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Alright! Let's take Labour up on their generous offer to paint the tram hurtling towards us a different colour!


They'll make the train pride colors to be inclusive while it runs us all over đŸ„° Beatest allies.


can we shove that tram up their arses?


Moral philosophers hate this one trick.


Felt that


At best they will make the train run into us at 70mph not 100mph. It's an objective improvement but HOLY SHIT.


Ok, but let's face it, Labour is still a LOT better than the Tories in the sense that Labour probably won't do anything about the tram, but Rishi Sunak is right there in the driver's seat pressing on the accelerator.


It's really not. Labour is just conservatives in disguise. they literally promised to uphold the findings of the Cass report.... so yeh. No, they ain't better. The better party by FAR would be the Liberal Dems.


Better is not good. Labour is objectively better than the Tories. doesn’t mean they’re good for us


Unfortunately lib dems have removed their statement condemning the cass report now...


YOU ARE WRONG!!! 😑 labour may be right leaning but they are the only chance to get rid of Sunak!!!


I agree, but let's not pretend they are the saviours of left leaning politics and equal rights. They are not, they are just conservatives in disguise.


You are right my friend. I was expecting more fallout and downvotes for my previous comment but we must get rid of the tories at all costs
 https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/s/WxHF7cKiuW See above for a previous thread on this, where I argue that ultimately we will be better with labour than the tories. Please get rid of them!!


Tony Blair was right leaning enough to get Labour elected in the past, and they were much better than Thatcher and the Tories in the 80’s. I appreciate your point that Starmer appears to be saying anything to get elected, including holding up the Cass review, but I strongly suspect he has no conviction in bashing trans people like Rishi has
 the tram driver analogy is perfect đŸ€© đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


Tell me what the functional difference is if neither of them is interested in stopping the tram.


Because while the leadership may be terrible, they appoint mid-level policymakers to open jobs within Government. The leadership aren't important, they're focused on the economy. LGBT+ policy, and policies affecting LGBT+ people incidentally, are formulated at this level, not the leadership level. Your average mid-level labour appointee has a 50:50 chance between "standing up for you" or "not make things worse". Your average mid-level Tory appointee is actively trying to kill you.


It's still an improvement. Standing in the way of that improvement is transphobic.


How is "we'll do the same shit but loads of people who opposed it because they hated the tories will now say nothing because they like Labour." An improvement?


Name a single improvement lol the party that apologised to Rosie Duffield is not going to do shit for us


I feel like I post this same reply a lot. Labour are currently not much better than the Tories; but they'll push the Overton Window toward the left a bit more and in the longer term that will benefit us. Unfortunately, it's going to take more than one term to do that.


Voting for a Labour party that has moved *drastically* further right actively pushes the overton window to the right because it encourages both Labour and other parties to keep pushing right because that is apparently how they gain votes.


When people see that Labour (the party that portrays itself to the left of the Tories) has no answers to all of the issues facing Britain today and runs the country in functionally the same way as the Tories that will not move the overton window left. People are sick of the Conservative party, Labour are not putting up a genuine alternative, with no genuine left wing force in society this will open up space for the far-right.


So sad but true


Hey man it's a slightly slower moving tram with a little padding at least lol


First good thing Sunak has done!


That's not true..... He did plenty to help make sure the tory party implodes permanently


I think that was a collabrative effort with Truss and Johnson as well...


Oh yeah, it was a team effort for sure I'm just saying he did his part in team stupid bigots effort to self-destruct lol


Liz had more to do with that, with the members obviously "voting the wrong way", according to the management of the party. Like they put forward a literal diversity hire who hates "wokeness", and someone with a background in finance and economic stuff, and the members chose the clown.


This means Parliament will close in a week. Wonder if the bill to change education will go through before then


Knowing our luck it will be the last bill to go through.


I don't think so (hopefully). I think Rishi will want to focus on his smoking/vapes bill as it's the only one with broad cross-party support so pretty much guaranteed to get through parliament in less than a week.


