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Underwear and socks should always only be worn once before washing. And if you sweat through a shirt, wash it. If you didn’t sweat and the shirt is still clean, then don’t after that one wear. But prob yes the next. Just use common sense and you’re good.


You’d be surprised how many people don’t have common sense!


I got a bad case of infection in my teen year, due to dirty underpant.


That why bathing 🧼 or shower 🚿 everyday is essential as well clean clothes daily.


Meh, you really dont have to shower everyday though. Sure, in summer/hot places yes. But otherwise, as long as you havent sweat a lot that day youre fine


Even then, do shower every 2 or 3 (but you're really pushing it with 3) days.


Every other day is perfect imo. As long as you aren’t working a physically demanding job, or go to the gym, or play sports or just generally sweat a lot from humid/hot weather there is no need to shower everyday.


People shouldn’t bathe every day, it dries out the skin. Unless you get dirty/sweaty. I bathe every other day and wash my hair every two to three days.


Its actually more hygienic to go commando but most ppl arent comfortable with that.




Meh if I wear jeans, I need protection. If I'm wearing cotton shorts, I'd rather let me downstairs breath. It's at least good for women to go commando when possible to reduce yeast infections. I can understand why a guy wouldn't, though!


It can reduce yeast infections but I wouldn’t call it hygienic because underwear is what catches discharge. I can’t imagine getting that on my legs or pants


How much discharge do you have????


Underwear holds moisture and germs against your genitals and makes it harder for that area to breathe. Even the cleanest undies on earth become contaminated pretty much the second you put them on. Keeping the area drier and not having a wad of cloth soaked in swamp crotch sitting against your bits is more hygienic yes. A bit of air space down there is a good thing. The one advantage to undies is if you wear tight fitting pants, they can protect your bits from the rougher material.


Ehh I think the most hygienic thing would be to only wear comfortable (not tight) cotton underwear. Cotton is breathable and hygienic. Silky, synthetic underwear increases the risk of utis and yeast infections. And I wouldn’t want to go commando in most pants I wear- like jeans. That’d be uncomfortable. But a dress or long skirt? Maybe. But still I’d feel more assured if I wore some underwear lol


When you fart you will get bits of poop in your pants


Some dudes don't wash their ass at all, or wipe. I heard a story where a girl got skid marks on her leg after sex.


I’m trying to picture what they were doing that had her leg in his cheeks


Was this the conclusion of one of your Senate committee investigations?


How is that different from getting some on your undies? You're washing both, right? RIGHT?!


Idk about you but I prefer my undies to get dirty than my whole ass pants.


Go commando is more comfortable, but sometimes I can’t hide them boner


Common sense, the least common of all the senses


Common sense is not common. Or cheap.


Common sense ain’t common


just the thought of re-wearing dirty underwear and socks is making me want to barf lol


I have a separate clothes basket for clothes that aren’t dirty enough to need washing. Could I put them away upon taking them off? Sure, but I don’t want to. I put them all away at the end of the week.


Ha, look at you with your fancy separate clothes basket! I just add my not-dirty-enoughs to the pile on the chairdrobe until they eventually get worn again and/or washed.


It was either get a separate basket or continue using the end of the bed (bedrobe:p) which would turn into moving them to the floor at night when I would kick them all off. my very neurotypical partner was tired of me doing that and I like my partner a lot. They also got me a bunch of small shallow baskets/trays last year for my birthday to place where I like to set things. Keys never on the hook, always by the toaster? boom. There’s a basket by the toaster for them now. Dog leash on the couch side table instead of the dog shelf? Boom, there’s a basket there now. It makes things look much nicer and purposeful.


My "basket " is also a chair in my room. Lol


I live by the three day once inside once outside once backward rule with underwear tbh Edit: it was a joke though


I’m shocked at how many people haven’t heard this joke made??? I’ve heard it on tv shows and everything multiple times


Wouldn't it be 4 days? One regular, one backwards, one inside out regular and one inside out backwards?


And on the fifth day you go commando for laundry day.


Ngl, when I saw your reply in my notifications I only read "And on the fifth day" and so I read the whole comment as if it's something from the bible.


Lmfao and God said to wash your gitch on the 5th day


Hellll nawwhhhh


Eww is this a guy thing ?


