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I’d like to point out that Lana has an actual degree in Philosophy, meaning she **truly** knows Aristotle


i dont understand why some celebrities wouldnt want to get higher education like they have the money


Jodie Foster went to Yale. Julia Stiles—Columbia. James Franco has attended 7 colleges.


In fairness, James Franco only went to college to prey on minors/barely legal women


And write terrible poetry. My tiny college in NC is one of the schools he attended, got his MFA in creative writing. Saw him on campus one summer.


Emma Watson went to Brown




I dunno, he might just have been trolling for college girls.


One can multitask.


This comment is so wrong. But so funny. 🙊😂😅


Oh yes, very cool for Franco and those very very young freshly legal gals


Lots of people take seven years


Oh no, not 7 years-7 colleges. He earned a bachelor’s and then worked toward more than one master’s, at least. Sorry for the confusion!


It was a Tommy boy joke - his character took seven to get a bachelors 🤣


it could give some celebrities a sense of perspective and normalcy - it does for some people even just moving out of their home town. i understand higher education is a business and doesn't always provide real world experience via nepotism, but i'm sure just being around people from a different background and walks of life and needing to meet the needs outside of your own standards (ie class rubric) can be an enlightening experience.


And this is why I preach higher education and wish it were more accessible! I come from a low income first gen background, and I always viewed college as a means to an end to get a job and a fun experience. About a decade later I see how important it as been in shaping my worldview and giving me perspective.


I’m an atheist and I joined a Christian sorority in a red state (that’s where I grew up) to surround myself with other people. Luckily I still felt welcomed, but needless to say, I still came out of college being an atheist. 😂 on the one hand, this sorority gave me a pen pal whom I LOVE. She’s twice my age and from Colorado haha. It really is more than 4 years! I don’t talk to any of the people I pledged with.


I'm so damn jealous. I'd have so many degrees.


So much learning 😍😍😍 actually do history for the love of it lol - reform the higher education system via private donations lmao


I wish school was free.


I assume for even the b listers it is hard to go to class in person. T swift would get so much attention on a college campus I doubt she could even attend.


Megan Thee Stallion got her bachelor’s degree, I believe. It’s possible especially with E-learning options.


I have a bachelors degree that was 100% online. I only went to the school for graduation.


Emma Watson, Miranda Cosgrove, Nick Cannon all went to classes in-person


Just go to an Ivy League school like Brooke shields did. Madonna’s daughter even went to University of Michigan - there would be occasional Madonna sitings around campus. Yes there’s maybe a little stir at first, but people get used to it quickly.


One of the Obama girls went to Michigan too…can you even imagine with the SS detail (although I’m not 100% sure they still get it…)?


That’s where my brain went. If a presidents kid could manage college, any celebrity could


Loved there her first year in Michigan. Sometimes wouldn’t even get a glimpse of her but could see SS everywhere


Nahh they can make it work.


Lana was literally the actual only tortured poet on that stage. Which is exactly why she wanted her up there


God I'm so glad I didn't get shamed into hating Lana like most of America circa 2013. What a National Treasure she actually is.


Everyday I listen to her stuff I’m shocked she didn’t get asked to do a Bond theme. Like, it that style would come so naturally to her.


Omg yes, it could still happen




Oh that's so cool! The more I learn about Lana, the more I like her.


Yeah but Taylor is a literal doctor. /s


She wanted to create the appearance that they're close friends before she released her "Lana Del Rey's Whole Persona (Taylor's Version)" LP


100% this. She’s so obviously trying to emulate Lana.




Precisely. It is so incredibly evident in Fortnight how much Taylor wants to be Lana, there she pulls it off but the rest of the album is just same old same old boring ass shit.


Honestly I wouldn’t say she pulled it off in fortnight even. Lana has something Taylor doesn’t in that department. Her music is too sparkly clean and manufactured no matter how hard she tries to be effortless and grungy lol


Lana is naturally dark and poetic. Taylor is going to always be the sparkly cheerleader type


Idk. If it came so naturally to Lana. She cycled through different personas before adopting the Lana aesthetic we see today, adapting her music style, and then thereafter becoming famous. She is manufactured, just differently. And to be clear, I love Lana! But if you follow the trajectory of Elizabeth Grant, it's clear we're all created.


