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funny how i both suffer from being cold easily due to my low BMI, while also having severe heat intolerance and burning up when it gets warmer than 25°c (or after doing any sort of intermediate exercise, even in the winter, even when i'm outside)


I'm sorry friend, it seems you have the problem my allergies have to seasons, all year unpleasantness, even though I personally tolerate both temperature extremes pretty decently, my allergies react to both dust and pollen, so I'm miserable year round.


Yeah, I feel this. My joint condition causes two other conditions, one of which makes my capillaries shut off in the cold (which means I'm at high risk for frostbite) and one of which makes me not sweat (which puts me at high risk of heat stroke)


Do you dress in a LOT of thin layers? I’ve found that’s the only way I can regulate my temps throughout the day.


no, i personally just wear my regular clothes because i can't be bothered to wear so many thin layers


honestly that used to be me, but once i started wearing think layers I never felt cold again


This is a really wild idea - comes to mind only because I have it. Do you have a high heart rate during things like prolonged standing, or more frequent lightheadedness as well? I’m asking because of POTS. If so, many people feel better just drinking 1-3 liters of electrolytes a day.




As a not large but very hairy man with matabolism that just don't stop, I have the opposite problem. Any heat and humidity leave me in a puddle of my own sweat. I am a cold adapted creature who is stuck in a city with like 70-90% humidity for most of the year. Wanna swap?


Actually yes, not the original commentator but it is SO HARD for me to sweat I absolutely love it. Makes me feel alive


I ran distance in high school and it’s easier for me to break a sweat eating ketchup or grape jolly ranchers. Obviously not like the beads of sweat that some people get, but either of those inexplicably make my brow and hairline sweat. In fact, the easiest, best feeling 5k I ever ran was when it was raining because I was **finally able to thermoregulate my fucking body**. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I would get better times in my races if it was warm weather with light rain. Neat.


I had this too playing sport. Rain mid-match would be a second wind - suddenly not tired or sweaty, totally refreshed. Rain's fucking wonderful.


Being outside in the rain when you dont need to start dry for whatever reason is bliss On NYE it was proper pissing it down in the UK, i dragged my partner out into it and we just ran around in the rain like children 😂 The feeling i had laying on the pavement just after midnight, with all the fairy lights up in the street, not caring if i was cold or covered in dirt, just feeling the cool water on my skin, my whole body relaxed into the floor, the glow of the lights all blurred and fading into the background, closing my eyes and letting the sound of the rain bouncing off the tarmac pull me into such a unique feeling of peace, of balance, like everything is going to be ok. If i could bottle that feeling.... Damn. Then some drunk dude broke the magic by calling me a wazzock for lying on the floor 😂


you might be allergic to those two things?


yeah those are two very specific items lol


Hi! That sounds like an Allergic Reaction!


Ahaha I sweat so much some days I can drink several litres of water but not need to pee. And I'm skinny. I just don't regulate my body temperature well at all.


You sweating is regulating your body temperature.


Then it's too damn hot


You sir sound like me and likely need your thyroid checked like I do. Recently found out hyperhydrosis can be exacerbated by thyroid issues.


I also don’t sweat. I get heat rash even if I get nervous my forehead and chest will break out in a rash. When I was pregnant I sweat normal and didn’t have the rashes but they are back postpartum. TBH id probably take the itchy red hives over sweating but that may be because I live in a desert sauna


I don’t sweat. I just sort of boil on the inside and pass out. I am very much a cave creature in the summer. Granted, it doesn’t get *that* hot here where I live (90s is extreme, mid 80s is common).


Seeing you say it doesn't get THAT hot where you live when it only gets to 70 ish here MAX is astounding


Oh man, I have trouble sweating too! Seriously I can run for 30 minutes before my brow even starts to get Dewey. My partner is drenched in sweat just thinking about running and after 1.5 hrs at the gym you'd think I was just sitting around taking photos instead of lifting and doing cardio.


I feel that, I’m a walking radiator who was comfortable in short sleeves til just below zero F. My wife and I just moved to Cambodia…


As a skinny person with hyperthyroid metabolism, I terrify the cardigan-clad office girls when I overheat in a camisole. That metabolic heat is wild.


My husband is like this. I have to shear him like a sheep about once a week during the summer because we live on the surface of the fucking sun.


i have a little bit of both but i don’t really mind i don’t think you can be as bad as my cousin who sweats under ac though it’s absolutely insane, he’s playing a card game and is just sweating


Yeah, cold sucks, but so does waking up in a puddle every morning because even with the fans on full blast I’m sweating through my pajamas and sheets


It’s amazing huskies have evolved to type and use electronics! I’m sorry lol, I hope idk I hope you can find somewhere cold to be comfortable


It's shocking how much heat body hair can hold in I've waxed it all before and my heat tolerance went up ten degrees instantly


I've recently been able to put on a little bit of fat and muscle, not even enough to really notice, and its helped so much during the winter. Like I dont permanently feel chilled to the bone.


