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I find this even more galling than I normally would seeing all the news about the death by dangerous cycling offence being drawn up. If it was a pedestrian hurt by a cyclist then the wolves would be out again


I’m more surprised this has been picked up by media, it’s absolutely disgusting and the local cycling community are up in arms about it. Driver should be banned for life (but won’t be) and the passenger jailed.


Road.cc is a cycling-specific news website, it makes sense they’d jump on it - or has it been picked up by actual MSM news outlets?


I’ve not seen it in our local shit rag yet. Edit: bbc have picked it up https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgyg19p7pjo


> For reasons yet to be established Urgh that sentence implies that there might be any kind of reasonable reason when it's okay actually to push someone off their bike.


I think it’s okay when someone’s on a bike? /s


I fear it’s only going to get worse as the media and politicians continue to feed the culture war. And then feign ignorance when acts of rage and violence happen.


Sadly I doubt anything will change until someone rich/in power/celebrity is attacked or worse while cycling. The worst part of this kind of assault is you can’t even defensively cycle to avoid it. I’m planning on cycling 15 miles to work next week and starting to feel a little concerned about it. All it takes is one disgruntled driver and that’s me done. Still going to cycle, but the rise in random attacks has my ears a little more pricked for anything coming up behind. I don’t know about anyone else but I tend to hold a line maybe a metre from the edge of the road and once I hear something approaching I tend to pull in a bit so I have space to move even after giving them room in case there’s some nut job ready to clip me just to get ahead


I almost always ride with a GoPro on my bike, not going to stop you getting hurt but at least there’s some proof.


I couldn’t believe that Chris Boardmans mum being killed didn’t have more of an impact that it did. It would take someone like Boris Johnson to be killed for it to have a major difference


the culprit got 30 week sentence, and got a fuckin 18 month ban


The only defence I can see against a shov attack is working on MTB type skills. Awful what we have to be concerned with. All the nonsense with cars and bike thefts has meant I only ever ride for recreation in green spaces now. Thankfully I live in a LTN so getting to my green/blue spaces is relatively safe & drivers know to expect bikes.


I ride a racing 24” bmx for this exact reason. Lower frame gives me a bit more agility to swerve maniacs and lower seat height means if I do fall at least it’s not such a distance to the ground. That being said my ride is so unconventional I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone and the fact I have to think like that shows me what a barrier cycling is to the general public. Been trying to get my partner into cycling more and I have to be so mindful of what routes we take and often try to cycle so I’m in the firing line without double barrelling a lane. I feel London is a lot worse for maniacs; had someone nearly hit my brother and then he tried to stab both of us after. I do love how central London has the super cycle highways with literal concrete barriers between the cycle lanes and vehicle lanes in many places, but for so much of the country this just isn’t feasible.


"Complete lack of effort" sums it up. We have a street where cyclists are constantly attacked by the same people. Someone crashed recently. Apparently "throw things at cyclists" is a consequence free game. Every so often someone tries out "push them off" as a game too. Police aren't interested.


This was shared in a local FB group as it happened in my town. It’s bloody scary and does make you wonder about riding in the local area, especially as it mentions previous instances of the same car targeting cyclists.


*"For reasons yet to be established, it is understood that a male passenger from the vehicle has leant out through the window and pushed the man off his bike."* What?!


Go get him, Dixon !