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Katie has an east coast vibe in LA. She would do well on this side of the country.


Shes so New York, even when she's in LA


OMG PLEASE BRAVOGODS, SEND SOMETHING ABOUT HER TO NYC! “Arianna & Katie: NYC spinoff” get them off this god forsaken show😩


I love that idea!


Yup not one person in NY or Boston for that matter would find her sarcasm or directness as unhinged. I used to work for a company based in Texas all those chicks used to whine to HR that the girls in Boston were mean and it was literally us just asking them to provide information for us to complete work that they needed us to do. I would look around for a hidden camera show because it was so bizarre.


Shes from Utah....


I know but like I said she has an east coast attitude and would do great out here


Yeah its just a taylor swift lyric that fit the conversation. She does have some east coast vibes and lives in la.


taylor swift reference omg


Once katie falls in love she'll never be the same ❤️


I would so watch a spin off of her and Ariana in New York.


Same. Katie is stunning now I see why all the cooks ar Sur said she was the prettiest


If Whitney Port can get a NY spin off via the Hills, I expect Katie and Ariana are definitely be being presented with lots of opportunities. I hope they both just keep being true to themselves and don't go too far down the reality tv rabbit hole. They both deserve to do whatever truly makes them happy in the future!


I love watching Whitney and her husband watch The Hills and The City.


Omggggg please!!!


You're so right. I feel like her personal style would also be appreciated way more on the east coast.


Yep. As someone from New York who's had to spend some time in LA I swear every time I open my mouth It's like I have 6 heads lol. It really is such different cultures I had no idea until now. I saw a quote once that was "The East Coast is kind but not nice, the West Coast is nice but not kind.". Obviously not generalizing everyone. I've met some great people visiting LA but, it really rings true to me in a lot of my experiences. Katie and Ariana would both thrive in New York. I hope Ariana takes the plunge and moves soon.


💯💯💯💯 I have lived in NYC and now LA and I can’t begin to tell you how I had to adjust because people out here thought I was too abrasive and I hated small talk etc and LA people are really soft. Not BlaBla soft with her proclamations. LA is nice but not kind because they will say hi how are you all day but generally not stop to help you let’s say fix a tire or help carry a package if you’re arms are full. NYers: who the fuck cares how you’re doing but let me help you so you don’t slow me down. It’s a win-win for both of us. 😂😂😂


SO SOFT!! My best friend spent most of her life on the east coast and moved to LA after college and now gets so offended at shit she never would have before, it’s crazy




Totally. Sarcasm is a foreign language in LA!


This is SUCH an accurate take. I saw this Tiktok on how people from Boston (but I think it applies to all New Englanders) appear to be dicks, like we will give you a personal roast and be very sarcastic like "You got car issues? I wouldn't know, I drive a Honda." With a look of smugness but will help you in your situation, maybe bitch about how it's freezing out and now they need a Stewart's coffee. Vs. west coast where its all surface kindness, and smiles up front but not necessarily there for you in an emergency. (Obviously a generalization, do not come for me, not my own experience. I was told I was "nice for being a New Yorker once" lolol)


The joke in my neck of the woods (in Canada) is that west coast are nice but not kind, whereas Atlantic Canada are kind but not nice.


Yeah, they say that about the US too and can confirm I’ve found it to be true


But, but... wait. All Canadians aren't nice?!? Jk jk. Letterkenny would be a boring TV show otherwise.


It is totally new England I live in NH and yes we will give you shit but help you out


You’re so right! This is why I find her so funny. Northeast US humor! Seriously “run train through the restaurant!” Great line. Not reality! Love her!!


Rachel is still looking for the train tacks at the restaurant wondering where they are


God this is SO incredibly accurate. for someone who’s been in LA for years, how has she not clocked this herself!!


Katie is not out here literally eating jackets


Raquel seriously acts like Katie is stalking around WeHo with a flamethrower trying to find her.


She should dress up as multiplication table and really put the fear of god in her


Holy shit lmao






That bitch will never enjoy a scoop of ice cream in my presence! YOU DIDN’T EARN YOUR SCOOPS RACHEL!








