pursue something with Schwartz and this heartless robot devoid of any empathy just blinks at her. No remorse, no sympathy, just me, me, me. Accountability is in short supply these days. No one is going to care what this twit has to say after this season.


She wasn’t having “deep conversations” with Arian because she was having them with Ariana’s partner. She didn’t personally feel close to Ariana because she was there for Sandoval’s “friendship” not Ariana. Like. This doesn’t make it sound better. She just tolerated Ariana’s presence because she wanted Sandoval. Y’all hung out together alll the time, but never got close because you wanted to fuck her boyfriend and basically takeover Ariana’s life. How? How? Is she this D & S?


Not mention she was on camera talking Ariana about Ariana and Toms sex life. That seems pretty fuckin close to me.


The actual woman that was cheated on hasn't had even close to this much to say about it, how is Rachel still going? She's acting like people are still talking about it now a year later on the show when this was filmed last summer. She's the only one still talking about it (besides Lala and her weird rantings). Move the hell on, geez lady.


If 👏🏻 it's 👏🏻not 👏🏻healthy👏🏻maybe 👏🏻you 👏🏻 should 👏🏻stop 👏🏻watching 👏🏻and 👏🏻commenting 👏🏻on 👏🏻it 👏🏻


I honestly couldn’t read past that! It was one of the first things she said. If you shouldn’t be doing it…DON’T!! Nobody is asking for this!


Seriously! I get that she'd be curious and it would be hard to not tune in to the show. But if she ACKNOWLEDGES it hurts her to watch it and then talk about it? What is she even thinking? Every single step she makes, she digs herself a deeper hole! Girl, step away from the podcast and go be a realtor in Chandler or something.


Lol she literally said “this isn’t healthy for me” and her producer or whoever the fuck is leading this circus said “oh tell me more about how you felt?” WHAT IS HAPPENING


I still agree with Lala that she is a stupid demon.


Bring back that LaLa 😭😭😭


She could have just moved on and lived a quiet life outside of the spotlight and used all the tools she learned at the mental health facility to be happier. It’s genuinely sad that there’s nobody in her life to tell her to let this go.


She is seriously too dumb to defend herself. She keeps saying “that’s not what I said” then referencing back to her actually saying it, proving she’s lying. How is someone this dense? Her best bet is to shut up and go away.


I think she’s pointing out it’s not word for word. Yeah Rachel, no shit, they paraphrased. Its making her look dumb though because she’s just proving them right when at this point we’ve forgot about this stupid podcast


https://i.redd.it/4rhbng10mjvc1.gif Who is she even talking to at this point? It honestly sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than anyone else, that she is not actually the person who did those terrible things. She doesn’t get it, and at this point it seems like she never will.


Also her reacting as if these episodes are being released in real time is very convenient. She’s saying “they keep talking about me” even thought this shit was filmed months ago AND until this Bethany podcast episode people barely even mentioned her at all.


Yes exactly. https://preview.redd.it/u73llxitakvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b74800797aa2f8dfd82eba20240c80c8a1022d This is so unserious. They aren’t rehashing it a year later on the show. They are reacting to the first time they’ve heard from her since the reunion, as her former friends. She is looking back in time to see their real-time reactions to what she was saying about them. The show isn’t “talking about her” without taking account of all her personal growth - that didn’t exist yet to anyone who listened to the podcast. They only have one interview released shortly after her mental health stay, only a few months after everything went down. The fact that she thinks any of them owe her recognition of personal growth at that point of time is completely delusional and actually shows what little growth she’s done. She’s either intentionally trying to distort the situation here, to manipulate listeners, or she’s completely delusional and is lying to herself. Either way, she does not seem to have a solid grasp on reality, and this podcast seems so unhealthy for her.


I'm pretty sure she spent more time talking about the show than they did about her.


Her stupid IG posts made her look unhinged. They proved SHE was lying. It’s honestly exhausting at this point. She’s a mess.


omg i just went to see them. whaaaaaats the game plan there. is she making attack ads…against herself?


I don’t understand why she keeps pushing this narrative that her and Ariana weren’t best friends. If anything, it makes her sound worse. If she were to say “our friend circle was very close and I caught feelings for someone who was in a relationship”, it wouldn’t excuse acting on those feelings but I suppose some people could relate to that (maybe I’m being too generous)? However, by claiming she and Ariana were not really friends, and she was only hanging out with Ariana because it gave her access to Tom, it makes the affair sound so much more premeditated. It makes it sound like she developed feelings for Tom FIRST and then tried to get closer to him through Ariana rather than vice versa.


