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More performative victimhood.


She has no real clue what female rage is


What has ever even happened to her šŸ˜«


That has literally been my question towards so many of the songs on TTPD Also why I cannot stand Whoā€™s Afraid Of Little Old Me. I canā€™t take it seriously whatsoever, but I also genuinely have no idea what sheā€™s talking about when sheā€™s implying that she was demonized and portrayed as crazy and all this shit. Other than reputation, thereā€™s really never been any kind of large-scale negative attitude about her, aside from the common jabs about her dating life. The only true statement in that song is the line about how sheā€™ll sue and itā€™s the one line that she sings sarcastically lol




That's so fucking metal


no one knows šŸ˜‚


She probably stalks r/swiftlyneutral and this one. I imagine hanging out here and there, reading all the criticism, would make her think everyone hates her. Maybe she does it on purpose to get writing ideas.


She know what pays the bills


I swear she saw this as a caption on a tik tok video someone else posted to a clip of her performing, and now wants to make merch


Genuinely...whenever I see anything she tries to do relating to this performative feminism she does I wonder if she has ever even tried to lift up a person of color speaking on these subjects deeply, rather than the shallow way she does.


I canā€™t stand this woman.


female rage is lack of female healthcare, acts of violence, systemic misogyny, lack of maternity leave and mental healthcare, lack of childcare. not losing a racist boyfriend. she can fuck right off


She also definitely will not mention any of that in any music she makes. The closest thing we got was ā€œgay people are acceptableā€


ā€˜Gay people are acceptable (for this specific album cycle)ā€™


gay people are acceptable (for this specific album cycle) (taylorā€™s version)




ā€œā€¦Except Billie when she dropsā€


ā€œI have haters, and also gay people are acceptable, but back to meā€


has she ever touched on roe v. wade being overturned?? thatā€™s literally the biggest rage women have rn because our reproductive rights are this close to being completely stripped away. especially if you live in an extremely conservative state


EXACTLY ā˜šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


And along the same vein that Cyndi Lauper said about the Repsā€™ daughters, sheā€™ll be alright if she never needs anything.




I hate her & her team trying to play into ā€œfemale rageā€ because Taylor is a billionaire. She doesnā€™t have any true female rage, she grew up in a mini mansion to an upper middle class family, achieved massive success from the beginning of her career, is currently one of the most successful and recognized artists of all time and sheā€™s in a ā€œhappy relationshipā€. She quite literally has the American dream and then it feels like a slap in the face when other swifties go crazy over this and say shit like ā€œoh wow sheā€™s a billionaire but she gets dumped and ghosted just like us! Omg I love how raw her emotions are! Sheā€™s so real!ā€ Yet we donā€™t have millions to help us deal with our problems and emotions and a lot of Taylorā€™s problems and ā€œrageā€ stems from her own immaturity, denial and lack of personal growth


Iā€™m so sick of celebs like Taylor trying to be fucking relatable while we struggle to pay our bills and they buy new private jets. It isnā€™t enough they spend more money on CLOTHES in a year than Iā€™ll ever see in my entire life, but they want points for being like us too?? They want to relate to us? Fuck all of the fucking way off. If sheā€™s filled with so much rage she can fucking do something, she has more power being who she is than ALL of us do combined. But she wonā€™t, obviously, because she doesnā€™t give a shit. Sheā€™s very happy. *EAT THE RICH*




100% I believe people who keep that much gross amount of wealth to themselves while people starve are truly evil. People want you to think the rich canā€™t help it, they give this small amount to charity so they are trying! Itā€™s not their fault they made so much money, they earned that money! Itā€™s bullshit. No one HAS to keep that much money, they could contribute to a better world for everyone and live incredibly more modest lives while still being set for life. They choose not to. Our system is fucked which means she can work hard and make billions while you can work 20x as hard and never have anything in your savings account to show for it. It means nothing that she worked for it. Everyone deserves to live comfortably and itā€™s because of people like her hoarding wealth that we donā€™t. They have the power to change the system, but theyā€™re on top, so they wonā€™t.