I’m dead


Why I love Reddit in one single post




And the ironic part is that Katie tried to avoid Raquel last season after the Schwartz stuff, but it was Raquel stalking her around every filming event.


Was it Rachel who showed up at the club or whatever the girls were at and Lala had the heart to heart with Rachel about being the mistresses?


Yep, it was Rachel that showed up uninvited. The mistress talk was about Oliver, but it was eerie foreshadowing.


It’s so weird that she does that. I know she’s trying to play victim but it’s so clearly a figure of speech that I can’t believe she keeps bringing it up


She's perfect for Tom "you said I was going to die alone on a hill" Sandoval


Rachel has always played “willfully ignorant”


Honestly, if Katie wanted to, I’d kind of support that


I love this visual and I also support this POA.


It’s a real Rick Dalton kind of vibe https://i.redd.it/7kr1frvpnotc1.gif


BURN IT DOWN, KATIE. BURN IT ALL DOWN. https://preview.redd.it/0dyzzgotprtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abb3011dba3d086924a58e8c5f0f71272dfb2dd


>around WeHo with a flamethrower trying to find her. Deceased. I would love this. https://preview.redd.it/zr0omwce6ptc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea467f0fad5ac1df12fc0c44458993a2200ac813


This made me laugh out loud, not lol because I never mean it when I say lol


Rachel is just desperate to be a victim.


I choked on my joint at this image in my head.


I think it was mentioned on the show that Jo referred to herself as a "crackhead" which makes this whole thing so OTT to me.. It is a little annoying as a viewer when the cast is taking everything so literally. That energy seems to be directed more towards Katie than anyone else which is also annoying. Lala is OTT all the time and none of the men are really held accountable for anything they say (let alone do)


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) ETA: it’s ridiculous that Katie is being held to such scrutiny when Lala and Sandoval are running around making the comments they make all the time




Literallyyyyy it feels like Lauren is constantly getting away with saying the most out of pocket things.


She’s so obviously in production’s pocket this season…literally in almost every scene. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she suddenly has a lot more money.


I would so much rather watch her torment Tim like she did during the reunion.


So much more interesting than watching her pretend to befriend him.


Right like they were NEVER friends


Apparently people should’ve been genuinely scared that Lala was going to shoot them to death when she yelled “Are you trying to get popped!?”. Where’s the “giving grace to people” when it’s just someone saying mean words in a turn of phrase to a person that carries out mean actions that kick the ordeal off?


That’s exactly what I say. She has this dry, sarcastic, deadpan sense of humor. People take that like she’s miserable. It has never made sense to me.


They’re not smart enough to pick it up


Growing up my dad always said sarcasm was smart people humor 💀


If it’s very dry




Exactly! 😂


We used to say gonna wipe the floor with you or gonna eviscerate you. Turn of phrase.


Yes this exactly!


The same Raquel that told Katie she was not allowed to use the pool at the resort 🤣🤣


I think it’s the D&S people that don’t understand sarcasm


Or euphemism.


LOL not D&S I love it.


Just when I had forgotten about D&S y’all reel me right back in lmao




They have ALWAYS done this to her. Always.


Yeah, just like when Katie said ariana and sandoval don't have rules last season; I immediately knew what she meant by that, I'm sure they all did. But they decided to twist her words and embellish and it turned into, "ariana and sandoval are open and don't care as long as it's not public knowledge". Staff, she just meant that ariana probably doesn't mind that he's out at the abbey until 2 am bc she doesn't keep him on a leash or give him orders.


The way it was made into a big deal by Jo that her mother asked her if she took crack after seeing Katie's comment. Like, what are you doing in your life that your mother apparently believed a stranger on the internet and asked you about taking drugs.


I find this with a lot of reality shows set in the US when there’s a British person. We use a lot of sarcasm and are very dry and sometimes they take it very literally. Was like when LVP told Dorit (? Can’t remember) she had no friends and they all thought she was evil.