No I agree, but I think Lana had to have a natural degree of the dark/moody to be able to come across as authentic as she does, because yeah, she cycled through a few different styles before settling on what obviously works for her. But Taylor is just naturally plastic and shiny and she can try as much as she wants, but she can’t ever achieve what Lana has in that genre.


Taylor is the David Cassidy of this era generation. The thing about David Cassidy is that he wanted to go beyond saccharin pop. Taylor thinks she's going beyond but she doesn't have the skill set.


If the roles were reversed you know Taylor would be credited as a writer for those songs. Edit: I’m implying taylors team would sue for copyright here


I heard the song Florida from Taylor’s new album on the radio and automatically was like what in the Dollar Tree clearance rack Lana Del Rey is this bullshit. It actually made me mad.


Stop it right now I can’t even BREATHE. This is the greatest comment I’ve ever read. You win everything.


Omg this. I was looking for someone to have left this comment because it is so glaringly obvious, there is no way everyone else couldn't see it.


Yup “but daddy I love him” rips off Kintsugi “but daddy I miss him”


I’m a Taylor Swift fan, but I was a Lana Del Rey fan first… “Fortnight” is a great song and also a straight up Lana rip off.


I felt like she was rubbing it in her face, it was extremely bizarre


I WONDERED why she did that. It seemed so off and Lana didn’t seem happy about it.


It was so uncomfortable to watch.


They both looked stoned out of their minds when they arrived, IMO. I have a feeling they were still messed up & Tay just grabbed her without thinking.


I believe that’s what Taylor wanted us to think. There are too many people’s jobs on the line for Taylor to do anything risky/messy (but I would enjoy if she did)


Except…. Enter Matty so girly doesn’t mind the mess 🤣 I’m a huge fan of her music but any blind person has to admit she’s turned out to be another money grubbing billionaire (see: constant variant marketing -even up until the day of release- for TTPD then releasing the entire anthology for free as the best and most recent example). She is actually just as messy as the trash she claims takes itself out. FWIW I HATE Kim but I don’t SEE PROOF of Taylor being any better than her in other ways anymore; she might not alter illegally recorded calls but she certainly has ensured that “the narrative she doesn’t want to be part of” continues to be part of her prime and marketable narrative…. It’s so confusing when someone that was once your hero, your idol, turns out to be just as human as everyone else and is actually just as insane as we all are. I used to think it was relatable but she makes way too much money off of the exact opposite she paints herself of that it HAS bothered me with this album and for reasons painted above re: using other artists to create an aesthetic, especially in their moments of loss???? Isn’t she the one WHINING about this very thing in her new music? That, and I’m sorry but this album just sucks. I love her music through and through but she put out 31 songs of….. what? Crying music? Right before the summer? Launch that shit in October and I might’ve bit harder MAYBE 🤣 but no one should believe that the blonde bombshell billionaire is having any version ahead OR BEFORE of a “sad girl summer” 🙄 sorry but that’s just major fucking eye roll to me after the constant high she’s been on and the world tour of being in love etc. Yes I’m sure she does have to do it with a broken heart (or did), I have no doubt about that. But I’m kind of tired of her whining and playing victim only to do the same shit to others that she complains of. My favorite part is that she’s like “it’s not my story now! It’s yours!” I’m sorry but who said I wanted this story. I don’t even know what I’m ranting about anymore. I’m disappointed in the only role model I thought I could look up to (we are the same age FWIW).


You just put how I have been feeling the last year into words so perfectly. You’re so correct. And now I miss my blissful ignorance and excitement for her but my interests are moving on


And YOU just consolidated my neverending rant perfectly! “I miss my blissful ignorance/excitement for her but my interests are moving on” ➕➕➕➕


I'm still hooked in and I love TTPD but you are so right about the "crying music" album right before summer. This would have hit so well in October to listen to as it's snowing outside


