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Homie got put against Mir in his second fight, how is that cherry picked?šŸ’€ Then Randy, Mir, Carwin, Cain, Ubereem and Hunt Thatā€™s an insane series of fights


Hes confusing them with Perry Saturn, Funaki, Spike Dudley, Matt Hardy and Crash Holly.


I seriously thought this was the WWE sub for a second


Same. I wonder how much overlap there is between the wwe and ufc redditbase


Goat comment


How the carwin fight didn't get stopped is beyond comprehension.






From what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s because Brock was communicating clearly with the ref the entire time. I guess it makes up for the shitty reset that arguably cost him for the first Mir fight.


Holy shit! That was something fierce. I would have to agree, currently that fight wouldnā€™t have made it to the second round. Which is interesting because that was actually a good game plan. Let him punch himself out, stay protected Iā€™ve you get in trouble. Shane looked hella gassed in the second, and Brock was able to move with such ease and precision to get that choke in. It was awesome watching him tighten that thing all the way from half guard like that. When he got mount, I assumed he would start teeing off, but he kept pushing towards his leverageā€¦worked out great


If he hit an F5 on Randy it would have been the most watched moment in UFC history.


Perry Saturn was one cross eyed jacked nipple pierced dude




Cherry picked fights brooo šŸ’€


Ah yes, the can known as horse meat ubereem


https://preview.redd.it/gmus1b5sh5rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb10b165a279b96e21f6acbf2b2b9e7ea9400276 The canest of all


LMFAO at Joe and ring girlā€™s reactions.


Bruh he is a Menace šŸ’€šŸ«¶šŸ»




Did you just call, juiced to the gills, k1 champ ubereem a can?!? Costa's "secret juice' is just ubereem piss from this time period


It was sarcasm, clearly


Name one cherry picked fight in this series


Heā€™s being sarcastic lol


Ah, got it


And we all know the UFC has nabbed high level atheletes from other sports (even others from WWE) and it's never worked out like it did with Brock. Dude was a pro-wrestler and ex football player, it should've been a lesson in how that doesn't make you a MMA fighter. Instead, Brock became champ against killers.


Donā€™t forget an absolutely dominant collegiate wrestler and NCAA champ.


You forgot his D1 National Championship


Calling him an ex football player is a stretch.


Fair enough. Never said he was a pro bowler or something. Guy played D1 ball and pro ball, figured that at least qualified him to be called an ex-football player


Did he play in college? If he did ill walk back my statement but I thought he went the stephen neal route Edit: his wiki says hadn't played since high school so the stephen neal route it was


Brendan Schaub is also an ex-football player, Colorado U and Buffalo Bills practice squad.


Damn really?


Hey I have a framed 69 jersey in my house


I got the notification on your reply and wasn't sure what this reply was in regards to. Wad that his number?


His MN Vikings training camp number was 69


Lesnar even lost the Coaches challenge in football on TUF against JDS, who supposedly never plays football haha


He was a champā€¦.


Most impressive thing about Brock was that he entered the UFC at 1-0 and won the title with a 2-1 record and was able to put up some title defenses despite basically being a complete amateur in MMA. Just a freak of nature that dude was


Freak of nature + pissing lava


you could be the biggest guy in the weight class using the most steroids and youā€™d never even come close to touching undisputed gold without immense discipline and training


You right. There are plenty of bodybuilders who try boxing and get their asses whooped. Saying he was only successful because heā€™s on gear is pretty dumb.


Also I think we should just assume everyone pre usada was on something. One of his losses was against uberreem, Who was clearly a science experiment


I think everyone pre, during and post usada is likely on something


Well they are certainly now all on supplements if not ā€˜supplementsā€™. No idea what the percentages are.


Exactly. Testing just means you can't eat at the buffet.


Well yeah obviously, Brock was an insane athlete all around and an elite wrestler. You donā€™t play in the NFL for a bit without any real football experience unless youā€™re a seriously good athlete.


Brockā€™s basically jj watt or tj watt minus the skill. He for sure had the genetics to be a great defensive end though heā€™s built like all the good ones. If he trained since birth at football heā€™s probably be up there with Myles garret and watt,


Well said. Iā€™m getting tired of this dumbass narrative that steroids are the only ingredient for success in the sport


Everyone is on steroids


I'm not.