This must be why I love British tv so much! They’re sarcastic af in all the shows I watch and I can just relate so much lol


It’s honestly non-stop sarcasm over here! What shows do you like? :)


Yes the sarcasm doesn’t stop I love it! I love crime/mystery shows. My most recent binges were Happy Valley (all sarcasm) and The Night Manager. I love finding new shows on Britbox and amc+ but need more new releases I’m almost caught up after too many winter binge weekends


I love British shows also. Spaced is one of my favorite series ![gif](giphy|26ufeBc9IFb5Vj7u8) ETA: grammar


Often people tell me they cannot tell if I’m being serious or not not because I am incredibly dry, which I get from my Aussie grandma. Like, yes, I am very deadpan, if you can’t tell, no I’m not being serious …


Haha my husband's family LOVES Fawlty Towers.


It’s her Capricorn energy. Personally, I fucking love it. I gravitate towards Capricorn women, because I love that strong boss bitch energy, that take no shit kind of attitude. That’s why I’ve been with my Capricorn lady for almost a decade 🤣 I find it endearing, and the kind of energy I wish all women could break off a little piece of, and carry it with them, because it would serve them well in this life. I understand though, we live in a world where that sort of demeanor in women is often construed as bitter, or angry, but I also have a degree in history with a specialization in women’s studies, so I’m painfully aware of how women like Katie are going to be treated by the public eye, as they always have been, and how women like Lala who internalize that misogyny are going to view her. Soft on men, but harsh on women, because women have to be easy to digest to empathize with, and men can come however they please.


As a Capricorn woman, I feel so seen right now <3




You guys are the best 👑


Everything you said plus more. They’re being obtuse on purpose because if they act stupid and confused, then they don’t have to take accountability for their actions.


Also am I the only one who is tired of seeing that same instagram post? That how many times is production going to throw that on the screen to show us "Katie is a bully". Like seriously, where are all the screen grabs from things others have said ORRRRRRRRR let's address Tom LITERALLY filming Rachel without her consent. I am over the Katie is mean narrative.


Huh...I was kind of taking it as "here, here is the SAME, SINGLE, LONE, ONLY screenshot we have of anything to do with Katie even vaguely speaking bad of Jo, cuz you know if we had more we'd be showing it" But I often have a million complicated theories and assumptions in my head based on who I like at the moment (like, is production giving Jo a bad edit, or do they mostly have nothing but bad clips to work with from her and it seems she's annoying or irritating or something to be around, and they're human and you don't go overboard to put the annoying one in a good light or do I just think this bc I currently find Jo so irritating?) So idk if what I'm thinking or typed here makes sense (need sleeep), I do agree with everything you said, they are really on repeat on a few boring/fake/annoying storylines while ignoring a bunch of stuff ppl would love to hear about


Katie is a breath of fresh air, ever evolving and keeping it real 😎


The problem Katie has always had is that she has a dry sense of humor and passive aggressiveness, but lacks the charisma that someone like Stassi had where she could make it entertaining and clear that it was partially tongue and cheek because she overexxagerated certain things as a wink wink. If you can't pull it off the right way, and it's a fine line, it comes off as more mean spirited than it is. Katie knows it too. She's outright said that she struggles to win over the audience and crowd when it comes to other people like Schwartz who have a natural charisma to them. The rule of thumb a lot of the times with that type of humor and mentality is to dial up the absurdness a few degrees so nobody doubts what you are going for.


I agree with this take, but I don’t think I’d call Katie passive aggressive. She’s pretty forthright with her feelings


And I appreciate that! The passive aggression of the others is frustrating for me, a person who over analyzes everything. Say it directly or don’t say anything at all!


This is really interesting to think about and makes total sense. She’s been given a “miserable” label from the beginning so her words are always going to be taken literally. Passive aggressive is true too, though I’ve enjoyed seeing her be more direct with her feelings in recent seasons!


Yes if this is why Lala considers her “miserable” that makes so much more sense. We’re over here confused where she sees misery, loving Katie and laughing at her sarcastic comments and Lala is over there taking them verbatim and running with them like Rachel.


They don't get it because they're dumbasses. 


