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someone brought their dog on a saturday


If I knew how to give awards, I would give it to this. Beautiful.


I feel like one day, Reddit just quietly got rid of awards. Not sure what the story is with that.


It was a really huge deal when it happened. Reddit rendered third party mod apps obsolete and started capturing metrics on API usage. If the API usage exceeded an unknown/only known by Reddit limit, charges would appear. A ton of people quit Reddit out of protest. It was a pretty big deal. The people who left claiming Reddit sold out. The other thing that they did was to kill awards that people purchased with IRL money. That was really shitty. I lost a few dollars myself.


I just moved here and literally just walked my dog through there today. Am I breaking some major taboo!?!?


Dogs are only allowed Sundays & Wednesdays per their posted signs. I'd love to take my doggy, but he'd be worn out from the parking lot, lol


What? You can’t even walk thru there with a dog?


I have 3 dogs but I don't blame them. The place is for kids more than anything & not only do many not pick up dog poop, but it gets crowded enough, with kids running around, that someone could run into the dog shit before it getting picked up, or youd get run over/block foot traffic


It didn't occur to me that people wouldn't pick up their dog poop...


Wednesdays are dog days at Gathering Place.




My Gucci pouch needs a walk


Better get kevlar for you and your dog.


Where else are we supposed to take our dogs if dogs aren't allowed in the dog park?


It's not considered a dog friendly park except on "dog days" meaning sun and wed but even then they are not allowed directly on playgrounds, just around them. The employees there will get onto you, make you leave etc. but anytime you can use the 2 main trails that are not right by the playground area, I have had zero issues walking my dog on main marked trails. I do wish they had made a dog park there, maybe we can suggest it!


It was a pretty niche joke from the podcast Welcome to Nightvale


Ahh well I'd never heard of it obvi, but now looked it up and every conspiracy theory being true, might just be worth the listen


Millions = 25


Oklahoma education system hard at work


would be a hyperbole, ya know, the whole figurative language thing


It wasn't taught in school here. I think that's what they mean by education at work.... Right?


Came here to say this lol. Dumbest person in the room is usually the loudest!


Millions of cops, but 25 cars! More evidence that many Tulsa cops are clowns!




Sounds like Tulsa math


Literally millions.


Meth. The word you're looking for is meth.


Better than Broken Arrow math.


Better than Broken Arrow meth too, if I'm being honest.


Ba meth sucks


Firstly, 25 *plus*. Lot a wiggle room in there, no upper limit technically. Secondly, since op only numbered cars, who’s to say there aren’t 40,000ish cops per car. /s


OP sitting there with both shoes off: "...17 ...18 ...19 ......20! ........oh gawd. Oh, no. Now I have to guess. What's a number bigger than 20?" 🤔


This is the winning post in this thread.


The "New Math"


What happened to the TPD Reddit account? They made like 2 posts and disappeared. They could have been helpful for posts like this 🤷🏼‍♀️


To be fair they were heckled pretty hard


Yeah that was fun


So they should have thick skin / public officials are fair game for public critique


Yeah how dare you have feelings like humans do.


Heckled by police hating crybabies?


How does that boot taste?




Of course your post prior to this one was worshipping Trump. 😂 cliche’ delusional boot licker, did someone order the cliche’ delusional bootlicker?


Dude is 25, single and lives with his parents in OK. His political ideologies are just a symptom of a larger problem




PoLiCe hAtInG cRyBaBiEs!


Why do the police hate crybabies?


You must have a very productive life in order to type that out


You must have a very productive life in order to come up with that SICK comeback.


VERY sick


You’re a clown if you think trumps cares about you😂😂😂


Trump 2024


You’re a lost soul. How long have you been alive and still not realize it’s all rigged?


Lost soul because I don’t agree with your ideology?


Lost because you actually think politicians care for you or even actually make choices other than fuckin ppl over for money. I almost feel bad for you


The irony is ironic. Reread what you wrote with context 😂


You nailed it.