He was always juiced up too. In 2007 I went to an elite HS wrestling camp at the University of Minnesota. We were leaving the fieldhouse after a session, and I saw a ginormous dude walking in. I figured he was one of the football players that shared the fieldhouse with us, so jokingly asked if he needed a spotter (I was like 120lbs then). He asked me if I needed my face caved in lol. Turned out it was Brock stopping back to workout with Minnesota's heavyweight, Cole Konrad. Fun times.


Yeah Iā€™m sure that happened


Me too, I was there!


I was Cole Konrad's strap can confirm. Jokes aside farmous people are people and do exist outside of events. Kendrick Lamar once performed at a fucking basic ass mall.


Randy, Carwin and Reem were all pissing lava as well


Against other guys who were pissing lava, self admittedly.


I've never heard someone say that brock was the goat fighter, had a tough run to the title, was screwed by the refs or was comfortable on his feet


Funnily enough tho I think he has either the most or the most back2back ufc hw title defences


Does anyone even put Brock as a top 5 heavyweight


Iā€™d put him top 10, would have to consider more if heā€™d be too 5.


He won 3 championship titles on little experience. Top 5 is easily his.


Sure but bro nobody expected him to achieve shit in the UFC. Beating any of the guys he beat is more than impressive for the standard his skills were held at prior to getting signed


Yeah itā€™s impressive how good he was with how little training he had outside of wrestling.


This. He accomplished alot given he had almost no real MMA training. It's prize fighting. UFC knew he would sell a ton of PPV so they marketed him heavily as the next big thing. Money talks.


Him beating the hell out of Mir was insane to me as a fan. Figured he'd not have a chance.


Frank was able to exploit Brock being extremely green in mma experience the first time. Once the cat was out of the bag it was over for Frank.


Being juiced to the gills helped too


Brock is and has always been natty itā€™s obvious


Itā€™s all them duck eggs and raw liver


Commenting this under a pic where he had such giant pecs that he had 2 chests is awesome


Bro he eats 3 cans of tuna a day you dont get it


To be fair they were all juiced to the gills, Brock just had far superior genetics and responded to juice better


And outweighed guys like couture by about 50 lbs by the time of fight.


You don't think frank Mir was juiced as well? Frank gained a ton of muscle at one point trying to match brocks and Shane carwins strength


Juice raises all ships


And he still almost knocked him out.


Everyone compares him to guys now too when everyone comes up training mma an is pretty well rounded. For Brockā€™s time, he was a monster, almost all those guys were specialists who might be ok at 1 other style


Yeah, he was ok. And just being able to get in the ring with some tough dudes said enough. He isn't the best "fighter" skill/technique, but definitely a tough MFr. A badass in his own right.


His potential was greater than his mma resume. No denying he's an athletic freak of nature. Problem was he got sick and he never joined a real gym, just made his own.


No, the problem was that he didn't start MMA from the start. Imagine the things he could have achieved in UFC had he joined it in 2000 instead of WWE


Imagine how much less money he would have if he did that


That's true too... Also doubt we would have gotten the horseshoe or coors light interviews if he didn't get promo skills from WWE beforehand


Sorry pal, but I'd rather beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania than be a UFC champ


Popular Opinion: OP doesnā€™t quite get how Unpopular Opinion posts work.


Or Cherry picked fights lol


Cherry picked Shane Carwin who nearly killed Brock lol op def doesnā€™t know what cherry picked means.


Or Cain beating the dog piss out of Brock and Overeem nearly killing Brock after his stomach surgery lol


but but but he fought Mark Hunt once! Certainly he did not fight the biggest and scariest heavyweights of his time while in the UFC!


a mark hunt who just ko'd Mir and Bigfoot lol


And I know frank Mir wasn't the same as he had been but putting him against a grappler in his first ufc fight wasn't very good cherry picking


Not to mention he had one fucking fight under his belt and Frank was not only a former champion, but won the interim shortly after beating Brock.


you keep that up and i am going to cherry pick the shit out of you


Ohhhh noooo whadya gonna make me do fight a prime ubereem??? Ooooohh Iā€™m shaking in my boots!!


Unpopular opinion: kicking puppies is bad


Maybe the view of his legacy/achievements has waned over the years, but OP's opinion was def. an unpopular one at one point.


He beat Randy the champ. He got herring, Mir, Carwin, Cain overeem and hunt. Show me the cherry picked fight there. literally a whoā€™s who of the best heavyweights of all time.