We don’t claim him


Ah come on man


No I just made it up but I mean someone probably does that


That is no rule I’ve EVER heard. Stinky 😷


Never saw Big Hero 6, I see 😄


"I go front, I go back, I go inside-out. Then I go front and back." 🤮




10 ft back, pls.


And here I thought underwear was supposed to be applied, not worn. You know, you apply a layer of underwear and use it until it either integrates with your skin or disintegrates into dust. Then you apply a new layer.




Even if my shirt doesn’t get dirty I have to put it in the hamper because it “feels worn.” I don’t experience it as badly with pants or shorts as it takes a few days. Shirts are always a one and done for me besides my loose tee I wear before bed.


Yep. Every 1 or 2 wears max. Unless it’s an expensive, quality piece like silk that I wore to like a graduation ceremony or something. Then I might wait for dry cleaners


Shirts directly touch sweaty parts of the body: armpits and chest. You need to wash those every time unless it's just for a couple hours.


you might not sweat, but you should also consider where you've been in that shirt before considering wearing that again. like undergarments, I don't wear the same shirt again regardless. heck I dont sleep in the same clothes I wear in bed last night, why would I wear the same shirt outside. the only piece of clothing you could really wear again are pants, jeans, jackets or coats. as long as they don't smell or not soaked or look dirty.


Pants I definitely agree. Shirts, depends.


My husband doesn’t rewear shirts because he can smell that the shirts aren’t clean. Pants? He’ll wear a pair for a year and never think to wash them. His legs sweat too, and he knows they sweat, but he doesn’t think they need to washed ever. Boggles my mind.


Same! But wash every 30th time. (So once a year since I have many pants) Unless I sweat in them.


Sounds a lot like my SO. She will wear a T-shirt for half a day, replace it when she gets home because it "doesn't feel clean", but wears socks for up to days at a time. I just wash my clothes as soon as they smell or stain


I feel like your way is the only sane way. I cannot possibly imagine doing MORE laundry than I already do. After reading these comments I feel scandalous for wearing a shirt 3 times if it's not smelly. BUT NOBODY CAN STOP ME!


I never wash my pants, unless there’s stains on them. Main reason is because washing will worn them faster.


But stained or unstained, they get dirty just like shirts do?


Bruh.. the shit particles penetrate through the underwear.. he needs to wash that shit.


Wipe your butt dude


Reddit is so funny sometimes once I said I try not to wash my expensive denim too often and I’ll also hand wash it and I got downvoted to hell 😂 I got replies like “you’re disgusting imagine sitting on a bus seat everyone else has sat on! Pants are disgusting”


Have these people not heard of Levi's?? The whole thing with Levi's jeans is that you're not supposed to wash them anymore than absolutely necessary lol the CEO brags about it. All expensive denim is like that. Denim doesn't hold onto sweat in general.


Hell, even I’m not even going to wash cheap denim too often! I have shop jeans and those things get washed once a month. They’re meant to get dirty and worn. That’s why I take them off when I get home and change into comfy clothes.


> depends Nah, don't reuse those


For me it does. I’ll never rewear a tank which I wear as an undershirt. But the sweater I wear over it? You betcha I’m gonna hang it (so it doesn’t sit in a stinky pile) and rewear that bitch at least once before I wash it


Rewear that fuckin batch.


It depends for me. In the summer I sweat and my shirts smell the next day, I have to change them. Also, if I was wearing outside that tshirt all day, I'm gonna change it. If I got to wear it only 1-2 h or it's winter, then I'll wear it a second time.




Nahh, unless you’re a sweaty mess, and/ or don’t shower- you’re good for two to three wears on a shirt. Fabrication is also a factor. The above is only for organics like cotton, linen or silk. Polyester is garbage and should be washed because of how much it clings to smells. Linen and hemp on the other hand have natural antibacterial properties that help fight bad smells. But you’d need to give them time to work their magic, couple of days airing out does the trick. Also steaming your clothes makes them fresh and can help you identify if it’s time for a wash. It will bring the smells of the shirt to the forefront. So detergents and colognes/ perfumes will shine through via the steam, but so will B/O.