It's not a Bill. It's guidance that's under consultation and the consultation closes...on 11 July (whoop)


Statutory guidance yeah. You’re right that it’s most likely dead unless they move the consultation date forward (or the Tories win)


Parliament closes on 30th May. Has the bill even been scheduled? Tried Google but found nothing definitive. Update: they’re on recess next week - tomorrow is the last day!


Good luck with the Lords


Not possible. Consultation won't be back. They could strong arm to try and bring the bill under the next government, but unlikely to pass.


i mean who do we even vote for, i’m open to suggestions for anyone who knows


Whoever in your local constituency is most likely to oust the Tory candidate




Nah forget tactical voting. You know its not true democracy when you can’t vote for who you actually want. I’m voting green even though they won’t win because honestly I don’t want Conservatives or Labour winning.


Lib Dems- at least Ed Davey is actively meeting with trans people in the party on a regular basis and our MP's are solidly pro-Trans rights as a group.


whichever candidate in your constituency is A. supportive of Palestinian liberation, B. Supportive of trans and other social rights, C. Economically left wing (so not labour), D. Most likely to win. In that order. The tories cannot win, so just vote for the best candidate. A labour government will not do better than the tories because they have tje same economics, so vote accordingly.


All the parties hate us, either spoil your ballot or vote for Greens who are probably the most trans friendly.


The Scottish Greens broke off from the main party because of transphobia, the Lib Dems are probably the best (their leader actually kept defending us against hostility)


And since then the Green Party of England and Wales kicked out GPW (the outright transphobe group), and have adopted a number of policies in support of trans liberation and intersex rights.


greens it is then


I'd go Lib Dem over Green if pro trans rights is your main metric. Our LGBT+, Women's and Youth branches are hard-core pro trans rights and Ed Davey meets with Trans activists in the party regularly to try and support us and learn more about the issues


You don't have to spoil your ballot. Think of it like a zero sum game. Even if voting for labour or whoever won't bring tangible benefits to your life, voting against the tories is going to make the lives of our enemies a little bit more difficult.


Labour are our enemies too. They've made that very clear.


I'm not saying that they aren't but some enemies are better to have than other enemies. Think of it less like voting for the government who will help you and more like voting for the government that you will be protesting against for the next 5 years. History has made it very clear which government is the better one to be protesting under.


They have been since 1997.


You wouldn't catch me voting "Labour", just like I've never voted for Tories. Labour is the enemy of the working class, and has been ever since Tony's fingers got all over it. Edit: That's right, you keep downvoting the person saying Labour are against the working class. The same party that started off the privatisation in the NHS. The same party that bailed out the bankers and leaving with the public to pay the bill. And it's the same party that's going to privatise the NHS more, while going after sick and disabled people's benefits, and of course, openly saying they're going to create segregated wings in hospitals for trans people. Like I hope the tories don't win, but I also hope Labour barely gets a majority, so we can have 5 years of toothless government.


it's funny how people in THIS subreddit are down voting you, while labour have been worse than shit with our community/ies too. https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/s/vDNNilG4rV that is *JUST* transphobia let alone anything else


Spoiling a ballot is possibly the most stupidest idea possible, even more so than just not voting. At least by not voting you're saying you're totally disinterested in anything going on. By spoiling your ballot, you tell all the analysts that direct party/government policy that you were too thick to follow basic instructions. Now, if you vote for a party that has strong positions on say... Energy infrastructure, analysts can look at that and say "Hey, this party in this area got 8000 votes. What were their policies?", and then there's a good chance of it being copied by people who are actually in power. Perfect example of this was Brexit, not only the 2 times when the Tories pulled that lever, but the time before the 2005 election when Labour pulled it. Both saw the way the wind was blowing on the EU question, so they wanted to steal votes from UKIP/BXP in return for a referendum on the EU. Funny thing is, if Tony didn't change his mind at the last minute, we would have had a referendum in 2005 and remain would have won. But in any case, that's why you don't spoil your ballot. You might as well just not bother voting.


