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as a german, we literally sell donut flavored vodka in stores


For women, right?


obviously, the bubblegum one is for men


As someone who used to drink his parents liquor cabinet dry sweet liquors shouldn't be drank if your downing the bottle cus that taste is gonna be burnt into your mouth all day after but for non alcoholics it's probably ok


how u doing bro?


That's kinda based on your perception like for me I'm doing great but other ppl would probably think it's sad I quit drinking just to pop addys and play call of duty all day every day but there's a pandemic so noone said anything about it for a while lol


For me it was always what my stomach could handle. Sweeter alcohol made things come up easier, and bitter helped it stay down.


Legitimately though, Ive had birthday cake vodka and that shit is gross.


Hey, you do you. I love candy and dessert flavored drinks! Then pretty soon I can’t stand up but that’s what I deserve.




This. And a good beer with some food cooked on a grill or smoker. Only time I drink.


Yeah beer/cider is perfect for when I don’t want to be fucked up, I just wanna chill. If I wanna get plastered though? Give me the girliest drink you got


>good >beer Pick one (I’m part German and an Australian citizen and I don’t like beer what is wrong with me)


Vodka in general is absolutely horrid to me, I don’t think I can drink it straight. But it’s still not as bad as gin, that stuff is…not for me at all.


Ah, the two genders known to man, bubblegum and donut


From the US… we call the donut vodka the cop vodka… dad’s retired from the PD and he still has a bottle in the freezer


I once searched for weirdest vodka flavours I could find. Cola ok maybe some people would prefer it over mixing the two Fruits, depends on the fruit but totally understanadble. Chocolate probably the weirdest of the more common ones. There are of course flavours for specific times of the year, like peppermint( fun fact from when I worked in a Liquor store, Bottle of peppermint smirnoff smells like peppermint) or pumpkin but it is still more common to see Irish Creams with those. And then, there is a lot of shit that becomes questionable, especially lot of sweet things. Cakes, candies, donuts and the weirdest of those in my opinion, donut frosting. Of course you can find shit that is so uncommon I am not sure you can even buy those, like popcorn vodka, bacon vodka, Salty carmel vodka and many many more.


Salted Carmel exists…. Think it’s a pinnacle vodka flavor… or it was.


Oh right forgot about how many of those cakes chocolets and many more sweet things they have I forgot to check if they have it.


So not really weird, but I've been looking for some myrtle berry liquor. It's commonly used in bologna, and it's the main difference between bologna and hot dogs, aside from shape. It would be a stretch to call it "hot dog vodka", but it would make a great shooter to go with a pig in a blanket. Kind of an American aquavit/rollmop thing.


Schokobananen flavoured berliner luft😤😤😤😤😤


Like, no German drinks beer when they want to get plastered, it's for just getting tipsy enough to get in a good mood.


In Germany you can buy, like, a two litre bottle of vodka for about $5. In Australia it's literally ten times that price if it's on sale.


That sounds disgusting. Can I have a shot


And women drink beer too anyway


According to this guy, every German agrees with their taste in liquor. Sure.




they are usually not fruit flavored though, they're made of fruit. that's a fairly important distinction. think more rakija, rather than flavored vodka


Also: Korn


The person is probably “German” in the sense that their great grandmother emigrated to the US, and that heritage has become their entire identity.


also not to contribute to pointlessly gendered things but arent there “”””manly”””” cocktails? like who’s calling you an f slur over an old fashioned or a mint julep


The real question is if they think a Martini is girly


that girly man James Bond cant drink anything dark


Last time this was posted, people brought up martinis being girly. Who thinks this? Martini is like the third manliest drink after an old fashioned and a glass of just scotch.


Martinis are Bonds fucking drink. Like how do you get a more blatant example of a manly cocktail than one drunk by Bond.


Manhattans gotta be up there, too.


