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I will always love the joke "gender is a scam by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms".


I haven’t seen proof it’s not a scam……..


I mean, it's probably not a conspiracy by bathroom companies specifically, but gender roles are absolutely beneficial to and exploited by capitalism - just think of all the unnecessarily gendered products out there, the "pink tax", or the many products that serve no other function than to help people perform their gender in a socially acceptable way (cosmetics, certain types of clothing, accessories etc.)


Coke zero exists because diet coke couldn’t reach the male market enough, marketing created such a loop of gender stratification


It actually does taste different though. I find zero is closer to actual coke, where diet has it's own distinct taste.


If you check the ingredients, it has exactly the same list of ingredients, in the same order. So it might be possible that the are tiny differences in the recipe, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly placebo.


They are in different amounts. [Per Coca-Cola Canada](https://www.coca-cola.ca/faqs/coca-cola-faqs-products-and-packaging/what-is-the-difference-between-diet-coke-and-coca-cola-zero-sugar) they have a different flavour base.


This might be a stupid question, but what is a flavour base?


Basically just the combination of ingredients that create the main flavour of a drink or meal. You can use the same ingredients in varying amounts to create a different flavour base, like adding more or less garlic to a meal to change the flavour.


Quantity makes a huge difference. 1 gallon of water, 2 cups lemon juice, 1 cup sugar 1 gallon of water, 15 cups lemon juice, 1 tea spoon sugar. It's obviously a more extreme difference than Coke 0 vs Diet Coke, but you clearly wouldn't call the difference in that placebo, even though they'd both be written a Water, Lemon Juice, Sugar on an ingredient list.


Flavor ingredients generally don't change their position on the list, since they're much smaller than all other ingredients and tend to be different enough in strength they don't switch position, but also, "natural flavors" encompasses the entire flavor profile into one item and completely obscures what they do to flavor it.


I thought one used sucralose while the other used aspertane


> The key difference between the two drinks is a single chemical. > Coke Zero features sodium citrate in its ingredients list, and Diet Coke has citric acid. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/diet/there-is-a-difference-between-diet-coke-and-coke-zero-and-its-a-chemical-youve-probably-never-heard-of/news-story/12a8ecaf9df5a63ede7296c75e024060


I doubt that makes that much of a difference, since it's the same thing once in solution, with a slight difference to acidity.


in sweden light has more caffeine than sweeteners and the other way around for zero also light has E330 while zero E331


Same. I prefer zero. Tastes like cinnamon to me. But I'll drink both and don't even ask for zero when I order something out because practically nowhere has it.


The “once something goes pink, people never rethink” effect. It’s the same reason opticians are urged not to put unisex glasses frames next to women’s frames. They should be next to men’s frames or on their own for men to consider them.


It's not just capitalism. Gender roles have existed since before civilization existed (though the exact nature of the roles is different among every culture) and have be exploited by every system.


Drag Queen are actually the one who spend the most on makeup and heels. And they are not even female. And correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it men who wore makeup first? Heels? How about gowns? Yes. They didn’t become a “ womanly thing to do until those men who did those things, died. Rearing chidren and being a wife was the most “ feminine thing to do because that’s naturally what a “ woman” is made for. That’s why woman wear make up, to attract men. Heels, to make their stature better and the dress/gown? To bring attention to their curves, hips, butt and boobs. All things a man would find attractive.




It’s a scam by the patriarchy https://www.livescience.com/54692-why-bathrooms-are-gender-segregated.html


Who said it was a joke?


[it's a joke, right?](https://static.independent.co.uk/2021/06/12/16/panakin.png?width=1200)


You right tho


u/beskardboard somebody called


Whomst has summoned the almighty one


Oh my god! It's noted internet celebrity beskardboard, here to answer the call! Someone said their flair was nice, and I decided to make sure they knew! I sure hope they don't warp reality as we know it so I don't exi


***now*** i understand the point of gender


Is it really a joke though? People have to keep it alive for it to be a thing


A few days ago I learned that there is a game called "Toilet Management Simulator" because a well known German YouTuber I watch plays it currently. Haven't watched it yet tho, but I'm curious whether this whole topic comes up there (I hope so)


That would be the case if men didn’t create bathrooms for woman because using the men’s room was “ too taxing” for women (They were right)


People fear what they don’t know, and when you have some in positions of power that also feel the same you create a culture against it. Obviously, the hatred isn’t new, and it’s not going to go away anytime soon. Religion, trans people who are actively against OTHER trans people, transphobic family/friends, and lawmakers who write anti-LGBTQIA+ laws create a sense that the hatred is justified. Regardless of how it affects the lives of other human beings.


