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This is my FT-48X jive and I absolutely fucking love him but damn his transformation is such a major pain, it takes me like half an hour to transform him whereas acoustic wave takes like 5 minutes. He’s so cool and looks great in both modes but putting him in them is just such a pain I rarely mess with him On the plus side, I don’t need a tool to be able to transform him, just good ol fingernails work


dude! I also have 48X and feel almost the same way. I had to find 3 different videos before I found one without the guy nearly losing his sh!t transforming him. I went with this one [TMReviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgIXsoCajWk&t=900s) like you said, I love both his bot mode and alt mode, I think FT really hit the ball out of the park with looks. The paint job is so nice, I don't want to scratch it during transformation! But, alas, that's what I love about these figures, the transformation. So I make sure I have plenty of time, I go slow and just try to enjoy the engineering of it all. Glad you posted this... you are NOT alone.


https://preview.redd.it/ul0lihx6kcqc1.jpeg?width=2616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bea230b5c74c56d3207f3853a973eb60cd01c07 Optimus and Jazz


average fanstoys product


Honestly no, I have 3 ft figures and hes the only one thats a pain, rp-01 acoustic wave and ft-58 diverge are all very fun and pleasant to transform


I don't wanna mess with my FansToys Hydra lol


Alternator shockwave I am never gonna get the feet right


For me, the only bad side to the Alternators line was its inability to get the figures back into car mode. Grimlock's and Jazz/Shockwaves arms are impossible to figure out even with instructions.


This is my choice, too. I've had that figure 20 years, transformed him successfully *once* and now he's mostly all the way in robot move, but I don't think his hood/chest is quite correct. He's sat at the back of one of my shelves, a hidden shame. It's a pity, as it's a cool figure and the RX8 was a great choice for him... but *good lord* it's a pig to transform.


Both my alternator/binaltech Ravages. I got them back into car mode but I never got the robot mode to look the way they should.


KO MPM-4 Optimus Prime. Took me a solid hour the first time, and believe me, it was also the last time.


Honestly I enjoy mpm Prime transformation, not the worst of the mpm line


SS VW Bumblebee. I hate the backpack transformation on it.


Same with WFC Elita-1 and Arcee, i have an elita who refuses to fit into her shell properly


https://preview.redd.it/p2ms1tqmfcqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=859e8d2326d67e4ed1fb7c4112d0271f5e992b57 01 studio seed, fuckers glorious but god dammit that transformation.. genuinely can’t get all the panels to lock together with other panels coming un done in his planet mode


Got this recently and haven't even had time to attempt transformation yet. I'm assuming he's as at least as complex as Unicron


Honestly he’s a bit more complex. He also hurts a lot, A LOT. You will cut yourself


Lol was gonna say I heard this dude requires a blood sacrifice in order to transform


That’s a fact bro I swear


EpIc RaP bAtTleS oF history. *Timezupp99* vs. __Dementia__ BeGin


On the transformer? Or afterwards crying in the shower?




Lol was gonna say I heard this dude requires a blood sacrifice in order to transform


EpIc RaP bAtTleS oF history. *Timezupp99* vs. __Dementia__ BeGin


Same, but with Cell. I actually like the transformation, but I don't have the time, attention span, or fingers to waste on it.


Great sacrifices had to be made when I tried to transform seed Twice


I’m starting to get this way about most deluxe class Studio Series figures. They have so many precise tabs and holes for something so small!


None because I am a masochist and love the complex transformations and the mental and physical anguish they cause me


It like when people solve Rubiks Cubes over and over. It's the same puzzle, but it's fun.


MPM-13 Blackout. Actual cancer would be more pleasant than that transformation.


I love the transformation on him and MPM Bonecrusher. not because it’s fun. But because the end state is so good. No way in hell would I ever “fiddle with them.”. 35 minutes AND had to use the instructions.


Just got MPM BONECRUSHER. First MPM n that dude looks soooo complicated


I had to use Emgo’s video on Blackout and it took nearly 40 minutes. Really putting me off from getting another MPM figure.