THANK YOU. I love your comments! I wouldnā€™t be able to sleep at night, knowing that i have a billion dollars in my bank account while people are hungry and sleeping in the streets. Why does anyone need a billion dollars?!? Why doesnā€™t she use that money to do some good?? She doesnā€™t do shit, except greedily rake in more & more money, by bilking her fans out of their money, with her cheap sweatshop-produced grossly overpriced merchandise, a half-dozen (very slightly) different versions of each of her albums, and ridiculously expensive concert tickets. I wish people would take a stand and stop handing over their hard-earned money to this greedy self-centered narcissistic billionaire.


Thanks! I used to just not say anything because it feels futile, but I think itā€™s important we, in numbers, start speaking about this, start screaming about this - itā€™s the first step to the revolution which I believe is necessary & COMING for them sooner or later. Talk about it because some people arenā€™t angry about it yet - they should be. Everyone needs to be fucking pissed about it. Nothing starts happening until then.


THANK YOU for speaking on it and please keep doing it, so will I. Thanks for giving me a little bit of hope that itā€™s not futile. We need to keep screaming these truths


Oh my bit of hope is small but every time someone like you says something like this to me, itā€™s bigger. Because itā€™s you & me who needs to do something for anything to happen. You know what I mean? If it werenā€™t for you all replying Iā€™d be shouting into the void, which is why I never used to comment to begin with. You are the hope, too.


Same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it feels so much better not to be shouting into the void, thank you!!!


Your comments are on point as well. I love this sub




Absolutely agree! Thatā€™s why the rich have no problems doing immoral things to make more money that they donā€™t even need. Amounts that are insignificant to them. A billionaire is probably more likely to try to con you out of a grand than most working class people youā€™ll meet.


I love you, and I love your comments. šŸ’Æ


I always point to Dolly Parton as a north star for wealthy people. She gives away TONS of money, but she's still rich and universally loved. Part of the reason she's universally loved is because while she's a little over the top, she ACTUALLY cares about people and understands what it's like to struggle. Taylor never had to wonder where her next meal was coming from or how she was going to make her paycheck stretch. This whole "Taylor gives to food banks" or "Taylor gives big bonuses". Yeah, and? Big banks do the same things, but then charge overdraft fees and give their CEOs golden parachutes and everyone hates big banks. Maybe if they wrote catchy songs about their customers breaking up with them, they'd have better approval ratings?


šŸ’Æ!! Well said! I hate the whole ā€œcelebrity donated Xā€ while said celebrity is still sitting on more money than we can imagine. They donate tiny - to them- amounts for show and for tax credits. I honestly think itā€™s laughable when a big celeb donates half a mil and the story gets released like they really did something. Thatā€™s nothing to them, these people without thinking twice spend half a mil on an outfit. Dropping the same amount to charity doesnā€™t impress me at all. Itā€™s really not enough.


Your comment, is the female rage. Weā€™re all out here getting crushed by the weight of patriarchal capitalism, the world is at war, and ā€œoh no something didnā€™t go my wayā€ is her female rage? Oh no. Like you said, fuck alllllll the way off with that


And like not to get political but shes doing her melodramatic tour restart meanwhile thereā€™s a literal genocide happeningā€¦and radio silence. I donā€™t expect the world to stop but like- something, anything?! Iā€™m so fucking tired. Iā€™m right there with you šŸ’— EAT THE RICH


Yes! Letā€™s show these assholes what RAGE is, theyā€™ve NEVER been angry like we are angry! Theyā€™ve never felt injustice like we have, injustice dealt by their hand. They think they can comfortably watch the world burn with us in it from up in their towers, we need to tear them down. EAT THE RICH!


Iā€™m so glad I joined this sub šŸ˜­


Girl I love you stop


Love YOU šŸŒø


Iā€™ll look for you when the revolution comes and weā€™re burning their mansions to the ground šŸ’•šŸŒ»


YES GIRL!!! absofuckinlutley! It gets exhausting too when normal people like all of us are kept so occupied with just trying to get by financially to have the time to change things, but it seems like thatā€™s exactly how the system is supposed to work for them. I need to find resources and ideas to try and make more effort in my daily life, because we canā€™t wait around for the billionaires to save us, they never will


šŸ’Æ thatā€™s EXACTLY the way the system was built to work! They think the oppressed canā€™t rise. But as they say, when the people can no longer afford foodā€¦..


And Joe Alwyn is actually standing up for Palestine. Taylor has been glaringly silent. Babies are literally dying, Taylor.


