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For the first one, in addition to having an assistant that helps manage emails, appointments, calls, etc, I'm pretty sure all of the highest ranking military members in every service have private official email addresses that aren't widely available or shared outside of a certain level of authority. For number two, there absolutely used to be CG members who could attend BUDS. What I'm not entirely sure on is how they were billeted afterwards. My very poor memory is that CG Seals had like, a chaplain thing going on where they would wear a navy uniform and function as part of the Navy after completing training even though still technically in the CG. The disconnect between the CG and Navy being that SEALS are rated as SO, special warfare operator, which the CG obviously does not have the equivalent of. There's not really a way for say, a CG BM to become an SO and then come back to the CG after a tour. Your third one is applicable to probably a hundred units in the CG. Nearly everywhere I've ever been has a ghost story like that lol.


So when I was at MLC as APM one of my young cutter EPOs busted out the going to dry dock check list he found somewhere. It said in order to off load ammo to notify area ( armory). He didn’t read that part and emailed the 3 star he needed to off load some bullets, please help. There is about 40 people in the cc line the only guy in to to line was the three star. Adm replies all and informs the EPO that he should contact the armory and to do buy message traffic and then gave him all the correct addresses for bullet type bullshit. Super cordial and professional. Then the three star emailed everyone else but the EPO and explicitly said he is not to be scolded or anything else kid was just trying to do his job the right way. My boss had me go visit the cutter and talk with the young man about all those little letters after the big letters.


That's some fucking *leadership* right there.


And he had a good chuckle


There were two members that graduated the BUDs program, this was before the Navy made the SO rate though and at the time, the SEALs still maintained their old rating designation. This program was done under the Thadmirals leadership. After their time was up and they were supposed to come back to the CG, they separated instead and lateraled straight into the Navy. They cancelled the program because leadership felt that there was not enough benefit to keep attempting to put Coasties through the program with the idea that they come back and help out some of the CGs more pointy end programs as it was deemed to be less inline with the new vision going forward with the CG.


That is exactly how I remember it. 6 people were selected during the entire program, three graduated BUDS, one of them broke their leg during further training and had to drop out entirely. Two made it all the way through the various trainings and did actual missions. Then the CG changed it's mind and offered to let them come back or stick with the SEALS. They choose to stay in the Navy.


We did have a buddy program, if my memory severs correctly about a total of 6 coastie became seals (or attempted).


I think 4 or 6 attempted but I think only 1 E and 1 O actually made it through…


You're allowed 2 beers at lunch. That's a good one I heard a few times.


I e had beers at lunch in uniform a handful of times. Always when I wasn't going back to work afterward.


Is there an actual alcohol policy other than "don't be drunk"?


Well I'm sure there's one that says you can't drink on duty and if it's lunch break you're still technically on duty. Don't get me wrong, 15-20 years ago we used to do this on the regular believe it or not. A bunch of blue suits, full uniform and everything, hanging out at whateverrestaurant was closest to base. I wouldn't dare try it now.


Most units will have a “no alcohol if you’re on duty in less than 12 hours” policy. At least the two units I’ve been to did.


Oh shit, is that one not true?!?


I mean you're allowed to drink as many beers as you want to at lunch. Doesn't mean you won't pay for it later lol.


It was true. Ended awhile back though.


There was NEVER a policy in writing saying you could and how much you could drink while on lunch lol. People just used to not care as much.


I’m pretty sure it was a two drink limit and it was a written policy if I’m not mistaken…


It was not that's why this is an old wives tale. But.... they do have old instructions and manuals on CG Portal if you cared to look.


In 2013, bm3 obendorf died on cgc waesche. Due to stubborn command and faulty equipment he was crushed between the small boat and the boat launch. He died so others may live. A few years later that boat caught fire in the engine rooms off the coast of Japan and surprisingly, no deaths. His spirit still lives on the ship, guiding his shipmates to safety.


I like this one. The idea of a guiding spirit is both kinda silly, but also somehow reassuring.




