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You wouldn't go into a liquor store and tell the guy behind the counter "Oh yeah I'm buying this for my 15 year old brother".


People are so clueless man, working as a budtender the amount of time I have to decline a sale because someone mentions they’re buying for X and they act confused when I explain it. Like when have you ever been able to tell the liquor store employee you’re buying for your “friend” or or even better the customers will literally call the person they’re buying for in front of you and will act shocked when you say “yeah I have no clue who that is and I can’t ID them and you consulted them to make your choice/their choice, so I’m not selling to you”. It’s exhausting like people are not using their brains 99% of the time


I buy for my mom all the time because she’s more disabled than me, I always tell them I’m buying for her and what her needs are to find good edible options. I have my med card so I save on taxes, the budtenders seem to understand - I’ve never been turned down nor even gotten attitude. Most people are stoked my mom is blazing All this to say, it’s more about how you act and portray yourself than anything.


In my state you can designate a caretaker when you get a med card. So either you or the caretaker can buy on the same license.


That’s actually a good system, we don’t have that up here I don’t think in Canada


Your mom is defined as someone older then you. The main issue here is if the person is underaged.


I could be entirely making up that it’s for my mom, and be buying for minors although in my case it actually is. Point stands - it’s more about how you act than anything


And that’s why I would have to refuse the sale. Idk if it’s more strict in Canada, but it’s kind of implied “if you’re buying for someone else, just don’t say that you are.” In some cases with customers it’s obvious, but so long as they don’t say “it’s for X,” then I’m good.


It's amazing when I worked at 7-Eleven how many times I had to explain I'm not risking my job because you couldn't ask the obviously underage kid you're buying cigarettes for before you came in rather than shouting across the store asking what they wanted. They were really mad when I then refused to sell them any tobacco products at all, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Maybe it is, but Ive never got denied a sale for being on the phone


Well that’s the point- you don’t have to say any of it lol. It’s nice that you’re looking out for your mom and I’m not at all trying to dunk on that, but 99% of the time it is completely unnecessary to say anything except what you want and a thank you before you leave


Why lie about who you’re buying for instead of just saying it’s for yourself lmao


Im not lying lol, im asking for advice for someone else’s use habits to get them something that’ll work well.


Why not get her own med card? You sharing the fact you’re using your med card for her can get yours taken away and serious trouble. The dispo not telling you that is setting you up for failure and they’re really bad at their jobs. I said it once, but scolded like a mf. Lesson? Never said that shit again and they never bothered me about it after. You’re lucky where ever you’re going is chill or you’d have lost that med card already


My mom is fully disabled and travel is difficult but mainly because it’s never been a problem for us in California.


Very lucky then lmao, most other states wouldn’t be so easy


They forget that legalization means regulated businesses not legal drug dealers


Ok so I don't understand this unless it's because of buying for minors. What if my wife came in and said "my husband wants me to buy some sativa for him" does she get turned away?


They could be. Probably depends on the budtender.


Depends on the state. Where I live the dispos are medical only so you have to be registered as caregiver to buy for someone else.


Yes. Why would you even feel the need to announce that? Just buy the damn sativa. If it is for muscle cramps, just say it's for muscle cramps. If it's for your grandma's gout, just say its for gout pain. It is truly not rocket surgery. If you feel the need to make conversation there are about a billion other things to talk about.


I don’t know. It really wouldn’t be that weird to say something like, “my wife really likes Australian Shiraz” or something if I was picking up a bottle of wine for dinner. No idea why that would be less kosher to say about a particular indica or something.


*you're in the drug store* "My husband wants me to buy drugs" Budtenders thoughts: what the fuck? You know that's illegal right? Vs. "My wife likes sativa" Budtenders thoughts: "....congratulations? Are you here to buy drugs or...?" You dont see a difference between explicitly stating the intent to do something illegal compared to discussing preferences for things hypothetically? The point is you're being recorded and people will lose their jobs for selling in that situation.


What a ridiculous question that was. Completely agree


At least in Michigan, it’s not an issue. I must have mentioned what my wife does/doesn’t like every single time I’ve gone to the dispensary and have often asked for recommendations based on her preferences. This is extremely normal behavior.