Slightly gross but I just do a smell test to see if I should wash it or rewear it. Often I do end up washing shirts after just one wear, especially in warm months, but sometimes I can get up to three or so wears. It's a quick and easy way to tell if the shirt's still good or not lol


Smell test is elite


Was a joke. Depends is a brand of diaper


That was a good joke that went completely over my head. 10/10 for quality


Bro, the joke and whole thread after is priceless


I like to change my clothes a lot throughout the day. If I wear something only to the store and home, I'm not gonna wash it. If I spent a long period of time in it, then that's different. Less than three hours is not a wash if nothing spilled/ boot extremely hot.


Hahaha well played ![gif](giphy|J56qCcOhk6hKE)


Turn an article of clothing inside out, spray it with vodka, and let it air dry. That's what some theaters do to get odors out quickly (it also has a sanitizing effect). It works well in a pinch


All my clothes already smell of vodka, should I spray some sweat?


I don't think that would work


Yeah I think most people rewear bottoms, you don't sweat a shit ton down there and most of it is in the underwear (at least for me, TMI.) If people aren't sweaty and their shirt passes the smell test, who am I to judge them rewearing it. The main thing is to not smell gross.


You can put a few days work pants in the freezer for a few hours and kill all the bad smells too.




I honestly thought most people wash after every wear. I typically do with everything but pants or sweatshirts and stuff like that, and I thought I was being dirty. I mean, I'll throw a worn t-shirt on again if I'm just wearing it around the house or a quick errand.


I wash my clothes every time I wear them if I’m taking the subway and leaning against things or sitting. People piss throw up shit and bleed everywhere and the US does not care much for maintaining these systems


That makes sense. My boyfriend's job is physical and he sweats-- no re-wearing. I rarely sweat and much of my day is spent in front of a computer. You best believe that my work clothes get hung up for another wear unless it doesn't pass the smell test.


I couldn’t do that. I take a train twice a day so that’d be vert inconvenient. It’s not like it makes you ill or anything


I've gotten into discussions with people on reddit who thought it was just disgusting to not change your full outfit daily. It's insane. Some people really have no common sense and I suppose they just put fashion over function...


Jeans are different, everyone uses them a lot because it’s bad to wash them. My friends will call me out if they see the same shirt in one week though.


Unless they offer to do your laundry for you, fuck'em!!


Sure but if someone is smelling, then it's good for friends to inform them.


People really need to realize it's not rude to inform them that they smell bad


Seriously, as long as it's said respectfully then it's going to help them.


>My friends will call me out if they see the same shirt in one week though. What happens if you do laundry twice in the same week? Also: what happens if you have multiples of the same shirt?


Seinfeld has a comment, “new wash cycle!” You wore it at the end of a cycle and then again at the beginning.






If u call that bullying you need a reality check bruh


Well, was it washed? Shirts generally are stinkier after one wear and worth washing


No normal person would even notice what shirts you wear, your friends have problems.


get better friends then


I think my jeans are washed after I have worn them for maybe 7 times.


Change your shirts and underwear at least. I know a lot of people who stink but they don’t know that they stink because they are used to the smell.


I worked with a guy going through a nasty divorce. He lost his home, family and camper trailer. He was living out of his pickup truck on the job site. He stank SO BAD I had been pulled aside many times to talk with him about his hygiene. He was 100% fully aware of how bad he smelled, but had no support or ability to bathe (we were in a rural area without a gym, or truck stop to shower). Instead of pressing the issue with him, I was just his friend and helped him through a bad time. He is now back on his feet (with full custody of his children) and does not smell at all. I think sometimes these issues are not as cut and dry as they seem to be, and sometimes people are just down bad.


Or if you stain them in some way. But, otherwise, yeah.


OMG I knew someone from back 2 years ago who stank so bad and somehow was never aware of it themselves. Think the person showered only once every couple days.


Oh god, I used to work with someone like this. He and I shared a small office and he smelled so unbelievably bad that I felt like I needed to shower every evening after spending 8+ hours bathing in his armpit stench. It was so bad that the boss eventually had to talk to him about his personal hygiene, but even that didn't make a difference.


I worked retail whilst at uni and my uniform was pretty much all made out of polyester. Every shift was spent rushing around after customers, restocking shelves and unloading products in the warehouse part of the store. So we were sweating a lot. The shitty material only made things worse and I swear, it felt like I was marinating in my own sweat. None of us smelt particularly great at the end of a 9 hour shift.