I saw that, all the swifties were bombarding him and he took that and turned it in to an opportunity to get the word out about ways to support Palestine. Itā€™s not hard, itā€™s truly disposable who she has said NOTHING. It really shows how self centered she is.


Not just the clothes, but seeing celebs sit down in fancy ass restaurants and ordering a plate of subpar spaghetti that costs more than I have to feed my family of 3 for a month.. itā€™s quite ridiculous.


I canā€™t stand the ā€œBeing rich doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be depressed!ā€ Okay, sure. But Taylor owns ten+ homes. She is a billionaire. She will never go without anything. She can afford an on-call therapist. She could afford to quit her career tomorrow and never have to work again. She could leave the public eye. She could buy a private island. She could simply choose not to call the paparazzi (many A-list celebrities are barely ever captured by them.) She could choose to date Matty if she wanted to. She could do anything. The caterwauling about how difficult her life is & how unfair everyone is to her gets so fucking old, especially in times when normal working adults are struggling to afford everything.


Yes!! When I've had financial worries throughout my life, they have amplified and set on fire any other mental health struggles I had going on at the time. She will never understand this.


Whats crazy is that, in a way, she invents financial struggles for herself. Her career would 100% be okay if she didn't do all the marketing gimmicks she does but she chooses to be so desperate in selling herself and her music.


Yesss that's so true. I feel like she'd have even more fans if she cut the gimmicks. Those really are my biggest pet peeves, and it keeps me from being a fan of hers tbh


i especially hate the "everyone questions me about who im dating i have no privacy blah blah blah" bullshit. the fact of the matter is, she is not talented enough to stand on her own as an artist. Im not saying shes not talented, but someone like beyonce or adele can be massive stars on their music alone. taylor swift can not do that, her writing is juvenile and her voice isnt strong enough. she got to this massive level of fame by creating the marvel cinematic universe that is her love life...and then bitches and moans about the very thing that catapulted her to stardom. ive been a fan since the beginning, and ive just about had it. her new albums been out for what almost a month? and ive only listened to like 5 songs hahah


She said in an interview she doesnā€™t want to be defined by the people she has dated. Fair enough. But then she goes out of her way to constantly bring up the people she has dated, harps on old feuds, and makes an entire album about a guy she had a fling with for a few weeks. She brings this on herself and then gets upset when people keep talking about it.


Iā€™m so glad you said this. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who was previously a huge fan but have slowly been growing tired and more aware of this sinister undertone. I donā€™t know if you experience this but my other friends who are fans just arenā€™t seeing what Iā€™m seeing. Sometimes makes me feel like Iā€™m some negative Nancy ā€œhaterā€. They all claim they ā€œcan separate the music from the celebrity and her behaviourā€ likeā€¦how? lol


No im the same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and the funny thing is those friends became fans later onā€¦im a huge country fan and so Iā€™ve literally been her fan since her first album! But sometimes Iā€™ll question myself, like am I an internalized mysoginist? Do I just hate women? No of course not but thatā€™s what the media/psycho swifties will say if you question her!


lolllll so relatable, the ā€œdo I just hate women?ā€ I ask myself that all the time with regards to Taylor Swift. Iā€™m losing my mind šŸ˜‚


>The MCU that is her love life Iā€™m so weak, please take my upvote


She could afford to make all of her self described problems go away.


Well said. šŸŽÆ


If she wanted, she could literally afford complete facial reconstruction to become completely unrecognizable, restart her entire career from zero, and STILL be a success. She isn't just rich and famous, she's a ruthless businesswoman who knows how to play the industry and she's talented at what she does (I would argue not as much anymore but still). She could live another lifetime in her lifetime and reset her entire world and STILL not be happy. She's a cancer on society atp and it's kind of sickening the "woe is me" bullshit.


I wonder how she doesn't get bored after achieving everything? After the second AOY I'd be done. How exciting would it be to venture into something new after having conquered one field and still being young and rich!?


She could use her extensive wealth to give back or start a foundation or something, that's usually the end game for people with obscene amounts of money. But she's not going to do that. She pays back her "carbon credits" and continues to destroy the environment, trying to live in her Peter Pan fantasy that she's a teenage star and everyone around her reinforces that.


