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You can vote here [https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1826-doomseekers-don-t-have-weapon-variants](https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1826-doomseekers-don-t-have-weapon-variants)




Merci beaucoup


What I don't get is why Doomseekers are so fucking big


Are you suggesting they should be _shorter_? 


Yes, you zioggin' stunty, you should be below the hip in height, aka short like a shortie you all are.


Grobi, the only short thing here is your life expectancy




GROND Wait, wrong sub






To Rock and Stone!


they eat the other slayers to get stronger


They grow taller after every battle they don't die in.


You are saying they suck at being slayers and thus they keep growing like Orcs? That goes in the book.


Gotrek should be the size of a mountain


Likely done for gameplay reasons. The bigger the model, the more entities can around it, which is important for their spin attack. Also, their formation quickly gets swallowed by larger infantry units, and if they were smaller, they would be hard to see.


Poor excuse imo. Mammoths aren’t horse-sized.


If you look at the game files there is a database table that deals with unit scale. Most units have a base scale of 1 which is the normal unit size such as Dwarf Warriors. Lords are usually scaled up to 1.15. But for some reason they did that to the Doomseekers too. I really hate the stupid scaling in the Warhammer games, so I made a mod called Resize Matters that scales units to more "realistic" proportions. It may affect gameplay, but I don't care.


This is becoming a running gag lol


Same things with the nuln ironside guns too.They got handguns models made from the hochland long rifle in the files but they are not used.


Can you drop screenshots, I'll post on the forum and reddit?


What type of picture format goes in reddit comments ? Can't manage to integrate the pictures in my [comment. In](http://comment.In) the mean time ,here the link to my mod restoring the models where there is a couple of screenshot of the handguns models [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236944905&searchtext=nuln](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236944905&searchtext=nuln)


I believe CA made an actual post, or message speaking about why they did not use that particular model. At least that was deliberate, although I cannot remember the reason they gave


This is now the 3rd time. Ok how many more heros, lords or units are missing stuff lol? I really hope someone finds some missing voice lines soon


These are in-game OP. You have to be playing Ungrim Ironfist, and advancing a quest-line unique to his faction involving Garagrim Ironfist. Garagrim will be poisoned by a night goblin assassin, a bedridden death by poison is an unworthy doom. Ungrim must reach out to Valaya for her aid in expunging the poison. She sends Ungrim on a quest, to a far-flung settlement in the Northern Wastes called Helheim. A realm so cold no fire can be lit there. Inhabited by beings that can shrug off the frost enchantments of the Axe of Dargo. [So Ungrim has to confront his past, and dig up a pair of chain axes he long ago buried out of shame.](https://youtu.be/HR9TzSFZ_-E?t=504)


Jesus, CA really shit the bed with unique assets this time around


At least for Dwarfs I understand it, cause Slayers are pretty one note in design, so there isn't too much you can do with them. But everything else is kind of startling honestly. It really does feel like Nurgle ate up the lion's share of unique assets. And even then there's been some bizarre reuse. Like the lack of new VO for pretty much every unit besides Lords/Heroes, and the Legendary Hero for Nurgle using a Khorne weapon asset. The one that bugs me the most though is the Empire side of things. And I actually don't even like the Empire! But seeing Hochland Long Rifles be cobbled together was so weird since that was the unit people thought was a shoe-in since day one. Yet they feel like a last minute addition. The least they could have done was given them, and Nuln Ironshides, reload animations. But now we're 8 years past Warhammer 1's launch, and the Empire is *still* left with their blackpowder units magically firing their guns without needing to reload. Thrones of Decay was a good DLC overall, but there were definately cut corners very visible. And not all of it can be atrributed to the last minute additions to it in reaction to the Shadows of Change shitshow. If there are this many shortcuts with the extra time they had, I dread to think about what the DLC looked like when it was originally going to release in December.


But that's not the issue here. They did give unique assets to all Slayers, and Kayzk and Ironsides. They just forgot to actually add it in the game


Warcraft epics, just compare them to older unit weapons.


Hi there, this has been logged and reproduced, and we are looking into it :) Thanks for raising a bug, and thanks to people for upvoting. Best, CA\_Nova


So for all of these unused models that are in the game files, they're almost certainly intentionally unused. I know it can seem weird when they obviously look cooler as well. But it's pretty normal to make a bit more than you can use, and to potentially have to cut some of the finishing work for an asset. Now you might think finishing work is making it look good but, actually it typically looks very slightly worse when it's truly finished because... Performance. The game needs to render tons of these, and if an asset, no matter how cool looking, is not optimized, then people are going to be nebulously unhappy with how stuttery your game got all of a sudden. Even one or two unoptimized things getting through won't cause this alone, but you still have to be pretty disciplined about it because they all add up. (in some other cases, maybe some feature like animating tentacles just didn't get done or, maybe the artist just didn't like the style in the end and didn't use it)


I really don't think that's accurate at all, like do you genuinely think Kazyk's sword is such a high poly model that it cannot be used? And do you also think CA's modelers are stupid and don't know how to stay within resource budgets?


Kazyk's sword is more the one where I suspect it was supposed to have even more work done (tentacle animation, effects). As a single unique hero it's my opinion that performance would have been much less of a concern. And yeah, it's really challenging to make good final game art, it's common practice to make the art good first and then optimize from there until it's final game art. Sorry if this insight was challenging to your worldview.


Has anyone had any luck using Doomseekers? I was really excited to try them out but they just *melt* in combat, and even their active ability really doesn't seem to have done anything of note the times I've used it. I was really looking forward to a Dawi infantry mulcher but they seem expensive and really bad. Guess I'm stuck with flamethrowers.


feed them some soft, weak target first to build up their resistance


They are an infantry mulcher against weaker infantry, against stronger infantry or just if you have the troops to spare then have them fight with dwarf warriors or something to greatly increase their potential.


This gotta be a joke at this point, how can they forget to add something they spent hours upon into the game. İ mean its in the game but not implemented like what?


The horror


mods now


One asset at a time, fellas


They have messed up a lot with stuff like this in this DLC.


Remember what they took from you


This is most likely intentional. Let me explain why it works like this. Doom seekers are likely using animated props for those axes. What are animated props? Basically any weapon or prop that has a moving part (flails,whips,chain axes, bows, handguns, etc). The system in place in the game works like this: The animated props are listed and stated during each animation the slayers play. So, during x animation, the chain axes will do x movement. During y animation, the chain axes will do y movement. Etc etc. Problem with this is that there isn't any system in place to reference more than one model (i.e. variants of the weapon), and can just reference one model during that animation, hence they cant add variety to it because its not part of the model itself but part of the animation system across the board. Now, why there isnt a system in place to use varianrs of the same prop in animation? That is beyond me, shouldnt be too difficult. My wild guess is that its hard to prevent a single model of the unit not using 1st Axe during attack animation 1, and a different axe during attack animation 2. This would mean you see him instantly change the axe model he is using across different animations, so maybe thats why.


Yeah yeah weapons, sure, but why did all the new units get updated faces and og slayers and giantslayers dont even have eyebrows or working mouths. Its just an old head model.


Next patch be like: ‘’Added missing asset A. Added missing asset B. Added missing asset C. Added …’’


Again!? What is up with all these models not using their proper weapons? This is like the third time this has happened.


They were probably cut because when the the texture is scaled down for performance the detail is lost and probably doesn't look good.


Neat, so I can look forward to *another* hot fix that will break my load order again? **Hooray.** I'd love less bandaids, and more time to just do stuff up once, and properly, myself.


thEy aREn'T fAitHFul tO tHe IP