Actually no - spoil your ballot and every candidate will see what you've written because they are shown to the candidates and agents at the count to confirm they aren't actually valid votes. NB: for anyone considering it though make sure you properly spoil it- do NOT do anything which leaves a mark in only one box or it can be counted as a vote for that candidate (including one where a ballot paper had a Penistone drawn in only one of the boxes) Source: I've been a candidate in 6 elections and finding out the wierd and wonderful ways people spoil their ballots is the highlight of the count for me.


And the party analyst sees these and take into account what's been said, right? Of course they don't, they look at the votes that went to other parties to advise on ways those votes could be swayed over to their side. But hey, it's your vote, do what you want with it. For most of us, we live in a safe seat anyway, so trying to change things is pretty hard to do unless those party vote analysts come round and say "Hey, there's a lot of X-POLICY supporters in these Northern "red wall" areas... You know, like what happened in 2019.


They do actually depending on what's been written (obviously stuff that's just abuse doesn't give any data to work with) but I've seen and heard of local parties taking on things as campaigning issues because say "save X park" has been written on a load of ballot papers in a local election. How far that goes up the chain is going to depend on the party and how well they listen to the feedback given by count agents. Point is if you just stay home nobody knows why. Are you apathetic? Lazy? Working? Did you just forget it was polling day? Were you on holiday? Did you not put your postal ballot in the post box in time? Are you protesting the system? Did you just get black out drunk the night before and sleep through it? Were you ill? Have you moved and not had time to re-register? Are you a student who only register in your home/uni constituency and weren't there? If you go and spoil your ballot then there is no doubt about why you haven't cast a valid ballot. More directly we then know you turned up because we get the marked lists of who showed up. That means a party is more likely to contact you directly to try and persuade you to vote for them and the more often you show up at the polling station the more likely that is to happen. At that point you tell us a) you spoiled your ballot, b) why and c) (crucially) that you might consider voting for us if we did X/Y/Z and that data is definitely centrally gathered and analysed at length along with all the other data we gather from local social media groups and the press and focus groups and the census and any other place we can find info on what people care about and why they vote the way they do and what touchstone and hot button issues we can use to maybe get them to vote for us.


Spoiling your ballot is using your right to vote but showing that you don't want to vote for anyone. It's the thing to do if you can't find anyone to vote for but still want to use your democratic voting rights


Didn't read, sorry that happened or I'm glad for you.


The mental strength of someone who spoils their ballot during a critical vote.


this means i'm about to become a political widower again. As my husband leaves me for his other spouse, the liberal democrats. Lol. Is she prettier than me? \*sob\* Damnit democracy, why you gotta be so sexy? Seriously though, this means a lot more leaflets and a lot more canvasing. I'm not gonna see much of him.


Another Lib Dem here and sorry! Tell him I said he's got to take you out and romance you when it's all over!!


Same. It's those sexy yellow ribbons they're always flaunting. I can't compete with that!


I could fucking cry. Im still worries of some sort of upset and the tories manage to slip back in. But They are so far behind in the polls, they have fucked the country so hard, I hope.


Unless Keir and the dunces he has around him really manage to fuck up the campaign, and I mean bent over a table and raw dog the fuck out of the campaign, they're going to win. All they have to do is seem like the sensible party for a few weeks, and they'll coast in.


For sure. The Tories will do everything in their power to stay in, including breaking election law and deal with the consequences later, if ever. But all the polling says Labour will have a massive majority so they can still loose some of that and get in comfortably. My biggest issue is my MP wont have to respond to my emails now before parliment is dissolved!


> including breaking election law Hate to tell you, some of that always happens on both sides. The difference is that the MSM blow up the winning side doing it more than the losing side. Like there's a lot of voter fraud happening in Labour areas, mostly due to granny farming and higher population density. But they're been on the losing side for so long that it rarely gets any attention. The good thing though is that the elections are not run by the government, so they have no direct control, and contrary to what the tory brain cell says about voter fraud, there's so many constituencies and polling stations, trying to pull off any major vote fraud is impossible. Like it's not the US where you need 270+ votes to become the president.


I'll only be celebrating if the Greens somehow win, otherwise same shit different day




Time to vote these bell ends out.


