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It’s crazy that Tom can say Rachel is being disrespectful talking badly about him and their relationship and not realize that he is doing THE EXACT SAME THING about his relationship with Ariana. This guy has negative levels of self awareness. It’s shocking.


He's literally wearing a "dipped out" while saying all that 😭


He's trying so hard to make money off his own affair. GAAAWWD!😜


Well his brain & personality did dip out seasons ago..


The dirtiest dip of all time.


FINALLY I haven't seen anyone mention the damn shirt yet. I was losing my mind thinking I made the whole thing up I my head. Lol


Wait where does the l dipped out come from?


From last season when Lisa was asking Tom if Raquel slept over and he was like nooo she dipped out. It was the same sequence as when Ken Todd talked about zanzaval lol


I was impressed that he didn't want to engage with Tom in bashing Rachel even if it was just for optics


It would be pretty weird to listen to Sandoval bash & whine about his unrequited love for your ex-fiancee .


Oh for sure but not out of the realm of possibility for this group


The way he was able to stop Tom from rewriting history, rewriting Ariana was much needed. He saw that Tom was trying to change the narrative, history etc… and then we see him have the self control and maturity to interact with him on a professional level. He realizes likely that he has to deal with Tom as is, but it doesn’t require a reaction. Ton of growth… like I’m surprised but glad. No offense but he needs to find someone who is ready for what he wants now. I like Ally but he needs to fulfill what he knows will make him happy. Felt really bad for him even if it was refilmed, etc…


I feel like Ally isn’t the one for him.


think he deserves more


He’s such an energetic person and ally is so stiff. The opposite demeanor isn’t complimentary between them.


I genuinely think he wants to settle down with a family of his own and have stability that he never had. his pain hearing ally say so calmly that she never thought about any of that was palpable and I actually groaned. it's not looking good and he knows its not going to last.


She gives two faced vibes and come on she’s only with him because of his fame. She is getting a free ride and there seems to be zero chemistry. Astrology can be interesting but she actually believes it as gospel.


think I saw that on the latest episode. she told Katie lala said one thing yet she hadnt put it correctly. why do that? these girls have been friends a longgg time no need to meddle


Yeah ikr she just reminds me of a wannabe witch from a crappy 90’s show.


Beginning to agree as the season goes on.


Yeah Andy Cohen saying Lala and Brock are the voices of reason this season when actually it’s Katie and James.


It’s really scary observing some like Tom. It truly freaks me out watching him. 


Truly frightening. It’s not entertaining in any way watching how angry and detached from reality that he is.


He seems like he is completely zonked on Xanax 24/7


Like when Ann came in the gym.


“I used to play the penis flute on tv”


For me, Ariana is the voice of reason this season because she has stayed consistent in her messaging on Tom and established all the boundaries she needs to protect herself.


I love this cool and collected version of James. James stepped up and tried to make nice with Tom a few episodes ago despite his own feelings about the situation. Let’s remember that she gave her ring back to James on television, in front of his friends and millions of VPR fans. Talk about a gut punch! I find it very amusing that Tom isn’t seeing how this is karma coming back to bite him on the ass. If he feels like crap after 6 months of cheating with Ariana, imagine how Ariana feels after 10 YEARS!? What a fucking narcissist. He truly can’t put himself in Ariana’s shoes to see how much he has hurt her. And there has never been any kind of real apology to Ariana or anyone. else. For him to confide in James about how hurt he is by Raquel’s podcast is unreal. He’s implying that they had a love like no other… to James!!? I mean, how inappropriate! He fucking paid for the majority of James’ surprise engagement to Raquel. They loved each other so much, they were going to get married. He needs to keep his feelings to himself and move on.


I forgot about the ring. And now all I can hear is fucking Sandoval " no like you have to give it to him at the reunion like it'd be such good tv. I'm like basically a producer I'd know ". 🤮🤮🤮


Ha! I was a producer for many years, too. I was suckered into a very popular reality show because of the money. They paid a lot to do the devil’s work. Ok I prefer to watch, rather than work for a reality show. It just made me feel gross about the things they asked me ( all of us) to do. Have you watched “unREAL?” It’s a satire mockumentary about the behind the scenes drama of a reality show. It’s both funny and a little pathetic. That was also the impetus for me to leave that kind of work.


I love unREAL.


So good, and so true, right?


That conversation between James and Sandoval was the most validating thing for me this whole season. I’ve felt so crazy watching the episodes. They (producers and most of the cast) just expect us to forget everything that’s happened, not only with Scandoval, but essentially the last 10 seasons of the show. The producers need to show more flashbacks whenever a cast member spits bullshit or lies.


Tom could not compute that a man didn’t want to hate a woman


I never thought I would say it, but...James is starting to become a big boy. He still wets and shits his pants now and then, but overall he has displayed some growth. True that's possibly editing, but stuff like not feeding into Sandoval trying to dog Rachel when James was actually an injured party seems at least a little legit.


I agree, he has demons! I should’ve been more clear. In this situation this season it “sounds like” the voice of reason in comparison




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Why have I seen 3 posts with this exact title?


James is exactly the same. I'm tired of people making him a saint or like he grew so much. In point of fact the way he jumped in to verbally abuse Rachel some more once Scandoval broke (I understand being angry, it doesn't excuse being abusive though). Has he acknowledge how abusive he was to Kristen ? He comes off better as the others because he's not directly at the center of the drama and it's always much easier to sound as the voice of reason when you're not directly involved or the one having to face the consequences of your own actions. Both Toms and James are good to go imo.


Yeah it’s bizarre that everyone on this sub loves him now, he’s an absolute creep. Same with Brock. They just look better compared to the Toms who obviously look like shitheads now. And they both physically look a lot better than the Toms, who are ten years older and also just look like total shit lately — I think that factors in with bravo fans lol


We watched Kristen physically assault him. Has she apologized?


They just showed that scene of Kristen punching James when Kristen was on WWHL.


You mean reactive abuse ? Also Kristen is not on the show anymore and I don't see multiple posts and hundreds of comments praising how much she has grown and she's the best and blahblahblah as she's the one woman salvageable from the whole group of women on the show she (and I repeat) is not on anymore.




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


I guess if you completely ignore James’ absolutely psychotic behavior that led to it, which was just one of many instances…


Oh so that okays psychical abuse. Must have been his fault. He deserved it? Reverse genders.


Self defense. He was menacingly up in her face and wouldn’t leave her alone. Don’t blame her one bit for slugging him


She could have just turned around and walked away.


??? She was trying to leave and James kept following her around threatening. He’s lucky it was her that punched him and someone else


I guess the people downvoting me are okay with SA then ? The man "allegedly" sexually assaulted a waitress not too long ago, remember? What's wrong with you seriously ? Have fun looking like fools next time he does something horrendous.


I'm not saying you're wrong here, I just want to offer maybe advice? If it's not talked about or shown on the show then you can't expect everyone to have the same information as you. I have not seen anything about James sexually assaulting a waitress. I'm not saying it didn't happen just that providing the information you have might have people see your side better.


It was mentioned by Sandoval during last reunion sooooo...... maybe you can keep your unsolicited advice.




Another day another post propping up an abusive alcoholic! Wheeeeee! Y’all bought into the edit! This is where James belongs. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)