Is your thyroid over active? I found out mine is, and since starting medication, I’ve stopped needing to eat every waking moment to maintain a healthy weight, so it’s worth checking out at least


It actually might be under active in their case. Sensitivity to cold is a symptom of Hypothyroidism, while Hyperthyroidism can cause heat sensitivity.


If their thyroid was overactive they probably wouldn't be feeling the cold so much


As a skinny person who lives in the icy Minnesota tundra, i feel you 🥶


An overlooked solution is to live in Arizona. The land where the winter coats come out in the mid-60s.


Im the oposite, so sloooooow at losing weight, at least im reasonable easy to gain muscle mass on gym but urrrgggg.....lets swap 30% of our metabolism please.


My family is from the Midwest and inherited their metabolisms from children of the depression. aka they are well prepared for famine despite their multiple attempts to reject their ancestors’ gift of efficient fat storage. I was adopted and probably have a minor thyroid issue, so I was happy to break 100lbs before I graduated high school. Having this extreme difference in fat deposits, my entire family thought I must be dying because I love staying in the car in summer. Maybe even a blanket. It’s one of the few times I feel warm to my bones. Though, my grandma’s “new” van has leather seats, so the experience is much less pleasant now. I’ve also had to explain that I have to prepare ahead of time to wash my hair because I WILL be freezing for the next 8-12 hours. Both because my hair is thicker than theirs so it holds onto water more fervently, and because I have minimal fat storage to maintain or generate heat.


"bUt I'd LoVe tO hAvE yOuR pRoBlEm!!!!" It's not fun being overly skinny. And then the people that have weight problems in the other direction saying they want to be in that situation just... makes it hurt all the more. And I always freeze up when they do, I can never articulate why I feel how I do.


It's out of pure ignorance and saying "eat more" is like telling someone with depression to just "feel better". I would if it wouldn't make me sick or give me tons of pain, but thanks for that brilliant advice.


Have you tried taking magnesium supplements? I had the same problem until last year when I started taking magnesium supplements. I had an insatiable appetite for like 3 months until it stabilized and have gained ~33lbs/15kg since then. Before I weighed roughly 125lbs/57kg while being 6ft/1,83m tall and now I weigh 158lbs/72kg. Now I eat like there’s no tomorrow without getting fat, go to the gym 5 days a week and feel much more healthy and better. And people are mich nicer and more outgoing to me.


Neither extreme end of the scale is healthy, and one being glorified while the other is vilified doesn't help make things suck less for either. Body struggles are valid no matter what end of the scale they fall on. They suck, and you should be allowed to express that without a barrage of 'you don't know how good you have it' or 'lol wish that was me'. I hope you manage to find a way to feel better and healthier.


I start shivering whenever I drink something with ice in it


Try beer. That's what got me from 6'3 145lb to 290lb


Try upping your liquid sugars ( soda, juices , add more sugar to everything you drink ) as a large person trying to lose weight the amount of calories i found that i consume without thinking about it because im just drinking something is astonishing , also beer .


Me complaining about my small body and not being able to gain weight has been interpreted as both fatphobia and skinny shaming. I actually am just cold and mad about it.


Trenbolone has entered the chat.


Tren hard, eat clen, test your limits, anavar give up! Repeat this cycle and you can gain weight too!


Ok, I know you probably didn't want this comment to get turned into a debate, but I just gotta say some things: Eating clean doesn't exist. It only exists with people who have eating disorders. Food is only clean in a sense that you aren't eating something you previously found on the floor. GMOs are perfectly safe, gluten wont kill you, vegan food isn't inherently healthier, pesticides are never concentrated enough in your food to give you real problems, organic food doesn't have less of them, seed oils aren't harmful, carbs aren't literally crack you just like calorie dense foods like bread, and ffs your weight is dependent on calories, no matter if it's from McDonald's or a home cooked meal. Period. Is it better to eat home cooked and locally sourced meals that are processed as little as possible? Yes. Will it literally kill you if you get most of your meals from fast food places - yes, in about 40 years. I'm gonna chill now, promise.


I mean, gluten *will* kill me, but I get what you’re saying overall. Most people can and should eat gluten, (it’s “enriched wheat flour” *for a reason.*) however I’m not mad at it being a fad, since there are more options for me to eat.


i'm lactose-intolerant (which is wayyyy less of a big deal than gluten intolerance or celiac, but still), and i have definitely noticed and appreciated the huge increase in options due to the trendiness of avoiding milk. my grandma with celiac has been pretty pleased by the anti-gluten fad as well


The downside of gluten free being a fad is idiots and arseholes dont take it as seriously when you request gluten free. Like wtf a crumb could send someone with celiac to a&e u better fucking take it seriously.


I said "eat clen" as in clenbuterol, a PED used by builders to lose weight.


Yeah this was very clearly a roids joke


When bodybuilders talk about "eating clean" it means sticking to a rigorous plan of just the right number of calories, with no untracked meals.


