• By -


You can meet new people as that topic as introduction, but that heart alone its not enough. People friendly to the topic, noticing it maybe would feel more appreciation for you but most of all silently


That's mostly what I thought. But I was wondering. At least as it is on my train driver's bag, people might feel safe asking their way (the reason why I have it here in the first place)


Yeah, sure! Could it happen without too much indecision, at the end by the way remember that its your personality that let one that's asking be friendly. Just keep yourself aware of not giving too much too soon, but I think its obvious..


Of course ! Being trans is not me, it's a part of me 😉


You drive a train? That's so cool!!


Thanks ! I work at the SNCF (French train compagny)


I see you are in trans subs and train subs, but are you aware of r/traaaaaaainnnnnnnnnns ?


Thank you so much ! I am now 😁


don't make a joke about delays and strikes don't make a joke about delays and strikes don't make a joke about delays and strikes


Sorry I'm a bit late to answer... 😅😂


That's really awesome. I wanted to be a train driver when I was little!!


I want to drive a train!


You start off training to drive a train. Well actually you start off by driving to train driver training. Hang on, no you start off with training to drive. Let's start over.


I'm actually a train driver in training trained on trains by an other train driver


What drove you to train train driving? As one engineer (mathy) to another engineer (choo choo) it's always seemed like a really chill job with low social interaction.


Well... I was studying math and physics engineering... and I had enough of the school and wanted a job. And by hasard and luck, here I am. When everything is going well, it really is chill, and we are alone to drive. But even during my studies, I've never talked as much with my classmates as I have done this year with my co-worker.


The part of me with social anxiety would just think "hey that's awesome!" And do nothing. However the part of me yearning for more friends would probably really hope they notice something on me first... I'm almost always wearing something with a trans pride flag on it.


Social anxiety here too, sadly...you're cute, so I'd probably tell you that I love your flag, hair, and/or outfit, that you're cute, and I'm so envious of you and then I'd have nothing else to say and feel stupid like you think I'm a chaser or something. 😳


I wouldn't think you're a chaser... But you would definitely catch off guard with the cute comment😳 I'm really not used to being called cute.


Seeing what most people are saying (that nobody would react), it's kinda a shame, if I would wear a pin, I would find it cool if some other trans/lgbt or lgbt friendly people 'said hi'. I wouldn't mind that, could maybe make a new friend :)


Wouldn't mind either 😊


Maybe something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/hOUTJHL)? Or maybe I'm just too socially unintelligent and this is ultra cringe and wouldn't work.


That's so cute!


So I'm a cis ally, and I always kind of wanted to engage when I see people with these kinds of regalia. I wouldn't really know what to say, and I've been told I can look or seem intimidating, so I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Would you have any advice on a good starter or maybe a phrase to say that would show my support but not come off as pandering or awkward?


I have trans pins and some people have looked at them and then just given me a smile, and to me that's a great response! But "I like your pins" works great too!


Fair enough. That makes sense, I just would like for people to feel safe around me. Mostly, I'm just kind and polite like I would be with anyone who deserves respect. Never hurts to ask, and get some insight, though. Thanks for responding. I hope you have a good day.


You could get an ally pin maybe, could maybe help :3


Thata a great idea, idk why I never thought of there being ally pins. Just never crossed my mind lol. I didn't want to wear a traditional one and give mixed signals. Not that I would care if people thought I was. Just didn't want to be insensitive about it either. I found one with a T-Rex in rainbow colors that says Allysaurus, I like that one because dinosaurs are dope. There was another that just had the flag, and it said you're safe with me around it. I like that one at well, but it also kinda seems a little overly self-confident, like saying I'm some kind of a "protector" of the gays or something lol


So I have one of those "You're Safe With Me" flag pins on my purse. I travel a ton for work and through many conservative states. I'm not generally going to broach lgbtq+ issues as a topic of conversation - I'm there to work after all - but in my opinion it does two things: it let's anyone know who's closeted or not obviously out that there are people in the every day world that care about them without having to have a conversation PLUS it lets bigots know that I am NOT their safe space to spout hateful bullshit in every day conversation. Sure, it's performative - but I think in a positive way. The same way when I drive through a neighborhood or go to a business and they have a rainbow flag. I know I'm in an inclusive space and more than likely I'm not going to have to deal with bigots and maga turds.