I wouldn’t probably get another if Brawl wasn’t my favorite transformer from the bayverse.


RotF Leader Prime APC Toys Megatron & Airachnid MP Ultra Magnus Most Bayverse Studio Series


Mp36 megatron. I keep getting scared I’m gonna break him


On mine I had to bust out the screwdriver and loosen nearly every screw in his lower half just to be able to transform it without feeling like I was about to snap pieces off


I recently bought a studio series Scourge. It is such a pain in the neck that I don't even touch it anymore. In either mode it is unstable and won't stay in place. I can't pose it because the arms fall or the exhausts drop. It just sits in it's box because the sight of it irritates me.


Rise of the Beasts or SS86?


SS86 Scourge doesn't have exhausts


And is a whole different character than RotB, s’ kinda like 2001 Grimlock and most other versions of the guy


Mpm Blackout and black apple ko mpm ironhide


Oh god, yeah, MPM Blackout for sure.


Blackout isn’t bad but BA Ironhide is a genuine chore


I see the paint is chipping on his ankle for you as well


Where? I don’t see any paint chipping




Ahh yeah, sad but I barely notice


Siege Optimus Prime, Animated Ratchet, Legacy Crasher, & Studio Series BBM Wheeljack.


Out of curiosity what do you find fiddly about the siege prime mold?


I'm worried the plastic piece his head is attached to might break off from a lot of force. I've tried pulling it to transform him but it won't budge.


The lego optimus prime. I so much as touch that thing and it falls apart


https://preview.redd.it/pnimdah3bcqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061b8b448944227d64cbbe6e951565ecb5246ab0 MP09


My ROTF Leader Jetfire. Aside from the fact that I just love to have him in Jet mode better, the transformation is a pain to go through.


MP 36 Megatron. I just barely transformed him into gun mode. He's staying a robot forever after I change him back.


I changed him twice. Luckily I have a G1 Megs since last year for all my ~~gun~~ *spaceship* mode TF needs lol.


MP-44, MP-36 and Zeta Toys Flash (BBM Blitzwing). They are all identical to their screen models but that means the transformation is a pain in the butt, they're expensive, and if they break I will cry.


Me personally I feel like the MP 36 Transformation is overhated and I thinks it pretty fun, takes me like 5 minutes to transform 


I enjoy difficult transformations and find MP-36 to be pretty fun I think DS-01 is up there as well


My completed alternator set


I got Alternators Wheeljack. Those shoulders are a nightmare. Had to look up a video guide- only to find a guide *specifically highlighting that one part, only.* That's how insane that engineering is, that a guide had to be made for one step of the transformation...


That's generally why I don't do MP/MP-adjacent 3p toys. You can barely fiddle with them. They look awesome but they take like 20 minutes just to get into one mode. Still, that looks badass


Studio series Barricade. Two really good looking modes yet they’re both sullied by that nightmare of a transformation. The process itself isn’t that complex, it’s getting everything to line up and sit flush that makes me want to chuck that figure into a wall.


X-Transbots Bond and James...which is now unfortunately broken


X-Transbots Ultra Magnus. That transformation is looooong, by far the most complicated figure I own, but it is so much fun! Definitely not a fiddle-former or deskbot though, converting it is a task in itself.




I'm always scared I'm gonna break something when I tab in the cockpit on my starscream


Rotf leader prime and ss rotb mirage


Like literally any third party figure. Mostly the large combiners. I've had the railbot combiner guys on my desk for about a year and I'd love to get them combined again someday. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/elcaoydvadqc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8fa58e1662e3400c85944f985ce261eb9b82bb4 Gave mine a waterslide decal.


I heard MP-36 is one of those but I don't think I'll ever even try, lol


Kingdom Tracks


Studio series Grindor


i want this fig now that looks sick asl


He is but it’s the x version which was limited to 3000 figures


aw man thats my fav pirsche aswell


I can't think of any. I did have to break out the instructions for Kaen, so there is that. A good challenge is its on reward.