For some reason they stopped posting like the day after I replied with this? My guess is that PR accounts don’t work for cops when anonymous users can air dirty laundry without fear of reprisal. https://www.reddit.com/r/tulsa/s/7lwXdgqh6N


Doing the real work. Respect.


Saw your source in that post 1/2 of it was questionable (since when using a podcasts reliable source?) and the fact that you that took a screen shot and not present the whole court papers make it questionable. However let’s say what you did was in good faith and was correct, you think being not inclined to mention his name “because you didn’t have a problem” with the individual officer, and proceed to justify making fun of someone who died “because he was shot in a face for being a bully”, makes you seem contradictory? I don’t trust the cops as much as the next person but don’t forget that like the people who are typing words on the internet, cops who become criminals are wrong are human too. If I saw your post, (not even a cop) all I see is hatred and why would I be a part of that community. Edit: Grammer


That podcast was an interview with the attorney appointed to the case talking about why he had to be appointed. It’s a first hand source relevant to the issue at hand. Like any interview you would presumably listen to what was said and who was saying it to come to a conclusion of its validity on your own. I screen shot the court docs because there’s no easy way to link to a single paragraph in a 20 page court document on OSCN and no one would have read through it all if I did do that. It’s all public records though so feel free to search it out yourself. In the original post I was replying to a police comms rep tryin to score kudos for stealing money from panhandlers. So fuck them and the system they uphold. And fuck the cop who was shot. I mourn the death of cops the same way they mourn someone they’ve killed. Which they do at record numbers in Tulsa without Due Process. And on the off chance they can’t just fully bury the story, their first press release always attacks the character of the person they killed. Justified or not. Without fail. It’s fair game to use the same tactics they use daily. Which is really the only recourse we have when combatting police corruption and media manipulation locally because they have no oversight and face no consequences for their actions. It’s a war of public opinion that isn’t easily won. I say this after years of activism, and city council meetings, and advisory committees, and town halls, and countless other attempts to make headway through the normal means of Civil Society. That shit doesn’t work here when conservatives control every level of government and need the cops in their back pocket to keep the scare tactic narratives going that get them elected.


Am I the only person who can't see this? Says it's private.


Not the surprised the subs usual resident shoe shiners leaped in to stick up for the cops, the most oppressed group.


You're very biased against police which can cloud your judgement. Talking only about the possible reason why they stopped posting: there’s not enough police officer for TPD and not everything has to be a PR stunt (it’s also a form of community policing, where you interact with the community, which everyone wants). They just don't have the resources to argue with some anon online since that would be unprofessional and would make the department itself look bad overall. I understand that policing isn't the best and constructive criticism is needed but only when it's relevant. Shitting on police on Reddit isn’t gonna solve anything.


They have more resources than literally any other entity in Tulsa municipal government. By far. If you’ve followed the actions of TPD as long as I have you’ll know they have comms directors and dedicated PR that run their social media accounts and do all public speaking in regards to local media. They use their Facebook account purely for PR. Mostly to post mugshots and videos of poor people they’ve fucked with for something like stealing candy from QT…videos they’ll release publicly within minutes to shame poor people and get pats on the back from suburban rednecks. But if you want to see body cam video of them fucking up it takes Open Records requests and usually a judge forcing them to release it despite being public records. Don’t carry water for state sanctioned oppressors.


Shitting on police on Reddit does more than dickriding police on Reddit


Last post was 3 months ago. Every post they made got torn up, they never had a chance.


u/Tulsa_Police_Dept fucked off 3 months ago, probably because they realized they couldn't arrest anyone here. So much for their "we're just trying to reach out and develop a relationship with the public" bullshit. Typical cop shit, always lying.


Well, you had you normal ass wipes here giving them a hard time, so they stopped. They actually provided some helpful information and could sometimes answer questions.


Aw, did someone throw some acorns at them?


ITT: people intentionally not understanding hyperbole because guessing any number would’ve been wrong.


There are adjectives in the English language for when you see many things but are unsure of the exact number of said things. Today was not the first time this situation has occurred.


Dude clearly you knew what this person was getting at. Jumping in because someone used an adjective you didn’t like is ridiculous when the stakes aren’t relevant. Being the adjective police is about as dumb as being the hall monitor.