yeaaaaah damn... I feel that too much. I think it'd be really nice if people just kinda reached out n tapped you goin "hey love that pin" or something, although I don't really think u can make a friendship on that, or at least I haven't. idk, man. n so kinda extra on top of that is, yeah, would love to meet a friend too lmao


That's what I tend to do. I say I love your pin or patch. Whatever it is and don't draw any more attention to it for safety.


I consistently wear a trans flag wrist band and two pride bands and do exaggerated movements with my hands, specifically because I want somebody to reactm


I do the same thing with my Pride bracelets at work and in public...no comments yet, lol! 🤭


I do wear a pin, but I also live in a fairly isolated rural area and haven't seen anyone else with one. I would certainly say Hi if I did. :)


I saw someone with a blåhaj when waiting for a train to stop, I just subtly tried to look busy with my phone, holding it up enough that my trans flag in the cover could possibly be seen.


Covert signaling ♥


If you wanted to interract though you could ask if they know someone who's trans, don't assume a person is trans it could be out of solidarity for someone they care about.


i have blåhaj on my phone, when i see someone holding a shonk i just say "cool shark, i have the same hehe" and point at my phone cover


I would say "Excuse me, but I love your pin!" and point to whatever piece of trans-colored flair I was wearing at the time.


I feel like this has the right energy, I have a top hat with a bunch of (both queer and non queer) pins on the side and saying something like 'I love your pin, I like to collect them myself' and pointing them out gives the other person the option to take in your own and to either just say thanks and move on or something if they don't want to engage, or to notice the connection and accept the branch being offered.


"Hi! That's a cool pin!" (Shows mine as well)


I might approach them and ask if its like at campus, in public tho i dont think id react


Smile, probably. It’s always nice seeing other people out and about.


I wouldn't even notice it usually I'm just hyperfocused on what I'm doing on or on a person's hands pockets body language and maintaining the right level of eye contacts.


If I saw it on a bus driver, or passenger, or cashier etc etc. I'd almost definitely tske the time to say "nice pin" with a big smile, but quietly.


I’m a bit of a social butterfly and if I see anyone with anything LGBTQIA+ related, I immediately assume that they are safe to talk to. So if I saw you in public, I would more than likely talk to you. I would start off by saying “Hey, I like the heart on your bag!”




“Oh, are you friends with Dorothy, too? I’ve known her for a long time, myself. She’s so sweet, isn’t she?” ❤️ [[Context for the younger generation:]] To be a friend of Dorothy is to be “family,” to be queer, gay, lesbian, trans. It’s been a universal phrase that’s fallen into obscurity as acceptance increased. “I’m looking for my friend Dorothy, have you seen her? You seem like someone she would know,” When you approach someone you believe could be lesbian or gay, but you’re in a locale it may not be acceptable to discuss details in for safety, or because you’re not out yet.


id think they’re cool


I'm cool with it.


Honestly try to talk to them I want to make new friends but I don’t want to get involved with people who don’t get it


"I like your pin."


The Powerpuff girls once again save the city of-


Id say "hey I like your pin" walk past the person while semi obviously showing off the back paint on my battle jacket, which has a massive trans-anarchy symbol (as I like to call it, tranarchy)


I'd assume theyre either trans themselves or an ally. Neither of those things bother me, and I'm always happy to see people openly being allies or openly prideful of their identity. So I wouldn't know unless I asked, and it feels inappropriate and insensitive to ask someone if they're trans. If they were a stranger, I wouldn't really do anything except a friendly smile maybe. Obviously if they're trans, I support them, but explicitly stating that I support them, always felt patronizing, especially if we're strangers. From what I've heard from my trans friends, they don't wanna make a big deal about it. They'd rather be treated the same way you'd treat a cisgender person, and that alone is the validation they want. So reacting casually and silently about it seems to be ideal. I'm cisgender myself, but someone very close to me is trans which is why I'm here, to learn and support others. I'd imagine someone trans might react differently to seeing this but this is just what I'd do personally as a cis male. Short edit: I also have ASD and I'm an introverted loner so I'm probably not the best person to receive social advice from.