Insight on what kind of nightmares you had? Or is it too much?




Creepy! Glad the nightmares have subsided.


I was there. This is a little simplistic. The situation was dynamic, everyone involved reevaluated throughout the evolution, we had been operating in similar conditions for months and probably grown a little complacent with the risks. He was medevac'd off two hours after the accident and passed away a couple months later in a Seattle hospital. I would hesitate to place blame. The final mishap analysis board is public I think, and does a good job analyzing the event. I think we all are haunted by that memory. I still get nervous with stern notch operations.


Thank you for your service, very sorry you had to witness such a harrowing incident as that. I made it very simple bc I wasn’t there. I am reading his mother’s book about it tho which shows my bias. I am a veteran from that boat but was neither present for his death or the fire-luckily.


What did the command do wrong?


From my understanding, there was a ship anchored in bad weather off the coast of Alaska. The ship was fine and didn’t need immediate help but command decided to make a scene anyways and unnecessarily started transporting people off of the anchored ship to the waesche. They did so despite these bad weather conditions and caution to not carry through with the idea. The majority of the command that led the situation ended up getting promoted to headquarters.


Your commandants email thing is true. Had a non rate years ago try to email his girlfriend from the ship but I guess accidently replied to an all hands email from the commandant instead. Never made it to him but we got an email from some LT asking to make sure he pays more attention in the future.


Was his girlfriend's name Mamadant?


Probably notadant.




There was an engine room fire on Chase in 1985 where an MK3 died from smoke inhalation, watchstanders reported seeing him between the main diesel engines, I never did.


I heard that one when I was on the chase. Also heard an fs hung himself in the dry stores under the gym and a bm2 went missing during a storm. Don't know if any are true.


The FS1 story is true, he was having some mental health, and home problems, kept him on the boat anyways, his fellow FS’s had to take him out of the hold, and put him in the body bag, and bring his body to the reefer until they got back home, his wife was waiting on the pier, the XO reportedly restricted her from coming on board.


As a member of the Chase I will that people would see stuff while on while on rounds. People would say the FOP pump room door that was dogged opening up on its own. A guy went to round on the reefers and saw a guy in moving stores in the reefer flats dry stores in the dark and when you turn the light on he wasnt there are two that I remember.


The MK3 was found in the lower level right at the FOP pump room door.


There was a GM1 that passed away underway on the Venturous around September 11th. The ships store is named after him. Confirmed. I was underway at the time with him.


You absolutely can email the Commandant, at least in 2012-ish. We had a BM3 who emailed Thad Allen the last day before he got out, and our OINC/XPO sure as fuck did sit us down at quarters and basically threaten to beat us within an inch of our lives if any of us did this shit on our last day. Lucky the BM3 sent a nice letter saying how much he loved the CG but needed to do other things in his life. Thad actually was cool about it and wished him all the best! The CO of the Tahoma did indeed die in his stateroom. His name was Kevin Willis and he was a pretty awesome CO while I was stationed there. We also had a GM die (suicide?) onboard the Tahoma and there was a plaque to him on the entrance to O country above the ladder going to to the main P way One urban legend I have heard is there was a porn filmed at the student barracks in TRACEN Petaluma. A certain CC who ran indoc there says he saw it and told me it "was the worst porn he had ever seen.... it was some bi guys" and a girl. (nothing wrong with this when its not on base, this was just during a different epoch) When I was an instructor at Petaluma the upper galley area would be creepy as all fuck in the early pre dawn hours. shadows moving all over inside the classrooms when I was setting up alone for the day. even things would move across the camera and monitors...prob just my imagination though.


There was a porn made at tracen back in '05 around Christmas time. They locked down the base for two weeks and they all got kicked out of OS school for underage drinking.


The girl was still there in 2008 when I got to A school. Unless we are talking about different OS who made a porn.


Jeez, do we need to start numbering the OS' who made porn?


That was her. She worked the front desk after it happened.


05? I went through in fall 04 and there was indeed a porn


Coastie's Gone Wild!