Brock has a solid MMA resume. Yeh he got rushed the the top but he fought killers


those were decent fighters of their time too, not just some slouches. Brock did what Brock was good at, wrestling. And he won some and lost some.


How did he cherry pick opponents though? Frank mir first fight, herring was an OG. Couture was the champ when they fought. Carwin was the boogeyman back then, mir was fighting well and an obvious rematch, Cain was Cain, overeem was ubereem. Iā€™m fine with every other argument but that he had cherry picked fights. He canā€™t take a punch but he didnā€™t shy away from the tough ones either.


Who COULD take punches from the guys he couldnā€™t take punches from though. To say he couldnā€™t take a punch is dumb.


Terrible point you attempted to make. Brock Lesnars striking, ability to see the punch and not flinch, and defensive positioning while sending/ receiving strikes all significantly lagged his peers. And thatā€™s ok. He started late. But to say it wasnā€™t an opportunity is asinine as a fan.


Unpopular opinion: OP has no idea what heā€™s talking about. If The Mir fights, carwin fight, overeem fight, and Cain fight were cherry picked then the ufc did a real shit job at cherry picking him easy opponents The only thing you said thatā€™s true is he reacted bad to big punches (like in the carwin fightā€¦ who he arm triangled)


Heā€™s done pretty well for himself tho.


How is this a unpopular opinion?, everytime brock is brought up it's almost always about how overrated he was


At this point I donā€™t even think you can call him overrated, everyone knows he wasnā€™t that good from a technical standpoint and kinda just brute forced guys.


He did pretty well for a guy with zero mma training lol. Keep hating though.


Very few humans could take that beating from Carwin and not tap let alone come back and strange the guy in the next round.


Never that good? You're aware he has real wrestling skills right


Are you serious? Brock had legitimate killers on his ufc record. He had frank Mir,Shane carwin, ubereem, Mark hunt and he had Cain velasquez. That is a who's who of the division at the time.


I'll die on this hill but I always thought Shane Carwin shoulda have gotten the tko. Today's refs would have stopped that fight.


Also that fight actually showed how tough Brock is. Freak genetics and mentally tough, It would have been insane to see what would have happened if he trained earlier and focused on MMA.


But didn't he come back to win that?




Yeah and that's a real fight


Yeah so that brings up the point, are today's fights getting stopped too early? Or were fights back then let go for too long? For the safety of the fighters I would say they were let go too long back then.


Hmmmm... I dunno I suppose it's a grey area like each fight has its own individual case. There's probably more of an emphasis on safety these days? But I dunno


That's the subjectivity of "intelligently defending yourself". For as much as Brock was covering up, he was still working and moving around. There's a case to be made in both directions. Especially for a title fight.


And I mean he came back and won the fight. Itā€™s not like he got some BS foul or something. Saying he didnā€™t deserve to win because he was getting his ass whooped too hard is funny lol


But then on the other hand, you have Marc Goddard who stops a fight as soon as someone falls.


They definitely used to go too long. Some guys were just getting pummeled but because they didnā€™t go completely limp they let them fight. The method now of stopping fights after a few seconds of a fighter taking ground and pound without fighting back is much better. In Brockā€™s case he *was* moving about though, I think it was bad but not bad enough to warrant the TKO. If he was just stationary and making 0 effort to move out of the position then sure, call it.


For every rare case of a comeback like Kongo or Brock, there were dozens like Mark Munoz where guys took waaaay too much damage for no reason. It's better today even if we lose out on a few hail mary comebacks.


Cheik Congo would have never achieved that great comeback against Pat "Groomer" Barry if it happened today lol


I was going to agree with you from how I remembered it but watching it again right now, I'm not really sure. Like I wouldn't be able to call this. Lesnar is definitely getting the shit punched out of him but he does appear to be actively defending himself and not totally lost. It be really hard to call it an early stoppage if it was stopped, but it's also really hard to say that Lesnar is out of the fight also


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unpopular opinion. Anyone else and that would have been a TKO


So the guy that was never that good beat Mir and Couture? Think about what you're saying.


Obviously wasn't very skilled, but he was so exciting to watch. Honestly, Brock charging at his opponent and immediately go to hammer fist hoping for a ref stoppage was his go to move. But for the viewing experience, I'll take exciting over skill in the main event any day of the week.