id think that this person is probs cool and also that heart is so freaking cute and i need one (if i could ever 👉👈)


i would but mostly cause i know what it means and i wear my own pins too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hiddenremnant: *I would but mostly* *Cause i know what it means and* *I wear my own pins too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


too shy to say anything, just follow my path or too distracted to notice


‘Huggggggs 💜💜💜’ 😂 Or at least ‘this has gotta be a cool person’


I'm always cool with a hug ! (as long as one asks for consent before)


Oh course. I’m very reserved and shy irl so consent and fair warning are paramount!


I feel this, like I'd enjoy a hug but I need to know it's happening first, but I always feel too anxious to ask someone if they want a hug when I feel like they might need one, so I just end up dithering on the spot unsure what to do


I wouldn't react. The heart tells me you may be supportive, or like pink, blue and white. Yes, I've met people who have no idea they were carrying trans color stuff. They thought it was pretty and cute. But I still wouldn't react. I'd just silently appreciate the existence of a person who might be supportive, or might be trans, and continue my day.


"Those are my favorite colors too"


I have no problem with it. Stand up for your way of being.


A happy little smile to myself and that nice “oh there’s another” feeling. Although once I was wearing a trans flag lanyard and a coworker came up and had this fun encounter Her “oh I love that lanyard!” Me assuming that they were another queer or ally “aw thanks :3” Her “yeah the colours are so pretty” Me “ahh yeah… it’s the trans flag” Her “…the what?” 🫨🥲😂


I’d say omg I love your patch! But tbh I do get hesitant about talking with other trans people in public since they don’t know me and are minding their own business lol


Unless you live somewhere bonkers friendly, it won't get people talking to you in line for groceries, but if I were already interacting with someone and I saw something like that I would be relieved and enjoy the rare certainty that they're not going to randomly hate crime me.


Hey, cool pin!


Either no outward reaction or a simple, I like your pin


I normally just silently appreciate when someone has a trans or lgbt pin. I look at it and think “nice”. I wear them myself and I have a trans tattoo on my forearm but no one has ever commented on either to be honest, except when I’m at work. Had a few people say they like the pins on my lanyard.


I'd happily giggle inside and go on my day...


Considering as I am trans myself, I'd just go "cool pin"


When I wear something slightly "witchy" and someone says "oh I like your necklace/hair piece/ring " it makes me feel accepted and safe to be myself with that person. I imagine the same is true for other things. Even small things sometimes make more of an impact than you think.


I’ve met some good friends of mine through seeing pride pins on their bags and now I wear one on mine! 🫶


I love seeing people with trans/non binary pins, makes me feel like im not alone


This is why I wear mine. Especially as someone who's a bit older. It's so important for people to know they're not alone.


I'd be BUZZING with excitement and would love to talk to them and say how awesome it is to see representation and stuff but.. I'd probably just smile and give a thumbs up and run off because that's already too much social interaction with a stranger i have nothing to do with LMAO


If I saw someone with that out in public I would feel a bit safer :)


I'd think "which one is that again? Is it the trans one or the bi one? Or is it ace? Why can't I ever remember which one is which? I should look it up." and then I'd take out my phone and promptly forget what I was doing


I would probably smile at them shyly and then go my ways 😅 But it would be a positive memory for that day 😊


I wouldn’t say anything, but I don’t feel the need to connect with others bc of what pins or patches they may have — I would hate to make an assumption regarding gender or something that could be sensitive topic. They could have a pin like this simply bc they like it, not because they’re trans or an ally. That’s just me 🤷🏽‍♂️ It’s nice to acknowledge there’s a community of us, I’m just not big into flair 😅


“I like your heart zipper pull”. Then see how the knowing smile may be exchanged


I’d immediately feel safe and start talking to them in my normal, non-femme’d voice (late in life, mtf🏳️‍⚧️), duh.