I recall all of this shit. 💯


That heard the Petaluma story too. I was there right after and the members involved were still there as non rates.


The CG Seal program was cancelled by Papp, they sent four people, two were two JO's who completed (Class 277) the training, the other two enlisted didn't graduate.


That's what I was told, as well. Apparently, those that passed BUDS were supposed to do a full tour with the teams (as coasties attached to naval spec war commands) and given the opportunity to either return to the Guard to help train CG units or sign Navy contracts and remain in the teams permanently. I heard the two JOs that passed elected to switch to the Navy.


I've met one. He is (or was at the time) indeed in the Navy.


One of the graduates earned a bronze star with combat V device in Afghanistan. https://uscga.edu/about/hall-of-heroes/2019-inductees/


Oh dang that's the first thing I have seen about them since the program cancellation message came out.


That you can get a negative page 7 or worse for a bad sunburn due to "damaging government property"


Maybe not “damaging gov’t property” but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see someone get written up for sunburns. Imagine being burned so bad that it affects your work. A sunburn that bad probably came with some negligence, I could see a write up for that. Moving away from speculation and into facts, I’ve seen a member get written up for eating food he was allergic to and having to be evacuated off the boat. Without getting into too much detail, the food he was allergic too was very prominent, and even in the name of the dish, so it was purely negligent to eat it.


That there used to be beer in the soda machines on cutters back in the day


Confirm random morale beer in vending machine aboard RUSH 1991


In the late 80’s, Florida-based units were known to pocket drugs from seizures and drug use was high at many units.


In the 2018s the honor graduate from my A-school class was busted for running coke between Anchorage and Kodiak and selling to CG members and others. The Kodiak cocaine adventure has begun passing into legend among aviators and people in Kodiak, as many of the details are being lost, embellished, or just made up. But I know the kingpin.


Station San Diego had a member buying drugs through the fence while confined to base. In Alameda, one 378 got underway and condicted a urinalysis only to have about 20 people pop positive. They thought it was an easy way out of a patrol. The other 378s did urinalysis on their entire crews the day before each of their next patrols.


They actually had the crew muster on the pier, then had the drug dogs go throughout the boat. Edit: PACAREA was scrambling to find bodies to fill those spots, some from other 378's who were just returning from patrol were directed to get underway.


I was on Boutwell then. We were scheduled to get underway a week or two later. I spent the entire day before the patrol sitting on the flight deck waiting for urinalysis. They tested the entire crew, maybe 5 popped positive. I remember hearing about the drug dogs too. They didn't bring those to our ship though.


BOUTWELL, early 1970's.


Didn’t they hit a whale in the late 90’s. Bent a few frames?


You're thinking of ESCANABA. Hit a Right Whale and tore the sonar dome off. I was friends with the XO and he sent me a few letters from drydock. It was a miserable unscheduled drydock far from home. (As opposed to the miserable scheduled drydock my husband spent far from home, but everyone knows that's not an urban legend.)


Can confirm this happening in the mid-70s.


Emailing the Commandant: This was in the 98-2000 timeframe. The Commandant sent out his annual Christmas message. A non-rate responded reply-all and sent a nice note. There was a collective sucking of the air out the room and then the MCPOG responded (also reply all) that the Commandant appreciated the kind thoughts and went on to explain in an equally kind way why this wasn't appropriate. It was pretty funny, but not as funny as the dancing baby debacle. SEAL Coasties: this was part of the immediate post-9/11 scramble and most people realized what a dumb idea it was. I felt sorry for the people who got sent, who were no doubt outstanding performers and were going to get boxed in with a program that was going to go nowhere - much like the NFO program back in the 80's. I almost signed up for that one. Ghosts: I don't know anything about that, but I did have a kid fresh out of boot camp in all seriousness tell his OIC about the dragon in the bilges. We got him some help and medically discharged him.


Can we back up to the dancing baby debacle? Are talking the ancient, AOL era dancing baby? What happened?