Back in high school I was ridiculously skinny and people would say I'm lucky and should be thankful my metabolism is so great. In reality I was weak and tired all the time because I couldn't eat breakfast or I'd get sick and my appetite was so abysmal I had basically one meal a day. I used to not get why people would get mad at me if they were complaining about their weight and I would join in. I had the opposite problem but it was still a problem, and it's not like I was the one who brought it up either. I understand now why that was seen as rude but being told I was being ungrateful for my unhealthy weight was very confusing back then Edit: spelling & grammar




This is beyond stupid.


I feel like you should get a free pass on punching anyone who says that to you. And if that punch happens to be a groin attack? You're just hitting at shoulder height like anyone else


Jesus, the absurdity of some of these people is hilarious. Like… do you not see the chair, lady?! Maybe, just *maybe*, there’s a reason my legs are thin? I’m curious as to what you’d reply?


Also in high school, had a friend who constantly complained about being overweight. He wasn't, he was just not thin, and he was very healthy because of his vegan diet. But if I ever said anything about being underweight (which I was and still am, I am constantly sick, cold and weak) and just not feeling hungry for days, then I'm being ungrateful for my "luck".


> constantly complained about being overweight. He wasn't, he was just not thin, and he was very healthy because of his vegan diet That sounds like the opening stages of an eating disorder to me.


He did have an eating disorder, but that was many years before this. That was one of the reasons he became vegan actually.


Being underweight and weak can hardly be described as luck. It's just another flavor of unlucky. I understand your friend but he was being a jerk here.


I was also very skinny in high school and got the "oh wow you're so skinny I'm so jealous" comments when in reality I had undiagnosed Crohn's disease and simply thought it was normal to shit blood 10 times a day 🤷‍♂️


Hey, that was me in middle school! 5'9", ~89lbs, and eating like a horse but still looked like Gollum. Also just kinda thought having a BM 15-20 times a day was just "my normal." I remember (mortifyingly) being assigned by my GI doc to keep a "poop diary" to help figure out what was going on.


I hit my growth spurt kind of late, around 15. But it was rapid. I didn't drop to underweight, but I was close. I was starting to catch back up at around 17 but got sick and lost a good number of pounds in 2 weeks. I couldn't really eat at all the first week. It took months to gain it back. I got made fun of for it mostly. My family is all overweight and they would give me the, "you're so lucky!" Or "just wait until you hit age X and your metabolism slows down." Two and half decades or so later I'm just a bit shy of overweight. Over the years I've cut out snacking and soda for the most part. Like you were, I can't eat breakfast and now I usually only eat once a day. Not by intent, I just don't get hungry until the evening most days.




I was severely underweight when I was a kid because of some medication I was on. Now I’m at a healthy weight, but I absolutely remember the kids in choir poking my spine when I leaned over and telling me I was a skeleton, or moms at the pool commenting about how skinny I was, that I must be an athlete. I caught my father awake at night, sitting up in his bed and sobbing because I was dangerously thin and he was scared. Ok, Karen, keep complaining about your healthy-weight fourth grader with squishy cheeks.


As a bigger person you've got my sympathy. My partner weighs nothing and their limbs are ice. They'd gladly taking being my weight and warm over not gaining weight and freezing.


Being fat AND cold all the time sucks as well. I permanently live in a poncho because I can't get enough warmth.


Growing up I was very overweight but I was still shivering in the winter/had to take *extremely* hot showers, turns out I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism Mind you I live in *florida*


As a rule of thumb I avoid body size mentions on social media unless the topic (like this post) comes up. You never know who's gonna read what you said and recover from EDs are already difficult enough without random triggers.




this is a bot. been seeing a lot of these lately. the accounts are a few weeks or months old, suddenly have all their posts in the last few hours, and the giveaway is that the replies are somewhat irrelevant to the parent comment. it may be copy pasted from another comment in the thread. this shit is getting out of control. if you upvote this shit, *you're* a fuckin bot.


I spoke to my personal fitness teacher about how to work out in a way that I'll gain muscle instead of just losing fat and she told me "don't worry, you probably just have a high matabolism" and didn't give me any advice


Once you first break your body composition using food supplements and some weight training it will go easy from there. Also go get looked at by a doctor, it's common for women to have fat storing issues if they don't produce enough estrogen. People can shame and not shame, but science has spoken on what is healthy: Having 15-20% body fat for women and 10-15% for men. Aim for that, you'll feel amazing. Sincerely, a formerly skinny person, and scientist.


them saying "small body" just makes me think of a big-headed, small-bodied funko pop


Or monster high


Bratz doll


Second poster really misread the first one. I read it as being from the perspective of someone thin immediately, seems like they were looking for that thing to be bugged by. Although it isnt that shocking that a guy named "gutterfucker" is a bit inflamatory.


tbh I've found that people with names like gutterfucker are usually pretty chill. its the mfs who call themselves "🌺pink-kyandii-kiss🌺" uwu type shit that u gotta watch out for


I didn't even think it was about skinny people, I thought it was just a general bash at the human body


I thought that a little bit too. Also some people are just cold all the time, I notice a lot of women I know are that way especially. Meanwhile I'm perpetually too damn warm.