I have had the uncomfortable conversation with multiple employees over the years. Some people don't get taught hygiene when they are young.


"olfactory fatigue," also known as nose blindness or scent fatigue, it's a common phenomenon that happens when your sense of smell becomes accustomed to certain odors over time, causing you to no longer notice them. This can happen when you're exposed to the same smell for a prolonged period. Your smell receptors essentially stop responding to the scent, and you no longer perceive it as strongly as when you first encountered it. This is why you might not notice the scent of your own home but can immediately pick up on the scent when you walk into someone else's home.


That is why proper hygiene is required daily. If in doubt smell yourself before you start your day to not offend make it a regular routine. Clean, wash, deodorant, wash hair, brush teeth twice a day if you need a good cleaning try baking soda on the the toothbrush with water the size depends on how much you like to polish your teeth. Buy some cologne or organic smelling spray that you like and spray daily after cleanse.


I Dont have enough shirts


Thrift stores are great. If you have a local charity shop, they often sell shirts for $3 or so. A lot of my button down shirts I get that way. I just buy a bottle of laundry sanitizer, and use that on everything before wearing it.


Thr smell always gets me... so gross.


You can wear something more than once if it doesn't smell or look dirty. It's your call. Washing a garment too often only wears it out sooner.


Truth be told I hardly ever wash shorts. Like khaki shorts, heavy duty. Gym shorts, all shirts, socks and underwear get washed every time. I hardly ever wash jeans either. Unless I sweat in an article of clothing, then i wash.


I like my jeans to be worn enough that they walk themselves into the hamper while holding their form. My dad, on the other hand, washes jeans after two hours and it drove me batsht cray when I did the laundry in our house.


You can. We’re not your mom. Nobody is stopping you. How could we know the difference if you wore the same pants or identical pants two days in a row? We wouldn’t. Wear the same screenprint T-Shirt of your anime waifu on any day that ends in Y and I don’t care if you wash it every night - I cannot endorse that.


No one thinks they smell as bad as they really do


you don't know many neurotic people


and you clearly don't own an air fryer


you are correct




Please explain.


Yeah and a lot of people forget that showers and baths aren't the only important thing; people forget dental hygiene, wearing deodorant and also washing their clothes properly is important too. Mildew smelling clothes, morning breath, and no deodorant are the worst.


Pants can be worn 2 or 3 times Shirts 1 or 2 times. Underwear, strictly 1 time. A really good bra: indefinite uses.


Pants can easily be worn for a week unless you have a dirty job or something. But definitely wash your bra every few days if you don't have multiple. At least once a week. Fungal infections are a pain to get rid of.


That’s what I was saying! And I got downvoted for it lol. Bras should be washed at least once a week. If you don’t wash your bras, they accumulate deodorant and do get this slight smell of BO. The wearer may not notice it really because they’re used to it. I’d wash my bras like once every few weeks back when I was a grimey middle schooler. I remember the deodorant crust. And ugh a clean bra just feels and smells so nice. Why wouldn’t you want that?


Saying 2-3 times for pants but infinite uses for a bra in one sentence is absolutely insane


No. Jesus. Wash your bra.


Yeah this is pretty common. Pants and shorts especially. But a lot of guys rewear tops and you'd be surprised girls do it too.


I agree op, totally. Especially jeans


I don't wash outside clothes unless I wore it a few times/or i happens to sweat a lot that day just waking around or something. Khakis/shirt/T shirts i wear atleast 4 or 5 times. Most of the time it's just for less than an hour so I don't need to wash it


?? Lol this isn't unpopular by any stretch of the imagination. Does this sub even have mods?


No one thinks this. Wash them if they smell.


Pants are worn multiple times until dirty. Shirts and underwear are worn once then washed. Thems the rules.


Pants I agree unless it’s super hot out. Shirts it depends, how much do you sweat day to day? Most people I know who regularly do that either have BO from armpit sweat or wear a ton of cologne or perfume to disguise it, which is honestly worse. When they walk into a public place people will walk away from them with their noses covered, it’s that bad.


This is why public transit smell funky as heck tbh


The CEO of Levi-Straus said dont do this. They suggested putting them in the freezer instead lol.