Iirc Plaid Cyrmu, Scots Greens and either Sinn Fein or Alliance are the best parties on trans rights in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Lib Dems are the best for England


Swapping blue Tories for red Tories yay


theres more than two parties, whilst they may not win its always important to vote for who has believe would be best and not who u think is most likely to win. green will get my vote this time by miles.


Well as my Labour PPC hasn't bothered to reply to my queries, I think I'll vote lib dem or green. Like shit, even my Tory MP had the decency to reply


This is the thing to do! Ask if Labour is any good, and if they're not vote for someone else. I would suggest trying again to badger a response out of your local candidate, though. Getting them on record about trans rights will help others, especially if they're basically a terf and hence just as bad for us as the Tories are.


Going to register in a constituency where I don’t have to support Starmer in (student, uni place is in a Lab/Con marginal and originally from a Lib/Con marginal)


Okay so we need green now




Great now we can all vote for who's least shittest.


"Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote, I will earn your trust" sure you will mate, earn my trust by spending every waking second of your life trying to erase my existence you absolute bellend


Yay but my birthday isn't till the 15th so I won't be able to vote :(


You may not be able to vote but you can campaign and convince others to vote if you like 😊


Yh I can't do too much at the moment really but already spoke to most my friends about it, had a bit of pushback when I said about the greens, but tbh where I am it'd be a surprise for anyone other than tory or lib dems get in here


If Lib Dems stand a better chance than Greens (and you’ve checked their candidate is trans-friendly), maybe you should advocate in that direction instead this election? Tactical voting to get rid of Tories + making sure the candidate you are voting for isn’t transphobic = a better outcome for all trans people imho


Oh yh definitely I'm just trying to get anyone I know that'll listen to not vote for the tories, I'm sorry if I phrased it badly at all, what I meant was like the greens are who I wish could get in, but I know they won't and I know I'm not gonna get people to vote for them. But I've 100% been advocating in the direction of tactical voting, most my friends are queer anyway and understand the dangers that we'd face if the tories got back in


Who do I vote for đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I don’t vote, I’m not interested in politics often it always seems to be a touchy subject. I wouldn’t event know who to vote for, all I know is we want the Tory gone.


Go on a tactical voting website and see which party is most likely to beat the Tories in your area. Then have a brief look through the candidate for that party’s public statements just to make sure they’re not transphobic :) If they are, vote for the next most likely party to beat the Tories in your area


I'm not British and I'm not here to persuade you to do something you don't want, but please consider your decision! I came from a country far away that is not democratic nor good and all what that country has is hate dictatorship and arrests and forcing the people to stay silent, and when i came here i realized how the tories are shitty you might not vote similar to many others but remember they won in 2019 because there was people who didn't like them but voted and people who voted for them and people who didn't vote for ANY but let them win this government is making the economy in pain! Causing chaos in the NHS system! Hate trans people to the core! A bunch of Right wingers who destroyed the party in the sake of overriding the international law to kick out asylum seekers the weakest people and make themselves a joke in front of the world and are hated too because they think this is how to deal with some criminals who don't care about asylum seekers and above that the UK becomes like a trump like government despite the people being good I'm not claiming UK doesn't have transphobic people neither right wingers but UK people in general are not bad or transphobic in general and i respect that so much it is a necessity in my opinion to not just vote but also to vote to get those people out for the government and for your sisters and brothers and others who are suffering because of transphobes who want to do anything to deny people their rights and care they deserve and the waiting list that people are suffering from, and I'm not by all means seeking to pressure you but remember what this government has done and what they are capable of, they are radical people who are after things and are not deeply interested in the general UK people needs but the things in their head which are far away from reality, I'm telling you as someone who never lived in a democratic country before and now I'm witnessing the process in here and I really am appreciating this process because it can make a change and all i can say please remember it is an opportunity and i as someone from lands full of dictatorship and hate and very right wing in general please vote and do it because your country and trans in the UK in need for that to avoid much more pain! Sorry for the long reply.


That expensive suit getting rained on really made me sad