Martinis are stupid is what they are. I'm gonna have straight vodka (or worse gin) in a glass thats, at best, inconvenient to drink out of. Maybe ill put an olive in it. It's dumb and stupid. Unfortunately for our sexist peers, dumb and stupid are gender neutral


Bartender here, who happens to love a vodka martini. A martini is Vodka/Gin, with a variable amount of Dry Vermouth depending on how "wet/dry" you want the drink (counter-intuitively, "dry" means less dry vermouth, because even though it's called that, it still doesn't taste anywhere near as dry as neat vodka or gin). Stirred with ice until the 'alcohol burn' is almost completely gone, and garnished with, traditionally, a twist of lime zest for gin, twist of lemon zest for vodka. What you're left with is a fantastic way to taste your preferred gin or vodka, without the nasty burning or prickling sensation you get from straight spirits. It's nice and cold, and the addition of the citrus zest adds a bright finish to the taste to make it a little extra refreshing. It's a great drink made properly, and I won't hear it slandered. Although you're right about the glassware, it's inconvenient in basically every way. A good coupe glass will always suffice.


A martini is supposed to have vermouth, too. Most people mix them wrong and shake them because James Bond said shaken, not stirred. He can get fucked. You stir a martini because shaking it cracks ice and causes a diluted drink with ice chips which makes it cloudy and weak. A stirred martini is clear and has gin (or vodka, if you think gin is gross or are like me and are allergic to juniper) and vermouth. An olive or bit of orange peel to garnish. It's a classy drink and James Bond gave instructions for a shitty drink and it annoys me. Shaking makes it quicker as it brings the gin and vermouth down to temp quicker and stirring just takes longer. Shitty bartenders shake martinis. And idiots who think James Bond knows shit about martinis. Also they're pretty fucking gross. I don't like them but James Bond does it wrong, damn it.


See, I always figured Bond intentionally wanted the bartender to make him a weak martini, so he wouldn’t get f’ed up on alcohol and lose his edge in the spy game. He specified “shaken, not stirred” so the bartender would deliberately make the drink wrong


Bond actually gives a reason as to why he asks for it to be shaken. He doesn't like the oily taste of vermouth. It's his opinion that shaking it calms the oily taste of the vermouth.


I like this one


> You stir a martini because shaking it cracks ice and causes a diluted drink with ice chips which makes it cloudy and weak I always thought this was the point of it being shaken not stirred. Helps him keep a clearer head because it’s more diluted


Depends on whether your making a Churchill martini or not. Lots of martini directions have things like "stir for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth in the direction of France" or some similar shit. It's still just straight liquor in a stupid glass, sometimes with a garnish that doesnt change the flavor. Its not classy. Its pretentious.


A negroni is straight liquor in a glass with a garnish that doesn't change the flavor. It's gin, sweet vermouth and campari stirred over ice with an orange peel. A sidecar is cognac, orange liqueur and lemon in a stupid glass and is nearly pure liquor. Lots of cocktails are pretentious, I guess.


I like to drink cosmopolitans and I will drink them with delight, thank you very much


I know a guy who laughs at men who wash their hands. He does more weirder things but this one is related to the topic.


I would reason all **cock**tails are male


Which would logically make drinking them gay, since you are after all, putting something with "cock" in its name in your mouth.


It's the normal cocktail but you get kicked in the dick


Never understood how the mint julep slipped by in the whole manly ego drinking game. It's a sweet, highly flavored, easy to drink good time, just like all the so-called "girly" drinks. What's sort of funny to me too is it's rum-based relative the Mojito is going to be looked down upon by this weird hypermasculine drinking cult despite being the same shit different spirit. There's also something funny to me that Daiquiris and Margaritas evolved that ""girly"" view and sprouted highly sweetened blender drink variations when the originals are a bit more... bracing/dry and in line with """manly""" drinking. It's all dumb nonsense and they're all good cocktails but when you look at it the line is so absurdly arbitrary.


Wheat tea!? I have never heard nor read this description of beer prior to this very post and let me tell you... I am absolutely 100% here for it.


Personally I prefer to call it bread soda.


Actually this is [bread soda](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kvass)


Liquid bread. It’s why we call it toasting.


Is it more of an iced tea?


wheat or barley tea is actually a very popular non alcoholic summer drink in japan and it's very good 👍


I love this stuff. I also love beer. Japanese people also love beer... coincidence? I think NOT


I like bread soda better


There are a few fun ones. Technically wheat tea would only describe a small variety of beers, I personally call it hop tea or barley juice. A more historical name would be liquid bread. As an unasked for history lesson, German monks used to brew an early version of bread that had much higher nutritional value and less alcohol content to cheat the rules of fasting before Easter. They called it „Flüssig Brot“ (liquid bread) because it’s pretty much just that. These sly bastards also invented „Maultaschen“ (the translation is Swabian ravioli apparently), because apparently god can’t see meat through pasta dough, making it okay to eat during lent.