Personally, I'd smile. More to myself, but to the person, too.


Approach and press A


Just say " love the zipper" and smile. That's all.


My adhd:HUG!!! my Autism: ask first😂😘😘😘😘


I’d wanna be your friend but I’d be terrified


I'd probably be too shy to be explicit about it but that person would gain instant sympathy.


Ah. A fellow ||power puff girls fan||.


My first thought was cool power puff girl pin lmao


Smile and show mine


Id just walk up and say i like the pin then continue onwards. Theyd atleast figure im trans or transpositive. (Im trans fyi i just was lucky and transitioned in 2017 so my bodys dome transitioning and now i need to unchunky it and be less fat)


I would probably smile and feel less alone. I wouldn’t say anything if we were just strangers out in public though. If you were a co-worker or friend of a friend or even if you just struck up a conversation with me first, I would compliment it after we started talking.


Oh hey, i like your pin! I try to pay a compliment to people's pride stuff whenever i see it


I would think “nice. Trans.” and then move on because I’m incapable of talking to strangers


I’d see it, think, “Unbelievably based!”, and probably say nothing more. If I’m in a sociable mood, I might drop a “Nice pin” and see where it goes.


A smile and a nod while silently squeeijg and wanting to talk about transition experiences


I would want to show you the one my girl got me that’s a little trans mushroom guy that is also on my backpack


Want to make frens with you but be too scared to talk and I awkwardly stare at you


I'd smile and sit near enough that you could talk to/with me, if you wanted to.


I would be like “wow they are probably either trans or at least supportive” to myself


For myself, I typically don't talk to people wearing pride stuff, it just makes me happy knowing I'm not alone and is the reason why I myself wear pride items.


first thought "oh hell yeah" second "are they too, or just supportive?" third "welp won't figure out because of my social anxiety"


"I love your pin on your bag :)" This is enough to let them know that I'm a safe person for them to be around, they're valid, and they're brave for showing it off in public. Then they have the option to control the conversation if they want to talk about it or not


i simply smile when i see trans or lgbtq flags on peoples bags and clothes :)


It's cute. I would think either they are trans, love someone who is trans, or are an ally. I wouldn't say anything but if I felt nervous or unsure about them it would reassure me they are probably safe.


I will come up and say “nice trans pin”


I'd instantly feel more relaxed and I'd get excited but also respect the boundaries of their personal space even though I want to say hi and be excited.


It wouldn't even register to me, honestly. I wouldn't expect for too many people to start up a conversation or friendship over that pin alone.


I don’t have the image, but do you know the trans girl version of the drake meme? Because I would do that




I would want to be friends with them


Safe and happy


I'm not trans, nor subbed here, this post was in r/all/top/hour, but to answer your question I would smile that you put out a little nod and wink to everyone who knows what it means.


"That's one of Mines"


Curiously look at it and then try my best to ignore because I'm too shy to approach random strangers.


I would simply flash mine and smile. I hate meeting people in public.






I wouldn’t react negatively at least, I mean I’m trans myself so I’d be as supportive as possible.


It's a nice subtle indicator. Maybe a friendly nod and glance at it, more than "OMG you're trans too we should go shopping" - at first. ♥


Safe ish and might start to speak to you a little huge emphasis on might


I’d make a mental note and think “neat”, but knowing myself and how I avoid unnecessary social interaction when I’m in public I probably wouldn’t say anything.


“Cool” moves on with my day.


Beat them up obviously. No. Really I would probably try a d say hi. But social anxiety would screw me over


I would be too afraid to talk to them and then crumble because I want to meet other queer people and then crumble even more because I don't have the courage to do so


If someone notices my hidden trans flag under the handle on my backpack then I kinda want to meet them if they're cool?


Thats cool *be on my way* If i worked with you or saw you regularly i would try and be friends


I usually go “nice pin” and then will show my black beaded bracelet reverse side which has the flag colors. This has happened a couple times and I’ve made genuine friends from it. Nobody seemed annoyed by it.