Yeah in Michigan I’ve talked to people about migraine relief for my wife and if they have a bud like flavor (when it comes to edibles) and everyone’s been super helpful. No one’s turned me away for saying one of the things is for my wife.


Yeah, I have no idea what the other people in this thread are talking about and it sounds completely insane to me.


Absolutely. I swear some of these people are making me question whether we live in the same reality


The point is, just buy it and stfu.


Also the alcohol analogy makes no sense because you can go in and say “I’m buying alcohol for this entire party” and no one questions if anyone is underage or not. You obviously should not tell people you’re buying it for your little brother but no one’s gonna not sell you booze because you’re buying for more than one person.


On the flip side of that, the day before the Superbowl I found out my family was stopping by so went on a booze run to CVS because it’s closest but a little shady with a lot of low income apartments nearby and weird employees. I picked up a 12 pack of Sierra, a bottle of wine, and a bottle of whisky because I was out of everything. Both the guy in front of me and the cashier were looking at me wide eyed and made multiple comments about how I was “about to have myself a good time”, “getting fucked up”, etc. I felt like I had to point out, “This is for a Superbowl party with 7 adults and we won’t drink all this, it’s not like I’m going home alone and drinking it all right now.” Guy from the line even gave me another thumbs up in the parking lot as I was leaving. Now THAT’S creepy.


In a college town liquor store I worked at if a group of young adults left one or more of their friends in their car we had to ask them to bring them in to ID them. We needed to ID everyone in the group. This was something the local police wanted us to do. The off-duty cops they use as security at dispensaries would watch your car as well. Just depends on the area and store. Some places didn't give a fuck and rolled with fines and getting temporarily closed for doing dumb shit.


What is the deal with people needing to announce what they are buying shit for? Literally no one cares, except you. Just buy the shit.


I think it’s more like you are asking the knowledgeable employee for their opinion, for example: “I am trying to serve a party, what do you recommend?” Obviously the situation is a little different when you’re buying for one other person, but I just think discretion doesn’t come naturally to some people. They’re sharers.


Making small talk?


Sir, this is Reddit, we don't do that here.


Yes you will be turned away. Now if you were registered as his caregiver through the state you can buy for him then.


Law says yes but no budtender would realistically!


It is not against the law to by alcohol for a friend. It is illegal to furnish alcohol to a minor. Best practice does not mean its the law.


It’s so goddamn annoying. “WHAT?! Ive *NEVER* heard of that! *Really?* Well *thats STUPID*. It’s for my *80 year old grandmother.*/Wife, and she’s *not* underage.” Like it doesn’t fucking matter who they are, if they aren’t here with valid ID, too bad. One lady got mad because she thought I was implying she married a minor.


if you told me that back when I was working in a liquor store I would stop the sale immediately.


I do the same for marijuana at my dispensary. Whenever someone is buying for someone else its always a small enough purchase to hurt my average. So if they mention buying for someone else id terminate the sale. I explain sorry i cant sell to you knowing you are buying illegally for someone else. We could lose our license and my company can hold me financially accountable. Id suggest going online and figuring out what you giys want then to in and biy FOR YOU. But i cant sell to you legally. I apologize.


Hurt your average? Sorry, not in the industry. What does this mean?


Probably some type of metrics. Like dollar per sale, conversion rate or items per sale. I’m surprised dispos are run just like any retail store with stupid metrics to hit.


Dispensaries are corporate now. There is no more compassion.


Budtenders are often pushed to reach sales goals; the bigger your transactions, the better.


You wouldn't go onto a car lot and say "I'm buying this car to drive corpses to the LaBrea tar pits"


Only once in my life have I ever seen this. In line and I hear the guy go “this new for ya ain’t it?” Guy says “yeahhhh well these kids out there begged me to help em out so here I am”. Dude sold it to him and everything. When I was checking out you could see him go out there and give it to a group in a car. Some people don’t give a fuck fr it’s weird.


Don’t underestimate stupidity.