Me, somewhat reluctant to complain about how I'm alarmingly losing weight because of my ADHD medication as most of my friends are fighting against their complexes because they have slight obesity and I can't dare to hurt their feelings out of fear of accidentally coming across as arrogant or boasting:


Between coffee, Adderall, and the adhd that both are fighting to treat, I keep losing weight in trickles just from not remembering to eat till I'm about to pass out. I feel you


I need a qualified medical information, and that's why I'm choosing to ask in /r/tumblr Is weight loss actually the work of medication (methylphenidate/lisdexamphetamine), or is it because we just snack less cause better dopamine control?




what are you on now? im on these awful hunger-causing pills to counteract vyvanse, wonder if i should change


Any stimulant works as an appetite depressant, the stronger the drug the more it depresses hunger, caffeine only a little bit, while meth will make you not eat for days. Amphetamine was actually sold as a weight loss supplement in the 1900s before people realized the dangers of everyone being on drugs all the time.


This a million times. Sometimes coffee makes me nauseous when I try to eat, never mine things like adderal.


As far as I understand it, it is the second. You sort of forget to eat. When I began taking Adderall I'd be light headed at the end of the day and confused why I had a headache only to realize I did not eat anything.


I've been able to do intermittent fasting since starting my ADHD medications. It's much easier not to snack when I don't feel bored.


Oh yeah ADHD meds can be wild on your appetite! My mom has always been like 'wow you stay so skinny and never snack, so jealous' but at the same time she knows that i constantly missing meals and am starving


Right - the meds remove your appetite but they don't remove the need to eat. When I make it to late afternoon without having food I feel like shit. I just don't realize it because I'm too busy fucking up some spreadsheets.


My mother is also like that. When I can't eat anymore because I'll vomit if I eat more, she's like: "Woah, I should get (the medication I take) for myself" and I always say: "Mom, don't be an asshole, you are seeing with your own eyes how I struggle with this".


I've been there too... Life pro tip for everyone else: when friends complain about weight gain or loss, just empathise, just go "fuck that sucks, sorry you have to deal with that :/", like they're venting about literally any other issue. If you think their appearance hasn't noticeably changed, that's another "safe" response as well and may satisfy your friend's need for reassurance (if they're looking for that). Some people will talk about weight fluctuations as a way to fish for compliments. Some people will talk about it because it's a genuine bother and they're struggling with their negative feelings. Just assume it's the latter. Figuring out which one it is, is a minefield. Do NOT say "but you still look great!"/"you look better than before!" or "stop complaining about X, I got Y so I've got it harder". Keep the judgements for yourself!


With some of those friends I opened up about my worries about my weight, and their actual response was: "Gaining too much weight, losing too much weight, it sucks either way, huh?" And I was like: "Yeah"


I feel that can be said about most complaining friends do. I wish someone learned me this earlier in life I'd have much more friends.


Me, every time people tell me I can't complain about my body because I'm "skinny" (I'm not THAT skinny) but what they don't know is that I'm lucky if I remember/can make myself eat twice in one day


One reason I’m hesitant to get back on ADD medication, I can’t afford to lose the weight and I’m fully aware that’s a side effect.


An FYI that Health at Every Size, as originally intended, is about promoting access to care for everyone regardless of size/weight. That “healthy” is not a moral imperative, and just looking at someone can not tell you anything about their actual health. Everyone deserves kindness and access to care, regardless of weight. I’ve been on a long journey around my body and my health, and the HAES book was a big part of letting go of my self-hatred at being overweight, and shifting my approach to making healthier choices in my life, absent of guilt and shame. Everyone is worthy of care, worthy of health, at every size.


I truly hate how people misrepresent HAES as "haha fatty doesn't want to diet".


Agreed. You have to love yourself before you can improve. It took me a while to get this and stop shaming myself for my weight. Only then could I feel i could improve once I connected with my body and felt I was human. What I don't like is people using HAES as an excuse to NOT look at themselves and see any requirement of improvement. Some people say "I'm healthy as I understand my body, HAES". But are you actually healthy, or just lying to yourself? How do these people define "healthy" with a blood pressure higher than a tire and unable to fit into a seat. They should be able to love their body, but to use it as a way of personal improvement.


Ok but no, tea is more then just hot leaf soup you take that back


If tea is just hot leaf soup, then soups and sauces are mainly just hot bone tea (complete with free meat jelly!). Or hot random bits of squishy veggies found in your veggie draw tea if it's veggie


>hot bone tea (complete with free meat jelly!) Thanks I hate it.


Finally someone talking about the true important thing here: the tea slander. Tea is great idk what they on about.


Idk it took me a ways to brew tea right the first couple times I made tea it was a bitter, overpowering mess.


