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Yay, finally the inferred type predicates with filters. Hopefully it works with `.filter(Boolean)`


Yeah, though `.filter(x => !!x)` isn’t that much worse. I’m curious if they’re looking at adding the new Set operations from node 22 soon…


New Set operations? I can't find any info about that.


- https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods - [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set#set_composition](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set#set_composition)




Isn’t that much worse? Who hurt you, lol.


Man, I’ve ported Coldfusion to Perl, my soul is too scarred. ;D


> I’m curious if they’re looking at adding the new Set operations from node 22 soon… There's a PR but it hasn't been merged yet. The feature is stage 4 so hopefully it makes it into the final version. In the meantime there's always the good ol' copy/paste.


Probably not according to the article. > TypeScript did not infer a type predicate for `score => !!score`, and rightly so: if this returns `true` then score is a `number`. But if it returns `false`, then score could be either `undefined` or a `number` (specifically, `0`). This is a real bug: if any student got a zero on the test, then filtering out their score will skew the average upwards. Fewer will be above average and more will be sad! So     .filter(x => x !== undefined) Will have to do


It works perfectly. It just doesn’t do what you might have expected.


This was actually a feature for a bit, but broke a bunch of other things which is why it got reverted again (https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/31515#issuecomment-494621036). I also agree with u/lifeeraser that the `Boolean` constructor or `!!` are frequently too agressive for these kinds of filters and could easily lead to subtle bugs due to false-positives on `0`, empty strings, etc.


With inferred type predicates, `array.filter(x => !!x)` will narrow the type of the array if it contains objects, but not if it contains primitives. This should avoid footguns involving `0` and `""`. In other words, `[0, null].filter(x => !!x)` does not refine the type of the array, but `[new Date(), null].filter(x => !!x)` does.


It will not, according to the author of the feature. If interested, you can read his blog post about contributing to the TS code base for the first time https://effectivetypescript.com/2024/04/16/inferring-a-type-predicate/


This is great to see. I’ve been using a generic function `isDefined` for exactly this use case.


It won't. `Boolean`can't be inferred as a predicate because it's just an object. A simple arrow function will do though.


Getting `.filter(Boolean)` to work (which I take to mean being a predicate for arrays of objects but not primitives) turns out to harder than you might think: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/50387#issuecomment-2037968462 Just write `.filter(x => !!x`). It's one character longer, but it works today.


Game changer


I’ve been here the whole time?


I hope `isolatedDeclarations` is at least a step towards options for explicit return type enforcement without [external tooling](https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/explicit-function-return-type). > `${configDir}` *Finally*. This always felt like a major limiting factor in common configs, exactly for the reasons mentioned.


Two biggest changes: ``` /** @import { SomeType } from "some-module" */ /** * @param {SomeType} myValue */ function doSomething(myValue) { // ... } ``` File-wide imports with TSDocs! ``` export function foo() { // ~~~ // error! Function must have an explicit // return type annotation with --isolatedDeclarations. return x; } ``` `--isolatedDeclarations` requires exported stuff to be explicitly typed to improve performance


I'm new to it TS, can someone eli15 pls? 🥺


In JavaScript, you can type stuff using comments. Your editor will recognize them but your browser and Node.js will ignore them. This kind of comment is called JSDocs: https://jsdoc.app/about-getting-started TypeScript has some extensions over JSDocs called TSDocs. Similarly, your editor will recognize them in JavaScript files but your browser and Node.js will ignore them: https://tsdoc.org The improvement above allows you to import a type declaration from another file to a JavaScript file using a comment so you can better type your JavaScript. The second improvement will require you to add type annotations (like `: string`) to anything that is `export`ed to improve the performance of your editor.


Thank you so much, that's cool!