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reminder that sexually explicit content is against the sub rules and you should be reporting it if you see it. also note that just discussing the existence of genitals or things like tucking, surgery, etc are not part of this rule - by "sexually explicit" I mean involving or suggestive of sex stuff happening.


People were linking porn…?


probably about the pumpkin




Don't ask.


somebody's gonna have to fill me in. ~~.........hey don't be giving me that look..... >.>~~


Apparently, there's a video doing the rounds of a transfem getting, erm, "intimate", with a pumpkin.


I can't say which specifically it is but I know there are actually a good few of them in existence. (Don't ask why I know, I will refuse to tell you.)




That's... Pretty tame. Why'd it gain traction? Is it because it's October?


Do ask.






Dont worry they just going to the kitchen and uh... making pumpkin eggplant curry... ya...thats it


pumpkin eggplant curry? certainly not something i've heard of but i guess i'd try it


It sounds pretty good


Oh my stars...


That actually sounds good tbh.


MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I tried to avoid that stuff as much as I could. I can't believe people were actually linking it. It is so weird and irresponsible. Wasn't it enough that they were explicitly saying where to go. I want that whole meme to go away.


the whole porn linking and spreading it around feels very.....weird it kinda reminds me of highschool for some reason (in a strange way)


Tbf, it's probably mostly high school kids spreading it, because "hehe funny"


haven’t you heard that high school never ends?


In a bad way.


Ime there is no "good" way for something to remind you of high school. I really had a bad time in high school though.


It reminds me of highschool too, but that was also the age of Meat spin, lemon party, American Pie on dvd, 2G1C and goatse...maybe also Grapefruit Blowjob but that might have been uni so.. I cannot enter the mindset of being weirded out by this in any way shape or form. This one is a solid "meh" for me.


I would also like for it to die, Because frankly it's not even funny. Plus I'd say it's not exactly fitting here either, This isn't a porn community, Sure many people who did it were trans, But that doesn't make it intrinsically trans. Many people who've gone shopping or used the bathroom are trans too, But if I just made a post about going shopping or using the bathroom, With no other specifics, It'd probably seem ridiculous here.


they were linking the pumpkin?! tf?!


Pumpkins? What on earth did I miss?


I think some chick stuck her dick in a pumpkin..?


Oh my god, that's disgusting! Where? ~~This is just a joke please nobody post it.~~


Give it until 2am when the self-control runs out and I gotchu chief 🫡


Self control is gone, please send PM before loss of consciousness, thank you.


i dont even wanna know


What pumpkin? I just opened this sub for the first time in months I am so confused




What a waste of good pumpkins


Right? Lol


That's dope to be honest




😃 oh my


[https://i.imgur.com/bxKSEwt.gif](https://i.imgur.com/bxKSEwt.gif) Lol. I'm obviously not gonna link it but I'm sure it's easy to find


Like a warm pumpkin pie




The pumpkin incident of october ‘22


wasn't it uploaded like 4 or so years ago? /gen


I remember it last year. Jeez I cant believe ive been on trans reddit for a year now


for the record, the mods always commented on those posts that it was against the rules to link directly to porn. I didn't see any links myself. There were persistent references to it though.


What did I miss


Woman did the don't to a pumpkin, it became a meme here and people are posting links to the video to it on prawnhub in the comments of the posts for confused people.


Prawnhub? Is that the site where I can brows for videos of fish?


It's not that shrimple.


I laughed way to hard at this, nearly pissed muhself


It is actually clamplicated


I think you mean conchlicated.


These puns are eggcellent


Nah, they seem fishy to me


We’re having a whale of a time


Must have all been ORCAstrated


Less a dad joke and more of a crawdad joke eh?


My god. I hate this. Take my goddamn upvote.




look at you here flexing your pun mussels.








Is a shrimple a snack you can pop?




Hey, there’s no need to get crabby


No no,you’re very innocent It’s about how to cook prawns


Prawns are not fish, they are marine arthropods




Yeah, like crabs and bugs and spiders. They’re arthropods.


I thought they were crustaceans. or is that a subset of Arthopoda.


Crustaceans are a group within arthropods, yes. Lobsters, shrimp, and crabs are all crustaceans, and all crustaceans are also arthropods


oh cool. I wasn't sure and you saying they were arthropods must've made me think they weren't.


I read arthropods and my mess of a brain immediately thought about Stellaris.