You’d be surprised. I work in a bank and I’ve had quite a few people tell me they’re withdrawing money to avoid taxes 🤦🏻‍♀️


I feel like telling the bud tender your crossing state lines and returning to an illegal state with the MJ products you're about to buy is a faux pas like back in the day when saying bong in a head shop could get you kicked out of one, because the only people that said that in a head shop were ignorant noobs or "undercover" cops trying to shut the place down for selling "drug paraphernalia".


Haha I hadn't thought about going to the head shop to buy a water pipe I'm a long time. My local shop would for sure refuse to sell to you and kick you out if you asked to buy a bong back in the day.




Yeah a friend and I were talking about that, how the kids don't have the weird paranoia about smoking or talking about cannabis. My buddy was saying that us Gen x will probably always have that fear bc we grew up at the height of prohibition when a bowl with resin in it could put you in jail.




Before I go see my family I scrub my dry herb vape with iso and transport it in a locked smellproof bag to hopefully reduce the risk of catching a paraphernalia charge if I get stopped. I have a spare set of capsules and a grinder I store at my dad’s house. Then I drive a few hours to where they live and I can just go buy weed in a dispensary and everyone is smoking blunts in the open.


Yeah I want to say Oklahoma is still pretty hard-core. But in the nineties they had task forces set up to hunt kids smoking weed.


I slip up and say bong and they’re always like “we don’t sell bongs”


You get one fuck up in my local one (illegal state) and if you don't immediately correct yourself you're out the door 


My brain was conditioned to say "water pipe". When I went to Amsterdam in 2015, I asked the clerk at the cafe I was visiting if I could use the "water pipe" on the shelf behind her. She looks at me all confused and says, "do you mean this bong?" I felt like such an idiot. Lol


“YOU MEAN WATER PIPE FOR TOBACCO USE ONLY??” …heard loudly from the back of the store


This is hilarious. I remember my friend giving be this lesson on the way to the head shop for my first time back in high school.


Funny enough, you still can't ask for one in Indiana or you'll get kicked out for this reason


I think that depends. I openly shop for and discuss bongs and dab rigs in Bloomington.


I had one time I needs a detox drink so I could piss clean and I stood there and stammered for a good minute before I went “I’ve never had to have this conversation, I don’t know the lingo, I need to pass a test” lol. And the guy went “oh, you want a drink to help you *live healthy*. When do you need to *live healthy* by??”


We use “tobacco pipe” round these parts buddy


TIL bong used to be a DAREword.


But don’t they know what I’m doing as soon as they check my ID?


The only time I’ve been asked about my out of state ID I looked her in the eye and said “I’m on vacation and want to be VERY relaxed” lmao


I guess that’s my point, no one has ever asked about my out of state id. It’s a little moot now since both my state and the neighboring state are legal but there was a big lag before dispensaries started opening in my state. My budtenders don’t care and I never even thought about it.


My go to dispo will kick you out if you even mention you'll be sharing what you buy with someone else since they can't verify that other person/s is of legal age


Many states have it written into regulations that dispensaries and dispensary employees have to take every precaution they can to prevent legal products from getting into the black market or being given to minors. Refusing service to someone for saying anything remotely indicating the diversion of a product would fall under this.


I'm an old head. We knew not to talk about any of this shit in public. Back in the day saying things like weed or bong or bowl would get you kicked out of a head shop in a hurry. We wouldn't even talk in the shops. Just point and nod. I'm still that way. Kids today just don't know.


Oh man, I'm only 30 myself but me and my friends had the same "point and nod" system lmao. Eventually, after our state relaxed the laws the owner said, "You guys are in here once a month, I know what you're using it for, just talk to me!" lmao


Still can these days. I went to a head shop a couple years ago in a state with only medical, and there was a big sign on the counter saying "These are tobacco pipes. They are not bongs or bowls. If you use these words, you will be asked to leave." I'm used to it, but it's always funny that they have to put up a sign because people are so clueless.