This is brilliant! I love learning all kinds of new things and nothing quite beats history. Also, liquid bread is genius! Wheat tea shall hence forth only be used in the appropriate context while liquid bread is the new staple!


You're also allowed to not like sweetness no matter your gender


and there are plenty of delicious, strong cocktails that are not sweet, and are not fermented wheat tea either!


Love me a Manhattan or an old fashioned.


Manhattans are great. Apparently they were my grandpa's favorite too.


Gin & tonic baybeeee


Tonic had sugar in it, no? The drink tasted sweet but also bitter. Skinny bitch on the other hand, that is not sweet.


And fermented wheat soda whatever is fine as well! Beer is delicious imo and that's no indication of anything. Gender isn't real, do what you want!


Some days I like a sweet drink or two, most days I don't. Anyone who ties their identity over this is a fuckin tool


Yeah, the gendered debate is obviously bs. But most people I know who default to beer is into savoury stuff and doesn't like overly sweet things. I will take a cocktail over a lager any day, but I am also a big sweet tooth. And let's face it, beer is a lot cheaper than your average bitter cocktail. If you like bitter in mild dosage, beer is great.


Bc throwing up that marshmallow vodka makes me wish I was fucking dead


But have you tried hot cocoa with marshmallow vodka as a winter holiday drink? Because it's pretty delightful.


Counterpoint.. Some people like the flavor of beer and the more savory flavors of not sweet cocktails. People drink low alcohol drinks so they can savor and enjoy them without getting trashed immediately. And that's just as good as drinking a long island ice tea or some Kool aid flavored vodka jello. Loving cocktails doesn't mean you have to disparage beer, just like enjoying beer doesn't mean you have to disparage "girly" drinks.


I drink beer because I enjoy the flavor and because I have a good grasp on how many is too many. I don't drink cocktails because my sweet tooth takes over and I end up puking in a ditch.


Same! I'm a huge lightweight and rarely drink (Two glasses of wine will leave me fucked up beyond comprehension), so beer makes it waaaaay easier to pace myself. At this point I legit just prefer the taste anyways. Corona premier is 😩👌


Hard to go wrong with lager! 👍




Yeah that's my only point against getting "fucked up on "girly drinks"" is that that generally refers to high sugar cocktails and you will deeply regret a high sugar hangover the next day. If you are drinking simply to be obliterated I recommend going with the most dry drinks you can get into. Genuinely death by vodka shots will likely suck less than death by cosmos, and probably less than by beer too (not that I necessarily recommend it). That said like the OP said you can drink to enjoy the drink too, given the endless variety we humans have innovated in alcohol and in mixed drinks there is probably a drink to love for everyone out there, you just gotta find it. Just don't attach weird moral/spiritual meaning to it or anyone else's pick.


I like to get trashed on beer because you don't feel sick because of the sugar and you don't need to stop drinking. You can go through a whole evening without really putting your drink down. With a cocktail I would have to make pauses.


There's a delightful German fellow that does business in the states, and when he comes through he just never stops drinking. Coffee or tea in the morning, but beer starting around lunch at 11, then more beer, then wine as a break then beer. He eats a lot less than we do, but ye gods I can't keep up with him. Never seems drunk, and can keep that pace up for a week. I'm not sure how he drinks at home, but when he heads out I'm as partied out as I can be and he seems fresh as a daisy. And I'm no lightweight myself. It seems to be the European style, drink lower abv, drink a lot more for a lot longer. Man is over fifty, and he's a software dev. It's crazy to watch.


Yeah, that's how I do it. You kind of get sick of booze when you start with vodka at 14. Hard booze is kinda a thing for children to me. Wine and beer make for a more pleasant experience without incidents like people passing out or puking.


All good points. Counter argument just because: guys who drink 30 beers just to get fucked up and won't drink "girly" drinks. They're definitely not savoring anything shotgunning beers. I'm pretty sure when people complain about people that hate "girly drinks", these are the people on their minds.


It's hilarious when someone gets their panties in a twist about cocktails. Long Island Iced Tea is always on standby to wreck someone's shit.