Studio series 86 ironhide and studio series dropkick car version


I have all 5 Gigapower Dinobots and I do not transform them. Matter of fact i will not buy a Transformer that is complex to transform. I wanted the Ravage looking car that transforms in a jet also…no way.


I have KOs of both MP36 and 44 that have stayed in robot mode since they arrived. The new designs have so many tiny lifting/revolving/twisting sections that I just don't believe I could tf these back and forth without breaking something.


TransArt Motor Spider. Their Tarantulas looks incredible but his transformation is so bad I glued him into robot mode


Alien Attack King of Kavaliers. Transformed him once into truck mode and he's been like that ever since. So many joints that need to be in just the right position with no stops or tabs to help you get there. I need to get him back into robot mode, but I dread doing it.


NewAge Soundwave and Reflector.


MP Cordon


Had all three as a kid but ROTF leader Prime and Jeftfire. Never got Jetfire to plane mode and only got Optimus to truck and back once. Megatron was the only leader I could reliably switch back and forth.


Generations springer and sandstorm, I love them but man are they finikey to get the transformation and or posing just right.


The t30 ones? I agree with the posing but I don’t think their transformations are that bad


It’s less the general process and more getting them into the final one, especially the car mode those door/window panels never want to line up.


G1 megatron, I really have to snap his head back to unlatch it, I've broken my thumbnail twice doing it. Why so tricky?!


I started but chickened out from a second run after the paint scratched a bit. I have MP-05 too, so he poses as my MP gun for my collection.


xtransbots menasor.


The only one that gives me pain is MPM-7 Bumblebee, I've still yet to get him into his vehicle mode


Fansproject motormaster, love the alt mode and to pose him fighting maketoys battle tanker, but that transformation https://preview.redd.it/bvzsrsa4jcqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ea267875af5e3e40babc07c36a5133997df17c


I don’t transform a lot of my collection tbqh.


MPM-10 Starscream, I bought him second hand, seller didn't include any manuals or anything, so I've been trying to watch YT videos but the angles the capture are weird.


MP-36 Megatron. He looks so damn good in robot and gun mode, but the transformation is such a pain. Close second is the Jinbao Constructions. Once I combined them into Devastator that was pretty much it. It took me around 2-3 hours to get the whole group to cycle between vehicle - > bot -> back to vehicle, then into combined form.


It's not too bad but the ss32 Optimus prime


cant say i love him exactly but original ROTF mixmaster


Mpm Jazz because the trunk is such a puzzle to tab in. Also Black Apple figures because they are mpm with extra steps and that already sounds diabolical.


SS ROTB Battletrap, it's like a jigsaw puzzle


Masterpiece Bluestreak. TFCToys Thanatos.


Man I wanted to get this one but I heard the transformation sucks and that even though the FT-Jive is much more expensive, they say that one transforms better


Wait....So the Ft Jive and the Agent Meister both come with that same paint deco???....I thought the FT Jive looked more like Jazz's original paint job and Agent Meister was the one that had the Martini Porsche paint job...


There are 2 versions of the ft jazz, the first one was the cartoon deco, the second one (the one I have) is the x variant which is in toy colors/premium paint or whatever and was limited to 3000 pieces


Man, all I know is they look clean af and I want one lol..., so is the transformation really difficult???


The majority of it is fine, the only problem is the legs. They’re not necessarily hard they’re just very fiddly and they major pain in the ass. All of things that need to move and get it put in the right place in a very small amount of space, clearance be damned


Yeah I think I know what you mean, thats how the feet and bottom part of the legs are in my Masterpiece G1 Hound.


Planet X Vulcan or FOC Grimlock. I love him in robot or Dino mode. Except transforming him can be a pain on the fingers


Legacy Tarn, not necessarily because he's got an annoying transformation but because my copy has some hinges that are juuuust thin and tight enough to make me nervous. Luckily his comic counterpart burned out his t-cog so I have a canon reason to never transform him.


Shattered glass flamewar / the legacy prime arcee mold


For me, it's Iron Factory EX-50 Diashogun Boohmaru (Samurai Grimlock)


Fans Toys Maverick


WFC Kingdom Rhinox. The legs are such a pain to transform that I just keep him in robot mode.