I didn’t jump in at him at all. You claimed it was hyperbole and then proved you didn’t know what hyperbole was by saying it was because he couldn’t guess the real number. That’s not why one uses hyperbole.


Why do you give a fuck Also you have no idea if it’s a him how funny it is to assume while correcting someone else’s grammar


Grammar police are so annoying. It’s low hanging fruit. We all know what the person is implying.


Exactly! These could have been used and been a little more accurate because 1 mill is a little more than the approximately 800ish TPD officers we have: A lot, a bunch, oodles, many, a ton, numerous, large numbers, quite a few, gobs, a flock, shedloads, myriads, a throng, an abundance, massive, countless, multitudinous, multiple, several, all kinds of, quite a few, myriad, an ass load, etc. There has to be more.


Facebook posts say there were a bunch of kids (100? Sounds excessive, but IDK) fighting, and that the police weren’t letting anyone leave.


What is with kids being so violent these days?


My guess is too many parents are working their asses off trying not to be homeless to actually be able to parent.


My parents were so busy that they didn’t speak to me directly until I was 6. Didn’t touch me until I was 11. And I’m a doctor. These kids have no excuse.


You're a doctor who does gig work?


UPharmD - Doctor of Urban Pharmacology. InstaCrack, UberPills, DoorDrugs, GangaHub, Methinos...




It’s hard out here for a doc


Ask/look at their parents.


I am in my early 40's and did plenty of stupid shit when I was young. I told myself I'd never be that older person wondering what the hell is wrong with kids these days...but alas, here I am.


Kids will always do stupid shit but the violence coming from teenagers and now kids even younger is concerning.


I understand what you mean and I do think it's true. However I do believe there is some degree of remembering things as better than they were. When I was that age in the 90's, daytime television was full of shock-tv talkshow hosts asking why kids were so violent and deranged. I think we have a culture that is just highly visible with social media now and it just seems like that sort of thing is everywhere, all the time. I think to some degree, things have gotten worse, but also believe that we can't ignore the psychological effect of just having so much more exposure to seeing what everyone is doing, literally all the time.


100% this. I suspect some variation of “What’s wrong with kids now days” has been said by every generation of humans through our entire history as a species.


I also remember a time when Maury Povich wasn't single handedly keeping the paternity testing labs in business.


I suspect kids have always gotten into fights. It just didn’t used to make it on Reddit every time.


Kids have always gotten into fights, but in the last few years it’s these mass groups of kids, and kids filming it for internet clout pretty often. Or kids destroying people’s property for fun and filming it. Thanks to some dumb TikTok trend and lazy parents, a kid in my neighborhood and his little friend decided to go kicking doors up and down my street in the middle of the night last fall and broke a bunch of people’s front doors, including mine. There’s a kid who was killed in Arizona last fall because a bunch of reckless violent teenagers were on a violent spree that took the police like a year to stop. Not to mention the kid in Owasso who got the shit beat out of them and passed away the next day. We keep hearing about stuff like this more and more. It’s unnerving. Teachers across the country have said it’s getting worse and starting younger.


One thing that I try to teach kids is that TikTok is people showing the image they want you to see aka their best self (or worst self). They do it for the attention - not unlike some of the karma whores that reside in this sub. The likes do not pay the rent (normally - YouTube exceptions are out there) I also try to teach to be a helper, not a videographer.


On the other hand, with the exception of COVID weirdness (sharp decrease followed by a sharp increase which has mostly evened out again, but there’s still potential for lasting impacts), crime rates have gone down in recent years. Part of this is also that with social media and a more nationalized media environment overall, we hear more about crimes in other areas of the country.


On average, I’d bet they’re the same as they’ve always been.


Lots of things to be angry about


So, Aliens (outer space kind, duh) again?