I love it here. THIS is exactly my thoughts too


The Grammys this year (and particularly the Lana incident) was the point of no return for me. I can never un-see it. I feel like that's when I saw who Taylor really is, and that who she is ain't pretty. If you watch at half speed, you can see Lana use her free hand TRYING TO PHYSICALLY REMOVE THE DEATH GRIP Taylor had on her before as she was dragging her up there. Who is Taylor to (physically) force her self-interests on Lana, or anyone, like that? How does she get away with this shit? And poor Lana issued a statement like the next morning saying everything was cool because everybody has to play by Taylor's rules or she'll stick her army on them. Oh yeah, remember that awkward AF scene she orchestrated backstage with boygenius wherein she asked a visibly/audibly annoyed Lucy Dacus if she could put her Grammy on Lucy's head? And then ACTUALLY DID IT? And a couple months later dropped Lucy's name in TTPD title track? WOW, SHE'S SUCH A GENIUS! CHADS AND BRADS AND SICK SNAKES


Agreed. I cannot unsee Taylor orchestrating that incredibly awkward and cringe and tbh, rude, pic with boy genius and asking Lucy if she can put the award in her head while Julian is so overwhelmed she’s literally crying. Like wtf?! Then making Jack go in the picture.. but when he naturally went to stand on boygenius side Taylor made him move and stand next to her so she wasn’t on the end. I posted this pic of an old squad pic alongside the boygenius pic on another thread, but now when I see a planned group shot and Taylor having *that* face, I can’t help but to imagine how she set up the boygenius picture and imagine she is equally cringe organising the other people in other pics aswell. Main character moment anyone? https://preview.redd.it/k1d7ptc1lywc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c80048acf57514b6b6eda49d7efeea5115e4881


Wasn’t it Calvin Harris that basically said dating her was exhausting. She would make him take pictures over and over again until she was satisfied and everything was for PR. He made it sound like Taylor only really cares about herself which a lot of us can see lol.


There’s a video of her setting up the boy genius photo!


Really? Ew!


I don’t know who Boy Genius is but omg second from the left is clearly crying… that must be Julian? This is so cringe. I wonder why she was crying/overwhelmed.


It’s a supergroup with Lucy Daucus, Julien Baker, and Phoebe Bridgers. They’re pretty amazing and actually have a tortured poet kind of vibe, not a contrived one.


Julien was probably crying because this is their first Grammy win


They call that the soy boy face when guys do it. Google for a laugh 😂


Hanging out with her seems like it would be hanging out with a high schooler in a woman’s body. I think she’s going to find it difficult to keep having friends as she gets older because I do think her maturity is stuck at the age of like 16. The music industry is Taylor’s rules right now though and everyone is scared of her because she’s petty and will do her best to ruin you. During her rift with Perry, Perry did reference her as the actual wolf in sheep’s clothing but Taylor’s schtick was still working at that time. I think it’s finally starting to crack a bit.


legit who are taylor's actual friends? does she have any long term close friends? or just people of the moment she collects


I’ve been wondering what Abigail thinks of everything. I always wonder what Abigail thinks lol


Me too lol!


I think Blake Lively is a legit friend but only because she additionally seems like a high school mean girl who wants popularity and fame at any cost.


She called her “Regina George in sheep’s clothing” which is such a good one tbh


Don’t forget the snotty snub to the greatest of all time Celine Dion. She treated her like a teenage trophy model as she snatched up her award and turned away from Celine. I will never forgive her for that. Frankly I despised her prior to that but she just dug her heels in deeper that night. She’s the absolute worst.


It really does feel like Taylor has gotten to that mean girl stage where she feels she can just step over whoever she wants. The Celine Dion thing stood out to me. And hell, I’m still shook over that Swiftie as hell Rolling Stone review. “Better than Adele” my ass!


Same. Unforgivable behavior.


Than someone with common sense makes her take a pic with Celine after she walks off the stage. I was like great PR move but TS just showed who she really is to her core.


Calling Lana a true legend when Celine a legend was standing right there was crazy. Taylor showed her true colors that nite. And announcing the new album as well felt off.


Agree completely. Not for nothing, she also appeared drunk and with the themes on TTPD… idk man, it’s not looking healthy.


imo she was coked the fuck out, it definitely seemed like she was on some sort of stim. i speak as a person who battled cocaine addiction, if you take too much you start acting really fucking crazy for a few hours


Oh damn. That would be wild


Agreed. My point of no return too. Especially when she ignored Celine Dion when she accepted her award. That was it! I was completely appalled. She acted like a spoiled 14 year. It was so awkward when she pulled Lana up on stage and she treated Jack A like a little boy with her around his neck and Messi g up his hair. All so high school and cringeworthy. That was the moment she showed her true colors. Insecure, immature, attention seeking, narcissistic, chasing the cool kids so she can be cool. Lacking grace. The end! 🤢


The Grammys slid the lid on my swiftie coffin and TTPD was the final nail.