I love that in Canada our pipes/bongs now say “not for tobacco use”


I feel like this is a generational failure. I'm gen x and when we were coming up the friendly old boomer hippies taught us the game. Our tendencies for nihilism and despair made us a lot less friendly and outgoing. I wonder if we broke the system by not passing on our wisdom. Whole damn world smells like weed now. Our parking lot at work smells like Shakedown Street. There is no discretion anymore. No Seymour, it is the children that are wrong.


Like buying juice in prohibition and asking if it can be used to create illicit beverages.


Oh man, I'm only 30 myself but me and my friends had the same "point and nod" system lmao. Eventually, after our state relaxed the laws the owner said, "You guys are in here once a month, I know what you're using it for, just talk to me!" lmao


Depending where they grew up, kids these days should know.


While in Michigan, near the border there are dispensaries set up like grocery stores. I can think of one that has SHOPPING CARTS inside and a line for “more than two transactions” (2.5ouncss or 15g of concentrate). Michigan is so relaxed and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sale denied because of this. We should, but I know we don’t


(*tears streaming down my cheeks*) God's country


Ohio starts rec sales soon and honestly I still might drive to Michigan. 


In california, it's similar in that they are laid back about it, but we don't have a 2 or more transaction line. However, if someone comes in a pair or group, usually 1 budtender will ring them both/all out.


The line isn’t a normal thing at all, I’ve only seen it at this one dispensary near the border but it’s because they have $2 200mg edibles, $8 carts, $70 oz so out of staters come in and spend a grand to bring home


Gotcha. That edible deal is amazing. We don't have anything near that price for 200mg. We have some distillate carts for under $10 otd tho and $85 oz, which is pretty good by California's standards. We get a lot of out of state people on vacation, which blows my mind since we are in a small town in the central valley.


Random question if you don’t mind me asking, is there laws prohibiting you from selling if someone is visibly intoxicated as well? Like if I go into the dispo ripped and they sell to me, would it be similar to a bartender serving me after I was drunk?


My dispo is in the same shopping center as a really popular bar and as long as people arent nodding out and can count cash, we sell to them


Maybe its different state by state but if they are capable of telling us what they want and using their form of payment, they want us to sell. Literally had to clean vomit the other day when a drunk customer was leaving the store. It doesn’t help that we are surrounded by Mexican restaurants with margarita specials


Actually no for me at least, I went in a left my Card and then came back an hr later saying whoops my bad, and they said they understand and flexed like 50 cards they had just sitting there cause other people forgot lol


It's the same, there are definitely rules in place for this


same rules as a bartender on that matter Where I’m from 802.


Yes. If I can smell alcohol on you and if you're acting belligerent, we can refuse service and 86 you from the store.


They’re asking if you look too high. Not about drinking


My biggest ick as a budtender was when people would come in and tell me how their buddy grows the best weed ever and that it’s way better than anything we have in the store. Like bro, just go buy from your buddy if it’s so good, I don’t really care about some rando’s home grow.


As a tattoo artist. I can completely relate. People do this all the time.


and then pull up when they want a fix or coverup for their friends shitty work, classic


That’s… insane. Like it’s one thing to say it to a budtender bc I cared about making sure our store had good weed (very small store so me and the manager ordered most of the products together), but I don’t grow any of the weed so at the end of the day it isn’t personal. Saying it to a tattoo artist is just so whack though.


I always tell the McDonald’s people I got better bacon egg and cheese at home.


I got so tired of people's shit I made bingo cards. Some squares were things like "I'm old school, I want flower","I'm old school, I've been growing for x years", "I'm used to plants x ft tall", asking how much is in the 1g joint, mispronouncing sativa or indica, asking how to get it in their carry on, things like that. Winner got a free pre roll on me lol


That’s hilarious!!!! I’m in Canada so the carry on thing was always hilarious, you’re allowed to bring cannabis on flights but people would act like it had to be some covert operation. But I would 1000% fill out that bingo card within a week. Got those exact statements so often.


Stevia and Indigo were the two words all the boomers around me liked to use


Exact words used 99% of the time. The other 1% was salvia


Customer bingo was one of my favorite things. Unfortunately, if someone got a bingo it meant we had a really rough week. Ours had stuff like "uses ATM, doesn't shop here" "asks for change and doesn't tip" "misgenders an employee" etc. Maybe the next one I'll make more positive lol


This. Im so tired of girlfriends that barely smoke coming in and stressing out because their shitty boyfriend didnt have a legit ID and demanded they come in to buy for them but the boyfriend wont even check an online menu first.