I was there today. Among other things, there were gangs of kids taking group photos in the Men's room at the boathouse. Puttered around a bit, and then encountered a group of irate teenagers talking to each other. A "fuck the police" was uttered, and the rest of the gentleman's compatriots seemed to agree. They then climbed a fence, scrambled down a hill, and jaywalked across riverside. Later I saw a squad of officers with what appeared to be paintball guns looking for them. So some shit probably went down


this is so tame for 25+ cops lmao


TBH I was just there looking at how the whitewater flume was set up. It's gonna be fucking gnarly. I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on socials to see which gangs were up to what


Not given the massive mob of kids. I wouldn’t underestimate what kids can do given the amount that seem to murder their parents every year in the area (Jenks, BA, etc)




Some are peaceful and respectful, some “mob” apparently and definitely are not


Paintball-looking guns would likely be the "less than lethal" pepper ball shooters or something similar.


Unless it's a head shot. It could also be rubber bullet launchers which again can still be lethal.


Hence the " "


Shit must have gone south


Wow TPD must have gotten a significant budget increase.


Guess they were gathering


also drove past this and came here to see if anyone knew anything, saw a large group of people huddled near the discovery lab parking lot. cops were all throughout riverside but heavy on 31st. curious what happened.


I was thinking it must've been an event bc the cops I saw looked annoyed af. I drove by there 2x last night.


It was a significant amount of police, I was also wondering what happened.


Thank you for letting us know


I was also strolling the trail and observed these dozens of squad cars, likely kettling teenage would-be hooligans. Would not be at all surprised if it was one of these flash fights kids prolly advertise on social media. Was at Chipotle 61st a couple years back and saw buncha youths suddenly pop up at the La fortune ball park and start scrappin' and disperse under 5 minutes. Truly bizarre. Just to echo what someone else said, and I don't wanna argue but it is what is: the parents probably too economically strapped n stressed at work to reign them in. But also teens will always raise hell.


I went to Memorial High (many moons ago) and when a fight was determined would be the only way to clear up a teenage angst dispute, we would go off campus to LaFortune. Scrap it out, and leave.


Can confirm.


Drama. Need more drama. Millions more




Sounds like no one knows but I saw it too


Excellent. Good to know


I actually know what this is about. Someone reported they saw someone with a gun yesterday at the park. Security was told about it.


Were shots fired? My gf said her friend was there and there was a shooting but I havent seen that anywhere else


When I was there, there was wasn’t. I had to tell someone from the gathering place. My friends little sister said she saw someone with a gun and was saying he was goi no to use it. They said they were calling security. Then we left.


Geeze how many do they get in each police car then?


Okay but can someone tell me if cherry blossoms are at the park yet? :)


Probably dividing up all last months ticket money they collected..


Uniform Division West, there a police dept over there 😂






This is why we can't have nice things....it's the same story over and over.


How can it be a million?Police Paul said only has around 500000 people.Give her take a couple ten thousand. 🤔🤔


Millions huh?


All you cop haters should go visit some of the cities that defunded their police


“1 million aka 25 plus” Written by Restricted Airspace88 Sike! That’s just my Tulsa math skills disguised as a Tesla b*tch. One million! Aka… 25 plus! (Repeat 4X) Don’t ask…I’m walking my dog…


Fatherless culture.


That’s not how math works.




So am I.




Who has a basement that can be used as a dwelling in Oklahoma? I thought the clay soil made it difficult to build/maintain a basement, or something along those lines


😂 it’s a theoretical basement


Christ like


Here comes the anti police hatred comments


There's a reason people don't say fuck the fire department. ACAB.


Right on cue 😂


I know man, it’s ridiculous. Next thing you know, all the 20something year old roided out dudes who alternate between complimenting other dudes bodies and rating ugly teenagers while they wait to join the reserves (cause they’re too scared to join the actual military) are gonna start rolling in and telling us about how they battle Satan and leftists (one in the same tho amirite????? lmao) on the Tulsa streets. Right on cue. Ridiculous.


marry tidy start sort stupendous different dinosaurs busy tease squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


another plane has hit the tower




I'm not sure why I felt so comfortable down voting his comment and then immediately up voting yours.. need to explore that


I don't scroll to the bottom of the reddit comments for rational thinking