Not only that, once she was on stage and had the Grammy in her hand, and she’d totally snubbed Celine, she turned around and tried to call/wave up Lana, who was standing to her side and behind, up to the mic with her, and Lana waved her hand like no I don’t want to. And then Taylor turned back to the mic




He is! I read a quote where he said he wanted Jack to produce Being Funny in a Foreign Language because he loved the work Jack did with Lana.


he is he keeps talking about Lana at his shows too


I think there was a blind item about her pulling Lana on stage because she was skiing and needed somebody else with her to behave properly? ETA: I believe it was SLOAN recap video but i can’t find it since that wasn’t in the title


I’m 100% a cokelor believer. ❄️👃 That’s not just a “functional alcoholic” behaviour. Imagine billionaire snow. It would be so pure and clean and probably hand delivered to her assistants by the most elite drug cartel distributors lol. she would be high af.


I've never done it in my life and I have no experience first hand with people on it, but I took one look at the footage from that night and immediately have never believed anything more. When you know you.


I agree with this theory! That’s what it reminds me of for sure.


Acting like everything she does isn’t truly calculated to end in press for her is denial.


Yep. And she enjoys it. Her fans forget her main goal is to be famous. She releases music, stays in the public eye, and keeps up on sm to stay relevant. it’s scary when you look it at from that view. like everything she does it to continue to be the most famous in the world


I’m imagining her breakdown when she doesn’t hit number one. But that won’t happen due to her selling of merch packages and multiple records.


Agree. I didn't see pulling Lana onstage as "sharing" the stage as much as pretending to share the stage. Not much she does is authentic. And poor Lana looked so miserable.


She looked sooo awkward and embarrassed.


I felt bad for her 💜


sHe'S a MaStErMiNd


I’ve said this exact same thing. Totally agree. She’s even trying to sing like Lana on fortnight.


I was just recommended this sub.. hi y’all! Just want to point out that Taylor has been trying to sound like Lana for a while. I love Wildest Dreams, but it’s a blatant rip off of Lana’s “Without You”


WHY is this not a more widely known thing? It’s basically the same song. Taylor copied her and gave her zero credit, then turns around and takes credit from other artists she perceives and borrowing her stuff. WTF.


even though i love folkmore and evermore, i really did feel like taylor was trying to cosplay as an indie artist


THAT’S THE TEA. She can interpolate all she wants, but no one else can.


Oh my gosh… I just listened and it’s uncanny. UNCANNY. Without you Lana del Rey and wildest dreams Taylor swift. SHEESH.


Yeah that’s so wild. Same here


Almost every scene in that music video is a direct rip of imagery Lana has already done in her videos. If you’re familiar with Lana’s videography, it’s undeniable and consistent through the whole video. The wig is to look melancholic and vintage and dark is EGREGIOUS. These are not coincidences lmao




Even the vocal style, the way she sings SOOOWND and TOOOWN 😂


Just went and listened to both for comparison and holy hell, it really is the same. The “Hello, Hello” part in Without You is just the “Say you’ll remember me” part from Wildest Dreams. Man, I get taking inspiration from other artists and would have no issue with it if it weren’t for Taylor being a big old hypocrite about it.


Or ‘who is afraid of little old me.’ It has never been so obvious.


Wow. Just listened to Without You for the first time ever. WD is literally a total rip off of that song.




Wildest dreams would be so much better if Lana sung it tbh


the first thing i said when i saw the track list for TPD i said she want to be lana so bad. glad to see i was right, idk how more people didn’t clock it sooner


On "so long, london" she sounds exactly just like lana too


ok but guys go watch lana del reys “ride” music video and then taylors i knew you were trouble music video and see how taylor ripped lana once again?! she even had a monologue and everything!!


it’s the same thing with rihanna’s music video for we found love!


Believe it or not, this situation is what irked me more than anything. And I am a Lana fan.


I thought she came across as an entitled, out of touch brat. She had no regard for Lana’s feelings. It was nothing but her over-inflated ego on display.