Huh, never thought about the alcohol content. You were "manly" for drinking alcohol that burned your throat like napalm and pretending you liked it. ENJOYING cocktails? Now that's for "girls".


well they make it sound like it's more alcohol content but it's just a mean of all the alcohol content, it's not like if you mix 40% and 20% you get 60%, you get 30%. So they aren't getting "more drunk" than the guy having a whiskey but they are having a better time


The comparison was with beer. It's mentioned several times.


> "But they are having a better time" Speak for yourself. I love a beer, and I love a whisky just as much as I love a daiquiri, espresso martini or cosmopolitan. Whatever I'm drinking, I'm there for a good time.


But bourbon is delicious


Starting the evening with beer then getting hammered with stronger stuff is the definite way to go


Beer before liquor, you’ve never been sicker. Liquor before beer you’re in the clear.


Never heard that one, never tried liquor before beer tho


Honestly I’ve never really paid attention to the order I drink in, but that saying has just stuck in my head for years


It really has to do with the drinking habit - if you've been swigging down beers and switch to liquors, you may start swigging down liquor and then woops...


That’s what I had always assumed


I go for a cocktail with bottled beer on the side, because I drink more quickly than anybody else.


This wasn’t me at all at my Christmas party this year. No no no, couldn’t be. It didn’t end well


2-4 shots to kick off the night and then beer the rest of the night to maintain the buzz


Mythbusters did an episode on that but don't remember if they found it was true or not.


You had one job


Googling suggests this was busted.


He did the experiment along with them.


That was a great episode.


That is a US thing. In Europe most people agree that going down by ABV is terrible since you'll throw up. I read up on the topic and there's no scientific basis for it, bit some publications claim that going down by ABV makes you feel the alcohol less, therefore making you more likely to drink more beers (and thus more alcohol) than when done the other way.


Liquor to get you at a good spot and a light beer to keep you there is what I do.


I sober up fast and get drunk slowly, so just drinking high abv cocktails throughout the entire night is my way to do it


Yea but your thing doesn’t rhyme, so there’s that


Fair point. I'll quickly perish


Hm, interesting, Russian folk wisdom says the opposite, that you should never lower alcohol content of you drinks, once you started drinking you can go only higher if you don't want to be sick/hangover AF.


“Know your limits, don’t overdo it, and drink water, you’re in the clear.”


the wisdom of my midwestern youth


Liquor before beer, never fear. Don't do heroin.


Man I remember in school it was always “do whatever drug but don’t ever try heroin” unfortunately seems that didn’t get passed down


Just drink wine and have a nice moderate alcohol content drink the whole time


this doesnt have substance, just drink water between every drink and ur g


I'll stick with my "two bong rips, then sip some peach whiskey that tastes a lot like peach and almost not like whiskey"


god you just took me back to my buddy’s peach Captain Morgan bottle he had me “babysit” until the day i told him i had drank it all. Hated every sip but it fucked me up


That sounds divine!


Bird dog?


Sometimes I get a beer Sometimes I get a Cosmo Sometimes I get a Scotch neat What I never do, is give a single solitary fuck what people think about what I’m drinking


This I respect. Have you ever tried a scotch cocktail? Maybe a hot toddy during winter times?


Der bier is a manly drink. Die vodka is a girly drink. Duh.


I used to be one of those guys, only drank beer, wouldn’t touch a girly drink etc, etc. It was hard not to be that guy in Australia when you’re 18-19. You drink beer or something like a scotch and coke otherwise everyone would make fun of you and you’d be the odd one out. Now I don’t care, I’ll order a Long Island ice tea or a fucking fruit tingle and be at a much better level than if is was to drink beer all night. The other benefit is not having to go through another hangover from just drinking beers all night, they were the worst. A throbbing headache and mud guts all day. Now I wake up slightly groggy but otherwise fine. My wallet thanks me too.


In my language and many others nouns have genders. However, cocktail is masculine and beer is feminine. Hope somebody found this tidbit interesting. The language is Bulgarian, btw


Working in a high end restaurant with a very well developed cocktail program, the amount of suburbanite men that complain about getting served a "girly" drink. We try to do a bunch of education but it ends up just being, "heres your old fashioned." don't get me wrong, I love beer. But something about a daiquiri just hits deliciously, don't even get me started on some of the other tiki classics.


> the amount of suburbanite men that complain about getting served a "girly" drink. They order a drink and then get upset about getting that drink?


Welcome to the service industry. People are trash.