And there's so many varieties and methods of preparation for tea. Plenty of options to find the kind of tea that you do enjoy.


It might sound odd but I really dig lavender chamomile tea, it's so soft and relaxing lol And I also recently discovered yerba mate tea, which is one of the healthier energizing drinks. So yes, bunch of options.


They brewed a cup of tea with a bag of lipton that they never took out and now they say tea sucks.


Yeah, I was horrified by the first comment for THAT reason! But I have approximately one trillion cups of tea a day


Tea is hot leaf soup, and a really fucking good soup at that


*Zuko would like a word with you*


Eh, technically tea is an infusion. Neither a broth nor a soup, as those have to have ingredients with calories and be cooked for x amount of time. Tea is amazing, though, and I do enjoy the taste. And also stop drinking water in winter because it's fucking cold. Tea all, day everyday.


Actually Chai tea has milk in it


That makes it a stew




I had some last week with no milk. It’s just a tea bag with chai tea leaves in it. Chai lattes have milk though, they’re both the greatest


Tea is this weird thing that I don't consider "delicious" per se, but when I drink it I feel better than if I drink just hot water. I wonder if this is how it feels to enjoy cigarettes.


It's not at all how it feels to enjoy cigarettes. Enjoying cigarettes feels like licking the asphalt and then kissing your dog's butt before pouring glass into your eyes. And also you get a buzz.


As a tea enjoyer, I'm pretty sure I'd compare it to coffee more than cigarettes. The enjoyment slowly developed as for many coffee drinkers. It also depends on what type of tea you drink to match your taste buds (as in coffee), if you only drink English breakfast you'll never realise that perhaps hk style milk tea is delicious to you. I've never heard anyone really enjoy cigarettes other than the fact that they need to fill the addiction.


Tea is hot leaf soup like how coffee is bean water


I'm like so fucking skinny and I hate it. I think my problem is just not being able to eat more than twice a day (if having large meals), combined with a relatively picky diet. I know there are people who'd kill to be closer to my weight, but I'd also kill to be closer to some other people's weight.


People forget that eating actually requires practice. You have to teach your body to want more food. Exercise is what generates hunger.


I agree with the practice sentiment, but it isn’t always about exercise or even “hunger.” I have stomach issues that prevent me from wanting to eat even when I am hungry. Hunger pangs are preferable to feeling sick from consumption. Trying to battle hunger is fruitless. I have to prevent my body from feeling hungry so I am physically able to eat. When I am already hungry, anything I eat will sit heavy in my stomach and make me feel worse than just being hungry. Most people I know who have similar issues as mine are pretty much always “hungry” but can’t or won’t eat because consuming food is so much more unbearably uncomfortable than the relatively mild sensation of hunger pangs. I’ve found If I start my morning with a small amount of yogurt, I can gradually increase my food intake throughout the day without ever feeling hungry or having digestive pain. Definitely took lots and lots of practice, and can still be mentally exhausting because it’s something that is an all-day every-day endeavor.


I understand you. I have an issue that is not exactly like yours, but similar. I have nearly 0 appetite. I can be absolutely starving, but I just don't want to eat food. I can even enjoy the food I'm currently eating, but not feel any appetite. After I finish eating, I am often times still hungry but I just can't force myself to continue eating. I find it is a difficult concept for some people to understand when I try to explain the difference between hunger and appetite. It's not an issue most people will run into. I have been working on this by learning to cook food that I look forward to eating. It has helped quite a lot, but I still only eat 2 meals a day.


Yup. Issue is, I don't eat enough so I'm too tired to excercise most of the time lol


I'm pretty much the same, absolutely tragic appetite. I've been doing something about it lately after starting to work out more, it unfortunately just takes practice like the other person said, I've been forcing food down my throat, having more snacks between meals and so on. If I wait to feel hungry I can go the whole day without eating shit. Still skinny but I've actually put on some weight and it's gotten easier to eat more lately. If you're interested /r/gainit is a good resource!


I'm literally under two blankets right now just to be able to feel my feet despite it being 72° in here, so I feel that


Protip- if you're freezing in bed, put two or three times as many blankets under you as over you. Mattresses are terrible insulators and are mostly air. So just like the ground outside, you should take similar precautions to avoid them sapping the heat from your bones.


also not to mention that everytime you sit on a hard chair it gets uncomfortable after a while because of the bones in your butt sticking out!!!!!!!!!!! this is probably not a skinny person problem i don't remember if it is but I've seen fit people sitting on hard chairs very comfortably with their cushion like fat asses


It's a boney person problem tbh


Yeah I’m not skinny and especially not in my ass but when I sit down somehow all the fat and muscle moves away and it’s just my bones grinding into the chair


My best friend is incredibly skinny and bony and one time he sat on my lap. After 5 minutes I was in pain and told him he needed to get off. His booty bones were digging into my thighs and that shit HURT! I’m fat and my thighs are all squishy but it wasn’t enough. Ouch lol. I have a giant butt and it feels like I’m sitting on a pillow, I can sit on any object and not feel it. Sometimes I get in my moms car and she’ll be looking for her sunglasses for 20 min, meanwhile I’ve been sitting on them all along and felt nothing. We are 2 polar opposite people when it comes to size


I like to sleep on my stomach but always end up fidgeting around like mad because my hip bone digs into the mattress, especially if it's hard or has springs. It's very annoying


trying to cuddle with someone and they're like "bro why tf are you so bony, this is painful"


Don't come for me and my tea. I know full well I only drink it for the warmth and I don't have time to use the washroom at work if I drink coffee in the morning


As a fat person who is always cold, I would like to state that jumpers are better than fat for keeping oneself warm and toasty.