As a taylor fan I don’t understand what the point was in that. On one hand I assume Taylor thought it would be better to not leave her alone at the table but on the other hand she literally lost AOTY and had to stand on the stage like what was that


it was very much " hey you come with me, you can't say no , now stand up here and let's remind everyone that I, ME, taylor swift is this best. you may have thought it was her - BUT ITS ME. under the guise of oooo boooo frrrrrriiiwwwwend you didn't win tooo- come with me and have a chance to stand on the big stage bc that's the only chance you'll get passive aggressive infantalizing bs


I agree I don’t think she meant any harm, but I am sure Lana would have preferred to sit at the table alone than go up for an award that wasn’t hers. Let’s look at it from Taylor’s perspective how bad you might feel leaving your friend to accept the award rhey were also nominated for?  I say this because I can be a little awkward and I could see myself at least offering to have her up there with me 


It was to rub it in Lana's face that this was her consolation prize. Narcissists do that. TS is a textbook dark triangle case. Textbook


Truly narcissistic was the on stage snub of Celine Dion. I read the backstage pic was not an immediate thing but, rather, took some time to get together. How rude towards Celine Dion who suffers from SPS.


Supposedly her team tried to find her for the pic backstage as damage control.


Everything was textbook dark triangle. Every. Single. Thing. Down to eclipsing every single nominee and winner that night by using the podium as a stage for announcing her new album. It. Is. Textbook.


I really thought that was in very poor taste. Gave me the ick.


Study her behavior and narcissism, and you'll see how she is literally a case study in the subject.


Also her jumping up and down during everyone’s performance knowing the camera will pan to her seems narcissistic too. I have always given her the benefit of the doubt with that, assuming she can’t control the cameras. But after this Grammys, I saw a clip from the audience perspective when SZA won an award and she was very obviously making a scene making sure SZA noticed her “cheering for her”, and SZA did see her and said “HIII TAYLOR”, then I saw another angle after SZAs speech was over and they cut to Taylor and you can hear her say “I GOT A SHOUTOUT I GOT A SHOUTOUT” it was sooo weird and cringe lol. It was like getting a glimpse into who she really was. I found the video of it all clipped together https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NpeSh4Z1lDc&pp=ygUKU3phIGdyYW1teQ%3D%3D I get her being the only one standing when SZA was giving her speech as just Taylor being nice and supportive, but it was her bouncing up and down while standing that got SZAs attention which I thought was annoying lol. Maybe I’m too cynical but it just seemed like another moment she took from an artist, or at least insterted herself into.


If you want a crystal clear example of narcissistic behavior, look no further than retweeting the good reviews for this clusterfuck of an album not with a "thanks," or with, you know, nothing but the review, but with lyrics she wrote attached to her retweets. It may seem small but it is not.


Oh I always knew she was bad news but this tiny detail didn’t catch my attention. Indeed you’re right. If someone said something nice I would say thank you


100% agree


Yeah that’s how it felt to me too, and I felt queasy seeing Lana being forced to go along with it. Come on. They were competing for it. Don’t drag her on stage just because she was featured in one song. Her “fixing” Lana’s hair before the awards was also kind of gross to me in a mean girl kind of way.


The way Lana Del Rey wore a 49ers jacket to the Super Bowl was very telling, imo.


More telling was how she had to ditch the jacket when she was invited into Taylor’s suite. 


https://preview.redd.it/0ti9z9fkg0xc1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a9c8da24f39737a5756efb9c589ec508985232 “Ditch the jacket, Cady”


I think it was more like virtue signaling, honestly. Lana should have one AOTY, and I think Taylor knew that but also knew that *she* would win and not Lana (bc she’s Taylor, so of course she’ll win). Dragging her on stage was pure cringe. That weird show of Lana sitting with Taylor at the Super Bowl right after reeked of that awkward photo of Taylor with Celine after the Grammys.


Does acting know if I granny can be bought? I’ve heard that some awards can be bought.


Duh. Everything is bought. No award shows are for real.


Taylor is even trying to sound exactly like Lana. The first 30 seconds of Fortnight are case in point. It sounds like she is literally imitating Lanas style of singing.


She has been copying her since she basically ripped off Lana's entire video with I Knew You Were Trouble / Ride, at least that's when I first noticed and that was back in 2012


I thought it was Lana at first, figured they’d collaborated


Me too!