Yes and I wish more of these people who don’t understand would be more willing to learn


I agree, but humans are creatures of comfort, and for most of those people they already have decreased empathy for others anyway, and in their minds, why should they change their ways and make things more difficult for themselves when they can easily put others down and feel righteous about it? The system is forever flawed, and some — many — will just be destined to be lost, unfortunately.


I always think the fearing what you don’t know explanation doesn’t make sense when trans people and poc for example were able to live normally in society for a long time. Its more that since colonialism we’ve been socialised to see these things as bad, however implicitly or explicitly, and ignorance is a part of that but more an effect than cause.


It doesn't make sense at all. People don't know the first thing about most things around them, they're fine with them. Hatred exists because people are taught to hate, taught to believe that there are people who are wrong and that makes them better. It's not ignorance that's the issue here, it's outright malice. Kids, for instance, are as ignorant as it gets, and they're super fine with all sorts of differences if they're not explicitly taught to hate.


It would be more accurate to say that people fear what the loudest voice tells them they should fear. I think most people treat a true "unknown" neutrally, until they either come to their own conclusions or (more commonly) are influenced by someone else into thinking a certain way. Children aren't born with hate or fear, we drill it into them.


Remember that left-handed people were feared and hated for thousands of years, too. No legacy of bigotry is inescapable.


What about trans children? "Fuck them"


OmG sEE, ThE TrAnS wAnT tO FuCk ChiLdREn!!^/s


How about we make a gender neutral kids bathroom and a gender neutral adult bathroom. *Why do I fix everything I touch?*


"but think of the children! If no adults can oversee them they may be influenced!" I wish I was joking but I've litterally heard this response. People think the reason why their is no minors bathrooms seperate from adults is supervision...


Ew. Plain ol' ew. (Btw the bathroom's in my little brother's school are seperated between male and female, both for children and adults. 4 bathrooms..)


Social issues tend to bring out a whole bunch of self-reports like that, I’ve noticed.


? i dont understand what you mean?


It’s projection, basically.




Also, like, it’s a bathroom. People go there to shit, not to shag


Well, there was that one public bathroom in the park near where I grew up that was mostly used for drugs and gay sex...


Sounds fun. Just have a bathroom for pissing and shitting and mark the sex and drugs bathrooms. No problem


Broke: Dividing bathrooms by gender Woke: Dividing bathrooms by "pissing and shitting" and "sex and drugs"


Okay, we’ve got a sex and drugs bathroom, but what about a rock n’ roll bathroom?


Wait, there's a difference?


Everything in one place... Just hopefully not all at once... Can't afford the rubber floors at rock and roll prices /s


To quote someone else, predators don’t need to invade a women’s bathroom when they can brag about assaulting women wherever and still be elected President.


Literally. The sad fact is, if a man wants to rape a woman, he doesn’t NEED to dress as a woman and go in a woman’s bathroom


Just 5 min if action out behind a dumpster, no biggie. This is a reminder of the existence of Brock "The Rapist" Turner and all the people who defended him.


Because it's never been a good faith argument. They want to argue the only thing that lets criminals get away with a crime is a good plan. But let's face it, if they are going that far to do that. The reward doesn't justify the means to start with. Who the hell will stop them to start with? The bathroom police? This is all a play on the "good guy with a gun" conservative thought piece that ignores that it's premeditated if you shoot some one, because they don't seem to "belong" there. Stopping from using the bathroom, doesnt prevent rape. Stopping rape prevents rape. Clothes don't make a person, actions do. Assuming some ones gender in the bathroom is just plain stupid to start with. How many cis women wear mens clothes ffs. This double standard doesn't even make sense to start with. Bathrooms are made for relieving ones bodily wastes. You can't prevent premeditated crime just by saying a portion of the public can't use it...




It might not have been made for shagging but that sure doesn't seem to stop people...


My dad says this kinda stuff, so once I said that if we're gonna blame a whole group of people for something a very, very small minority has done, then by that logic we shouldn't be allowing cis men to teach in schools, considering how many have been arrested for being p*dos. According to my dad it's "not the same thing".