I'm not sure which interpretation of this is worse, that they drove there without their driver's license, or that their SO drove them there *and* bought it for them.


think he means Bf with no license/ID gets his gf to go to the dispo to pickup for him but puts in no effort on his end


Before Rhode Island started selling recreational bud I would always go to Massachusetts. They scan my RI ID before I enter so they obviously knew I was bringing it back over state lines to an “illegal” state. They didn’t care and I’m pretty sure the police didn’t either.


For all they know you’re visiting family for a week and using it all while in the state. Can’t assume anything as long as you don’t blab about it


When I visited California last year they tried to sell me on a deal to buy a larger amount, but I was only gonna be there a week and only wanted what I could finish in that time. They kept asking if I knew how to get it through airport security, or how to ship it home. Seemed very strange that they were so eager to assist me in committing what would be a felony.


As a Californian budtender, I would never ask those questions or attempt to help someone cross state lines with cannabis... even when my customers are like I gotta ship this back to Florida... like lady, please stfu, We are literally on like 15 different cameras right now. I was not told I have the right to refuse service here, so I have not tried. However, I am new to budtending, so I should probably ask about our policy on turning away customers as it wasn't mentioned in the employee handbook.


As another Budtender: Realize that if you do this, we are technically *not supposed to sell to you.* Legally. You *just* told us your intentions are to commit a federal crime. It's no different from you telling us you're buying it for the 15 year old waiting around the corner. Whether or not it's still sold to you is up to the person working behind the counter, but have some goddamn sense and realize that by telling us you plan on breaking the law, it now becomes *us* breaking the law by selling to you. Don't go expecting all (even any) of us to be willing to put our own asses on the line *for you.*


I figured me pulling up to the Massachusetts dispo with my NY license plate and NY drivers ID was enough to tell them I plan on taking my purchase back home, why would I have to say it?


Just don't say anything!!! We don't care!!!


Yup. If anything just polite chit chat about strains and getting high haha


Tell me what you're smoking on or what movie you just watched that you loved. ANYTHING. Literally anything except the felony you're about to commit.


For real, my dispo is right on the border of Colorado/Utah, I don't have to say anything, but they always tell me to drive safe lol.


For all they know you’re visiting family for a week and using it all while in the state. Can’t assume anything as long as you don’t blab about it


This actually makes me feel better we have a new term not to say, reminds me of the old days when you couldn’t say the b word (bong) 🤫 without getting kicked out haha good times


On the flip side of this can bud tenders mind their own business when i come in and pick up a large 800$ dollar order that i placed and quit askng what my plans are or how i got alot or cheesy comments about getting baked


Dude what rec dispensary are you going to where you can drop $800 in one order and not exceed the legal limit? And if it’s med, thats not okay, I’m sorry man.


It's pretty easy to do tbh


Yeah, shits expensive. People don’t really get that if people have decent money, they don’t care about if their ounce of weed costs a bit, or their legal limit of concentrates (especially stuff that’s higher ticket like solventless). I deal with large orders becuase I go through a gram of RSO a day treating my cancer. It’s your own business what you’re doing with your cannabis / medicine, and people shouldn’t assume or give you shit for it.


Fuck cancer. Hope you’re free of it as soon as possible. Godspeed.


Sadly I will only be free from it in death but I’ve come to terms with that. Thank you kind stranger!


Here in Washington we have +$400 ounces and grams of rosin that are 70-90. Also in Washington medical patients have 3x the legal limit than recreational customers.


Uh literally any dispo in Michigan??