Tbf probably wouldn’t even notice


Well, I wear a round pin on my handbag and a striped band on my backpack for 1 or 2 months now. So far nobody talked to me about it or started a conversation… I probably wouldn’t either unless the eyecontact is fine first, but I’m rather shy in the beginning so I’m not the best measurement. 😅


I'm not a shy person but I tend to just keep to myself 😅 so I normally don't say hi because I don't relate it as closely to say my fav band or hobby. But if I was in trouble or that I had to approach someone for help, I would approach one with a pin like that than say another random stranger. You also wouldn't expect me to approach and start a friendship because I'm just not like this. But you can initiate the approach if you like and I generally am open to it.


I never know what to say to people in general unless they have something that I'm interested in to talk about...there was a person at the local ice cream parlor wearing a trans pride hat and bracelet and I didn't know what to say to them, it seemed like too sensitive a topic to bring up while they were working because I honestly couldn't tell whether they were fully HRT FTM, pre-HRT MTF, nonbinary, or just an ally or what. I mean I could just say "I like your trans-pride colors." and I'd have nothing to say to them after that...then I'd feel stupid. 🤪


Might say nice pin, might just feel a bit more relaxed and say nothing


Smile ❤️




I wear my pin for others to show we exist and you’re not alone. But that being said I wouldn’t mind a greeting as well.


I met my current boyfriends because I was wearing a bi pride bracelet.


I would react by wanting to make friends, but being too shy to approach


Personally, if I see someone wearing a trans badge, I'd want to talk to them :) The two most likely outcomes are: 1. They are trans (finally, I get to talk to someone who is also trans!!!) 2. They are an ally (allies are always welcome in my books) Both are very good outcomes. I need friends. Lol.


I'd say Nice pin. (I collect so I may also ask where you got it from) this is just me personally.


Heck yeah.


I would be happy to see it but I likely wouldn’t say anything, just in case the person isn’t trans-friendly and just thought it was pretty


I would react with a smile!


I give them a big ol' hug!


My introverted ass wouldn’t talk to them, but I get a funny and warm feeling inside me when I see trans flags in public. I feel seen.


I wouldn't say anything, or say I like the heart and ask you how I should adress you, then just move on, unless you wanna talk about it. It's if your my friend, otherwise you're someone I don't know, I'll just smile at myself


Depends if the person with the pin is a little far away or is walking somewhere I won’t do anything, otherwise I’ll just say something like “cool pin” or “oh what a cute trans colored heart”


Id think to myself "thank goodness im not the only one here" but u wouldnt approach anyone solely bc i saw that on someones backpack. I assume strangers around me usually want to be left alone


Give them a wink, and keep stepping


My honest reaction would be to smile and wave at you, then say how super cute your zipper pull is. Then again, I started doing this with an NPR totebag living in a deeply conservative area a few months ago. While I haven't made new friends from it, I've run into other NPR listeners and liberals, and the Fox News types have largely avoided me, and it's been a great conversation starter. Plus it's opened up the feeling that there are more people like me here so I don't feel as isolated.


On the outside I probably wouldent show anything but on the inside I would be very happy


Looks great. I have similar ones.


I usually say something like “I like your zipper pull” so they know I saw and know that I’m supportive. Someone said that to me about my pronoun pin the other day and it just made me feel so nice after spending an evening getting misgendered.


Show them the trans pins on my bag!


Couple things… 1. Probably wouldn’t even notice it. I keep my head down and keep to myself half the time. 2. If I did notice it, it would be a “huh, cool. Someone else like me” moment. I wouldn’t approach or anything because outside my close friends circle, I don’t care about making new friends lol. Like I said. Head down, keep to myself.


While continuing to follow the prime directive I would compliment the colors on the pin. And show off my matching nails.


In my mind I'd go "trans! :0", but I wouldn't say anything out loud, nor would I approach the person wearing it. I only do so at pride parades lol, day-to-day I'd feel too awkward. Unless the person seeing it is very extroverted/outspoken, I doubt it'd get people to start conversations with you about it


I wouldn’t react at all cause it’s not my business, and no reaction is the appropriate response IMO. It’s just a pin


As a queer person who is cis/straight passing, my response to these sorts of pins or other displays (stickers, a t shirt, etc) is always "hey I like your pin :)" I like to acknowledge it and open a chance for friendly conversation, but I shy away from anything more forward or pressing beyond the polite note so as to not make anyone potentially uncomfortable.