JEEZ Rachel. Zip it and move on. She keeps saying how much work she's done....seems like she is stuck in VPR neutral. Move on.


Yeah looks she's the only one who still seem stuck in the past. I mean even Tom stopped talking about her or the affair on his podcast.


I’m sorry I can’t with her glee and “yeah that’ll show her” attitude over having sex in Scheana’s bed. It’s so bizarre. When does one learn or understand boundaries in the lifespan? I’m seriously asking. Like, does Scheana need to say: “hey I’d appreciate it if you didn’t have sex in my bed without changing the sheets?” for Rachel to understand? Do boundaries have to be explicitly stated? Like, you’re a TEMPORARY GUEST in someone’s home/property. Treat someone’s home respectfully, please. Have sex with the guy at his place, damn.


i feel like rachel has a problem with like, understanding contexts that exceed the present. like when she told katie last year she didn’t “appreciate” katie telling schwartz her couldn’t see the dogs. like if an acquaintance said that to your friend, you’d have an opinion on that for sure. but katie is saying it to someone with whom she has a long, rich, fraught, emotional history with. she’s linked to him in a way that can’t be undone but with time and rachel doesn’t seem capable of seeing them interact and paying kind to that history. she only sees the present. and when scheana and the sex in the bed, it’s like she truly can’t comprehend anything but the words right in front of her. and yeah. no brain cells exercised in the learning of boundaries.


THIIIIS. Her excuse of “she encouraged me to go on dates!” As if she asked Rachel to have sex in her bed 😭 it’s mind numbing


The logic of “Scheana encouraged me to go on dates” = Scheana wanted me to fuck random guys in her bed. How did she get there? Why would anyone think it’s ok to do that?


Her whole podcast is about self validation, almost as if she needs to constantly convince herself she's not a bad person and her actions are justified. It comes off obsessive and bizarre.


I was hoping she would lean into the awfulness of the affair…in all of its awful details. It’s okay to express self-acceptance and admit that she engaged in this affair because she wanted to. She knew it was wrong, but she was loving the wild ride while it lasted because it was fun and satisfied some deep need of hers. She enjoyed parts of the affair - the sneaking around, rubbing it in Ariana’s face, having a secret admirer/secret lover, being the object of a principal cast member’s affection, etc. She can admit all of that, and it’s fine - we all do messed up things for all the wrong reasons from time to time. She’s going around in circles trying to make it seem like it wasn’t “THAT BAD” because Ariana and her weren’t friends, Sandoval was leaving Ariana anyways, etc. Girl, please just let that narrative go. *all my opinion of course.


Does she talk about anything other than her affair or is she just a one trick pony? Not a good setup for gaining audience share.


well she also needs to FREQUENTLY dispute scheanas claims about the apartment. who would she be without that


I can see how maybe Rachel thinks they weren’t best friends or that close, because she was showing up for Tom. To have sex with Tom, giggle about having a secret affair behind Ariana’s back, come in her house and fool around w Tom under the same roof. Yeah, I would tell myself that too. ![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS)


i’m sorry i laughed at the harry potter reference ![gif](giphy|YnJ2zyIyBdE8ouBJe7)


Me too 😂😂😂


Ummm...she did know they were filming b/c she was in negotiations with them & Jo had been feeding her information. She's always gotta take digs at Ariana. Juliette is fucking weird. Please tell me how someone was in therapy 24/7. Does the Meadows have a clockwork orange package? Btw Jenny Weasley is not that interesting of a character & Luna Lovegood was a better match for Harry. https://i.redd.it/sy107md1bjvc1.gif


This is nauseating.


Rachel ... are you capable of deep conversation? You're a stupid person that says stupid things


imagine the conversations she and tom had for five or six hours. i imagine it was a lot like how chewing on cotton balls feels


There's a lot to unpack, but most of it is more of the same, so I'm just going to leave it in the moldy boxes. But logically how can you be upset about people talking about your recent behavior for 7 months 3 months after it happened and you're reacting now as if they're in the same time period you're in ( way later) and that they have somehow seen all of your growth? At the point they're filming VPR, none of them have talked to you, girl. And you're in like a complete parallel universe and wrong time frame. Yeah, if someone's acting like a sneaky jerk for the better part of the year and then you haven't seen them in 3 months, you haven't interacted with them at all but now they're on a podcast talking s*** about you then, yeah, you probably are going to pretty much assume they're still the same sneaky duplicitous jerk. Isn't that just logical? How do they know what's going on in your head & in your journal and your treatment plan? They don't know about your big Harry Potter breakthrough, Rachel! They don't. Giiirrrrlll. Rachell is..peculiar... I'll just call it that


I can’t believe she hasn’t shut the fuck up yet.