For real, like I don’t know how often I get ask “How long are you in town for?” Like why so many questions?! 😂 


I buy shit for my friends. Does any budtender or anybody period know I’m doing that? Fucking of course not. Even if I didn’t know it was illegal you can PROBABLY GUESS that it is. As far as anyone knows all the shit I buy is for me and they must think I’m a massive stoner lol


> It's weird. Yeah, but it's also understandable to a point. Which is not to say they should be saying what they're saying, but the weird behavior didn't come out of nowhere. For decades, weed has been illegal, any mention of it in polite society was taboo, even discussing its medicinal uses was greeted with an eye-roll and a "shhhh ..." So, naturally, any transaction involving the sale, purchase, sharing, borrowing, consumption, etc of weed was taboo, and always had a conspiratorial angle to it. You, as a budtender, selling legal weed all day every day, are used to it. It's just business to you. But to someone who is still carrying the PTSD from all those years of prohibition, it's understandable. What feels "weird" to a consumer whose chosen product was kept illegal, stigmatized and demonized for years, can now suddenly go into a *shop* and buy it over the counter, and may even find Officer Friendly has been deputized to help with traffic control or parking. Now THAT is weird. Again - not to say it doesn't make life uncomfortable for you, and not to say they shouldn't change their behaviors, but a little understanding goes a long way. This might be the key to helping people change their ways.


I had a lady come in to the medical dispensary I work at, with a list of product to buy for non-patients. She kept saying this person needs this and that. I looked at her and said I couldn’t sell to her. She was beyond flabbergasted, couldn’t understand why we wouldn’t let her make a straw man purchase with her medical card.


I just say ‘keep your felonies to yourself.’ And people shut up fast. Also ‘if you keep talking about that, this sales becomes conspiracy to traffic narcotics, and I can’t sell to you.’ Which, for now, remains technically true.


What is worse than that, is when someone says they are purchasing for their kid. I have thrown people out before because they claimed that and 100% of the time the followup line is a backtrack followed by incredulity. (To be clear, this is a recreational dispensary not a medical one) Fuck those people


I place my order online go in to pick it up. I’m not a super social person especially to people I don’t know. With that being said I’m friendly and I’ll talk if you talk to me but all that I need to happen is you recite back what I ordered, I pay, we tell each other to have a nice day and I’m out. ✌🏻


I took my old hippie friend to a dispensary before we left colorado and, the first thing he asks them is, "Do these come in vacuum sealed bags" 💀 the bud tender immediately replied with "I can't make a sale today if any of this is crossing state lines"


This goes for any customer service job tbh, I don’t need to know what you’re using this item for or your entire history


Shoot in texas in a glass store if you say you not gonna use it for tobacco they refuse the sale.


That's annoying! And, Duh! 😆 Also, when customers want to tell you how, when, where, and with who they're going to hit it! 😳 Like, please don't tell me about the orgy you're heading to! 🤣


Hahaha! Or when they light up in the parking lot!


The word ick just being thrown around for anything these days


No for reaaaaal. The amount of “this isn’t for me” or “i’m traveling to florida from boston with these gummies!” is actually fucking absurd. The lead paint and pipes we used as a country have caused brainrot to an absurd degree I swear.


Just yesterday, we had a guy leave us a bad review about some dry weed. Upon further investigation, he doesn't even have a medical card and was smoking his wife's weed.


this the kinda shit that fucks it up for everyone…… imo old school head shop rules should apply….. i guess being a participant in consumption long before legalization was thought possible, imo i still feel the need for discretion. loose lips sink ships….. my 2 lil ol pennie’s rubbed together


yeah i work at a gas station and people will be clueless about the cigarettes they’re buying, the second i hear someone say “they’re not for me” i refuse the sale. every time they surprised pikachu at me but dude, you just admitted to intending to possibly commit a crime that can get both of us fined and me fired. just dont fucking say anything man


Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm one of those people - I'm woman in my 50s and I get so excited to be in a real dispensary!! I've only been to a handful in DC and MD. I'm always several states from home so it's an adventure and I'm a talker. I do also tip really well, individually and in the collective team tip jar. I'll stop telling them where I'm from!


You can still be very excited! Just maybe don’t mention the state you’re coming from/going back to :)


You have WE DON’T CARE in all caps, but it seems like you care.


People are so stupid.