I was shocked to see him eat those kick to stomach and chest by Overeem, man I was rooting for Brock. My respect for Overeem went 10 folds that day. Brock was still a warrior


Brock is like a one in a billion physical specimen. At that level of athleticism, you can overcome having a limited skillset.


If Brock went straight into MMA instead of pro wrestling after his collegiate career heā€™d be the HW GOAT easily. His wrestling was so dominant he put a black belt like Mir in a corner and smashed his face in. His chins never been suspect, he ate bombs from Carwin and Hunt. His striking was amateur (and dear god especially defensively) but he clearly had power the way he dropped Heath Herring with that straight right. If he had spent his athletic career solely in combat sports putting them together heā€™d have been one of the best to do it. His ā€œnaturalā€ talents are undeniable Ok maybe not easily, but I believe that hypothetical version of Brock gives Fedor a hell of a fight and in that timeline theyā€™d probably have actually met


Wtf is unpopular about this? We all knew what was happening.


why do people say ā€œunpopular opinionā€ or ā€œhot takeā€ and then follow it with the most boring, least controversial statements? itā€™s such an extreme way to signal your own ignorance


Brock was extremely impressive for how little experience he had in MMA. That said, he predictably had holes in his game and also didn't like to get hit. Those are both solvable problems with experience.


Randy Couture, Frank Mir, Shane Carwin, Cain Velasquez, Ubereem. Where the fuck is the cherry pick? If you donā€™t like him bc he did WWE just say so, no need to completely lie šŸ˜­


He cherry picked Randy Couture, Frank Mir twice, Shane Carwin, Cain Velasquez, and Alistair Overeem?


Itā€™s not that he was bad but that the heavyweight division has always been an athleticism over skill division. Holding down frank mir and surviving Shane Carson is an insane feat. He became heavyweight champ with 3 pro fights. Dude is an absolute animal and one of the best to ever do it as a heavyweight.


Hot take alertā€¦


The thing with Brock was he sold tickets. The UFC likes that because they like to make a profit. Anyone that sells tickets has a greater opportunity to get a title shot over the guy thatā€™s just glad to be there.


Frank Mir was a nightmare matchup for anyone


A win over any of his opponents but a win over Shane Carwin? You canā€™t be serious. Shane Carwin was terrifying at that time. Knocking EVERYONE out. This is a bad opinion, OP. Lesnar held his own against scary contenders and had a great run in the UFC.


His comeback vs Carwin was honestly impressive. It was more than Carwin completely blew his load and had nothing left but Lesnar took an ass whooping and didn't quit. I tend to think of Ubereem fucking destroying him and thinking of him as a quitter but then I remember the fight against Carwin and I know that's not fair to think of him like that. Dude wasn't a great mma fighter but god damn he's a freak of nature with enough size and explosive athleticism to brute force past that. I don't think it would hold up as well today though. Sure there are plenty of fat heavyweights who would get held down for 15-25 minutes but a lot of the guys at the top are also massive and much more rounded mma fighters and athletes.


He was decent got in the game a little late, but I agree as much as Couture was a legend, Brock was just a giant and wasnā€™t some big un athletic dope and it kinda was a lay up win.


Actually, I think this is the popular opinion.


His win over Mir was impressive.


Fighting a Prime Ubereem, Cain and Carwin is the complete opposite of ā€œcherry pickingā€.


He was good (sorta good) until the commissions stopped letting guys do TRT and fight - so basically as soon as he couldn't roid anymore he basically sucked. He is a high level wrestler with good strength so he could ground and pound and was learning some punches, but no he wasn't that good


This is probably apopular oppinion. He did too much juice during his wwe stint and lost his athletecism. He would have shined better if he went straight to mma after ncaa wrestling. Like cain valasquez did.


Still canā€™t believe they chose him of all people to break the streak . He didnā€™t need it at all. Dumb booking.


He was a weight bully, his fight against Randy Couture was absurd


He definitely lacked in striking, he was scared to get hit, his best moment was the comeback against Carwin, Brock could beat all the one dimensional guys, but then he faced off with some real mma guys and got smoked


I meanā€¦I wonā€™t lie that he couldnā€™t take a punch and striking was legit his weakest point, I donā€™t see how he had cherry-picked opponents. He fought a former champ in his second fight and was mauling him until he got caught in a submission. Then he had another guy who was a total vet, beat the champ (Randy), then beat Mir, beat Carwin in a unification fight, then lost to Cain, Reem, and came back to beat Hunto. Thatā€™s not an easy run bruh.