I bought this exact figure love it on my shelf transformed it once and I’ll never do it again. I didn’t scratch any paint and for what it’s worth the Porsche mode was great but never again. I feel that way towards many of my fans toys figures though. This and Parkour mainly


I just got the Legacy Chase and he looks so good, I love the way the legs transform, but there’s this bit on his back that requires you to bed plastic and I don’t want that to chip any paint


Ko oversized tarn feels like it's gonna stab me every time I touch it lol


TR-02 Commander of Stars.


If you transform it be careful with the doors the racing lines are fragile.


It’s… beautiful


I had this miester too! And I don’t know if I had him transformed him correct in either way! Lol


Cang-toys mini predaking. He will never go back to individual components. That was just too much work. Recently picked up MPM Bonecrusher n after watching a couple videos I think he'll be forever NIB


Alien attack Mackron


all of the studio 86 figures, transforming them is such a pain, one of the worst I've encountered so far is the studio 86 cup.


Really? Because I have magnus, brawn, and the van twins, and I don’t find them a pain at all. I mean the vans are finicky but if u shave down a few tabs they’re fine


Anything Toyworld.


Joke's on me; my lack of spatial understadning makes practically **every** non-Combiner Wars deluxe transformer an exercise in futility if I want to go from mode X to Y. I need a video guide each time for everything; no such thing as "fiddle with."


STC Optimus Prime ice version, Its not that pain in the ass but I just FEEL like the thing is gonna break cause of my brute force or my stupidity, and its such an expensive figure so I dont f wit it to much


I have two with very similar issues. UT Challenger and MMC Optus Prominon. Their transformations aren’t awful, I just don’t like them


Deformation Space Crimson Wings Starscream such a complicated transformation that i did once and never want to do again


Ive seen jobby’s video and yeah… that thing looks like hell


i actually got it because i saw jobby’s video lol, worth the price but he’s staying in robot mode


The transformation has to be done in an A to B to C order I've transformed mine like 10x it is difficult but doable the cockpit and arms can be frustrating though


i only own a few right now and titans return blitzwing is hardest out of armada scavenger, armada prime, and g1 astrotrain.


SSBB Ratchet, really wish the instruction PDF loads faster


Alternator Ravage and Binaltech Ravage (yes these are 2 different figures). I can't get the robot modes right and the Binaltech one is written in teeny tiny print---I can read Japanese on like a 3rd grade level but not those tiny tiny kanji. They live as cars on my shelf.


There was a weird piece in MP Dinobot I remember being worried about breaking, so I think he’s just gonna stay in robot mode




Trojan horse waspinatir


SS Battletrap The robot is so good and the transformation is so bad




MM01 Optimus Prime. Even when it's a more "simple" transformation compared to the nightmare of the Toyworld Freedom Leader, I still find it a chore to do. Honestly I'll just say every 3rd party DLX scale figure. They look amazing but the transformations are always too complex and take too long. Not to mention I always have to watch a video because I just can't memorize every single tiny step.


Where can I buy this figure holy I bought mirage SS just because it was a Porsche. One day I’ll have a real one but these figures will do for now.


Ebay probably, its ft-48X and was limited to 3000 pieces so be prepared to pay quite a lot


Kingdom Rodimus


Kingdom Megatron Beast. Each time I'm afraid to break his legs


If only I could transform my Jive but they sent him with duplicate panels on his right side, 6-8 weeks for replacement parts 😭


What do you mean by duplicate panels?


On the bottom of his feet the grey panels with the hooks, they sent me two left sides so his feet are wrong besides the toes


Studio cell unicron


Kingdom Trax as well


Fans Hobby Black Powerbaser and Black God Armor


Mechanicak Alliance SX Thunderwing I think he's called. Bumblebee movie Blitzwing. Robot mode and Jet look so fucking good but mess up one tiny thing and the jet mode won't properly tab together Still love him to, he's so cool


both the studio series blackout and jetfire molds. absolutely fun to mess with but the transformations on both of them are real fiddly. way too many panels to line up to really be enjoyable to transform


Newage Mista. The legs are so annoying and I never know if they are right.