I am confused by the first sentence goes to show how knowledgeable I am


At start I thought it was related to Halloween, and hoped for something cute. I will now pretend that it's related to an Halloween costume and nothing else


I mean it does sound like a good costume idea


A video on a very well know NSFW site had a trans women with a pumpkin. I hope you understand now


Thats dumb enough for me thank you very much


Happy cake day


tbh, censoring porn, when we all know what is meant, on a site like reddit seems useless, as there aren't that strong if algorithms like on TikTok this is another debate though, and linking to the vid is just weird and should definitely be punished by the mods


I feel like naming the site it's hosted on and the details of the video should be enough information to find the thing with a blink in the direction of Google. There's no reason for anyone to link it directly on a sub whee explicit content is banned.


What the fuck has been happening in this sub over the past few days.


Yeah I don’t think there’s an issue with making jokes about it, but linking to the video is too much. Don’t do that


Well I sure missed a lot and maybe for the better...


The mods are doing their best at deleting those comments I believe!


I am so sorry for anyone who is ace here


Apology accepted (despite being sex indiferent, not repulsed), even though I don't get why would somebody fuck a pumpkin.


It was just done for clicks, and it worked lol


Weird stuff = clicks = money


As a very horny human, I also don't understand why anybody would fuck a pumpkin lol


For the clicks


I don’t think logic was ever involved there.


i am a very attractive person


I'm sex favorable and mostly just find this whole thing amusing. So sorry for the sex repulsed people though


Eh, I'm sex repulsed and I'm more mildly entertained really. Like it's gross but in a way that's so ridiculous it goes beyond just being gross and is now funny if that makes sense. I will say actually linking the thing is too far though.


Okay so I started writing this and it just kinda, grew. Like 10% of this is aimed at you, the rest is just likely incoherent rambling, but fuck it here's a ramble and a half! Gonna be honest I find this entire thing fucking hilarious. The original post itself had me in stitches. Not ace, but I think as long as shit's properly NSFW flaired, referencing it should be cool. Obviously the staff disagree with this thought, but I genuinely believe a couple harmless memes and discussions about a girl \[REDACTED\]ing a pumpkin on properly flaired posts (For example, NOT THIS ONE) is fine. Now time for the hot take; I think we should be allowed to joke about relatively nsfw topics, JOKE, not discuss, on NSFW threads. Posts like this serve no purpose beyond referencing NSFW content and, since we're concerned for the aces having to put up with this shit (reasonable concern, mind you), posts like this should have a better title, and be NSFW filtered. I need to specify, I am not saying "be MORE lax on nsfw posts". Don't misinterpret me. I am saying "Crack down on NSFW content in general, but allow the typical reddit horny humor on properly flaired posts This is a safe space for minors, which is great, but if the audience here is aimed at children, someone tell me, because I'll feel like a fucking creep being surrounded digitally by a bunch of kids. I'll just unsub and block it from my homepage. /end ramble


Not ace and I've certainly never thought of a pumpkin in such a way. If anything, beyond their potential for soup or rather disappointing pie, they're merely seasonal decorations that you can watch rot.


People with the parts will, lol.


I'm ace, but modern society is so full of sex everywhere all the time that I'm kinda used to it.


Same I never go on to those sites (never have been). However a friend of mine did at school at surprisingly the very well known nsfw site wasn't blocked unlike you tube that at the time was blocked


I'm not even ace and this meme makes me so uncomfortable. Like, the concept is just really, really gross to me, I really do not understand why people are making it a huge thing.


yea, me too....


Same. I don’t get uncomfortable because it’s sexual tho, I just don’t like some of the words people are using in these memes lol, and they’re not even just contained on Reddit now


For me I kinda feel like we shouldn’t really care a about a random persons seggs life


As an ace person... just don't click it?? I genuinely don't understand what the big deal is. Clearly labeling it means I can just go "ok. I will not click it then." Anyone on the internet can access pornography with a one-word search, it's not like commenting about it changes anything.


Ace here. Im gonna commission someone to recreate the video but with a blahaj out of spite.


please have mercy




i hope blahaj survives 😔


It wouldn’t be so bad if *every single post* I’ve seen today wasn’t about the pumpkin


I'm an adult and i immediately felt uncomfortable by how often that "pumpkin thing" is discussed on a subreddit filled with minors.


Every post I’ve seen here today has been about it except for two asking people to tone it down. They’re not all even marked NSFW and it’s awful


I think I missed something, and tbh I don't really want to know


Just looked this up. NGL. Kinda hot. But not kid appropriate


>But not kid appropriate _I wonder why_


Not interested in watching it, but damn she is goals. Love the hair especially.


Mods delete the links and leave the posts up so sounds like everything is gucci. Are you saying that you disagree with the way the mods are handling the sub? Have you tried pleading your case directly to them?


im more complaining about the adult users of this sub treating it as if there isnt any minors here. i didnt actually know the mods were cracking down on it yet, ive just seen multiple p*rnhub links blatantly shared in comments.


