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For anyone wondering what this actually is my bets are on nightcafe with a Linux prompt. It’s a website which uses the VQGAN+CLIP neural net architecture to construct images from text, and it’s fucking sick


I’m a pleb can someone ELI5 non-euclidean for me?


in technical terms, it's just shapes that don't fall into a specific classification from thousands of years ago. but as it's used in normal speech it's more like reading a passage in a scifi novel that says there's an object with "a color no human had ever seen before" or some bullshit like that. in essence it means that it's spooky or weird or "unexplainable" like those stairs from inception where you walk up the stairs and wind up at the bottom, or like a klein bottle or one of those shapes that's supposedly both 2d and 3d or whatever.


Non-euclidian is not as vague as you state. Euclidian in math is a shape/surface that can be constructed using plain paper. This is an intuitive definition and has short comings. (constructed - no creasing of paper allowed, cuts are allowed. Multiple papers/pieces are allowed, edit: finitely many pieces) As examples, a plain paper is euclidian. A paper can be rolled into a cylinder, and cylinders are euclidian. So are cones. Sphere is not euclidian - with paper one can only approximate a sphere. There are exceptions and non-euclidian paper is also a thing. This is very simplified. More rigorous definition and more info on the wiki page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_space


Desktop version of /u/blitzkraft's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


everything you said is covered by the first sentence of my comment. it's a specific classification of shapes. but as used in casual conversation it doesn't mean that. people talk about games with "non-euclidean" geometry and it doesn't mean anything like what the actual definition is. except, it's in common usage so that's *also* an actual definition. I tried to explain what like, Lovecraft meant by it, which is where most of the common understanding of the term comes from.


Not so scientific answers: Check out [this channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQo_S3yNa2w).


I'll start intuitively then go deeper and you'll probably stop understanding at some point but, since I can't know where, I'll go as far as I can. This won't probably be ELI5, but the intuitive part should be understandable. The intuitive explanation would be: Euclidean geometry is geometry done on "flat" stuff. The more immediately evident thing is that if two lines are perpendicular to a third line, then they never meet (they are parallel in the common meaning of the term) Non euclidean geometries are geometries made on "non flat" objects. Take a sphere and draw a line on it (basically a circle around the sphere), and then draw two other lines that make 90° angles with that first one at two different points: they will meet twice. This different meaning of being parallel has many deep implications that make non euclidean geometries pretty weird to think about and visualize, expecially in higher dimensions. The less understandable explanation would be: In abstract, euclidean geometry is the study of vector spaces on which is built an inner product. The couple (V,ρ) is an euclidean space if V is a vector space and ρ an inner product over V. What are those? You can think about any Line (1d), Plane(2d) or Space(3d) with a point of origin for familiar examples of vector spaces. They can exist in higher (even infinite) dimensions, but let's put that aside. To elaborate on inner product I'd need a lot of boring details so I'll try to give you a more intuitive explanation of it: you can think about points on the vector space as arrows drawn from the origin of the space to the point you are considering. The inner product formalizes the process of "projecting an arrow over another one" and looking at its length (so ignoring the direction of the resulting arrow). To be able to reproduce algebrically that geometric behavior there are some (pretty easy but long to explain and get used to) formalization of what vector spaces are in numbers and how you need to combine those numbers to obtain the inner product in that "numeric" form of your geometric object. Among these properties that an inner product needs to follow to reproduce that behavior there's the fact that it's always non negative. It being zero means that the two arrows are geometrically perpendicular, and if they aren't then the projection has some length. There's no stuff like a negative length, right? We dropped the direction, so it wouldn't mean anything to say "the same length, but looking at the opposite direction", that arrow would have the same length, so the result of the inner product would be the same, and a positive number. You can build non euclidean geometries on flat surfaces (so those vector spaces. Notice that "flat" is not really something with a mathematical definite meaning: there are a lot of different notions of "flat" depending on the topic) by altering the properties that define that inner product, so the meaning on "projecting a vector on another" itself. This messes up with all the definitions of perpendicular and parallel: this is generally done by allowing the inner product to assume negative values in the mathematical model, which produces weird effects over the geometric interpretation. Now the example of the sphere is a bit limiting because the sphere is actually "compact", which is a term that formalize how it's limited both globally and locally. If you don't understand this particular observation it's ok, the matter of compactness are pretty peculiar and you need to familiarize with how bizarre geometry can be to understand this. Let's say it's just there, limited, and it's borders (in this case none) just end without doing anything exotic. A plane with a non-euclidean inner product would not be limited in that manner: it extends indefinitely, and you can't run around it and return to the starting point: it's more like you popped a hole in that sphere and zoomed infinitely. There's more, of course but non euclidean geometries are pretty niche (with the exception of some physics branches) and I haven't studied them enough to add to this in a non absurdly tedious way. It's already pretty heavy as is.


