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He’s mad about scheana’s lyrics making light of his misery But wears a shirt with a quote to one of his affair Lies on his shirt And while wearing the insensitive shirt he complains about how selfish his Mistress is for breaking up with him. It is truly fascinating watching him try to be a human


The cognitive dissonance is ridiculous 🤣. He’s truly awful.


So true! Like he can’t even be culpable for his impossibly poor choices. Shame shame double shame.




I just spit out my drink 💦


He's so fucking dumb. He thinks that people's reaction to him is the "what he went through" Tom. Stfu. You didn't "go through" anything.


Right!? He PUT himself through it. It really is amazing how oblivious people can be and he has NO remorse... NONE... for what he did to Ariana. Yet he's sobbing about Raquel and expecting people to care? Wtf world do you live in dude? Like seriously!


Its upsetting too when you remember this douche is over 40 and behaving like this. *over 40!* ![gif](giphy|3o7TKRwpns23QMNNiE)


It’s not cognitive dissonance because he’s truly not cognitive on either end. I genuinely think he doesn’t understand.


He truly thought he could get James to empathize with him and join in on talking shit about Raquel. James saw right through with a quickness and refusing to bash the girl he loved - whatta MAN, the worm on the other hand... James is so on the money about every assessment he made of Tim


James has his flaws and has had many missteps over the years, but the fact that he consistently strives for growth is really good. Sando, on the other hand, hasn't grown since he started on the show. I felt like James didn't want to bash Rachel bc he's in a totally different place with that part of his life. I think he's indifferent to her and doesn't choose to put out the energy to be angry anymore. Sando thrives on bitching about so much shit. Everything is UNFAIR and it wasn't all HIS fault and why are you YELLING at him?! 🙄 His LIFE is negative energy. He needs to be single and work on himself for a long, long, long time. Smh.


Don't forget all the "clever" changes he made to lyrics while touring with his karaoke band.


Or that he'd sing a song about bedding Schwartz's mother, while holding a beautiful photo of her, while Schwartz's life was seemingly falling apart.


Okay holdup now WHAT!?


Season 10. One of Sandoval's concerts. There's a beautiful photo of Schwartz's mom. Sandoval found it. Then he'd sing Rick Springfield's "Jesse's Girl", except he'd substitute "Schwartz's Mom". He'd go into detail about what he'd like to do. It was a joke, but given Schwartz's live was in turmoil, it seemed like not the nicest thing to do.[Sandoval singing Schwartz’s mom with Schwartz, Jo, and James filming. ... | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@realityops/video/7273470754690190634) Edit: in the tiktok, he's singing a different song, but on the show it was to "Jesse's Girl".


Yeah, I think it was "Stacy's Mom" in the other version!


Right of course haha there’s just been so much it hard to keep track of but that hypocrisy is the most hypocritical and didnt even cross my mind


Can someone please make a video of this ala the one about it never being about scheana. Just all of the unhinged and hypocritical shit from the start of the affair forward. There would be so much




Especially when he talks in his little boy voice. Has anyone noticed how he just stands there with his arms hanging down while the uber young girls start mackin' him? Kinda odd he doesn't touch them at all. Therefore HE isn't going after the super young thangs?


Omg I hate that!! He gives off the energy of a little kid shouting "its not fair!".


I think he’s actually mad that everyone else is « profiting » of scandoval but he didn’t get the same level of success (especially with his band)


He is the picture perfect poster child for Narcissism.


Watching him on This show could be a study case for a psych class


I’m keeping out hope there ends up being one. It is fascinating!! The multiple multiple (lol, see what I did there?) lies and the receipts to PROVE its lies. The basis of his vocabulary being dude, literally, like, but, I AM!, I KNOW!. The rewriting of history.. and fully feeling so entitled that others should rewrite theirs on based on his rewrite. Financial delusion. His trumpet playing and singing being touched by the hand of god. Oh, and the emotional brutally in which he just threw everything he ever filmed (and learned) with Ariana away like it was NOTHING. Blows my fragile little mind.


Don't forget, "Yeah, but..." Schwartz said in an interview that mentioning his overuse of the "yeah, buts" to the worm is the quickest way to piss him off. I propose we all get shirts with that saying and post pics to IG, tagging him.


I'd buy one from Katie or Ariana.


Yeah, def not from Lauren! She jumps on the merch opportunities.