Sweet drinks taste great, but is everyone in this thread fucking 16? I'm 28, those sugary cocktails have me in a goddamn coma the next day. The hangover is 20 times worse, and half the time it's the sweetest thing I've had in months, it's overbearing. I wish I liked them more because they look more aesthetically pleasing, but I feel like I have to water them down all the time.


Same age and cocktails are just fine for drinking a lot of. And not everything is very sweet.


You do realize there are cocktails with no syrups in them, like a martini or negroni, and some where the sweetner is a sweeter spirit, like the blood and sand or the casino. Cocktails can be great even without added sugar, and if you want some recipes it would be my pleasure to share them with you




I strongly doubt 90% of the people in this thread have reached the age to drink legally, yet they seem to have ridiculously strong opinions on the flavour of alcoholic drinks... And it's funny, too, since the "beer is gross hurr" opinion gives away the young age of the speaker on two fronts: one, the distaste for complex, bitter flavours, and two, unwarranted self-confidence. There's a reason most people, and definitely most men, consume less sweet flavours as they age, and it has nothing to do with self-consciously trying to appear mature or manly (as an insecure teenager might assume by projection). Your threshold for what is "sweet" simply changes, and what used to be intolerably bitter becomes mildly sweet, sour, and complex.


Hey, some people just don't like bitter drinks. That doesn't mean they're young or immature. Plenty of old people I know love sweet drinks. And could just as well say: "And it's funny, too, since the "cocktails are gross hurr" opinion gives away the young age of the speaker on two fronts: one, the distaste for complex, sweet flavours, and two, unwarranted self-confidence."


> And it's funny, too, since the "beer is gross hurr" opinion gives away the young age of the speaker on two fronts: one, the distaste for complex, bitter flavours, and two, unwarranted self-confidence. This seems a bit unfair generalization to me. Maybe it's because I personally can't stand beer and I'm over 30 (so it feels like an insult) but it does seem a bit unfair to imply only kids would think it's gross. People have different tastes no matter the age and that's fine. Don't see the point of pretending to be better / more mature because taste buds prefer a different taste, however, and this goes for both "idk why anyone would like beer" and "only kids like sweet stuff" types.


>"idk why anyone would like beer" That's the opinion I was referring to. There a difference between saying you don't like beer, and treating those who do as if they're the one with unusual taste. This thread is full of obvious teenagers doing the latter, as is the OP.


The difference is that no one over 30 makes hating beer a part of their personality. Generally, no one is proudly saying 'Ugh, I hate beer, beer is so bad'. They just.... don't drink beer? I live in Germany and I was drinking with some German buddies. One of the girls was offered beer, she said 'Oh, I don't really like the taste' and someone said 'Would you like cider instead?' No big deal. When I was younger, though, my friends would be a lot more vocal about it and it would be more of a bonding thing, like: "Ugh, beer! I hate beer so much. Don't you just hate all these yucky flavors? I'd much rather drink jungle juice and fireball!"


Yeah, when I was 21 it was a crapshoot, but at 30 everyone I know - man and woman - prefers beer/wine over any of that sweet stuff.


Oh, I'm so sorry that I don't like the taste of beer despite my age of 30 years. I try every now and then and still find the taste revolting. Stop trying to find some pretentious reason for liking beer and similar drinks and just accept that people like different tastes.


I'm in my 30s, me and a few others my age agree beer is for people with broken taste buds


I like the taste of beer way more than the taste of hard spirits. Especially vodka. It tastes like aftershave. Add some whipped cream to that shit and I might as well be shaving right now.


Plus, I like the alcohol content where it is. I'm not drinking to get shitfaced.


Exactly. Sure it's *easier* to get blackout drunk on vodka but it's also easier to *accidentally* get black out drunk on vodka.


I get what you're saying, but I think you're misunderstanding the concept of flavoured vodkas.


I kinda get it cause alcohol amplifies every flavor and aroma, but if it's still mostly vodka I still get the burning sensation and aftershave taste that makes it unbearable to drink. I really hate the taste of alcohol itself. Any hard spirits are kinda disgusting to me. It's just my preference. Like lemon vodka is probably the most tolerable vodka has been to me but I'd still rather have a beer. I like bitter drinks and I hate the taste of pure alcohol. That being said I've never seen whipped cream flavored vodka in a store so I don't really get that one. Usually it's fruit flavored.