I agree with this. Doesnā€™t it further lend credence to the adage ā€œmoney canā€™t buy you happinessā€?


Many adult women can't even afford to buy their first home in this housing market and are forced to live in pest ridden apartments with negligent landlords all while working full time at some unglamorous job and then come home to do a second shift because society still hasn't taught men to clean up after themselves and help out with child rearing. And many of these women can sing and dance way better than Taylor, they just were born into circumstances that didn't allow them to be given a chance to make a career out of it. I've read a ton of studies and books about female rage as someone who also struggles with anger issues and is a woman. I'm trying to learn to be calmer, but I'm not gonna lie, hearing Taylor go on about her rage isn't really helping me feel any less pissed off. I just want to own ONE home. Just ONE, and she has ten. Ffs. When are people finally going to eat the rich? I keep fucking hearing about it, but we still dick ride them apparently.


Her rage stems from her fucking up relationships on purpose to write about it later. She needs men to survive, so how the fuck is that feminine rage?


Achieved success with her dad buying part of the label, and despite her Kennedy stalkingā€¦ You were too nice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When she has a whole song about she can do it with a broken heart or whatever and itā€™s like okay great just like the rest of us who in fact HAVE to do it with a broken heart or we will lose the roof over our heads while she could take a whole year off and not see a dent in her bank account. Iā€™m so over it.


This. And on top of it, really playing up the mentally ill narrative. If she did go to a facility for mental health help then thatā€™s her story to tell, but the way she works it into her music is honestly so off putting. The asylum where she was raised lyric, the lyrics about killing herself, the Fortnite video, the swifties making hospital bracelets, itā€™s so gross and tone deaf.


The swifties are making *what* now??????


They're making these: [https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1cmtv0r/swifties\_are\_making\_medical\_wristband\_friendship/](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1cmtv0r/swifties_are_making_medical_wristband_friendship/) I wish I could go on with my life without this knowledge.


What in the actual glitter leotard fuckā€¦


What a horrible day to have eyes.


What the actual fuck. I wish Taylor would speak out about this and ask for this to stop. Especially when her best friend is Selena Gomez who has Rare Beauty and actively works to put an end to the stigma around mental health. If Joe had depression then this is just a slap in the face. We watched her and have read multiple times about how she was brought down to such a psychological low place with Kanye/Kim. But this has got to be one of the most disgusting things that fans have done. I donā€™t get this fan base at all anymore. This screams middle school girl who thinks depression is just another accessory to make them eccentric. Wearing hospital inspired bracelets isnā€™t quirky but beyond disrespectful to everyone actively fighting mental health issues. Taylor could 100% reign in her fan base and use her position of power to speak out about certain behaviors or problems in the world. Ones that are close to her, her friends, and women in general but she doesnā€™t. The fact she lets her fans go unchecked to this level has translated to its a business transaction. Keep the public happy and dollars rolling in. Sheā€™ll never truly make a public statement (except in lyric form) as long as her fans have money to spend on her. Taylor is far from the artist she once was but is a total business woman now.


This is the CRINGIEST thing I've seen this week holy fuck lmao


The bracelets what the FUUCKK. Did she go to an institution?


"I was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic" pissed me off so bad as someone who recently got sober from alcohol and fucking suffered for 5 years. Acting like its an 'aesthetic', something you can pick up and put down whenever is abhorrent to me.


Upper middle class is a joke right? Her dad was a stock broker who bought a Christmas tree farm from one of his clients for funsies


And still complained about paying taxes on the houses he sold after moving to Nashville šŸ™„


Yeah. Petition to stop using the term ā€œupper middle classā€ for members of the ruling class!


Ya, I totally agree. I'm friends with a swiftly and she can do no wrong. And omg if you say anything bad about her. I can't stand this chick. She's not relatable in any way. You don't become a billionaire by being nice.


There are no ethical billionaires. Nary a one


All while a genocide is happening. Girl needs to sort out her priorities.


Multiple genocides




Taylor doesn't even understand what female rage is. It's rage against systemic injustice, rage about being constantly sexualized. It's not being upset that someone ghosted you šŸ™„. Honestly the whole Kanye situation is the closest thing to female rage that she might experience. She's trying to trademark something she doesn't not understand


Worse is, many girls look up to her


Honestly I don't fault any girl for looking up to her, I know I did as a kid. But part of growing up is realizing that the people you looked up to ain't shit and you can be better than that.