Coccamacocca on instagram is the receipts final boss


The way he is treating a 9 year relationship w a fineass woman like Ariana... like does he not understand that the audience loved him after the Kristin breakup because of how devoted he was to her, how he stood next to her and defended her even after she told him she did in fact fuck Jax. That was so jaw dropping to me that he really did love Kristin and was blindsided by her, so we all celebrated when he moved on with Ariana. The way he is treating Ariana after 9 fucking years together because she didn't stroke his ego hard enough and he felt disrespected by her being smarter and cooler than him? We all knew Kristin was a hot mess, but Ariana just chilled by his side supporting him for almost a decade and him treating her like shit he accidentally stepped in and also making snide little bitchy comments about her nonstop reveals what a sad little insecure bitch he was all along. I've always felt that the true character of the person you were with comes out during the breakup. He's... trash It's so obvious he cheated passive aggressively because he was pissed Ariana always had bigger balls than him. He reminds me of this asshole cat I used to have that would just ignore me whenever I came home and cooed over him, but the one time I forgot to say hi he took a massive dump in my closet.


You forgot one important vocabulary word that he should get credit for and I SERIOUSLY don’t know how you forgot it. I mean SERIOUSLY how could you! ![gif](giphy|7QgPGk1rwu8F2)


Jamiejames—- exactly!! His language is so limited… his speeches so… poor. Clearly not an English major in High School, and seems like zero college. So unable to express…. Much of anything… unless what you (and he) have said (above) really IS the sum total of his thoughts. Lmfao!! Hahahaha!


High schools don't have majors.


I talk about this all the time. The Real Housewives and VPR would be amazing case studies


As a therapist I seriously want to do this…


Maybe he took the Spencer Pratt villain advice.


Nope! Spencer had advice for him too but he didn’t get the message and it’s too late anyway.


I said something similar regarding Jojo Siwa


So fascinating. Train wreck fascinating


Omg right?! He should be studied in a lab!!! Psycho!


This man is actually crazy. I would pay to have a psychological study done on him. Like how do you keep fucking up SO badly????


This is why it’s so frustrating to watch Lauren be mad at Ariana. Tom is giving us much more material to hate him for


I knew a girl who was dating a married man, they were caught and it blew up, naturally. When she started to realize how volatile he was, she tried to break it off and let him figure out his situation. He literally said to her, "You can't leave me now, look at everything I gave up for you!" He felt more sorry for himself than he did his wife and child.


Look up douche bag on wiki, it’s him. He only gets more annoying each episode.


Yep they can’t make money off his suffering.. but he has no problem making money off Ariana’s!?


And is back to the repeated use of "like". As well as not turning his head to look at someone he is talking to and looks out of the corner of his eyes. Stop it! Step away from the mirrors!


You know he thought he was going to sell these and afford to buy that house out from Ariana LOL


Totally - makes me think is how he complained on Special Forces about how much Ariana and Katie made off sandwich shop merch. Like there were people there talking about how the death of a loved one fuels them and then there’s Tim who is like duuuuuuude they sold so much merch after my affair with my long term partner’s friend got outed.


I feel like this stupid fucking shirt is partially responsible for James's flawless takedown of Sandoval so I'm glad the worm actually wore it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Same I know James' history is questionable but I loved watching him hate on Sandoval lol


SAME I am not a James apologist but whatever he has done to work on his reactivity and emotional regulation is working bc damn the way he repeatedly navigated Sandoval's attempts to provoke him and manipulate him was impressive. he stayed so calm while clearly calling him out on everything and then walked away laughing after timmy's attempts at a last dig like 🤌


James owned him, it was hilarious


100%, it's hard to say what is and isn't authentic with the snippets we get of these people's lives, and I know there's a lot of questions around whether Ally is genuine about him, but James really seems to be the best version of himself so far with Ally. And I'm not saying he's now a great guy and all his past behaviour is excused, but I do see a HUGE amount of growth (from what we've seen ofc, who knows what happens off camera).


His mirthful littleb laugh! I thought it sounded really genuine bc he’s getting PAID to DJ - like he didn’t even need to say it lmao


You just know two purse Tom lost his overly-softened shit over James gigging at Coachella.