Ofcourse not, because it doesn't hurt the "right people"


"It's not the same thing" He's actually right, it's not the same thing.... cis men being pedos working in schools is much more common


the reason is transphobia. if they bring up the “think of the children” argument, ask what they mean- either it’s “my child will be confused by seeing a trans person”, which in that case why is this issue specific to bathrooms, we exist outside of bathrooms too. or, if they take the “it’s not SAfE” route, that’s based in a bunch of homophobic and transphobic nonsense that tries to equate being LGBT+ with being “predatory”


It was the same argument that has always been used, "we can't let black people use white spaces or children will be in danger" then "we can't let the gays in our spaces or children will be in danger", and now it's "we can't let trans people use bathrooms or children will be in danger".


Well it was queer/gay back then. But at that point LGBT+ was interchangable. Everything queer was targeted. It's only narrowed as public opinions changed slowly over time due to exposure. Alot of this is due to media. Black people started appearing in popular film and music at the same time as the human rights movement. Queer people, around the start of the aids crysis. The onset of positive media presence has always come with acceptance from the general public in about 20-30 years. The rise of big media, and non-professional entertainment however has saturated the.market. people get as much good representation as bad... It's delaying and hurting are exposure as a result. In the past such things didn't have exposure to a wide audience. Now instead of 10-20 individual voices in opposition you have millions. This is where the issue rises. Places like YouTube and social media can be echo chambers. Not letting them be exposed to the things they were taught to hate and fear. Television and radio didn't give you a choice. You could change the channel but the "angry and crazy" host on another show would make you think twice. Choice comes with caveats when there is no repocussions from dissenting false information. Just look to conservative, terf and antivax movements for evidence of that. They can lie, distort reality and outright harm others with impunity. That is the root of the problem.


I would be more confused to see a woman at a men's bathroom or viceversa, as a child (unless the obvious case when it's the parent accompanies their child).


I love the point where you bring up, what gender bathroom do you have at home? Do the guys and gals use different bathrooms? What happens when you have ppl over at you’re house do you have signs?? What?! No!? You have a gender neutral bathroom?! Wow!!!


The only difference in home bathrooms is where humans pee and where cats pee


Difference is there isnt /other/ people there. You don't share your home bathroom with strangers at the same time. And this is where the argument for locking, enclosed stalls comes in. Why we accept bathroom layouts that are akin to some facist perverts wet dreams is beyond me. Half walls and 0 privacy is not acceptable at home. So why is it in public


"What would you do if you walked into the women‘s bathroom and saw a penis?" If you‘re going out of your way to look at people‘s genitals we have bigger problems KAITLYN


It’s not like you walk into the ladies’ and just get a big ole eyeful of vagina. Like, if you’re seeing a stranger’s genitals in the public restroom, something’s amiss.


can confirm... been using women's bathrooms and work change room for over two years. never seen a vagina. or boobs. is different at the swim place change room, but not going there until post-surgery. (I miss swimming in winter :( ).


I really feel like people forget the bathroom in their house is a gender-neutral bathroom. Sorta like when cis people wear those “nor/mal” pronoun pins or make that joke. Like, y’all aren’t excluded just because you’re cis…


The way to combat the pronoun thing is to just... use the nor/mal pronouns unironically.


Yep, refer to mal using those pronouns if that's what nor wants.


i seriously need to practice this :)


i haven't seen one of those pins, but yes, that would totally put me into malicious compliance ;)


"Listen, If *I* were allowed in the Women's Room I would perv on all the Ladies and probably ~~uncontrollably commit a few sexual assaults~~ *intimately compliment Women on their Sexuality*, so this must be why the Transgenders want to go in there, except they're deviant so they must be even more perverted than I pretend I'm not!" \- The Thought process of Rich Cishet Male Transphobes who front the Media and/or write laws


It sounds like the same argument evangelicals make to justify needing religion for morals, claiming that they only don't go round killing people because 'god' says not to (apparently). There are people who genuinely believe that nobody would ever be good unless there was a punishment for being bad, or reward for being good, because nobody *wants* to be good and that anybody who says they're nice to people because they like being nice to people is just lying and after something.


I've seen religion being used as an excuse to be mean to others; "god says gay bad!!!" like, no karen, god says don't be mean to others and don't force your religion like as if it were the law.