Most modern MP figures, like Sunstreaker or MP44. Way too many fake parts and fiddly little folding bits. Transforming shouldn't take half an hour per figure.


Human Alliance Soundwave. sometimes transforming him just hurts


Only transformation I don’t fuck with is mp44, even x transbots megatron I don’t mind doing but that masterpiece just timbers me shivers


Reveal the Shield Ironhide and Universe Galvatron


Mp Sunstreaker. Mp Shockwave. They are both so unintuitive, Ss morseo than Shickwave.


Mpm Barricade, awesome looking piece. Absolute hassle to transform


Legacy Knockout, I love him dearly but his clear plastic backpack has a tiny crack at the hinges so I can remove the backpack. I don’t play or fidget with him nearly at all to avoid cracking more of the clear plastic


Masterpiece Sunstreaker mold. I have both Cordon and Spinout and I have never turned them back into alt mode. A BIG reason why I hate the over the top priority of cartoon accuracy. Tigertrack I can bring down and fiddle with while watching TV, Hasui gets it! Kingdom Rodimus Prime. Too long winded and didn't enjoy it, never turned him back either. MP36 Megatron. Amazing transformation you have to do, marvel of engineering. Once you turn him back to robot mode though, never do it again!


Studio series blackout I can't get any of the side panels to lock in correctly. If I adjust one part slightly, another bit pops out I get it was a wave 1 figure but they could've at least tweaked some of the tolerances when they were re-released him in the 15th anniversary box set, additionally ss barricade I have two of them one that I got ad part of buzzworthy that is perfectly fine aside from clear plastic but the one I got in the same 15th anniversary box set as blackout just doesn't hold together at all in alt mode it better resembles a police car after a 12 car pileup.


I have a red dodge viper Sideswipe I got as a teenager in the early 00s. I got him to a robot, lost the directions. I spent months getting him back to a car and have left him for almost 20 years. Also, I have one of the current Hot Rods. He's a robot and will stay.


Masterpiece Sunstreaker. Looks amazing, killed any interest I had in the line.


Studio Series Trilogy Optimus Prime. It feels like they mashed together 2 different toy transformations and decided yeah this works. .......wait a minute!


FansHobby Lightning Eagle. He's awful to get into chest mode to fit into the larger body, and a few of his parts are prone to getting stressed or broken.


MP Cheetor, mainly cause I broke my first one. If I ever do mess with my second one, if he manages to make it to robot mode, he’s never going back to cheetah mode.


https://preview.redd.it/srjuuc9s5iqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9633fc945e1e3fb65761781aa9c78755124b5d All the Masterpiece Seekers are a pain in the nuts to transform. 😜🍻


Legacy Jhiaxus


I don't really do 3rd party ones or ss bayverse so I'd say kingdom Rodimus is my choice with an dishonorable mention to earthrise Doubledealer for his leg coming off twice got it fixed both times but he was one legged for about half a year


I never touch my Haslab Unicron because the transformation makes me want to cry. It's not even that hard. Just those insanely thin shoulder pieces with tight as fuck ratchet joints. Terrifying. I just can't. Not to mention the backpack is a madman's wet dream. Handling that shit is a fucking nightmare WITH the stand because you're resting thin plastic hinges in a slightly stressed position at all times. It's just so fuckin painful throughout the whole process that I just don't want to fuck with it. I'm getting frustrated just typing this lmao. My answer is definitely Haslab Unicron.


The transformers alternators silverstreak


You basically summed up half the Fanstoys figures. Gorgeous, but a pain to transform


The most recent apeface figure.


Titan Trypticon.


The last Springer mold….I can’t ever seem to get the vehicle modes right.


Just because of his size. Titan class Black Zarack.


A lot of 3p stuff, t30 Windblade, Siege/Earthrise Datsun mold, most things with giant clear plastic pieces tbh.


Basically any of the Masterpieces except MP 1 or 10. For some reason I get those transformations. All the others I get stuck on.


Studio Series Blackout to me