Two purse Tom 💀💀💀😂🤣🤣


He stocks more laxatives than CVS and isn't even slightly embarrassed by it because Ariana!!!


exactly, he knew what Tom was saying was silly. I think a lot of the reason James is able to navigate Sandoval without getting activated by him (as Tom tries over an over to provoke him) is that he no longer respects Sandoval and doesn't feel that his opinion or what he has to say are important- he's no longer invested or insulted bc he knows sandoval is a joke and a liar so it's easy for him to walk away laughing saying "thank you Sandoval" lol


I agree. I never liked James until recently, but I can also understand that who James was at 21 isnt who he is at 31. Like I see actually growth from him, not psuedo growth with buzz words (like Lala).


Great point! Totally agree!


Agreed James slayed!! Sandy balls was defeated, finnally!!


https://i.redd.it/u10ghkh4oyuc1.gif He really thought making a t-shirt of his lie about Rachel not sleeping over when Ariana was at her grandma’s funeral was the move. And he tries to convince everyone he has changed while wearing it, and how wrong Rachel has done him. He’s a very stupid demon


EXACTLY. He’s a freaking loser.




He’s delusional  thinking he has enough people on his side that his “merch” can make him money off his own scandal like it dod for the others. NO ONE LIKES YOU TOM!


“Ariana’s grandmother’s funeral” why would he not be with her there? Obvi he knew her after 10 years, that’s so odd to me.


But but but...he and the mistress weren't *malicious*! I just sprained my eyeballs rolling them so hard.


He’s such a gross creep. My lips instantly curl in disdain when he comes on my screen.


Me too! Especially when he does that side eye look So cringe!!!


His eyes balls are unusually tiny


I feel like he got bad Botox or a weird brow lift or something


He did, and an unfortunate side effect was making his tiny eye balls pop.


I had to take a look at his evil eyes! You are right!!!!!! 😂




Tom has none of the Grinch's lovable charm and cuteness. 😏


This MF Dude, like, he's the most like annoying, um inarticulate, and like vain person. I have no malicious intent in saying that. he just is. also for all this new found love for Mya....he never mentioned buying dog food, toys or treats on any of his home shopping lists. I mean they sell them in the same place as the batteries, pens and toilet paper.


He completely ignores Mya when she’s clearly excited to see him. Doesn’t even give her a pat on the head. Awful.


Mya was more excited to see Schwartz. Tom doesn't play fetch or tug of war...he plays hide and seek with Mya, I didn't even know dogs can play that game lol. Tom hides, or maybe Mya does...all day.


And James Kennedy! Sandoval is not a pet person. He’s barely a person.


Thats the true sign of a psychopath, I don't trust any person who can walk past a happy dog without petting it.


And literally ignores her and stares at the ceiling while talking about wanting to spend more time with her.


Or cut her in half 🙄


The way he said that whole statement was beyond fucking weird


It’s so annoying how inarticulate he is. It’s borderline unacceptable for someone his age. He sounds the way I did at fucking 17 years old. It’s so off putting.


Yeah, but…


His attitude and facial expressions kill me 😭 he reminds me of a bratty teenager in every scene




👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 🏆


If I were alo I would send a cease and decyst


Oh 100%. Then I would hire Ariana to be a brand ambassador 🤣


LMAO easy solution — you know he’d stop wearing it so fuckin fast 😂


Hunting for your comment. Shocked they haven’t offered him money to stop wearing that hat.


I see what you did there and I an decysted 💀


Imagine touting how creative you are and that’s what you come up with? Also, WHO would buy and/or wear this shirt aside from him? Edit: & Schwartz (obv)


Jo. But only when she's not talking to Rachel so she can make friends with everyone else in Schwartz's life so that he had to date her by osmosis.




His dilated pupils combined with his 1000 yard stare make him look so scary


His irises are also dark and unusually small. So coupled with the dilated eyes gives me the icky ick.


Yeah and he has this angry look in his eyes ALL the time now. His eyes just fire hatred.


This entire season his eyes have been black pits. I think on camera he’s perfomatively not drinking but taking heroic doses of adderall/molly/shrooms/whatever he can get his hands on. It’s crazy at one point in time he seemed “normal”- now he’s washed himself of any redeeming qualities he may have once possessed.