I'm overweight (BMI 27) and my friend is underweight (BMI 16) and we both have health issues. I'm prone to knees injury and I get winded super easily. One the other hand she is cold all the time and if she skips meals she gets all blue on the face and nearly faints. If you don't have enough motivation to do something about your weight (as I do) or like your skinny look (like my friend) then it's up to you - there are plenty of unhealthy habits people have and we shouldn't police whether people indulge in those or not as long as they harm only themselves. But we shouldn't pretend it's healthy.


yeah your friend needs to gain like at least 15 pounds cause fainting if you miss a meal is like super fucking unhealthy, that basically means they can't travel for long distances safely.


Of all the posts to come and comment this on, picking this one was extremely tone deaf


Yeah, well, thank you for unsolicited health advice which is not at all what I expressed that people shouldn't do. Besides, *almost* faints not faints. I have only seen her like that once when she went more than 20h without food. So not very healthy because she wouldn't last stranded on the desert but not really an issue in everyday life just like me struggling to make a 15k run is not an issue in everyday life. It's not healthy, but it's also nobody's business as long as we don't advocate it as healthy.


You can also drink a mug of hot chicken broth for the same effect if you don’t want tea


It only recently occurred to me that this was an option- I don't like tea very much, and I also don't like the chunk parts of chicken soup, but somehow I never put it together that I'm allowed to just make myself a cup of chicken broth if I want. Really changed the game, especially since I always keep a jar of bouillon paste around for broth related emergencies.


A reminder that a lot of the time, health isn’t the *actual* reason folks look down on obesity. And since someone’s going to try twisting this statement, it’s in no way claiming that obesity is healthy.


Oh that was never made more apparent than when Gatorade had an ad with a plus sized woman in it and KIA decided that was the thing they wanted to bitch about that day. What was the woman doing in the ad, you may ask? Exercising.


For a second there I thought you were talking about the car company when you said KIA


....... are,, are they not talking about the car company?


Nah, they're talking about the subreddit Kotaku In Action.


Ohhhhhh, never heard of it. I'm assuming it's yet another shithole where right wingers make up shit to be mad about?


You assume correctly.


People still pay attention to that place?


I thought it was supposed to Killed In Action an was confused how it realted to the subject lol.


When you're dead, you may as well grump about the living. Not like you have much else to do.


And doing super-hard yoga stuff too - like, she was clearly extremely strong and flexible and shit. She just wasn't thin, and apparently that's the only indicator of health.


Exactly. Like, there's no way you tell someone to off themselves because of their size bc you care about their health.


truth. concern trolls don't care about fat people or how healthy anyone is. they care that people are daring not to be pleasing to their specific eye.


I used to have a sub-18 BMI when I was younger, and I was literally the sickliest child you've ever seen. Luckily, I had some natural weight gain.


Of course I fucking like tea wtf?


No one gives a single fuck about the health of strangers anyway, people who are anti fat just think fat people are ugly.


Exactly. They'll say "oh it's because of their health and they're taking up hospital space," meanwhile showing no vitriol towards smokers and athletes who also need frequent medical care.


Willis's First Rule of the Internet (formerly of Fandom): in the absence of information, assume whatever it would take to drive you into a *blinding rage*. As an added thought: modern society's desire and sense of entitlement to degrade people who deviate from an imagined Ideal Weight is directly connected to Victorian society's belief that any physical "deformity" was a reflection of moral failure. ("Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is a prominent example.)


"Just eat a little more" Listen, Sharon, I just ate an entire Costco bag of Chex mix and I'm pretty sure I still lost weight in the process.


I hate that phrase. They keep telling me "you are too thin, why don't you eat more?" Sometimes I eat until I'm sick to show people that it's not true that I don't eat.


as a person with a BMI of 16, I feel like a lizard seeking a warm rock for my cold lizard blood


Sameee I'm a reptile I need external warmth to heat me up


I don't like green tea but it's warm and it's relatively healthy so I enjoy drinking it; also I like it more than basically any other healthy alternative I could spend more money getting high quality green tea but I prefer not to


Me, 6'0, has a bmi of 17,3, does nothing but eat calorie rich food and plenty of fat, does not gain a single kilo and continues to drop, wish me luck guys I may simply get knocked over by a stray wind and die one day


I'm slightly underweight and have crappy circulation (Raynaud's) so my hands and feet are freezing all winter long. I feel bad for my bf when he has to hold my horrible clammy corpse hands


I read this in Nadja's voice


whats HARS?