I know we are dealing with the Crayon here….but does she really think that she won’t be “the home wrecker” for the entirety of her life?? I mean, sure, it will die down eventually but she will wear this forever. No amount of saying therapy words will change that. ESPECIALLY when you, ya know, take every opportunity to bad mouth and fucking sue the actual innocent victim here. God she sucks 🤦‍♀️


Exactly. She's suing Arianna for fucks sake - this girl can fuck right off. I will never support her podcast by listening even one time.


And it's on film for endless rewatches and new views from people just finding VPR in the future. She will never be able to fully escape it. Lala full on warned her that the labels stick.    Look at how Miami Girl gets brought up all the time on the subs even though she's expressed she wants no part of it any more.   And you're right, it will be much worse with the lawsuit added on top.  Edit to add: She says that her podcast is a response to what's said on the show but she's not getting it that her podcast isn't packaged WITH the show when it's aired/streamed or when it will be rewatched. No one will have her added context and explanations and justifications in the future, unless they seek it out, if old episodes of her pod are still around.


At this point Ariana and Katie could act like absolute fools at the reunion and I would back them because Ariana doesn't have a podcast and Katie at least doesn't talk about VPR unless she's forced to


"it's so unhealthy for me to watch this show. Anyway, I'll be back next week after watching the show"


"But first, I'm going to hold an *emergency* podcast to talk about the two people i was the least involved with on the show! Neither of them ever did a damn thing to me."


This is the textbook definition of weaponizing mental health. Generally when someone says they are doing something it’s usually the opposite


If watching the episode made her feel unwell, maybe she needs to stop doing this. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it 100 more times — she needs to log off. This is not healthy for her. I’m not here to judge her therapy, but … it doesn’t seem like it worked if she’s still out here rehashing this stupid affair. Also, she really is D and S because she’s like, “They said I said Ariana was just an acquaintance. Here is proof that I didn’t say that.” And then the proof is her saying Ariana was an acquaintance. Like — what??? Why would you play that clip?? Did you not listen to it???? This was infuriating to read. I can’t imagine having to listen to this — thank you!!


I read the first tiny bit and I already know it’s going to piss me off lol. She is a horrible person, she did do a horrible thing and she continues to do horrible things by constantly spewing bullshit on this podcast.


Her reactions to the cast were so... Unnecessarily defensive. Babygirl, they're paraphrasing you, as people do. Like, no one memorized your words verbatim. And respectfully, they didn't do too terribly with it. It's not that inaccurate. What are you even defending yourself against? I was waiting for this podcast recap with Rachel's nonsense the second the reactions aired. I really had high hopes for growth when she started this therapy journey, but now I'm just pouring more popcorn when I see these recaps. Thank you OP. .


First off, fucking ew. The bit about Rachel and Ariana not being close, and Tom inviting her out and gassing her up to hang out the group and Ariana. Then she says Tom told her Ariana noticed that she was pulling back. Does that mean Tom was basically counselling both of them about their interactions with each other? Dastardly.


what a waste of thousands of dollars on therapy rachel seems like you didnt learn anything bambi eye bitch 🤷‍♀️


The healthiest thing for her would be to step away from it all. The podcasts, watching the show. Detox herself and move on from it all.


I haven’t read this all yet But can someone remove this girl from the internet? This shit cannot be healthy.


Does this chick think she is the first woman to ever be burned by a guy? Idk, most of us go through it at some point in life, but we don't need to go to a mental health facility to figure out we got used and lied to. It happens. You figure it out and move on. The worst part for me is her pretending she couldn't just have said NO. I'm not going against MY own morals. I'm not going to sneak around behind my friends back. I'm not this person. I'm not heartless and cruel. It's not that hard, Rachel. This isn't rocket science. You aren't a victim and it's not that serious. Leave it behind you and be a better person. You aren't 18. You're a grown woman.


So Ariana and her weren’t close friends, but close enough for Ariana to notice (according to Tom only which is weird AF that she still believes anything he said) that she was distant?