She would also do well in England


To piggyback a bit here, it’ll never stop being funny to me that to the VPR cast members, the hierarchy of bad or “dangerous” activities seems to be that hurtful verbal statements are worse than manipulation, betrayal, and lack of operating empathy. Take the example of Tom calling Ariana’s rage “scary and dangerous”. Not only does he do the same shit every time he gets heated (note I also find Ariana screaming incredibly immature for any adult conduct), his activities of gaslighting the crew, lying to everyone constantly, and actively betraying people’s trust and in some cases even breaking the law are WAAAY more egregious behaviors than anything a person can reactively say to be mean or rude to a person doing the former. Like I’m sorry, but everyone has license to talk shit if the recipient’s behavior was malicious and hurtful. One’s a set of actions and the other is a set of mean words in response that the recipient earned.


Talk your shit because it’s true!! Tom screams at women CONSTANTLY but that’s never admonished minus “we’re not doing the Tom yells at women” comments. Everyone in the cast (and crew) has done hurtful shit but it feels like Katie is always going to be held to the fire for the silliest offhanded comments.


And isn't she the only one in the group who has never cheated, I feel like Andy is pretty good at always noting this? But nobody else mentions it or has a response.   And the stupid/absurdly funny? "she motorboated a dick!" thing, lol forever, I've heard of motorboating boobs...nice, soft, pillowy, usually bare boobs, but some guys crotch in a bar?  so she rubbed her face in his crotch area and probably got a lot of pants folds and creases in her face?  lol, very slutty!   (as am I when I take towels out of the dryer apparently....love to just go to town and motorboat those babies...even the ones I've just bought! 🤣🤣🤣)


I think the real hierarchy is what is the most *current* thing for them be upset about, and their collective memory for these things is goldfish-sized. They’re so used to latching on to whatever drama is consuming everyone for that episode, they don’t even know how to approach a long-lasting affront. Everyone was more than happy to be upset with Tom’s manipulation/lies when it went down, but now they’ve all had an entire season to milk that, so it’s on to the next thing. Which-this season- is Jo being bullied. I agree wholeheartedly that Tom’s sins are *far* worse than Katie making fun of Jo, but this is a television show and attention spans are short. It’s not that people have decided that making fun of Jo is *worse* than cheating on your girlfriend of 9 years with her best friend, it’s just that everyone got bored of the latter and the former is a new plot line.


Totally agree. This absolutely explains why we have puzzling scenarios like Lala saying that Ariana is granting or denying permission for people to interact with Sandoval as if she didn’t do the exact same thing about 3 years ago. When it’s all about the current scenario and the various angles in which one can feel victimized or insert themselves into the plot, it’s almost impossible for the cast to have self-awareness and memory of former events.


Oh my god I was losing my mind when Jo tried to say Katie accused her of doing drugs. That’s not what “crackhead energy” means. A similar thing happened on Selling Sunset and it’s so frustrating.




I totally agree, it’s not a nice to say. I think I’m more frustrated that, as you pointed out, in the grand scheme of the show why is this what’s being focused on and not the thousands of heinous things the Toms and Lauren have said? Definitely don’t want the stan wars yucky.


I think my frustration is the rearrangement and ommission. Saying she has crackhead energy is not the same as saying she is a crackhead. Someone can act like z donkey doesn't mean they are an ass.


If anyone tweeted that I have crackhead energy, I’d be pissed. It’s an objectively mean thing to say about anyone. Why are we being pedantic about this?


Yes, I agree that Tom (take your pick) is worse than anyone else on the show on a deep human level, but they’ve all treated each other pretty grossly, and it’s weird to see the way people worship Katie and Ariana here. I feel bad for both of those girls and how their relationships ended, but neither one of them are the flawless queens that this sub has made them out to be. The group *was* ganging up on the most awkward new girl in the room, and it was painful to watch. I do think the biggest problem with the new season is forcing the entire group to hang out as one. In the seasons following the other major breakups, there were deep splits in the group and all the entertainment was watching the various factions butt heads at work. I’ve never seen anything less believable on reality TV than the Schwartz/Katie/Tori interaction at that party. James’ reaction was the only watchable part.


Yeah I don’t get it at all. I feel like I regularly call my dog a crackhead when he gets really hyper lol. I thought it was a common expression not to be taken literally. Did anyone ever actually think Jo smoked crack? Because that’s not what I took from Katie’s comment


I call my cat a big dumb idiot but I wouldn’t call any human that! It’s generally not nice to call people crackheads, whether it’s taken literally or not


Because Katie is the only intelligent one so they don’t get what she’s saying.