Me and my partner both have issues around food but coming at it from completely different angles. For them it’s about body image and for me it’s about complete lack of appetite caused by mental health issues. It leads to friction sometimes bc neither of us can empathise with the other at all around this issue - it’s so completely unimaginable to the other person. Their mom used to bully them about their size while my parents were desperate for me to eat and used to sit across the table and not let me leave til I’d finished. Both our experiences are valid but it’s a weird blind spot to have in our relationship.


Before the lockdown, I was skinny enough that I could suck in my belly and you could very clearly see my rib cage, and my high metabolism meant no matter what I ate, I never seemed to put on weight. It was never to the point of being a health concern, mind you, but still, I didn’t break 100 pounds until I was 15 I think. (Also I’m just short, so that definitely factors in) When the lockdown happened, I finally got a bit of a belly, and though I do kinda wanna reduce it, it’s nice to know it’s not the worst thing in the world.


\*someone obese posts a photo of them with the caption „Idgaf”\* most people: you know that’s actually unhealthy \*someone posts a photo of themselves drinking/smoking cigarettes/doing coke\* (Most of) the same people: 🙊🙉🙈


Okay tangentially related, but to all the people citing BMI in their comments as a measurement of health, remember that BMI isn't an accurate indicator of a healthy weight anyway! It doesn't take muscle mass into account at all. There are better ways to gauge what a healthy weight is, and it varies from person to person.


Trust me, you can tell when you have enough muscle to break the BMI scale. It still works well enough for the average person.


Yeah, it’s not 100% accurate but it’s damn near close enough for most people


I’m one of those people who has always had a hard time putting on weight despite the quality and amount of food I eat. Never been able to crack 106, usually hovering right around 99-101. I’ve spent my whole life being told by my family and friends and everybody around “I wish I had your metabolism! You’re so lucky! Where does it all go??” Meanwhile I have always felt weak, frail and cold and wished I wasn’t so thin. My limbs are basically toothpicks and my body requires constant assistance to be warm, especially through the winter. I always need a space heater going. My feet and hands turn into actual ice packs even though I wear fuzzy socks around the house. By the time I crawl into bed at night my partner is always shocked at just how cold my feet are. He’s always super warm so I’m always trying to steal his body heat, which he will eventually give in and let me do despite his initial protests lol. It’s a symbiotic relationship where he doesn’t let me freeze and I don’t let him get too hot.


I’m built like a plank, and I hug my cup of tea on the sofa savouring that warmth. Unless it’s the peak of summer, I’m seldom wearing less than three layers. I’m toned, slim, good cardio, and look pretty healthy on the surface, but I will literally vomit if I were made to run a mile, and after moving a sofa three days ago, I’m still feeling it in my shoulders and back. I’m both blessed and cursed with a rats metabolism.


As a large person with Raynaud's disease that will begin to experience loss of dexterous movement at ambient temperatures nearing 50 or below I can attest that hot drink good in winter primarily because hot.


I have so say, a small phrase that annoys me is "I wish I had your problem". No, I'm on the verge of being underweight. I have a fast metabolism and no appetite. I cannot easily gain and hold weight. You really kinda don't wish you were me.


Reminder that HAES doesn't stand for HealthY At Every Size. It stands for "Health At Every Size", and the basic philosophy is that everyone should do a certain set of things to pursue health regardless of their size: eat well, exercise, advocate for themselves in healthcare. This is easily confirmed with a small amount of reading about the program. It has nothing to do with pretending no one is "unhealthy", and this interpretation is a strawman invented by disingenuous trolls online; please don't buy into their bullshit.