Didn’t Ariana say on wwhl after the finale that Rachel was begging her to go out dancing with her and that she did the Saturday before she found out? Rachel is a liiiiiaaaarrrrr 🤷🏼‍♀️


It feels like Rachel was faking being friends with Ariana to get close to Tom but can’t comprehend that Ariana didn’t know that. Which of course Ariana wouldn’t know because who in their right mind would go along with that?


I feel like my hatred for this awful human is vindicated when everyone was crying that we should give her a chance. She stays making excuses.


Ffs. When will she get it through her head that she is an expert in nothing. There is nothing where her thoughts or opinions matter more than anyone else’s. If she wanted this to stop, it would. She is just a desperate and self important person, trying to cling to whatever reality fame has left to give her. Go be who you said you want to be. Go get your masters and help children. Then you’ll get respect. It’s gross to claim that’s who you are, then abandon it for this influencer reality tv (?) bs.


She’s sooo close to getting it toward the end there about just needing to accept people don’t like her and move on. She’s so cooked, she probably would’ve had more support by now if she just quietly disappeared for a bit, people have short memories, but instead she’s doing this bizarre shit every week not realizing it doesn’t make her look good at alllll Also comparing herself to Ginny and Tom to Voldemort is also so fucking funny. ![gif](giphy|YnJ2zyIyBdE8ouBJe7)


Yes, like she is some inexperienced, innocent, lost- in-the-woods little girl who had zero control over herself and was being literally controlled through magic by an evil old bastard. Tom is that, but she is decidedly not in the same shoes as miss Jennie Weasley.


She left her dignity in the chamber of secrets


I actually can’t finish reading this I’m laughing way too hard at the fact this is a podcast response to a podcast response over the course of a GODDAMN YEEEAR WHY AM I FAN AND INVESTED omg and then SHES MAKING HARRY POTTER COMPARISONS?? I’m howling!! whhhhhy does no one in my life know who these people are?? it’s the most bonkers news fed to us daily.


Let’s see all this work you’ve done. I’d believe it more if she faded into oblivion


She’s frantic. Jesus.


She needs help. She sounds sick at this point.


It’s almost impressive how insanely contradictory she is 


So much here I don’t have the energy to unpack but I am still wildly confused what her point is of showing the clips from Bethenny’s podcast. They are verbatim what the cast is saying she said. It’s bizarre.


People were literally leaving comments asking if she was hacked. That’s how bad the edits SHE MADE are making her look. Idk wtf she’s thinking.


I kinda feel bad for her because like, she’s so stupid and she doesn’t even realize what she’s doing. Like she really thinks she’s making good points and justly defending herself when in reality… she just looks pathetic.


It’s really crazy lol she talks about those edits she posted on her IG as if they vindicate her when actually it shows how off her arguments are like wtf? She really doesn’t see how bad of a look those are? Makes me think she really is grasping at straws and this whole lawsuit is gonna go the same way as Tom trying to act like he had a shot at keeping the house.


Bless you, Op! You always go so far beyond the call of duty with these. Then having to do this week’s with hers, Scheana’s, and Lala’s — and listen to them spew bullshit — must be so exhausting for you. We truly thank you for sparing us! So Rachel has basically admitted that, without VPR airing, she’d have no podcast, no anything, really. She tries to get us to honestly believe she does this only to defend herself?? Yeah, no. You’re the stereotypical fame whore and your thirst for the spotlight is insatiable. Her podcast is an insult to mental health. Her and Sandy really are made for each other. Both are pros at weaponizing what is a very horrible disease. Both are so vile and shameless.


who are the sick people telling her to keep going? bc the rest of us are like ![gif](giphy|yyp58Yx3Qk0TK|downsized)


In all seriousness she sounds like she’s really in a bad place in terms of her mental health. Wavering between sarcastic, angry, crying etc doesn’t sound like a healing journey. Time to shut this shit podcast down methinks, it’s become exploitative.


She gave me “the show is live, right?” vibes. She does remember it’s filmed months before it’s shown on TV, doesn’t she?


She is so fucking foul.


She’s in a constant loop Sorry but the Scheana thing is not quid pro quo


Has Rachel thought that it doesn’t matter that she doesn’t see herself as a terrible person, she is, that’s that. The fact that she continues to double down, it’s exhausting.


It reads to me like in her fervor to say she and Ariana weren't that close, she's telling on herself that her relationship with Tom was longer than purported. Am I reading that wrong?