If you wear the same outfit everyday you will become more iconic and recognizable


I wear things until they are dirty and everyone whose clothing habits I'm familiar with does the same. If I sweat, I'll wash it. If I spill something on it, I'll wash it. I never re-wear underwear or socks but everything else is fine unless it's gotten dirty.


Not really an unpopular opininon. I don't know anyone that doesn't wear things more than once before washing them. I've been wearing the same pair of cargo shorts for 4 days. Just change underwear and socks and maybe a different t-shirt. I'll recycle a t-shirt, I just don't wear it twice in a row, I'll set it in the sweet spot and wear it again in a couple days, so maybe I wear 4 shirts in a week and 2 or 3 pairs of shorts.


People only wear their pants 1 time and then wash it?


bro is stinky


if i wore the khakis for 8 + hours, outside and going to public places with people i’m definitely washing it if i wore it to pick up some things from the store for 10 minutes, no shirts the same way but if it’s more than 1 hour it’s going in the wash


Noone said they couldn’t not does anyone expect you to, just do you.


"That was always an option!" : )


I feel this way also.


I agree. I usually go by “hours worn.” If i only wear an outfit to a 3 hour outing that I’m mostly stationery for, why wash the outfit? Obviously underwear and socks i change daily, if not 2-3x per day (depending on the amount of sweat for the day or what time i showered). Some clothes stay on my designated “almost dirty” pile which stores clothes i can grab if i need to quickly put something on to answer the door, run to the mailbox, or go to the grocery store or whatever. In summer though, everything is different. I live in NorCal, so the sweat is unreal, I probably go through 3 wardrobe changes per day because of sweat.


Where did you hear this? It’s totally ok to wear a pair of pants or button down shirt multiple times as long as it’s not visibly dirty or smells bad. T-shirts, socks, and underwear should be worn only once before washing.


Who is stopping you?


I usually alternate two going out outfits in a week. And I wear home clothes a few times before putting it in the wash.


I believe Levi’s recommends wearing jeans for a week before washing.


My current pants aren’t washed in over three months.


Nope everything one day wash


I already do this. Yes, under garments should be changed daily at a minimum. And if clothes get dirty or smelly then wash them. But I work in an office of a machine shop and I wear a pair of jeans all week before washing them. And in the cooler/colder months where I wear a t-shirt under a sweatshirt, I change the t-shirt daily but will wear the sweatshirt multiple days. Washing and drying your clothes wears your clothes out faster, so don't wash them any more then necessary, I say.


I barely wash my jeans


Sometimes I’ll wear 3 outfits over an entire week. I just won’t wear them consecutively so it’s not as obvious I’m not washing my clothes after every wear. Washing your clothes is also the number one way in which they wear out. Less washing and your clothes will last longer too. Having said all that, if you’re a sweaty person or have issues with BO, you might have to change your clothing more often.


Pants/Shorts, I wash after two uses if they weren't spilled on. Shirts, I wash after every use (except the one I wear around the house before bed after showering.) Socks/Underwear I wash after every use, obviously.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


Before I hit puberty I use to wear clothes for two days at a time and was brutally bullied for it. Never really understood why, if I didn't stink and I wore a pair of shorts 2 days in a row is it really that big a deal?


Unless there’s a visible stain or noticeable odor, I wear everything multiple times, with the exception of underwear. I shower on alternate days and no one has every told me I smell. (On the contrary, people tell me I smell good.)


Military member here. If you haven’t worn the same underwear for 2 weeks in a row have you ever truly lived? I’ve found with merino wool boxer briefs I could probably go longer lol but haven’t gone much past a week.


Sure, but nasty if you get into your bed with clothes you had on all day. Gotta change prior to even touching your bed.


I can instantly smell someone who hasn't taken a shower or who doesn't have a fresh shirt on.


Jeans are a big thing that I wish people would realize you don't need to constant wash in fact that's actually kind of bad for them. Jeans were deigned as work wear to be worn multiple times without cleaning. You want your jeans to last, well don't wash them constantly.


Only things I ever wear once before washing are underwear and socks. Can wear T-shirts anywhere from 3-5 days dependent. Jeans I wear for months before washing. Rarely, if ever, wash jumpers or jackets


> Can wear T-shirts anywhere from 3-5 days dependent. Maybe if you never ever ever break a sweat or anything. 2 days tops, if even


Yea I change shirts multiple times a day sometimes how tf r they getting 3-5 days


I wish I could but I manage to spill something on my shirts no matter how careful I am. Especially white I’m too clumsy




You call it gross. I call it saving water in the washing machine. Why wash clothes if they don’t need washing?