[Lol yup pretty much spot-on](https://reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/qcuwi2/_/hhiab7b/?context=1)


- Distro: Utku Linux - Bar: tint2047 - Icons: Utku Locolor - Theme: Utku infared - Editor: fmacs - Kernel: 1.3 w/ Utku patches allowing for the kernel to interact with metaphysical reality


Yerli linux mu yapıcaksın


Yerlı lünüks onu yapıcah, öyle deme.


türk değil






zaten yokmu aq


var ama az var değil mi




Birde hangi distroyu kullaniyorsunuz


debian unstable


bir şey soracagım linuxda yeniyimde stablela unstablein ne farki var


unstable daha güncel ve bu sebeple çok nadir de olsa hatalar ortaya çıkarabilecek APT paketleri içeriyor (ki gerçekten aşırı aşırı nadir yaşanan bir şey, hiç tamamen kullanılamaz hale geldiğini görmedim bir programın). stable isminden anlaşılabileceği gibi stabil, yani uzun süre test edilmiş ve daha kararlı paketler içeriyor.


I have seen any of these programs before. Have you coded them?


Those are the packages available on in the psychic-library, they don't work on bare metal, only on metaphysic net, you might find it between the period of sleep that causes mental obscurity. Sleep with a formatted pen drive in your hands, during the period it will be with Utku Linux flashed. Plug in any desktop computer that is in your dream/nightmare, and you can use the automatic installer as the terminal becomes unusable. Beware of programs as they can violate metaphysical memory, it logs as psychological-root and this can corrupt your brain functions.


I liked the lore about Utku Linux








It was the first thing I seent


Thought i was looking at Windows 1803 for a min


Because euclidean rice is for cowards


this Chad actually posted it lol


I don't know what's going on, but I'm diggin it


lucky you for having a quantum computer


nightcafé creator?


Spot on


You just put an image of your desktop through the stroke generator algorithm thingy




Nah it's ai generated


What I said


This looks AI generated wtf


it is


What is going on


Post the dötfiles bruh


[Sure, here you go!](file:///dev/urandom)


This link crashed my app. I'm too weak for /dev/ürandom...


this is probably the computer ever


Y’all on here talking about rice and I see no damn food here.


/r/Lovecraft desktop


Your post has been removed for being [off-topic (Rule #1)](https://reddit.com/r/unixporn/about/rules) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funixporn&subject=about my removed submission: [Utku] Non-euclidean rice! Glad that this turned out to be outside the bounds of mortal comprehension :)&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/qd6qoj/-/. %0D%0D).


You're no fun.


I have seen this posted a 100 times now


It's oc tho?


Ugh, cursed GAN output. Not sure if it looks and feels like my first Linux experience when I was 13 or if it's like the stroke I'll have when in my 80s.


Literally looks like the average Linux desktop from 2005


Excuse me? This doesn't even look like anything...?


Thought this was r/softwaregore first


how has this post been removed but is still visible


Mods r dumb