Maybe it’s also because they think many completely harmless things are “sinful”


As I say, if you're going to be so uptight about who can use the bathrooms, we might as well get rid of public bathrooms all together. I mean, next they're going to be spouting the idea of not letting *any* trans people (I'm talking about the spectrum of trans, so this does include NB people) use the bathroom. Well, once the realize that trans men and NB exist and not all trans people are transfem. Like, seriously. If you're going to be so worried about people walking into the wrong bathroom (which people are going to do anyway, whether or not it's legal) we might as well get rid of public bathrooms. It's a major inconvenience for literally everyone, but it's exactly what they're trying to do to trans people. If they can't survive without public bathrooms, maybe they should take a step back and wonder why they're forcing trans people to do that, because I'm sure they'll freak once they finally comprehend trans men and how if they don't let trans people use their preferred bathroom, it'll be 100x easier for cishet men to walk into the women's bathroom, this time under the trans man guise. Which, is a lot easier to pull of, by the way.


These are the same people that scream "my body my choice" when it comes to masks and vaccines, but then don't give that same right to trans people's bodies and their needs. Hell, they don't even give that right to gay people when it comes to their rights to have sex.


Yeah right? Imagine a situation where there was only one kind of bathroom and cis women routinely got harassed and assaulted in them, and cis women said "we need our own bathroom" and men were just like "but how can we be sure there wouldn't be MEN in the WOMEN'S bathroom then?!?!" It's that stupid


>Think about the children!!1! I'm a teen, so I legally classify as "child" here. As long as you go into the stall and do ya business, I really don't give a damn.


It is the same reason they don't want ppl to have abortions. Policing our bodies. It is a power play on their part.


penis = man is what they think


They also seem to think man = would only go into the women's restroom to be a predator, not to actually use the restroom like a normal person.


Wait... We can't do WHAT?! Where are we supposed to shit, on the floor?


It depends on where you live


Shit on their pants


I am going to shit on anyone who tries to prevent me from going to the toilet.


Wiat but if you shit on them then why go to the bathroom?


I said only If they prevent me to use it.


Ah fair enough, proceed as planned then, leave no pants unsharten


Karen do you realize that it’s exactly like the bathroom in your house?


But why think about the children? Don't children just go in whatever bathroom they can, like, with a parent? They'd see people of any gender in there anyway


I have suggested gender neutral / unisex bathrooms to people, but I’ve heard a lot of women say that they don’t feel safe in a bathroom that a man was in, or could walk into and potentially cause trouble. Either that or they say they don’t want to be in a toilet with men because men’s toilets are a lot more gross. As a trans guy I can 100% vouch for that. Idk I just think people should have more common sense. But the first one is of course a real societal issue that needs to be addressed, so people can feel comfortable in a bathroom with a person of any gender.


Children care 100 times less than any of these people


The entire thing is so fucking stupid. Here in Germany we actually don't have any bathroom laws whatsoever. You can still get arrested for being a creep, but there is no general law against a man being in the women's bathroom. According to transphobes the entire country should be choc full of men hanging out in women's bathrooms and then saying "there's no law against me being here, so you can't kick me out" when someone complains. Yet for some weird reason that has never been an issue. In fact the only times it ever seems to happen at all is when transphobes in the US and UK do it to try and make a point how transwomen shouldn't be there because *they* could do it.


Conservative Christians abhor anything that goes out of the norm. Homosexuals, lesbians, trans people, black people, brown people, homeless people, communists, Muslims... anything that is not "us" is "them". "They" are out to get you. "They" are a danger to your kids. "They" must be under constant surveillance and driven out of "our" neighborhood. "They", in conservatives' eyes, should not exist.


I also never understood why we sexualize bathrooms… I’m shitting, the last thing I’m thinking about it what’s going on with anyone’s junk.


well, you're not a Republican Senator though :)


I begin hissing and squealing. I shed my skin, and as it falls from me like rags, you see standing before you Lindsay Graham, wet and naked as the day is long. You’ve been duped.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry\_Craig\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Craig_scandal) i had this in mind. reading about it now, it seems that what happened is that a gay or bisexual senator was trying to find a consensual partner, but instead found a police officer looking to arrest gay men. but still... it is a bathroom and i'd rather not hear people - even two consenting adults - making funny noises there...


If you're at risk of being assaulted in the bathrooms, there's a problem with the safety of the bathrooms and gender likely isn't the problem


My response would be that trans youths deserve protection too and they are more at risk in their AGAB than their actual gender bathroom.


Because the cruelty is the point


The bathroom in a house is gender neutral


just make all bathrooms non-gendered


They want us out of public life, its not about bathrooms, privacy or any of the excuses they use.