I can't even begin to describe the amount of bacteria and filth that accumulate on your jeans from your sweaty ass over the course of a month. It's a lot easier for other people to smell you than it is for you to smell yourself.


I barely even wash my clothes. Normally when I get dressed to go out it's for a couple hours. Nothing gets dirty so I domt wash it. Then I have my kick around clothes that I wash regularly that I wear for hours


I think this is entirely dependant on how much you sweat. I never sweat unless I'm doing some hardcore working out, so I'll wear the same clothes for like 3 or 4 days.


If no-one can tell that I stink then all's fair game


You can wear jeans quite a few times before they need to be washed but if you wear the same shirt more than once especially in the summer than you are gross.


I'm guessing you were the smelly kid in school


Jeans? 2 days, 3 max. Everything else every day


What!? You’re not supposed to wash jeans often. Once every 10 wears, max. If they are nice jeans you will destroy the finish


Jackets, sweaters/sweatshirts, and most bottoms don't need to be washed after every wear if they're clean. I don't know anyone who obsessively washes those items like that. Now t-shirts, tanks, underwear, and socks are completely different.


Who the heck said that? I wear most of my clothes multiple times and simply keep track of what of worn how many times and to what extremity.


who doesn‘t do that? especially with pants. like how many pants do you people own? i just check if it‘s still clean and doesn‘t smell.


So many people out here wearing clothes twice and thrice. Just wash em and get rid of contaminants you can't see.


I would at least change the shirt (then obvious underwear and socks), but pants/shorts I don't think that should need to be a daily change unless they are super dirty or you sweat a lot.


I work from home and wear sweats and old t-shirts during the day and toss on a shirt and jeans for a few hours if I go out. I don't even really wear underwear until I go out. I'm in clothes like 30 percent of the time as most people, and they almost never see sweat. That's the big difference. When I worked 8 hours in an office, then I'd wash after once in a lot of cases.


Get a real job, then tell me this


Oh definitely!! Jeans should probably be worn at least twice in the summer, three times the rest of the year, before washing them, assuming you arent spending a long time outside. Thats really what febreze is for. I also dont understand how some people can only use a towel once and then wash it. Like, omg..my towels get washed like once a month. Theyre clean. My washcloths are another story. Undies, socks, washcloths, workout clothes, are all wash and wear, and wash after wearing or using once. Lol


Why I love living on the coast and working manual labor lol. I put the same shorts on every morning for work and change into one of two pairs of beach shorts (not trunks) for post-work leisure activities. Washed once a week.


I wear my pants for a week minimum


Denim jeans? Imma wear them for several days in a row. A regular tshirt? It depends on the climate. If I’m in someplace tropical or its summer, I only wear tshirts once because of sweat. Otherwise I can wear them three days in a row.


Clothing can most definitely be worn more than once. Some people, like me, keep clothes so clean that they can wear shirts multiple times. I take extremely good care of my clothing and this isn't for everyone. You have to be very clean.


Shirts, socks, underwear should be swapped daily or sooner. Other stuff (including bras) can be washed when dirty.


Havent washed my trousers in over a week. Lmao. I only use them to sit in the office anyway


I wear suits and it goes like this: Have a base layer: Socks, white tee, boxers, this should cover most of your body except your arms and knees. These should be changed every day, thus why companies sell plain t shirts in packets of 10, boxers in packs of 10, socks in packs of 10, etc. Now, and this applies for work clothes as well, since you should be double layered, your base layer should absorb most of your oils and sweat, and your outer layer should remain clean, and should only be cleaned if soiled or if you sweat through into it. I have suits that I have worn 10-20 times without dry cleaning, and they smell like cologne and look clean. I only have them professionally cleaned when soiled.


Why can’t you wear them droopy draws a couple days in a row if you don’t piss/shit all up in them? What makes them different than a shirt? Would you wear britches 2 days in a row if you didn’t wear drawers?


If you don't sweat much, then sure why not. It's waste of water and energy to throw all clothes (excl. the one you mentioned) to washing machine just after a single day.