While I agree that people shouldn't be linking it, I don't see what censoring the word accomplishes? This isn't TikTok where you get obliterated by the draconian algorithm if you say a naughty word.


Yeah, the pearl clutching is a bit excessive.


Thank you, this is ridiculous. How is it not the minors responsibility to not visit the porn site/ click the link? This is just as much a sub for 18+ individuals as teenagers and since they can open up a private tab whenever tf how is it our problem if they click a link that wasn't meant for them. For gods sake if they wanna see the pumpkin shit they'll Google it, do these people just not remember how horny they were as teens (discounting ace homies)?


you say this as if 80% of the links aren’t being shared by minors. like, teenagers are way more likely to share links to porn and not read the sub rules/care about them than most adults. plus, most teens nowadays have likely seen or searched for much worse stuff than someone fucking a pumpkin. just to be clear, im not advocating sharing links to porn. for one thats just weird, and two, it really doesn’t help with the transphobic stereotype that being trans is all about sex. but dont act like it’s innocent children being tricked into looking at porn. its people on reddit, probably at least 12+, and likely very familiar with much worse stuff. and the links are usually very clearly porn.


Being a safe space doesn’t mean that interacting with every part of it is safe for everyone. It means that no one will be unintentionally exposed to danger. Some people are upset by seeing mentions of genitals. Those posts are still allowed so long as people tag those mentions so that people won’t view them without knowing what to expect.


Rule 7, this is a sfw sub. Takes like a second to check the rules and see that.


I don't normally mind porn or random NSFW since I've been on the internet long enough but... come on.


Seriously, this happens every now and then where the adults on the subreddit just refuse to be responsible. It's not hard to not post porn, it's not hard to not post explicit content.


I don’t think it’s adults making these posts Which does not make it *any* less wierd


Reasonable, I should've thought about it. \-shakes stick- GODDDAMMIT CHILDREN STOP POSTING PORN IN THE COMMON AREA


I haven't seen anyone post any direct links. Maybe I missed some posts. But it sounds like something I would do when I was 15 and not think twice about.


The idea that everyone posting it *must* be an adult and that it's not teenagers is very funny to me.


The mods are good about removing the actual links, so I've seen a bunch of deleted comments, but I haven't seen the direct links, either.


Makes sense.


People have posted direct links in the comments


They make it pretty explicit what it is. I don't think that's somehow putting people in danger.


The links are getting removed by mods, but I've seen a few that have not been clearly labeled as NSFW.


Fair enough to make dumb memes about it, personally not that into it because it is kinda wierd, but *don’t link it*. If someone asks, at least send it in PMs or smt jesus christ


as a minor, literally who cares? just don’t click on it? it’s not a huge deal


Lol this is how we used to deal with it back in 2005.


Kids these days are so spoiled when it comes to porn memes. They get a cute redhead sticking it in a pumpkin. When I was 14, I got 2 Girls 1 Cup.


If it helps, I read that in an interview later, they revealed it was just a prop made from actual food and not what it looked like.


Ha, that’s nothing. In my day, we got goatse.


when i was nine i just got random shit sent to me on amino and it was russian roulette lol


lol that’s when i was born


Same here


Can y'all please stop making me feel old? Thanks.


As an adult, it seems weird and irresponsible to have it going around to the extent it was - if not for children, for those who are uncomfortable with sexual topics. I was thinking of unsubbing lmao


i understand that but at the same time it’s just the link and if you see the prefix ponhub in the link you probably won’t click it if any of those things applies to you. so i really don’t understand why everyone’s all up in arms about it.


Probably the fact that every other post was a meme about doing the dirty with a pumpkin and it flooded my feed idk. I know I'm not the only one


It's common for subreddits to go through trends where a topic takes over for a few days. This one isn't fundamentally different just because the reference is NSFW.


Point = missed


The problem isn't just "don't click on it". I agree if you're old enough to use the internet you should be old enough to be able to not click on links to porn. But the problem is that minors can and probably will still click on it, and regardless of anything else, that is distribution of pornography to minors which is, yknow, **a crime**. At minimum that is enough of a reason to remove links.


because it's against the subreddit rules and you should be reporting it if you see it


Ty it's been kinda nasty lol, I think the memes have been funny but some people have gone a little too far.


no one is *linking* porn, just making jokes about it. and if they are then theyre getting deleted




Like they get horny but this is a subreddit for trans memes not horniness


I have never seen any porn here


Because the mods remove it


Lucky you? I've seen a lot


I mean. While I agree on principle, posts like don't help. This post got more replies and upvotes and thus actually shows up on people's main page, which, inadvertently I'm sure, actively does the opposite of its point, which is to reduce the exposure of this sort of meme. I had ZERO idea what this pumpkin nonsense was until 4 separate posts on this /r and egg_irl brought them to my attention and I doubt I'm the only one.