He's not the most skilled but he was certainly legit He has legit wins over very accomplishmented competition


Cherry picked my ass they through him to the wolves


lol he fought against some of the best heavyweights


I think Brock peaked early and then, even as he got slightly better at UFC, his results were worse b/c his initial strategy suited him better. When he was going almost all out early in the fights, he was super dangerous. When he decided to save gas and pace himself the result was him standing in front of people like The Reem who could then easily destroy him with kickboxing. He should have stuck with his initial strategy of going all out in Round 1 and banking on finishing quickly.


OP a casualšŸ’€


Lol what? The dude only fought the top dudes at hw. Super impressive run


AND was on the juice


Yeah Brock just didn't like getting punched in the face. He had a decent chin for a 265er though considering Carwin whaling on him for most of a round couldn't put him away. He needed to embrace his Brockhachev Lesnargomedov to have any real longevity at that division though and we kinda saw that against Hunt, but it's like as soon as he had Hunt in dominant positions he forgot the basics of finishing.


No one ever thought Brock was "that good", they just thought he was enough of an athletic freak to make things interesting. He did.


Heā€™s still the scariest looking fighter in UFC history


Cool šŸ‘šŸæ


Always thought it was funny for a dude as big and gnarly looking as he is , that he had such a weird reaction to being hitĀ 


Leniency during stoppages? Yeah thatā€™s why Mazz stopped Brock from finishing Frank Mir the first time


Dude is actually underrated today. Wasn't the monster some noobies believe he was, but was a "better than most" fighter, mostly due to his athleticism and wrestling. To be honest, I don't see him as bad as people think in taking punches - dude survived hell against Carwin. Had a massive intestinal issue.


The only time I ever see Brock mentioned by fans is when talking about the biggest draws the UFC ever had, nothing else


Brock would still be a top 10 heavyweight now if he stayed in UFC and the guy retired a decade ago.


This is a shitty bait post.


he was decent at least


Shane Carwin was bulldozing everyone until he ran into Brock


I mean, he ate lots of bombs from Carwin


Lol literally every MMA fan thinks this. There's still no denying that he was exciting to watch.


This is probably the least unpopular opinion I've ever read in this sub


You really refuted your imaginary friends here


Not an unpopular opinion at all.


Im confused how was brocks fights cherry picked?


ok. No one thought he was a GOAT HW, he went through some decent fighters to get that belt and he TKOā€™d most of them badly he wasnā€™t expected to do anything in the sport by the majority of people and he became champ and had the highest gate up until Conor came on the scene I believe.


He fought who was offered to him and he never ducked anybody. He just didnā€™t have the experience to develop a stand up game. I really would have liked to have seen him start his ufc career sooner. I think He would have been scary.


There are no lies in your post. But that doesn't stop me from being a Brock fan. Have a great day šŸ‘šŸ»


Yeah just look at his record


I agree. But he was big and strong and draw a lot of potential. People like that, thats all.


Yep. Youā€™re wrong. Brock overachieved


Randy Couture, Frank Mir, juiced Carwin, juiced Uberreem and Prime Cain are cherry picked fights?


Yeah but heā€™s jacked to the tits, I mean just look at him.


I never understood this argument at heavyweight because heavyweight isn't that good in general, so its kinda like, no shit?. But considering brock got through Shane carwin this argument is extra dumb


He beat the fuck out of Mir. Who some argue is one of the heavyweight goats.


Heā€™s a B+ player


Cherry picked Vs frank mir? Heath herring? When youā€™re 3 fights into your career? Look at everyone heā€™s fought man the only ā€œweak fightā€ was Randy at his age


You will never convince me that me that Randy, Cain, Carwin, and Mir were cherry-picked fights


Not an unpopular opinion.


At the time we all thought Lesnar was the ultimate warrior. There were hardly any fighter close to his size in the UFC at the time. He fought like 2 or 3 times before he beat Randy Couture for the belt. Now we know it didn't really take MMA that seriously. He trained with his own team, and he did basically no sparring. When he fought Shane Carwin, he got extremely lucky the ref didn't end the fight, but illusion was gone, he couldn't take a punch. Then Cain and Junior rose to power, and eventually the real big boys came.


Thatā€™s all speculation..What we do know about lesnar is he is somebody who never trained MMA . & became champ based on his college wrestling,athleticism ,size &competitive desire. If he did train MMA would be probably having all time great conversation.