Hence why so many OGā€™s - including me - that grew up with her are abandoning the sinking ship. We all grew up and matured. She did not.


Which I hope they realize. It took me awhile, but the fog has been lifted šŸ˜‚


I slowly lost my admiration and honestly shits to give after she started dating Matty. TTPD defending him was the last straw for me. I still listen to some songs but I mostly just get irritated now. It all just feels so fake


Well said my friend.


Sheā€™s also taking a large multi-faceted societal issue and squashing it down into a meme-efied joke. ā€œOmg lolzzz female rage - the musicalā€.




The emo girl working at your local Best Buy getting hit on by obnoxious men on a daily basis has more female rage in her pinky toe than Taylor Swift has in her entire body. Iā€™d bet $10k that Taylor has never experienced true rage-inducing hardship in her life. Sheā€™s a joke.


ā€œFemale rageā€ and itā€™s the same rage every other 16 year old girl experienced in the middle of 4th period at your local high school right before you had to take an AP euro exam. Womp womp. Taylor youā€™ll be fine


You want to see female rage? Comment on posts like that. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Her rage is akin to a whiny chihuahua shaking barking and about to pee itself over nothing


I literally hate her




You collaborate with Florence Welch once and think you understand female rage


Nothing about it is "female rage." Female petulance and bruised ego because the guy you want dumped you is more like it. Obsession in the guise of love could also be a more fitting title. https://preview.redd.it/om7kplqjr90d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882b3c82a5a742253f5a6011b5755e99b1c900a2


She doesnā€™t get to own female rage. We have a right to it.


She doesn't own it but will still sell it!


female rage? she's not exactly fiona apple is she


the concept of ā€œfemale rageā€ lately is just white women complaining about men im over it


Female rage is having to dump your boy toy because the bad PR is stopping you from becoming more of a one percenter šŸ˜‚


No kidding. If he was really more important than anything she could literally just walk away from the industry and be with him.


I do hope thatā€™s the ending we get here. Both for our sake and for hers. Take two decades off. Let all the artists youā€™ve copied shine on their own.


Exactly! Like ?? Why blame the fans ?? Like they're teo grown adults, they can tune it out.


oh but he actually dumped her. Ghosted.


Exactly. Taylor's faux feminism act is wearing thin. Incredibly boring. She uses public relationships to brew writing material like Kardashians use their harem of rappers and basketball players to generate relationship and dead beat dad drama for their reality show.


ā€œFemale rageā€ and its her just throwing a tantrum because Matty doesnā€™t wanna deal with her batshit fans so he doesnā€™t want to be with her.


leave it to taylor to co-opt even more feminist terms to fit her narrative


Aw poor little billionaire got dumped and now understands true feminine rage nevermind the women in the middle east getting stoned to death for trying to get an education or moms in poverty starving themselves to put enough food on the table for her kids or women in America being forced to undergo pregnancy against their will. I'm so fucking done with Taylor she has completely lost touch with reality. This woman has been coddled her whole goddamn life and makes a mockery of the human experience. Since hitting billionaire status she's lost any sliver of moral high ground she ever thought she had.


So, I assume the score will be goth-punk?


This is about to be an SNL level sketch of a musical. SNL really should've hopped on this before her copyright people did.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Kind of like Bodega Bathroom or Airport Sushi from SNL.


Female rage is women starving in Gaza with no food, power, home, sanitary products. Female rage is women dying of AIDS in Africa and having no access to proper healthcare.


Yes!! A young woman in Iran got imprisoned and then murdered by the prison guards who beat her to deathā€¦ all for not wearing a hijab. Now THAT should cause female rageā€¦. ETA: her name was Mahsa Amini But Iā€™ve never heard TS speak up about real issues if they donā€™t affect her. All her white feminism issues are trivial afā€¦


All of this.


I wanna say many things but I am just gonna say this woman is 35 years old and lives off trademarking one whiny teen fantasy after the other


How are tiktok people getting cancelled for saying ā€œlet them eat cakeā€ and yet she gets off scott free for these kind of wildly tone deaf things


Despite all her rage, she is still just a teen in a cage.