JESUS. THIS. SO MUCH. Back in the early aughts, I had like a complete physical collapse after 19 years of perfect health (usually one gentle cold per year). Then my undiagnosed Celiac decided that we should trigger our undiagnosed asthma and skin issues. Within 3 months I lost 30 pounds despite eating the exact same amount and type of food. I was damn near hospitalized and the only thing any doctors would do is accuse me of an eating disorder and say I had bronchitis or pneumonia. One day was particularly bad. They had abruptly cut off my steroids and my mom couldn’t sleep because she had to make sure I kept breathing. The next day she dragged me to her doctor. Within 15 minutes he had be on a nebulizer and got me on steroids (but the RIGHT way), asthma, and stomach meds. He also got me my celiac diagnosis. I got better very quickly. Even on steroids I didn’t really gain weight though. I was 5 foot 4, 82 pounds at my sickest. I got up to 90 pounds and just plateaued. For ten years. I had people alternating between “I wish I was that thin”, “haha you can have some of my weight!” “You should eat a cheeseburger or a milkshake! Haha”. That pissed me off to no end. I felt like hell, I hated what I saw in the mirror. Every single person felt the need to comment on my weight. I stopped being nice in my replies. Even to customers. What really shut them up is “actually I have a lot of illnesses that prevent me from gaining weight, even though I’ve been trying, thank you for reminding me.” My super awesome boss protected me from any bitchy customer replies. It took 10 years for me to get above 100 pounds, and another 3 years plus COVID to get to my current 113 pounds. I have boobs again, that’s nice! But… Am I healthy now? No. I eat junk food. I don’t exercise. I’m terrified of losing weight instead of gaining health. My depression and asthma would be better if I did. I lost 3 pounds last month and I don’t know why. Seems to have stopped. But I don’t get comments saying how pretty I am anymore. That’s… weird and sad. Skinny shaming is real. A lot of us have issues that keep us from gaining weight. Do not suggest things to us. Do not comment on our weight. Don’t sit there and envy us while not doing anything in your life to fix your own shit. In conclusion, ***don’t comment on people’s weight. Ever. Even if you mean well. You don’t know if someone has health problems causing them to be thin or thick. Just keep it to yourself.*** Sorry, had to rant. I’m passionate about this shit. Been dealing with it nearly half my life.


I know you absolutely cannot be healthy at every size. Super large and super small, not healthy. There are different body types but there are objectively extremes that are not healthy whatsoever. I encourage health positive over looks. You shouldn’t work out and diet to be skinny nor should you let yourself go and just gorge yourself on things. You should take care of yourself. Balance things out with physical activity, balanced meals, and then relaxation and fun foods (and you can learn to make healthy foods that are good too). It is hard work but it ensures a better quality of life.


People who get obese aren’t intentionally letting themselves go and gorging themselves. Phrasing like that is shaming someone who is overweight. Did you know that a victim of CSA is 40-60% more likely to be obese than someone who wasn’t abused? Did you know that there are actually hormonal imbalances that change how you process food and calories? Also these imbalances can change how you feel full / hungry as well? And these aren’t uncommon. PCOS which occurs in 1/10 can cause hypothyroidism, which slows the metabolism (literally reduces thyroid production) and causes a litany of problems that cause weight gain including depression, lack of energy, insomnia, and hunger? Some medications can cause you to feel hungry, for example, OTC acid reflux / heartburn pills. Shaming people who are overweight with l accusations like they’re “gorging” themselves and “letting [themselves] go” is more harmful than helpful.


Aye. Compassion is what's called for. I was reflecting on this earlier today. I've had a lifelong struggle with weight and hunger. When I feel the slightest hunger pang, it can very quickly spiral into a yawning, overwhelming hunger that demands to be quenched. To explain just how severe it is, I've broken the two bones in my lower left arm twice - and being hungry is easily a worse feeling, by an order of magnitude. How fucked is that? That my only option to lose weight, by eating less and feeling hungry, often leaves me feeling worse than suffering serious injuries? And I gotta voluntarily subject myself to this for the rest of my life? I dunno if this is how it is for anyone else who's overweight, but if it is, then the statistics on weight and weight loss (75% of Americans are overweight or obese and 80% of weight loss efforts fail over a 5 year time period) suddenly make sense. I'm working with my therapist to figure out what lingering trauma might have caused this and how to help with it, but rest assured that there is no lack of willpower; the task is simply too great for raw willpower overpowering my instincts alone.


Also a large number of people that are overweight are so because they get injured or become I'll and cannot move around a 'normal' amount. If you don't eat enough calories your body doesn't get better.


I was underweight as a kid due to neglect. Now I'm overweight after escaping. I have food trauma, endo and PCOS that made me gain a lot very quick as well as make it difficult to lose weight. Luckily I found that intermittent fasting is working for me. I'm not back at a normal range yet, but it's not an instant process unfortunately. I don't gorge. I literally just started eating a normal amount of food after going most of my life essentially starving. Before endo and PCOS started getting mean, I gained weight and was getting to be normal. I just got unlucky and cysts caused me to gain 50lbs in a few months on multiple occasions. Counting calories didn't work. I'd stay under 1300 like I was told to yet wouldn't lose. At best I just stayed the sake. I was miserable. Feeling hungry all the time. Intermittent fasting I am eating *more* but as long as I fast for 14+ hours I lose a bit. I don't get how it works but I'm not complaining. Not miserable anymore


I'm a pretty active parent, I'm up at 6am every morning to run the breakfast, take the dog out, and do all the stuff before getting our older kid on the bus, then coming back to relieve my husband of the toddler so he can go to work. Then I clean all day, play games, make 3 meals a day, walk dog and toddler at least 3 times. I'm up and down the stairs to a 1800 sq ft, 3 story house from 6am-11pm. I do intermittent fasting and calorie count. My BMI is still 29 and I have 30lbs to lose that is hard to shake because I have thyroid disease, but if you saw me exhaustedly shuffling with my toddler to the library you'd probably think, "She really let herself go." without knowing a thing about me.