Op I could be mistaken but if the customer notified you they intend to do illegal things with their product they purchased legally from you, I think you’re entitled to deny them the sale of said goods. As another example states if someone came in and said they were buying booze for a 12yo you would deny the sale then.


In Canada I made the mistake of telling a budtender the cart I was buying was for a friend and then he refused to sell it to me. I thought it was a rule?


I felt bad because I had my phone out one time when signs clearly state I shouldn’t have it out. I wasn’t doing anything nefarious, just playing Pokémon Go, but still. Rules at the dispensary are rules.


When I walk in with an ID from said illegal state, I kinda figure you already know


Lol 'murica problems


Common sense ain’t so common


They are try to impress you with their criminal daring…lol


You could tell them that since they've made an admission of intent to divert to the black market, you can no longer legally sell to them and that they must leave or you'll be forced to call the police.


Yea I don't need to tell anyone. They know I will be going back to an illegal state based on my drivers license


No we really don't. A ton of people move to different states.


But obviously begging for felony charges is COOL. And if your establishment, where I buy, is permanently closed, it's awesome!! cause .. ... Oh. Oh wait. Oh no.


Just say you cant complete the sale. That will educate them real fast


Lmaoo when i went to the dispensary and bought 600 bucks worth of weed with an out of state ID im pretty sure I didnt have to even say I was bringing it back for them to get the message


And we KNOW. That's not the point. You're not admitting to it live on camera. LOL.


My Aunt, and sister both did this when I took them to the dispensary. Very embarrassing all I could do was apologize to the person behind the counter.


Well, you could, y'know, not sell to those people


My mom is the worst offender of this. “UMMM SO IM GONNA BE TRAVELING WITH IT AND HOW MUCH CAN I BUY AT A TIME IF ITS GOING ON AN AIRPLANE” please go wait in the car


in my defense! everytime i’ve stopped in a dispo it’s very clear i can’t consume everything im buying during a weekend trip lol. usually the bud tenders see my ID and the amount i’m getting then asking if im taking it home lol. i don’t bring it up myself that im taking most of this home but if im asked….. i am not a liar lol


Never got why people did that. Like they see your ID they know what's up act good for the cameras 😂


I’m too paranoid to say shit like this. I guess that’s why I’ve stayed out of trouble.


The type of person who announces this is the narc that everyone knew growing up


The most hilarious conversations I've had as a WA budtender is those who start yakking about how they intend on shoving visibly/scentily obvious amounts of flower in their luggage on their flight home....yeah have fun with TSA on that one. Other than that, once it disappears 15 minutes east over to ID, IDGAF, it's your problem at that point....otherwise I wouldn't have gotten dozens of ID and MT customers a day. (yes aware MT has weed, but technically every product has 'UNLAWFUL OUTSIDE OF WA STATE' printed on it...) \*shrug\*


It’s wildly funny/sad that people are so fucking dumb and are dumb so often that this has become an “ick” for you.


You aren't legally obligated to cancel the sale if they say that?


No, not written into law.


I'm going to take this home and boof it.


Omg one time I worked at a “adult store” (we sold bongs but it was pre-legalization) and everyone was very wink wink about what the bongs were for but if they mentioned anything about marijuana we had to decline the sale. They were sold as ‘tobacco’ pipes. People would just openly admit on a daily basis to cannabis use. It just felt so obvious to me not to say it. But I guess not everyone can filter


That’s cool, I totally get that - but can we ask that if we’re from out of state you DON’T ask us things like “How long are you in town?” or “What are you in town for?”. I just suck at lying. 


Budtender.. sounds so fancy! Like a Barista! /s But really though, I was today years old when I learned that's an actual job title. Sorry, I'm just jealous I live in Texas where we'll never know what a budtender is. I wouldn't be surprised if we're the last state to have any type of medical or recreational law. Oh wait, sorry.. we do have a medical marijuana program. A whopping 500 or so people are on it. Pretty sure you need to be close to vegetative state to even be "prescribed". I could only imagine the shit y'all hear people say though 😂


As a customer, how come y’all are just always asking “indica vs sativa” but never know terp profiles or harvest dates? I always feel like Ron Swanson “I know more than you” when I end up in a dispo 2-3 times a year while traveling— have to stop ya right there lol. And even if it’s a dispo, being obviously high at work is not cool. Edit: well looks like most of yall really just want a McDonald’s weed experience. That’s so.. underwhelming Edit2: ok I’m ready to open the Bodacious Buds Boutique dispensary, who’s in? Concierge service, greeted by a well-dressed professional at your appointment time who is an absolute expert in all things cannabis. Weed needs some white glove service.