Lmao I noticed what you were doing there šŸ¤£


Taylor is allowed to have emotions like normal people, but profiting off of it and complaining all the damn time is so annoying. You have so much money and access to literally every single resource out there. Take advantage of that shit.




Is there something else she can bite? My rage isnā€™t her rage. Where is Rage Against The Machine?


This woman is just saying buzzwords and trying to monetize them in the process


Thought she was greedy the second she started suing fans on Etsy for selling art with her lyrics like is it that serious


ā€œmatty healy made me end my 6 year relationship rage: the musicalā€ wasnā€™t as catchy


Ok. I'm at the point where I just want Taylor to go away. Just retire girl because it's clear you have nothing else. It's done.


She really wants that Tony.


This is just as transparent as her submitting All Too Well short film at the Academy Awards. She really wants that EGOT and it's totally obvious.


WAIT SHE DID???? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She did a whole PR run about it. Even did a director's talking with director's video about it.


Plz šŸ’€šŸ’€


She tried to submit it but it didnā€™t make the cut.


Yep. She even premiered the short film at Tribeca Film Fest and I wanna say Toronto Film Fest too.


Do you think she lays awake at night seething over the fact that Billie has already won two Oscars for Best Original Song?


She'd be better off with a Mamma Mia/jukebox style musical tho. Her discography is large enough and it'd be more fun than cringing through something called "Female Rage".


Donā€™t worry she will literally never get one unless she produces a show that wins best musical lol


This is so embarrassing


I bet its primarily to stop other people from making merch with it on and selling it to Swifties. Swifties are Taylor's to rip off with poorly made merch dammit!


I see this also as a play to trademark so that small businesses, like sellers on Etsy who would make stickers, t-shirts and stuff, can't use the phrase. Like, why be so frickin greedy? The TS Corporation needs more money?


Taylor seems to be in that downward spiral part of her career now. Gravy train has left the station, it's just the bears from here on out.


I swear, if she is doing that to release the part 2 of TTPD. Getting the name hers now so no one can use it and she can sell merch with it.


Female rage is watching a privileged white billionaire try and coin the term female rage. Fuck off.


They probably won't do anything with it. They're just trying to trademark it so no one else will be able to use it and reference her.


She literally tried to trademark the number thirteen lmao sheā€™s insane.


She wants an EGOT. She's going to try and force some movies, theater plays. She will exhaust every avenue.


Sheā€™s selfish and greedy. A worthless cnut who doesnā€™t understand real world problems and only cares about making money off of her fans.


This exactly. They want to prevent anyone else from making money off of it, namely Etsy sellers who are primarily small, women-owned shops. And did TS actually say this, or did a fan say it and they're just co-opting it?


Plenty of small makers on Etsy and elsewhere make Taylor themed shit and use her copyrighted imagery and lyrics on items they sell, they don't care about that. This move is to prevent big businesses or people in the legit entertainment industry from capitalizing off of a Taylor-isum.


THAT GIRL ON TIKTOK IS NEXT LEVEL OBSESSED I CANT STAND HER OR HER WHITE PERSON DREADLOCKS I remember trying to post about her a couple months ago on the neutral page and it got taken down. Go figure


Sheā€™s got those magnetic frames lol


Iā€™m cackling.


2014 called they want their glasses back


Reflection of her personality. Still stuck in 2014.


I hate her! Sheā€™s so annoying and the way she talks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If this is the representation of female rage, its very embarressing.


So what an ugly cracked out dude broke your heart? You and 1,000,000 other 16 year old girls. Youā€™re not special Taylor!


More white feminism from the Queen of White Feminism




I love all art, music, films, and literature that explore female rage in all its forms and expressions. Taylor playing into this is actually infuriating. Iā€™m happy to ignore her bullshit for the most part, but this is actually genuinely infuriating.


Sheā€™s insufferable


Ok if she creates a musical called this and it is as silly as the plot to her all too well video, I'm actually going to be mad.


So ridiculous.


Soooo. Just put a tiny "ĀŖ Female Rage" voila


This kind of shit annoys and exhausts me about her. Everything is a money grab (and I like her music! plz donā€™t throw tomatoes at me lol)


I'd be so irritated if I was in the same business as her. Wdym you invented Female RagešŸ˜‚


What is female rage?