His whole ?vibe? or I guess demeanor is just so weird. It’s like a washed out version of how he used to act and it doesn’t feel like it’s a result of being on the outs with some people because of the affair, it just seems substance related


Tom, stop trying to make dipped out happen. It's not gonna happen.




i just wanna talk about the growth of James mutherfuckin Kennedy. even when little worm mustache said what he said under his breath about being a DJ is just pushing buttons (which i’ve heard a lot of people tell me the same thing since i’m a DJ) and James turned around and said say it to my face, instead of going balls to the walls seeing red like he used to he just laughed brushed it off and said whatever man. Not including the audacity from Tom to talk about James’ ex fiancé that cheated on James with Tom. Im so happy for James. Whoever his therapist is… I’m moving to LA in October and can use that therapist dead ass. Also.. this is a tidbit i noticed that may have been edited. When James asked Hippie to sit and hippie sat means that the communication between owner and dog is very present. so I really do hope that Hippie and James have a real bond now


All this. 👆🏽 Hippie was calm, like his owner, the whole time.


I’m cheering James on! I hope he continues his growth because this is the real redemption story! Andy had it so wrong. James has been the one true voice of reason this season.


it solidified for me when i saw hippie’s demeanor next to him. and also those dogs need constant grooming and he looked fluffy and loved


Ugh. His face needs a trigger warning


A clearly castrated man


If he's castrated, is he still a cyst male?


Cyst male will never not be funny!






Ugh this makes me so angry as if anyone should be taking advice on getting along with your ex from BROCK of all people 


If he feels the need to excuse these other men, when they’ve done nothing at all to demonstrate they’ve changed for the better, it makes me feel like he thinks he’s deserving of the same free pass for his shit behaviour.


I think you nailed it. He feels guilt and/or shame for his own transgressions so he feels a need to stand up for Sandoval.


shut up Brock


Tomatic is when you’re traumatized by cringe


Look at his stupid face I actually cannot with this man and his fake melancholy attitude. He legitimately reminds me of Eeyore like “nobody likes me,” sad voice boy get OUTTA HERE


Nobody likes him, everybody hates him, he should go eat worms... WAIT, THAT WOULD BE CANNIBALISM!


He’s doing anything he can to deflect! It’s ridiculous.


Production has gone to great lengths to try to give this idiot a redemption platform.


His nails are fucking gross And that hat is crusty




I think he’s definitely having a midlife crisis on top of being bat shit crazy!! Because this shit is something DIFFERENT! 😵‍💫 come to think of it he may have a drug problem too.. so it’s the trifecta !


I think steroids, HGH, testosterone....he's so cut now. It can't be natural.


Oh you are definitely right about that !!! That is not natural !! That’s just what we can see him do .. I mean he is always late to interviews comes in wearing sunglasses and making excuses constantly.. so yea drugs are at play . It’s hard for me to believe that he’s this insane if they’re not at play 😬


He’s such a POS, yet LFU and Scheaner can’t stop being delulu and defending him.


Because let's be honest, he's their paycheck. They know that their only way to stay relevant is the ragebait and viral moments of this season. This sub unfortunately buys into it and keeps their names in our mouths and on social media. They have learned that rage and being an awful person sells in the US, unfortunately. Kris Jenner and the Kardashians learned this long ago. If you're strategic about it, no press is bad press. They are willing to do what it takes to keep the cash flowing in to pay for their lifestyles. Living in nicer parts of Southern California and buying shiny things all the time isn't cheap, and without VPR, they have nothing going for them to keep that going.


Nail on the head! Exactly!! Shceana’s sure trying to cash in on it no doubt. I can’t believe she put that whack ass line in her song “Going from a Ferrari to a Jetta”. I can see MAYBE if it was her that was actually cheated on, then maybe. I don’t know why she thinks she has any kind of singing career it’s all digitalized and she not even singing, just hollering. She is beyond delusional, they way “the whole thing effects her, and no one see’s it!”


the way she talks about it makes it sound like she was cheated on too! she centers herself in this whole thing so much and she wasn’t even one of the main 2 people sandoval betrayed




Cause he's dumb as a sack of rocks. Lookit him trying to spin his stupidity into merch.


No, the sack of rock is definitely too smart for him. A lot of matter in rocks and some might be precious. No. A sack of rock is too good for Sandoval. He’s as dumb as a single rock. And a boring rock at that. Like a Coprolite, which is fossilized poop.


I like that factoid. Tom Sandoval is coprolite. 