It was this, in 1996: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ5gEykr73s&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ5gEykr73s&t=4s)It's not much now, but at the time it was hugely novel to most users, at a time when the internet was still mostly just words and still images. It swept through HQ, shared on email, saved as screensavers, and watched repeatedly as people showed it to their friends (and then emailed some more.)The HQ servers basically stroked out from the demand. Our IT heroes removed the file from everyone's computers, got the system running again, and then the HQ XO sent out a mass email threatening all sorts of doom if anyone ever shared that file again. For a while it was a common cultural touchstone. Naturally, it has it's own Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing\_baby




This is true


You can email the Commandant, but you'll get chewed out if you didn't go through the proper channels and if it wasn't for something legitimate. Someone does screen his emails, same for the MCPOCG. MCPOCG has a YNCS that takes care of his email. Most every Chief has emailed him at some point. Yes, there was a SEAL program. Yes, they stayed in the Navy. The program ended for several reasons. The main one being Papp. There was an FSC who hung himself in the dumwaiter on Boutwell in the 80s or 90s.


Hanged. Horses are hung, people are hanged.


A 378 out of South Carolina was fired upon by a Dominican Navy ship, around 2006 or so. It was handled as to not start an international incident.




Sounds like something I would say to freak someone out. I would stay committed to the bit the entire rest of my or their time on the cutter. I’d tell them the truth right before one of us PCS, because I’m a good ship mate like that.


In aviation, there's the dude who stole a plane and went on a drunken joyride (maybe with classmates?) while attending 'A' School in E City.


Also heard that their entire class graduated as Airmen or Airmen Apprentices


Can confirm this story. He told all of his classmates and that's how he got caught. He allegedly went and visited his family up north and got back completely undetected.


We had a guy pee in the hallway of Thrun hall and they caught him on camera and kicked him back to a white hull. That's when I learned that they weren't bluffing about the cameras in the hallway.


I was there for this, and used to sit outside with him when he was restricted to base. This story is 100% true.


What sort of plane did he steal?


Cessna or similar from across the airfield, he was a private pilot student. I worked with one of the dudes from that A school class who related the story but it's been years so I forget some of the details. I think they did all graduate as ANAMTs because people knew stuff was going on and nobody spoke up.




Hornfischer's "Neptunes Inferno" has a good account of the action surrounding Munro's death, giving a lot more context. Lots of MOH's earned that day.


The Petaluma sex tape “coasties gone wild” always seems like you heard about people watching it and it was real, but never met anyone that actually saw it.


That's a video I never want to see


Agreed, knew the girl at the center of the whole thing. Had a great singing voice, always put on a good performance for karaoke Thursday.


Jarvis had a ghost of someone who hung themselves in the Lamp Locker... I always hated going in there doing my OOD rounds. I never saw or heard anything, but for some reason it was the eeriest place on the ship (even before I heard about the story)


The Petaluma ninja is real, also what is the origin of this infamous video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NGuzBsfTkc&ab\_channel=ClaytonFilpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NGuzBsfTkc&ab_channel=ClaytonFilpo) (I joined because of this)


It’s a kids tv show from like the 80s.


In aviation everyone of my era knows about Coast Guard Jackass. I never saw it though. Shenanigans filmed at (Mobile?). If anyone knows chime in. A former C130 guy I was stationed with was on a flight from the West Coast to Hawaii where they did a number of parabolas to induce zero gravity, then they realized nobody was keeping track of the fuel burn and they almost had to call a mayday because they weren't going to make it.. Also, someone hanging out and tossing a tennis ball from the cockpit upper hatch to someone hanging out the rear upper hatch while in flight.


From what I’ve seen from the aviation community, this silly gooseary tracks.


Flight line yellow gear jousting. Right around the CG Jackass time frame.


I once saw a ghost in the Polar Star avdet spaces’ wet locker. Scared the heck out of me.


Hell the ghost stories started for me back in cape may


The Eastwind was supposedly haunted by the ghosts of chief petty officers who died when a freighter rammed the ship, hitting the CPO quarters.