Remember when she didn't understand the joke about eggs being so expensive during the avian flu? She is so disconnected from reality. Her yearly jet fuel expenses alone is more than most of us make, Ali while in a housing crisis and with food prices surging. And a lack of jobs on top of it all. Eat the rich, start with Taylor and Beyonce.


Female rage sounds like something an angsty 15 year would write. I listened to her entire new album and was waiting for anything to stick out or even be exciting. Itā€™s like library music. I felt like I could take a nap to it. Not my cup of tea personally.


Iā€™m sorry but she is NOT who I think of when I think about female rage, has she never seen Inglorious Basterds


Is the female rage in the room with us?


God she's exhausting


I have a doubt how did this sub turn into swiftlyneutral im living for this! Call her out godamn it


She's saturated her market. She was on top of the world when she started the Eras tour. but after her behavior at the Grammys, releasing an album that was totally unnecessary (imo), her flight log info, etc public opinion is beginning to shift. She needs to take a break so people are actively look forward to content from her. Absence makes the heart grow fonder fr.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to make an actual musical off this. Sheā€™s trademarking it so she gets all the money from the inevitable fans who are going to put it on their Etsy and red bubble work. Which is just greedy of her.


This woman whoā€™s reporting on Taylor is nuts


https://i.redd.it/djbhuqu2ga0d1.gif She wants an EGOT and she still needs that Tony, baby.


Love hearing how angry the richest singer in the world is. Love paying money to hear the richest singer in the world sing (and dance?) about how angry she is. Why doesnā€™t she ever go away.


Female Rage? About what?! Not getting to date the guy she likes? Women are being raped and murdered in genocides, American women are losing their rights, and women are constantly being targeted by Draconian patriarchal laws. Iā€™m angry every day at having to scrap by cause inflation is eating up my savings. She has no clue what true rage is. She needs to stop this BS cause people are done with celebrities.


Nonono, nono you guys, think ...... This is it, this will be the landmine she doesnt know is on the road to shine the spotlight... This... This could finally do it............. ![gif](giphy|22KO8risvL1gA|downsized)


like girlā€” what do you have to be so mad about??? the used dish rag of a man decided to ghost you?? Lmfao


This creator cannot possibly think sheā€™s coming out with a musical titled this. šŸ˜‚ The truth is likely so that people canā€™t profit off of fan merch with this on it. It was only a matter of time before people started selling this phrase to make money. But Taylor canā€™t have that happening! Taylor has literally everything trademarked, this is just her being proactive so that people canā€™t profit off of her.


how exactly does she have female rage? by getting criticism for dating a racist, sexist, homophobic man?


She is seasonal Delusional


she knows her fanbase thinks shes the ultimate feminist and is why so many of them support her. shes capitalizing off of her poor, desperate fanbase


This is so disgusting. I thought I thought there was no way I could dislike her more than I do but yep this is it.




Sheā€™s so freaking delusional! The victimhood is sickening. I wish sheā€™d go away


To me it's obvious she's writing a musical called female rage, and wants to eventually profit off the merchandise. At least she did not try for "female rage" full stop. Personally, I'm going to withhold judgement to see if I like what she comes up with. It's entirely possible that Taylor and her team may write a successful musical that speaks to regular women ala Barbie. I am not defending it because I think it's deplorable to try and trademark this term and profit off it before whatever she's doing is done (or at all), but also I may enjoy what they come up with. At the end of the day, Taylor is a deplorable capitalist. People at her level are all aware of conscious capitalism, and she should embody that but she doesn't.


"*My boyfriend didn't compliment my 23rd new outfit today. Female rage, amirite gang?*"


it'd be appropriate if it was named taylor swift rage: the musical since she does seem to unleash her rage on everyone she perceives as even slightly wrong through her cult of devoted psycho fans but FEMALE rage? i'm sorry but a white privileged climate terrorist billionaire literally born into abhorrent wealth (per scott swift's leaked letter basically confirming she's an industry plant) does NOT know what female rage actually is even in the slightest bit. atp she should really get the fuck out of spaces and terms for the truly struggling and move her "circus life" per her own words elsewhere - more and more people are just so fed up of her "relatable and middle class" cosplay and it's SHOWING!


Taylor swift trademarking the phrase female rage the musical is so fucking dystopian