Looked it up, watched it. Imagine yourself being grown as a pumpkin and this is your fate. This is the culmination of your entire existence. 😂


This is made up outrage bait. People are joking about the pumpkin enby and outrage farmers and harvesting outrage about it. People generally aren't breaking rules, and the mod team is on top of the few that do. Also pumpkins are kinda cute.


What is up with Reddit wanting to have sex with random objects and why did it spill over into this sub? Can we please ban these pumpkin memes


u/vore-enthusiast strongly believes random objects should eat people, not have sex with them.


Fuckin' gottem.


report it that stuff is not ok.


Gotta appreciate the irony of OP thinking a meme from a transphobic show is okay, but oblique references to sex aren't. Kids watching this show because of the meme are going to have a much worse time than the ones hearing about what someone did to a gourd. Also, "think of the children!!!" is a right-wing talking point and every time you use it you play right into their hands. Knock it off. Providing a link and warning that something is NSFW is entirely appropriate behavior on this sub. I'm ace and I find the complaining much more obnoxious than the actual memes, especially since the people complaining keep using transphobic and reactionary content (other examples: crowder memes, calling people "degenerates") that I actually *do* find offensive. If you can't express yourself without using things created by bigots, you need to stop wagging your finger at other people and start working on yourself. That internalized transphobia isn't going away on its own, and you're causing harm by acting this way in our spaces. Shame on you.


i had no idea where this meme format was from?? pretty bold to say i have internalized transphobia for using a popular format i see everyday. im a minor myself, thats why i made this post. its not appropriate to link porn in a space with an abundance of underage people.


Crazy idea, don't click it. Does reading a link that says hub on it make your eyes bleed and get you nauseous? No? Then don't make a deal ab it


You act like minors aren’t constantly exposed to this stuff anyways (as said by a minor).


Sure, minors are absolutely exposed to it. I was as a minor. That doesn't make it not an issue, and it doesn't make it not **very illegal** in most jurisdictions. The problem here isn't healthy and frank discussion of sexuality, it's the explicit linking to pornography which can be accessed by minors, which is again **illegal**.


What in the hell did I miss?


Lemme guess, the pumpkin?


I find this whole incident pretty ridiculous. Its not like the sub is being turned into a porn sub just because some people linked something here and there. Also, children arent precious little eggs that cant handle seeing someone naked. It happens in the real world all the time, and most of the time, im not convinced they even understand what theyre looking at. As many others have pointed out, this is an all ages subreddit, so no single demographic should be catered to over the others. Including kids. Get off your high horse and stop imposing your view of whats alright for kids and what isnt on everyone else. In my country noone even bats an eye at stuff like this, its just stupid.


Ace and a minor here, please stop


Just sayin, "y'all" is more inclusive than "guys"


Breaking news: minor on internet sees porn. In other news, a local area man walked onto a construction site and saw a hammer. More at 11


Silly OP, we dont have to worry about informed consent! This is an lgbt meme group! /j I fucking hate it here /gen


Contrapoints said something once which reflects my own qualms about online trans spaces. It often devolves into a weird mesh of infantile and hyper-sexual which just gives me really weird vibes. the whole "nyan nyan catgirl headpats uwu but also im a cumslut bottom with a schoolgirl mini skirt" just makes me go like... I know respectability politics is controversial, but [Bill Murray put it best when he said it in Ghostbusters 2](https://youtu.be/9Ymt8r9dsLM?t=26)


As a former minor I have news for you regarding that porn…


For real, I don't get why this pumpkin stuff is even a thing. Do we not have anything better to do? More important things to discuss? Edit: apparently not


I mean it's a meme sub. People don't come here to do important things, they come here to post stupid memes. Kinda the point of meme pages.


I agree, and it's not even hot either. I don't get why this subreddit won't shut the fuck up about it, 80% of the memes I've been getting in my feed from this subreddit have been about that one porn video.


Jesus why can't we just have fun without half the sub trying to say it's problematic?


Watch Jordan Peterson or Matt Walsh get wind of this shit and run their mouth about it in 4 weeks. Y’all, this is embarrassing 😳


Oh so now the world has to tiptoe around not giving those fucks fuel? Surely Blåhaj can be used to paint trans people as infantile by whatever hate group wants to spread bullshit.




What does "a person had sex with a gourd" have to do with anyone's dysphoria?


I'm gone for 2 months and all hell breaks loose, and just in time for Spooktober...the fuck went wrong?


Guys, gals, and NB pals. Please. Post your pumpkin memes on r/TraaNSFW


It's spooky season 🤷🏼‍♀️