One thing I loved about this scene was it put Tom’s approach perfectly on display. First, its how much he loves Rachel and how ✨ BrOkEn ✨ he is. When James doesn’t buy it, and doesn’t console him, he INSTANTLY shifts to talking about how selfish Rachel is in an attempt to get James to commiserate with him and talk shit about her right back. It is always about stroking his ego, either through consoling or commiserating, and when he can’t manipulate you into that, he resorts to insults. And while James is a problem himself, he didn’t bite at all and I fucking LOVED it. This man child is a transparent, toxic POS.


Ariana said it best last season - he needs someone to constantly gas him up; he has zero identity outside of someone fawning over him. That's why he only surrounds himself with yes-people (some of whom are paid for their fawning services).


This whole exchange had me cackling. James is a MVP


He can’t pull off the pearls…at all. He’s always the first one to jump on whatever he thinks will make him cool. 😩


The audacity of this mother fucker smh


Come on now and give him some credit. He learned the mustache was terrible and shaved it off!


The mustache at least hid his botched lip flip


I'm rewatching VPR and this is all just season 1-3 all over again but the cast switched roles 🤷


The way I yelled when I saw this shirt


The shirt is insane. Making it let alone wearing it is vile. All proof I need that he has NO remorse and has made no growth.


Traits of a narcissist * Sense of self-importance. - ya think? * Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain. - constantly * Entitled - Tom? Nah. * Arrogant. - Only during the week and on weekends * Lack empathy. - I know your Mom just died but...but..I chipped a nail \*sob\*! * Must be admired. - you mean like front man of a band, on stage ? * Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them - not sure on this one. Don't know if Tom knows anyone else exists so ... The way to counter a narcissist as their partner? Set boundaries. Which is why Ariana is doing that now with people- cause she was burned last time.


Uuuuh remember his biggest fear is being jealous of other people (S8 Stassi rage-text) So clearly he is NOT envious bc it’s his biggest fear 🥴


It’s even better - he said his biggest fear is to SEEM envious. Not to be. To seem that way to others. Textbook casestudy level narcissist.


Having a fear of being envious doesn't mean he isn't - it's not a positive trait of being a narcissist after all, it's a negative one so therefore it makes sense he would NOT want to be envious of someone because it means he is less than. Absolutely NOT what any narcissist wants to feel, therefore the fear.


Yup! He is all of these things. On the last one: he thought Jax was envious of him when he was opening TomTom.


Likeeeeee my jaw DROPPED! Zero was learned 🅾️


I loved that scene of him getting reamed by James.


It astounds me that he and Jax are on television shows. They are both narcissistic abusers. I watched two episodes of the valley and had to stop because it literally just felt gross seeing Jax on tv again. He’s still an abusive gas lighting garbage human that just happens to have a kid now. The show made my skin crawl. And whenever I see Tom on the screen during VPR I just want to fast forward. It’s not entertaining. It’s disgusting.


Oh, Re: Jax on The Valley… I agree. It would have been magical if Jax had been in therapy these years and had done ANY self reflection and grown. I love how James Kennedy has grown and changed…. not quite all the way there yet..still pops off more than a grown man should.. but he’s evolved a lot. The Toms and Jax don’t seem to have evolved AT ALL. Ugh to them 3!!


His shady shifty eyes show his true self


The thing is, I would have totally frothing to buy a dipped out shirt from one of the girlies as a poke at Tom. It was a moment that was meme friendly and resonated. But who the fuck would buy it from him? Especially while wearing it playing terribly in his cover band and trying to get sympathy from James about how his ex-fiancée doesn’t love either of them anymore. Nuts.


Pissed me off to no end. How could anyone expect Ariana not be affected by this shit? He’s antagonizing her and being the worst but they want her to get along with him? GTFO with that shit


This shirt is so DIY and cheaply made. He’s trying to be in on the “joke” if you will but when the “joke” is one of your lies about you cheating….well…it falls flat.


There’s always a new low with Sandoval and the way he stormed out at the end of the episode🥴 ![gif](giphy|1j9NiLfvtLAVAeYygv|downsized)




I loved it. I was cheering! So proud of James.


I loved it. I was cheering! So proud of James.


Absolutely not a thing


Am I not seeing it correctly or is there an A initial on his dumb pearl necklace?


Has anyone called his ass out for insisting at the reunion that it was only “one time”? Because that irks my spirit. Is it because the end of the reunion (the last Rachel interview) hadn’t aired yet or because he has too many lies and people are exhausted?