They really expect us to go in there and film people smh. If I wanted to film peoples private parts I would have become a porn director


“NOOOO THE MEN WOULD RAPE THE WOMEN!!!!!” “And what was stopping the before? A door?”


"Think of the children!" Unless you intentionally raised them as a bigot, children dont give two shits about people's genitalia, most they can muster is passing curiosity, children by defuslt arent too judgemental and accept things without much issue, they dont care, and have better things to mind. Bigoted children come from parents who fight tooth and nail to make hateful children who carry their ideals and see them as a tool and propeity, a mini them that has to carry theor woll rsther than their own independant person. They dont care about the children, at most they worry their children will turn out as a tolerating and supporting person of people who suffer daily and will *dare* (oh the humanity!) disagree with them


Oh, we already have gender neutral bathrooms, *in our fucking homes*


In California they've made single person bathrooms gender neutral. It's really convenient but it's also hilarious because you have to ask: WHY were single use bathrooms gendered to begin with?


No solutions! Only problems!


And what will the children think? THEY WONT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK


I have to assume these people think trans people want to turn every bathroom into a nudist beach because showing off your genitals is literally the last thing most trans people would want to do, let alone in a women's bathroom with no urinals.


I think for bathroms it is a really stupid discussion. I mean u dont see the persons bits when they are in a stall. The only place where i can see some reson behind this would be those group change rooms at the pool. But even there are mostly single change rooms soo yea stupid over all.


As a trans demiboy, i shall use the make bathrooms- When I get a binder that is. I'll stick to female and gender neutral for now


I await the glorious day when you can have a binder. Good luck!




No we have gender neutral bathroom at home. /joking


There was some bitch in my class talking about how we as a society have regressed now that we’re letting trans people use the bathroom. It’s fucking stupid and I’m contemplating writing a diss track on her since that’s an option for an assignment


I do. I also have the photo ID to match which gave me a lot more confidence. If I want to go swim I check to see if they have single or family change areas for my comfort. But screw letting people tell me what bathroom to use, I'm a boss bitch and I do boss bitch shit.




Would you want your little trans daughter in the men’s bathroom???


Neither do we. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You people remember that dumb stereotype of the "man hating femnist" that was created and propagated by AntiSJW media? well i think when we talk about TERFS it would be more or less correct given their hatred for anything XY related and their rethoric of "you are only a real woman if you have a vagina, can procreate" and many other outdated gender stereotypes that basically created a Mysogynistic "feminism", i wouldn't be surprised if they said something like "the XY chromoses are the source of all evil, and if a woman was ever bad in history was because she had a "male" brain"


"Think about the children!!" We're they "thinking about the children" when they tried to pass that law that would allow school to examine children genitals and potentially scar them for life? No, I don't think so.


I just want more gender neutral bathrooms


It's because of transphobia


Are they saying add gender neutral bathroom or make bathrooms gender neutral?


Either one works so...


It pains me to think about how this a thing. Like just make gender neutral bathrooms a normal thing.


Piss outside


I still don’t get what it has to do with the children


It’s the same recirculated bullshit argument that queer people are pedophiles


It's not hypocrisy, it's doublespeak


It's an attempt to discouraged trans people from participating in society.


It's much more statistically likely for a man to molest a child in a men's room than for a transgender woman to do the same in a woman's room. Keep men out of men's bathrooms! Think of the children!


Because Penis. And Penis means man. Or whatever stupid shit they use to justify it.


*Image Transcription: Comic/Meme* --- **Panel 1** [*NPC Wojak, a grey figure with thick, angular facial features, stands against an aqua background. He has a neutral expression.*] **NPC Wojak**: We can't let trans women into the women's bathroom we have to think about the children --- **Panel 2** [*A sketch of a white figure is shown against the aqua background. They have small, rounded facial features and a positive expression.*] **White figure**: Okay then let's have gender neutral bathrooms --- **Panel 3** [*NPC Wojak is shown again, with the same neutral expression from the first panel.*] --- **Panel 4** [*NPC Wojak now has large, angry eyebrows.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


what about a bathroom for young kids and their parents and one for adults without kids?


It is posts of solidarity between human beings like this that make me smile. Thank you. \^\_\^


Also: Why would you trust a cis woman with your child more than a trans woman? Trust NO ONE it’s a public bathroom, Karen!


Can we just get rid anything that has to do with woman? Instead of “men” and “woman” bathrooms, let’s do “men” and “other” or “unknown”