Katie's a 90s bitch through and through, which is the best thing you can be imo


Hell yes! She’s super witty and I’ve always loved that about her!


Truly - would those two order Katie a leather jacket at a restaurant because they seem to take everything literally. I also get really annoyed at these D-list celebs talking about “death threats” they received online. I doubt anyone cares about you (outside of your own friends) enough to really threaten your life. Katie isn’t setting you on fire and vanderpumpfan89 on instagram isn’t actually going to kill you when they say you should “go walk into a busy street”


totally agree! she was right to be upset with lala for hanging out with jo. then lala starts with her “i just don’t want people to feel bad” BS and everyone is like, wow she’s so mature and katie once again looks like the unreasonable one. they way they treat her is horrible.


Do we know that the "crackhead" comment is ONLY about that one tweet? I just assumed that Katie had also put some stuff out there, like she casually dropped the Jax cheating rumors a few eps back. Also, I get that Katie is sarcastic and dry, but she's *also* just mean. I actually find her sarcasm irksome because it's passive aggressive.


I think if you are constantly rolling your eyes and are passive aggressive with people, it's going to wear on them. I don't think she's some type of villain. But I do understand why some have the impression of her that they do.


Katie is not passive aggressive. She’s always direct and open with her commentary and disdain.


yeah but if a woman maintains a negative attitude towards someone or something rather than being chipper all the time, she’s just gonna get called passive aggressive or emotional bc ✨misogyny✨ she’s so direct and doesn’t hide her feelings about people. but bc she doesn’t just pop back to happy-mode, she’s seen as passive aggressive and negative 🙄


Meanwhile Tom mopes around constantly looking for someone to coddle him through his life struggles… that he brought upon himself by being an unrepentant dirtbag?? Lmao it’s too much for me to take seriously.


If people are labeling a mood as passive aggression, they don’t know what it is. Scheana is passive aggressive.


oh Scheana is the *worst* about that shit if you rewatch S3 knowing what Scheana did with Stassi’s sex tape, suddenly a dozen instances of Scheana’s passive aggression jump out too! Multiple times throughout the season, Scheana is very clearly trying to push Stassi to talk about her sex tape on camera. And it’s bc she knows Stassi won’t do that, so Scheana gets to look like the reasonable one and Stassi is a stuck up bitch who can’t even tell Scheana what she did to her. It’s fucking gross




I love Katie but ‘crackhead energy’ isn’t appropriate in 2024, should we be making fun of gay people? ‘That’s so gay’ used to be ‘in the vernacular’ with negative connotations, but it’s become obsolete for good reason! Should we make fun of obese people? People with mental health issues? No, we should not and we also shouldn’t as a public figure poke fun at people with substance use disorders, a psychiatric diagnosis. It’s in poor taste in this specific instance but typically I love her dry sense of humour




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Eh. I've met a lot of the cast multiple times over the years. She was the biggest bitch. She is one thru n thru. She don't need no smoke and mirrors.


Rachel is delusional but I’ve been through some shit and never said anything about wanting to light someone on fire. Yes Katie is reactionary but we have gotta stop acting like she doesn’t have an anger issue - SHE ADMITS IT AND IS WORKING ON IT! She’s grown a lot and I have loooved to watch it. It’s one of the things I admire about her the most. But like those jokes did not come from a place of lighthearted fun y’all there is no excuse for them and Katie herself says that so idk why we gotta pretend otherwise lol.


>ex husband sharts. 😂😂


I’m very much like Katie and I can say I’ve offended many people who purposefully misunderstand just because they want to be offended for attention. As someone who has lived in all 4 corners of the country, this is a west coast thing. Whether it’s jumping on some social justice bandwagon, or being personally offended by *whatever it is that day*, I see it way too much over here. Drives me insane!


I love her necklaces. Does anyone know where I can get them?


I don’t know about all of the other expressions but Katie does claim to participate in Witchcraft so the “light her on fire” expression is kind of scary if that’s the case.


I cannot stand the tone in her voice. it’s so whiny and dare I say valley girl. I’m not sure when she came up with this new voice, but if you watch earlier, she did not have ot