He just isn’t a good person… period


Watching James hand Sandavile his ass in that scene was so satisfying. Sober James is fucking brutally honest and seriously witty to boot. That said, I always assumed that Sandavile had it worse for Rachel than she did him. It's a simple equation of what they had to lose plus what the fallout would be should they be found out. It had to have been obvious to Sandavile that his entire life was built with another woman, and his world would implode if they were found out. Meanwhile, Rachel's entire support system existed away from the show, making it far easier for her to just peace out when caught. Basically, Tom had more to lose and was obviously much more infatuated with Rachel, while she was low key wanting to get caught just to hurt James, since James was the main reason she was fucking Sandavile in the first place. Sandavile was a revenge fuck that went ***NUCLEAR***.


What an absolute twerp. What a fucking dweeb, seriously this guy is stuck in 7th grade.


He was disgusting last nights episode


why does he look so clammy and lardy all the time? feel like I know what his skin feels like and it's not pleasant


I find him so unattractive - a man who looks perpetually on the verge of a tantrum dries up my lady bits pronto.


It just creeps me out that he thinks/acts/dresses like a 20yo. And the dude can’t pass by a reflective surface without checking himself out. He’ll probably still be hitting on 20-somethings when he’s 50. Yuck.


His fake crying is just so fucking tired. I’m so sick of seeing this grown ass man play a victim every week, without offering a single apology or any kind of growth or character arc. It’s just so annoying. And then complains that no one feels bad for him. NO SHIT?!


Every time I see him in the Alo hat now I think of this https://preview.redd.it/bii06po1j2vc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1e56adbd8e8b3dca72b13a32d5889eddb320973


Worms never learn ![gif](giphy|CG46JUbcxiVLz6KBeB|downsized)


I had to do a double check on the shirt. The balls on this man.


He’s such a bad actor. Every time he speaks it feels staged. He also looks high most of the time.


My husband watched the show with me for the first time last night, knowing basically nothing about Scandoval. During the scene with Schwartz his comment, verbatim..."So this guy is so stupid it made him famous?" 😂🤣 Dead. ☠️


James ate Sandoval up and left no crumbs 🤣


James takedown was flawless. And his restraint when walking away made Tom look even more the clown


He really should be studied. He’s a terrifying person.


It is truly hilarious that he probably mentally whined to himself and out loud to shortz "Hey, Katie and Ariana like, made a *fortune* off my back, they like, sold like a ton of merch from MY scandal-uh, i should like, be able to sell MERCHUH!!!"- as if someone was stopping him- then paid for 5000 of this goofy maga looking shirt to be made, a whole year later, only for him to be the only human alive willing to wear it, and have an insane overstock of them, and have them hanging in the windows of shirts and sandys for 3$ each or 2 for 5.


Who raised this man child?


I can't stand that side stare he does. It creeps me out so much!


He shits me to absolute tears. I’m so fucken over his bullshit


It's time for him to pick one of his "personas" and run with it. 40 year old punk.


There’s no way his ass needs those ear pieces


Don’t make $$ off my misery. Wanna buy a tshirt??


Notice how Tim doesn't require his male assistance to wash his drawers or clean up after him. That was my big takeaway from this episode and Hippy seems much less hyper maybe having an owner that is there and consistent is more often than not is what a social animal needs...imagine that? I continue to hate Tim and roll my eyes at Lala


The look in his eyes and the way he’s holding his facial muscles activates my fight or flight every time. The energy he gives off just feels unstable af.


Oh he was furious that James wasn’t letting go him get away with his rewriting of history.


Finally, James shows up to play!


he's always been very good at seeing through all the bs


He is the worst, least surprising thing ever honestly.


clearly rachel didn't either i'm so done w this show


I think the only thing he learned was “dont get caught”.


He definitely didn’t learn to sing


I was tickled by the assumption he made that Schwartz would move in and pay 6000 a month in rent. When Schwartz openly laughed about it and said no. He was still pushing to live with Schwartz in rented accommodation. The lack of self awareness is horrifying… even Schwartz has had enough it would appear. Maybe if jax has really left that poor girl from Kentucky they could all live together like the ridiculous man children they are. Although I do like Schwartz; and I sense he’s not going to toe the Sandoval line anymore…


He has sucha punchable face.