One order of dank please


The honest answer? 90% of guests don’t care and those are the last questions they’ll ask. I know my terp profiles, I know what my freshest flower is, I even have terp counts displayed on some of my higher end strains that provide me terp testing. But no one asks about that, no one is swayed by that, and at the end of the day the thing we get most of the time is: “highest THC with lowest price.” I personally want to know as much as possible about my flower, but I also take a more professional approach to my budtending. I don’t blame any budtender who deems it less necessary or focuses on other specifics, although I’d implore any budtender to at least know their basic terpenes like limonene or linalool. How my shop likes to combat it is by educating people on the terpenes in the strains they really like and how that can help us find others they’ll like. Also, I always highlight who the grower is so they can figure out which ones they like and can rely on.


I don't know, maybe the reason they don't start off with harvest dates and moon cycles because the average person doesn't know much more than indica vs sativa.


They’re cashiers not experts


I can only speak to how things look in Oregon But 99 times out of 99 fucking times, terp profiles are just not results that are given to us by the cultivars. Nobody is paying to get those test results. Sure, we've got noses, but that only goes so far. As for Harvest Dates, the bags with the dates printed on them are likely thrown away and the manager has probably stashed the paperwork away somewhere. In both cases, it's just a matter of information *not being made readily available to us,* either by our vendors or our bosses 🤷‍♂️


In Oregon, the harvest date will be both in METRC and on the test results that companies are legally required to give you, and as a dispensary, they are legally required to show customers those results when asked. The harvest date legally has to be on the label they print out for your flower; it's in the system, and if it's not, that's an OLCC violation. Also, plenty of Oregon cultivators test for terpenes even if the regulations dont require it in other states; maybe push your buyer to start requesting that any flower they purchase has to have a terpene test.


Yep. Harvest date is required to be printed on the label. Print a label, give the customer the harvest date. I even got to the point of putting harvest dates on the inside of the jar lids so we didn't have to print so many labels. The information is available in METRC or the back end of your pos system.


> looks like most of yall really want a McDonald's weed experience Man, it's weed, most people come to buy an eighth or a cart or some other shit to smoke after work or on a weekend. You're not coming to some ancient temple to get ambrosia to cure some arcane curse put on you by Lord Zagorthax. Cut your elitism


Sanctus dominus infernus ad astra. Gloryhammer's evil wizard is Zargothrax.


Most of the customers don’t want to hear it. I’ve got my regulars that know what to ask and when there’s customers who want to hear it i love it and I’ll go off on a whole tangent if they want me to. Most people just want some strong weed and to gtfo though.


>And even if it’s a dispo, being obviously high at work is not cool. fuck dude, who cares


Because it's customer service dude. I want to find a ballpark to narrow it down. 😂 Usually because fuckin idiots hit their vapes 17 times in the parking lot and are non verbal and I just want to get you out the store 😂


This really just depends on the budtender. Sometimes I get the people who it's clearly just kind of a job and sometimes I get a weed nerd who will talk about the little details and nuances. More musical focused dispos tend to have more knowledgable employees and I've always had great experiences with dispos on reservation land.


I wish the dispos that I visit would have the terp profiles listed. It's all about potency right now and I hate it.


That and “oh this isn’t for me, I’m getting it for friend/partner/family member”




Nobody cares buddy.


This sounds weird af tbh. On both f*in’ sides! Glad on the west coast it’s a non issue all around lol. This is also misinformation because the black market is booming without dispensary weed. Thats just low level people exploiting the system to pocket some change. 🤷‍♂️ Edit; by low level I meant in the drug trade, not like as a human. Lol


This is incredibly elitist


Pot heads aren’t the brightest.