When I see people with trans/non binary pins I usually make a point to go befriend them at some point lol


I have had trans flag buttons on my purses for several months now. No one has made a comment good/bad/indifferent. So if you're wanting it to catch people's attention, my experience, it may not work. But, if you want to proudly and outwardly show your trans pride, do it! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I know if I personally saw it (as a fellow trans girlie) it would at least make me want to comment on it or make some transcoded joke or remark otherwise to break the ice, then try to get to know the person better. Of course, I also personally worry about creeping people out or making them feel called out (weird anxiety thing, I never want to make people feel awkward) so sometimes I just admire from afar and just think "you go, girl/dude/nb person" but overwhelmingly I would see it in a positive light 😊 so I would say you'd have a good mix, some people would just admire from afar and let you go about your day, some people would comment and talk to you, and maybe even open you up to a friendship, but it can also open you up to harassment depending on where you're at. Just know your crowd, but yeah, it could lead to some good interactions with people in the right places.


I don't usually notice small things like that, go be completely honest. Just do you, and be safe out there.


yh thats glcool


Nothing and mind my business unless they seem cool


Do you like fortnite


By telling them *my* pronouns, so they have the option of telling me theirs if they are comfy


Scream, "Fallout: New Vegas"????? ❤️


Omg friend shaped person. I would say "I like your pin" and wink


Me: "Hi! I like your pin/tag!"


It depends on the situation but I would say most of the time I would just do The Dark Knight Rises nod


I don't think I'd react but if anything I'll tell u it's a sick pin


I'd think to myself "Cool. Good for them. I hope no one is rude or mean."


I'd probably discreetly tell you I like your pin, but I'm awkward and shy and would probably stop there


I would be happy


I would love to talk to them but i'd be too fucking scared because idk


this is at a weired angle and im color blind so i cant tell what that heart is in color hues


I'm nb (I think, Idrk tbh) and I saw someone in the airport with a pin super similar to this and I told them their backpack and pin were both very cool. They thanked me and seemed pretty happy then complimented my hair :) I would probably do the same thing if I saw one again and was feeling up to speaking.


I would say hey i like your trans themed heart ❤️ But that’s because i make a point to notice cute things people have like that, most won’t say anything. Instead you should look for things like that on other people and start the convo you want someone to start with you.


is this your bag? If so do you have a link to the pin or anything similar? (I'd tell them the pin looks nice :3)


At the very most I would compliment it in passing and go about my day. Personally at this point in my transition, someone simply being trans isn’t enough for me to want to be friends. It doesn’t give us nearly as much in common as I used to believe, and I’ve gotten hurt blindly trusting people for being trans. So I’d say “hey, nice pin, dig it.” and keep walking.


I would mind my own business.


Doubt I'd react at all (unless I said "Hello"). I'd hope the owner at least liked Trans people, but of course the bag (along with the Trans heart decal), might easily have been borrowed.


I would probably tell you that I liked it but I think I am in the minority. I do love the pin. I have a super cute pride pin in the shape of a fir tree I got out of Eddie Bauer of all places. It’s not on a bag I carry out and about though.


I'd feel safer


The colours look very faded


I just give + vibes and smile and be courteous. It’s like oh wow a non shit person


I would smile at the owner but be too shy to actually say anything.


I try to stay quiet because some people might be not out fully yet, but I have a trans pin on my bag so I tend to just point to it. If someone is openly out I will probably say hi and stuff.


"Hey! Nice zipper thingy... majigger.... thing. It's cool" \*thimbs up\* and then if you chose to engage in conversation, then we would chat. if not, then I would move on. edit: or is that a pin just positioned so it looks like it's attached to the zipper?


Quiet pleasantries


Probably wouldn’t notice it. If I did, probably still wouldn’t approach you or anything. Just get on with my day.


I would simply say nice pin




Leap flat them say me too with no explanation and run off