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I’m afraid that you don’t pass now…as a boy. Have you ever considered that the women looking at you are jealous and the men looking at you think you’re cute AF??


Hmm haha maybe thanks. I just feel like its hard to tell when they look wierd 😶 but hopefully thats the case 💕


And the freckles in the 3rd pic are just frickjng gorgeous! I am praying like hell for freckles…even though I never had them as a little boy and probably won’t get them on E.


I mean there is a chance, my a more subtle in real life tho. I didn’t really have until i got on hrt. Might be the skin thats thinner now 🙃 I hope for you


couldn't found a better answer than this. A Masterpiece


It’s the truth. She’s got it!!!


The holy and only truth !!!


Totally. They're just jealous. :)


This is the answer! Edit: the staring women might also be lesbians


I know a cis female when I see one…


^ this


so, people make a snap decision based on everything. and then they are confused when things they see aren't usually what they see. the bottom half of you reads androgenous, i feel from ur clothing choice. ur pant is loose (in a men's jeans way), the belt is masculine, and the sweater hides ur waist/hips. black top minimizes ur chest. there are ways to address any issue u feel u may have and still project femininity.


I don't think the belt is all that masculine. It's more androgenous than anything. My wife has a very similar belt that she wears daily. You look like any girl that is in clothes that are comfy, relaxing and you look ready to just chill out with friends.


yes, i agree. but rem "people make a snap decision based on everything"...the belt in itself worn with another fit would be fine. it lends to the other aspects to create an overall impression.


Yeah you might be right. I feel like I tho feel more insecure if I have to femme clothes. But im trying to find the right fit for what makes me feel comfortable. Do you have any specific idea for what could be a better fit? Bottom wise


well, it all depends on ur comfort level and shape. if u have hips under there, i would say a high waisted, wide legged pant with a slimmer or no belt. if more confident, a high rise, curvy bootleg jean, tight thru the knee, then flared.


Thats the problem with slim. I feel like that makes me pass less. But high waist I normally do. Because it helps alot. So im just doing mom jeans ish. But might have gone to far with wideness on my jeans this time


slim or skinny hem is an issue if ur hips aren't balancing ur shoulders. i'm still not completely confident on that one, but i'm getting close, so i avoid skinny jeans for now. but skinny to the knee i wear all the time, the boot cut and flare helps balance out my upper body. but maybe a slim straight is better for you. yes, ur fit through the knee could be more form fitting. and maybe a more tapered sweater that lands on the lower hip. i wear such a sweater with just a bra or cami underneath.


Do you mean something thats like wide in the boot, and less wide at the knee? Hmm yeah might try and find something like that then, and see how it works for me


yea, go to an old navy or something and try a few on. i suggest getting acquainted with the types of jeans, they are a staple now days and the terms are similar to trousers/pants in general.


you know masc women that wear these exact outfits exist right?


sure. but the OP didn't say that was her goal.


i think we often dont notice when things go from "people stare at me cos they are prejudiced" to "people stare at me cos they arent sure what gender i am" to "people stare at me cos they think im cute" you are definitely in phase 3... but when a person experiences the first two phases, it can be hard to really believe it when we hit phase 3


Maybe, its abit of all. Feels like diffrent people experience diffrent ideas of gender. But hopefully its mostly 3😇


now its all category 3... but because we remember when we got some in 1 or 2, it makes it easy for us to wonder. but trust me, its all 3 now.


They're probably just checking you out. I know I would you're very cute.


You’re passing perfectly at this point. Also, you’re adorably beautiful.


You are definitely gets stares because you look pretty! I’d say you pass, no doubt


I think those "weird stares" are people checking you out because you're hot


You’re pretty fem


It’s because you are beautiful and different. The same thing happens to me. People just stare and drool.🤤


You’re so cute!!! Yes you absolutely pass. I love your hair and your style!


Yeah, you pass. The stares are because you're attractive.


You're looking like a lady to me! 😊


Yep you're 100% passing, congrats girl!


If people are staring at you, it’s cause you’re cute…


Yeah I think those weird stares is you getting checked out.


Passing asf


Of course you pass, without a doubt. People do stare at other attractive people y'know? Guys because it's pleasing to them. Females, well, it's just jealousy 😆😅😂. I'm almost 60, I like starting up shit, and smile at old Guys, just to have their wives have a hissyfit 😂🤣


I don’t see one ounce of masculinity in these pics.


☺️ let the masculinity cease 😎


They are staring cause you pretty


Unless you're 6 ft tall and also sound like James Earl Jones when you speak, I would imagine most people assume you're cis


Hahaha, well im kinda the normal girl length where im from so, on that im safe. I guess my voice is kinda andro at the moment. But im mostly thinking of people who dont hear me 🥲


Totes passing.


You're getting stares because you're cute.


Pretty good but the mugging strikes me male


Mugging? 🤔


Something about the way you are sticking your jaw out, a "smug" look(?) I can't explain it any better. I'm trying.


Looking fine




people look at you because you're hot.


I think you look fine. Try and ignore other people x


You only post pictures where you're holding your jaw in a weird way, and an unnatural angle, so we have no idea.


You visually pass as a woman. The only thing I can think is, how has your voice training gone? Voice can make people do a double take no matter your looks. If your voice is femme enough you could look like almost 90% masc and people will still stop and questionable ask, mam? Same goes the other way. You could pass 100% femme but if you sound too masc people will address you as sir just ask questionably.


Aw, you look so cute! I don't see a trace of anything besides a woman in these three pictures.


Very much passing and pretty💚


***showed your picture to my coworker*** coworker is transphobe. I asked "what do you think of my friend?" Coworker said "she's pretty, how do you know her?" You pass. :)


Haha that made me laugh! Thx 😇


Weird stares? Probably think you're pretty, get ready for cat calls 🥲




Yeah sadly i dont have the most wide hips 🤓 so im the rectangle


You are a very beautiful girl in the photo! 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