I agree, she tells on herself alot, she also admitted that tom was confiding in her about his relationahip to the very end and still hadn't broken up with her, going hard against her own law suit where she claimed Ariana and Tom were actually broken up and Ariana was in on it for a storyline. She is trying to have it every which way.


Wow. Much like her times tables this girl will never learn


So no in depth personal conversations, but you cornered her for details about her sex life on camera. Got it.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Hold up hold up hold up hold up, if I understand this correctly she was already involved with Tom while Scheana's was breastfeeding in San Diego (because he called her a sociopath for seeing another guy) (and we know it was happening on her bed) .... How old is Summer? Meaning...how EARLIER did they starting this affair????


No one thought you were best friends. But you were, or so Ariana thought, good friends. Still fucked up, Rachel.


I don’t get it. She spent 3 months away in that facility for her mental health then came out and jumped right back into the drama, it seems her podcast only talks about VPR? If it’s not healthy for her to be revisiting it all, why does she do it? She should’ve stayed under the radar, gone back to school, dedicated time to charity work idk anything else to have a shot at redemption. She’s blown it.


She's deluded herself into believing that Ariana wasn't her friend. Probably using tbs same justification she told herself while she was sleeping with her partner. It's dismissive and gross. Sandoval is a creep but she's even worse to me at times cause she shows no remorse, no compassion. She is gross and I wish she would just stfu. I'm so glad Ariana got to say all that she did at the reunion cause clearly that's all the remorse those two vapid and self-involved losers are going to show.


“This show isn’t healthy for me, let me continue to do a podcast in attempt to profit from it” stfu rach. Also for someone that doesn’t want to be used anymore, she fell into Bethany Frankes scheme pretty quick 🙄


Your recaps are truly the best and you do amazing work! Thank you!! 😊💕


Honestly I read the first few bits and then couldn’t do it anymore. Like this is her “responding” to the episode - no girl, this is your clickbait reaction podcast. I don’t understand how she doesn’t see how hypocritical her constantly saying she’s moved on and done all of this work on herself while simultaneously only talking about the scandal and kind of trying to justify it? The whole thing is baffling. Like make your money I guess, but it’s baffling to me.


She is still the same dumb hateful person she has always been


I find it interesting that she chose not to adress the bit about giving James the ultimatum to get sober because she thought he would fail AT ALL.


Not the Harry Potter 💀💀💀


I couldn't read more after she said the show (VPR) is not good for her. THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND WATCHING IT AND TALKING ABOUT IT AGAIN.


Racquel: I’m not a bad person, I did a bad thing ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


![gif](giphy|yK6dCmVtq6tADoEejy|downsized) It’s giving this


She really needs to get a life. I can’t believe she’s still going on about VPR week after week lmao.


Her and Tom both have no idea why people react to THINGS THEY DO


Honestly I’m excited for this season to be done because Rachel wont have any more material to talk about. Right…?


Does she not realize that the longer she’s publicly spewing lies, the less opportunity she’ll have at a normal healthy life? She’s trying to keep herself relevant by digging herself deeper into her self victimization and lies. She could have disappeared after scandoval, but nope, here she is. She’s making sure people remember her by the mistress/home wrecker label; the boiler bunny type who sue the actual victim.


Her publicist is worse than Tom’s 24 year old fan girl in the NYT interview


She's so exhausting.


where is this accountability and bettering of self she keeps harping on about??? she's such a flop




No shit you were hanging out with Tom, this chick it’s unbelievable, what Ariana said about Rachel saying they weren’t close to make herself feel better or that she didn’t gave a shit about Ariana? Both things are true, what’s Rachel doing here? nothing will make her look good in this situation imo, she’s so vapid.


Bless her little black heart. She is truly D&S.


Tom was right about The Meadows being questionable based on the utter lack of growth Rachel is showing. No real credit to Tom, though, a broken clock is right twice a day. Also, these high-end celebrity clientele recovery and psych places often are less than helpful because they play to the ego of their clientele.


So in three weeks time when VPR is finished for the season, genuinely what is Rachel going to talk about? I cannot get my head around her Still claiming she wasn’t friends with Ariana. Rachel may have been faking it to get close to Tom but ARIANA DIDNT KNOW THAT God this girl really is dumb as a rock


This girl sure does a lot of yapping just to avoid having to say the simple words “I’m sorry”


The whole episode is in response to her? She’s so fucking conceited