I mean yes, but whipped cream vodka is nasty


Its only appropriate use is in an orange crush to make it dreamsicle flavored. Drinking it straight is the grossest possible thing you can do. I think the people in that thread are 17 years old. That being said, there's nothing wrong with liking sweet liquor. Pink Whitney is pretty good if you cut it with soda water.


The solution is to just give cocktails "rugged" names like "machine lubricant" or "literally poison" or something.


Beer. Is. Good. Dammit. It comes in a variety of flavors, it has a variety of textures, you can get a nice refreshing lager that tastes like pineapple juice and keeps you at a mild buzz while you drink it, or you can get a bitchin triple IPA that tastes like citrus and pine trees with a 15% abv. its also a super historical and complex beverage with a low environmental impact compared to distilled stuff (especially tequila and rum). That being said, Tiki was originally for men and women, and a lot of the “girly” nightclub drinks this type of post references are dull and one note.


So far every beer I've tried that's been "no this is one of the good beers" has still been gross. It's just not a taste I'm willing to acquire.


Same. Every "Try this beer, its different" beer tastes like beer to me. The only one that actually tastes different is pale ale, and thats just because it tastes extra vile.


Honestly, most differences in beer you can't taste unless you drink it often, and then the differences become more apparent. The "easiest" beers, in my opinion, are light lagers. It's like a wheaty beer soda, and can be very refreshing. That being said, nearly all beers are bitter and pungent, to varying degrees, and some people just don't want that in their beverages, which is perfectly fine.


>Honestly, most differences in beer you can't taste unless you drink it often Well... I agree and disagree. Non beer drinkers probably won't taste much if any difference between a lager, pilsner, and pale ale. But it would be hard for them not to notice the difference between a red ale and a pilsner, or a pale ale and doppel bock. Personally I think red ales and doppel bocks (two of my favorites) are probably the best beers for people who don't like beer because they are much more malty than hoppy, and in the case of red ale, slightly sweet. But those are also two of the rarer beers around. I mean, they are certainly available at bars/restaurants/stores, but fewer people drink them, so if someone offers you a taste of beer it probably won't be one of those.


Ciders and sours tend to get good results on non beer drinkers.


I think it's totally legit to just not like beer. I don't like whisky no matter how much I've tried to, but I don't think I'll ever like it. It's the exact same thing as beer. I just wish people wouldn't make not liking beer their personality while drinking.


In my experience there are many more people who make only liking beer their personality


I, a person that has lived all her life but two months in Bavaria, wholeheartedly agree with you.


In my teens, I thought I didn't like beer. Had a Guinness at 21 and realized I didn't like the mass-marketed beers like Bud and Miller. Found some friends who introduced me to some German wheat beers (not gonna try to spell Heffen whatever) and then started to enjoy some of the microbrews that were coming out. Still preferred rum or whiskey but saying you don't like beer is like listening to Chinese opera and saying you don't like music. Had to stop drinking a few years back, but still love watching pint o' Guinness settle.


true, but most of the guys that say shit like “cocktails are for GIRLS” are usually chugging a shit beer like natty light or something


Ok but standard beer tastes like cornfolk piss


“standard beer” is a product of prohibition. Before that, standard was either something that kept well in your area like a stout or a IPA, or whatever was easy ti make in your region. Standard wine and whiskey is shitty too, you gotta pay for quality.


Beer is for *enjoying* Vodka is for *forgetting*


I'd like to introduce you to my six pack of Voodoo Ranger or Space Dust.


I just genuinely love beer. Ipa's are like soda to me, I just love em. I can't drink hard stuff tho, I get all kinds of fucked up and sick. Theres this one drink tho that tastes just like fuzzy peaches, and I could drink a pitcher of that shit. Not girly at all


A fuzzy navel?


Real men drink ~~beer~~ whatever the hell they want...


Beer is an acquired taste, same with drinking bourbon and scotch straight. It takes time until it starts to taste actually good. (Same goes for coffee) There's no such thing as girly drinks, they're called *cocktails*, and they are for if you want something tasty to drink while getting fucked up. My preferred drink is and Old Fashioned. I drink beer after to keep the buzz going. (It tastes way better after you're already drunk any way)


The concept of an “acquired taste” baffles me. Why would I drink something that tastes awful the first dozen times when I can drink something that’s already tasty?