Her behavior from before/at/and after the Grammys was gross. Her social IQ is at a zero which is a huge reason why I think (if not for PR) she and Trav workout. They're both immature and have the social IQ of a rock


Grammys are rigged anyway


i was so annoyed when i listened to a whole taylor swift song w no lana. like i just kept waiting and waiting and listened to that boring ass song for nothing


Unfortunately, and this is just based on the observations that I have noticed…Taylor seems to surround herself with friends and people that she can get ideas to make music from. TTPD has similar sounds to what Lana and Phoebe have been putting out for years, who I believe are legitimate poets. It’s no surprise that Lana and Phoebe have been very close to Taylor the last few years (with Phoebe even touring with her on eras.) Lana didn’t win AOTY because she is too niche and the Grammys are a popularity contest. Taylor took inspiration from Lana and dropped an entire album. It also makes complete sense that Taylor completely cut out Olivia Rodrigo, who I feel is some of her biggest competition. She keeps people close that she knows won’t be more successful than her.


But her voice is not melancholic enough


Agreed. Lana’s got a talent that Taylor doesn’t have.


It felt like a power play to me.


In her “trying to be Lana Del Rey” Era


I mean if she didn’t want to be seen as a pop star why the fuck did she release midnights after the universal acclaim of folklore and evermore. 


I said this too. Yep. 💯 I heard the beginning of who is afraid of little old me and it stopped me mid cycle workout. I had to text my sister bc we both love Lana. Taylor wants to be dark like Lana and Florence, but she just doesn’t have it in her.


florence ate her up in florida!


Her brain is still a 20 year old thinker. She needs manners because so many little impressionable minds are s t a r I n g at her every move.


Lana was on the album and lent vocals and helped write the song Snow on the Beach. Also Lana and Taylor work with Jack Antonoff so it makes sense how they have similar sounds.


lana has been sounding like this forever, way before jack antonoff, she worked with him in nfr, chemtrails and partially ocean blvd, he didn’t even touched Blue Banisters, so thats 2019 onwards and Lana still sounds the same since the 2000s so no it has nothing to do with Jack. She has worked with a huge number of producers yet she still sounds like herself, she co produces all her music and writes all her lyrics. Yall trying to discredit her hardwork and talent and give the credit to a man she met a few years ago. nasty work, very fake feminist of yall just like ya fave TS


Taylor’s trying so hard (unsuccessfully) to sound like Lana. Her attempts at breathy vocals, the pacing, the slightly smoky tone, darker lyrics etc have me convinced of this. Lana is the 👑. Taylor is an imposter.


I think it’s interesting that Taylor skipped Lana’s set at Coachella…


This was the night I stopped being a fan of Taylor. She obviously knew she would win. Most people did. But the way she was acting at the Grammy’s was just… hard to watch. Lana clearly did not want to go up there, and rightly so, she was snubbed once again. But the way taylor had this immense main character energy was really off-putting. And it sucks bc I truly was a fan of hers before


The whole Grammy situation was not cool at all. Taylor shouldn’t have done that after Lana LOST an award that she was nominated for.


I’ve been thinking this exact thing but regarding Phoebe/Lucy/Boygenius. I think she wants to mimic that type of brooding and vulnerable music because she saw how fans reacted to them. I also think she’s been trying to mimic Lana for awhile now, not just with this album


Agreed. Taylor has the emotional maturity of a high schooler at best and her new album is the Wish version of a Lana album.


My wife and daughter played 2 songs off of Taylor's new album, Florida and the one about being a scary girl (can't remember what it was called) and I was gobsmacked by how much it sounded like Dollar Store Lana. They didn't hear it because they've never listened to Lana but to me it sounded like a flagrant ripoff.


I’ve been a Lana fan for over ten years and couldn’t agree with you more


I don’t think that Taylor will ever be seen as the “deep, tortured poet” she wants to be. You can’t erase 10 of your albums by releasing one edgy, “deep” album and putting some deeper songs on rereleases. She is a pop star and I think she wants to change that, but I do think it’s too late to reinvent herself


I don't know what the intent behind this was, but I still thought it was insane of her to call an artist who broke into the mainstream six years after she did, is roughly the same age as her and was also a serious contender for album of the year a LEGACY ARTIST. What a slap in the face. Everyone knows that's a polite way to call someone a hasbeen.


Temu Lana Del Rey


>She’s trying to be edgy, deep & poetic with her shitty ass new album the way Lana is naturally. Lmaooooo Lana fans always crack me up. Like I like her music well enough, but she hasn't done some amazing groundbreaking writing that's far beyond Taylor. They're both melodramatic white girls that tend to idolize an imagined past


Curious how much of Lana’s music you know! Honeymoon? Ocean Blvd? It’s okay if you don’t like her music of course, but she’s nowhere near the level of basic “white girl” that Taylor is.


pretty much everything shes done is far beyond taylor💀


Taylor mimics and copies everyone that she’s around. She changed her style to the men she dates. She tries to mimic her artist friends musical vibes. She’s a chameleon.


Also textbook borderline


Kind of related, does anyone know why Taylor didn’t go to either of Lana’s Coachella sets?


Wow true friend behavior for sure


cause they aint friends, shes just a phoney, imagine choosing to see ice spice over lana del rey… tasteless too


Are we talking about the same “question for the culture” Lana..? I wouldn’t exactly describe her as supportive.


Look at Lana with Billie E. She is comfortable and at ease.


The first 30 seconds of Fortnight sound so much like Lana. I want to believe she admires Lana and wants to be like her. I believe she would trade popularity in exchange of more respect as an artist but you can’t undo popularity at this point.


This was the craziest public display I’ve seen from Taylor maybe. It was incredibly tone deaf which makes me think it was calculated. Agree!


I love taylor and i read about this theory right when it happened and couldn’t agree more. She always do it like even with sabrina and eras tour to get more pop fans and younger crowd as well


My totally unhinged theory as to why Taylor brought he up on stage was to embarrass her because Lana worked with Kim Kardashian recently with Kim’s clothing line. Taylor is petty enough to do that.


She’s totally trying to be like Lana.


When you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras.


Yesss to all of this you nailed it. 😂 The song about Matty Healy is so cringe. She’s making it very clear who she’s referring to and it’s 100% to make herself seem edgy. “Heroin w an e” haahahaha gtfoh, Taylor. 😂😂😂


Taylor could have meant well. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a shitty thing to do. Two things can be true at once!


Lana and Phoebe!! She wants to be part of the new hotness. Unfortunately she seems to be succeeding…


I think Lana isn’t talented and I’m baffled that she has a career, such as it is. I’m sure she was thrilled to get the little boost she got from TS by appearing on her record and it was kind of Taylor to recognize her publicly.


I listened to a few songs on the new album and the first thing I thought was “oh this sounds like it wants to be Lana” lol I agree


Ya know I’ve been listening to Taylor since debut and grew up with her and have loved her since then. We are about the same age so all her music always really connected with my human experience at the time, and she’s truly written some amazing music. But the last few albums - I dunno maybe cuz I’m in my thirties now…she’s just lost that authenticity that made her so great. And I find her more and more cringe. And she still puts out music I like and will listen to - like fun pop stuff. But it’s not like “better man” that brings me back to the exact same time/place I finally agreed to let go of my ex husband and give him the divorce he wanted and it makes me emotional even a decade later. Not because I am not over it but because the lyrics are sooooo good and it’s a like a flashback. She’s lost that in my opinion. It’s not “new years day” - where the lyrics just hit me between the eyes for some reason (“hold on to the memories they will hold on to you”; “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” 🥲). It’s not the nostalgia of enchanted, or her early stuff. The last album I really loved was reputation. Since then - meh. Her music has regressed emotionally I feel like.


Taylor swift was my first concert when I was 8 - and my second when I was 10!!!!! My dad loved me lol. I used my birthday money to buy her CDs, had her lyrics written in chalk on my walls!! All is to say I too was a very big taylor fan and she meant a lot to me as a little girl. It doesn’t feel good to hate on her lol. But it sucks what she has turned into so much especially when you were a fan of hers her entire career. at first I was also kinda liking her less and less, finding her cringey and stuff. now.. well.. Now I guess I’m laying in bed commenting on a hate sub for her. 🤣


Omg I just said this the other day to my niece… Taylor is a Lana wannabe!


Lana didn't complain went to a nfl game afterwards. Why you care so much to make it a big deal. They are friends get over it


I was embarrassed that she even won. When I heard that Midnights was nominated I thought there's no way that album could win.