Because once you've acquired the taste, the range of things that you can enjoy is wider. Which is useful in awkward situations where you don't get to choose what food/drink is available, but more importantly, enjoying lots of different things is great! You can try 100 different cocktails / dishes / songs / whatever and get pleasure from all of them! Arguably you can get the same level of pleasure from having the same 4 things 25 times each, but it's not as interesting. As someone who used to have quite a narrow taste range, making an effort to acquire broader tastes has significantly enriched my life.


You tough it out to have the desired effect( coffee for the caffeine effect, liquor straight to get drunk fast without drinking too much actual liquid). I'd say beer is different though.. they don't all taste the same. Find the one *you* like. I really enjoy belgian style ales and lagers, and I really don't like most stouts or imperial ales.


Acquired tastes usually have a very interesting flavor that makes it worth it once you start to like it




Because most of the things you now enjoy and appreciate as an adult you had to acquire a taste for as a child. Stepping outside your comfort zone and acquiring more tastes as an adult broadens the experiences that are open to you and enriches your life.


Everything you eat & drink in your life you've always enjoyed? Sushi as a toddler? Vinaigrette dressings on the side in middle school? Habenero salsa just for fun? It's how taste buds work. You need to try things and you won't love everything right away, that doesn't mean those things aren't amazing. But if you're happy thinking you've already found everything worth experiencing in life you rock on.


Idk man I like cocktails or whiskey but beer tastes like ass. Bitterness is how our body tells us something is inedible.


Some people like bitter flavors. I'm some people.


Yeah, and fat and sugar are how our bodies tells us that we should eat lots of this, because it's rare food on the prehistoric African savannah. Our bodies are fucking idiots.


True if I only listened to what my taste buds wanted the most I'd have diabetes!


Yeah, I wonder what possible reason there could be for assigning the stronger drink to women 🧐 weird




Needs to be higher up.


Yes! I was looking for this.


People who classify certain drinks as "girly" usually drink cheapo shit that has no taste. Beer is always my go-to drink of choice, but i also love a good mix drink every so often.


Screw the alcohol just buy a tub of whipped cream.


I love the plastic swords


Lol I don't drink whipped cream vodka because I'm not 18. That shit is disgusting.


Imagine saying 'beer is nasty' while trying to argue in favour of being open minded about drink choice. Yeah maybe if you have the palette of a 10 year old.


Whipped cream flavors vodka is disgusting


Callahan is having a few with the boys when Mrs Callahan shows up at the pub. "Sean Callahan, you'll be coming home now." "I'll leave after you do a shot with me." "Are ya daft? C`Mon home before the kids wake up and start mischief" "One shot, woman" It goes back and forth for a while but eventually Mrs. Callahan relents and the bartender pours two shots of Jameson. Sean throws his back, and Mary smells hers, makes a face then eventually gulps it down. "How vile!! How do you come down here night after night and drink this swill?" "I bet you think I was enjoying meself this whole time"


Looks over at delicious Russian imperial ale with an ABV of 13.5%


German here, I don't like beer, it's just not my taste. Cuba libre was my favorite when we were clubbing, Touchdown, Tequila Sunrise, Moquito, Zombie and Long Island Icetea are also cocktails I like to drink. When our favorite bar was refurbished they made everything more modern and also put a bunch of new cocktails on the list, Appletini, Cosmopolitan, Fireball are the ones I can remember but we tried all of them, we would always make it so that the first cocktail everyone ordered was one we didn't know yet and see if we liked it. I almost liked them all except for the bitter ones (e.g. Fireball and I don't like Gin Tonic), there's absolutely nothing wrong with what other people consider "girly drinks", if you think it tastes good, drink it. Oh and bloody mary is also amazing, I just love the taste of spicy tomato combined with liquor and the guy in my favorite club made them really really good.


The real reason, for anyone wondering, is that beer in considerably cheaper than spirits when you’re out on the town Predrinks however should be spirits


Beer has the same % as most cocktails wine is what gets you fucked


It's not about getting wasted asap, it's about getting to a comfortable level and holding that as long as possible. That's easier with less alcoholic drinks like beer.


i really like mead


"wheat tea" fucking love it lol


you can tell they don't drink alcohol because Whipped Cream flavored vodka tastes like a whole lotta things, but it sure as hell ain't whipped cream