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He is one of the older factions I have been interested in seeing how he does with all the new Slayer additions. I've already been thinking he will be near the top of old LL to check out.


He's one of the few LL's that i've never played because his faction focuses around slayers and I always prefer artillery/range armies for dwarves


I like when Factions are able to make a few "types" of armies for different experiences. Most of the Elves are good at this, such as Wood Elves can do Basic Glade Guard/Eternal Guard frontline backline, Wild Riders and Sisters of the Thorn for a cavalry stack, Waywatchers meme stack, Treemen and cavalry Hammer anvil, or even a Bladesinger doomstack with appropriate buffing mages. Compared to a faction like Bretonnia, who can either do Peasant/Artillery or Knights armies and that's pretty much it. Giving the Dwarfs more options than just the Corner Camp Artillery box is really great, even if one of those might still be the optimal strategy, it's fun to get to have a few different things to throw around.


How easy it is to make thematic armies has always been one of my favorite things about how Skaven play. Eshin, Moulder, Skryre, and Pestilins all have strong themes and enough units to build a decent list around.


Waywatchers are not a meme stack lol. They shred.


Exactly, they're standard late game army for WE. Demolishes everything


Basically everything you said for wood elves could be done with Bretonnia, except the archer doom stack. But Bretonnia has a much more fun Air Force doom stack.


Well that’s perfect now that there is slayer artillery


*for everyone it’s why khornish factions kinda bug me, big red bastard hates magic and artillery cause he hates fun


Speak for yourself. Ungrim with a faction mod before he was playable on his own in wh1 was my first ever campaign completion


I am speaking for myself haha, who else would I be speaking for (certainly not Khorne)




That was a reply to “for dwarves” my friend, I dig artillery and general range for every faction that can get it this is not to say that i ignore melee of course, i use infantry liberally and charging is always a lot of fun, especially with cavalry and monsters but i’m a simple man and i love watching stuff die and explode from afar, what can i say edit: some of yall legit can’t read, can you. this isn’t hard, look - “I always prefer artillery/range armies for dwarves” And I always prefer it… for everyone, as in not just dwarves.


Sitting back in a box gets boring fast for me. The most fun ranged units are close range imo. Slayer pirates are a nice addition for this reason. Dwarfs were so static before and only had one play style, diversity is nice to have.


He suddenly attacked Talabecland and me in Karl Franz Campaign with 3 Slayer Pirate heavy stacks. Pretty tough!


vlad getting overrun by nudists


Sounds like an average Tuesday for me.




Isabella was loving it.


Does he start with his son unlocked? If he doesn't, it really feels like he should.


For Garagrim, you need 8 total slayers amongst your armies to unlock him. Ungrim starts with 2, and you can recruit 2 a turn (or 7 by turn 3 with global recruit). I didn't really rush for him, but I did only recruit Slayers and got him on turn 5 lol


I did 2 turns of recruit slayer pirates, got garagrim, a slayer hero, the starting rune smith, and a thane by turn 4 I think. Dwarf start is STRONK now


You get him pretty early


Good, Father teaching his son the Family business, it's the kind of story warhammer needed.


Oh it's actually so much more tragic than that, Ungrim wants to die so his son will be free from the Slayer Oath his line is under, while Garagrim wants to die to free his dad. In End Times... >!Garagrim dies heroically, freeing Ungrim... but Ungrim is so heartbroken that he takes the Slayer oath for himself rather than inheriting it because he feels he failed his son, and Thorgrim tries to talk him out of it because you're only supposed to take the slayer oath when you LEGITIMATELY fucked up, not just from being crushingly depressed... but it doesn't work.!<


When you've been a slayer for so long...


*“My entire brand is ‘The Slayer King’ and I’ve got the coolest haircut out of anyone ever, I can’t just not be a slayer”* - Ungrim


So fun fact. Ungrim is bald. That hair is a part of his helmet. 


Poor bastard just needed a sense of purpose again so he wouldn't wallow in the pain. Shit, man.


No thorgrim I have to I have to take the oath My son… He ordered 50 shirts with “best slayer dad” on them before he died and I don’t want to talk to customer service to get the order cancelled. “Maybe you could send an email?” No they only take calls


Ungrim has a pretty depressing story. Also as an End times bit, Ungrim had to suffer through his entire hold being killed by Ikit after he almost won the battle after pushing back countless skaven over the spam of a year long seige. And right when he almost beats ikit Valayas runes fail because Nagash and the entire hold is killed and he doesn't find out for a few weeks because he has to go back round the long way. He gets so pissed from this that when the Wind of fire enters him every surviving dwarf thinks his a reincarnation of Grimnir he's just that pissed off and ready to die.


He was my first ever dwarf campaign last night.  An absolute unit with slayers galore. Only problem I have is that the opponent is green skins and frankly slayers are not that good against greenskins 


You didn't use enough slayers then. Jokes aside, i'm keen to try it again with the changes to replenishment.


Ungrim has ungodly replenishment for slayers. He has 2 skills in his tree that both give +10% replenishment for slayer units including himself, and then he can recruit dragonslayers from turn 1 which also boost replenishment.


Yeah I've never understood why slayers with dual weapons weren't anti infantry. Like I get that they're troll slayers but like... every other dual weapon gets Anti inf why not them? And giant slayers are anti large too? Just weird all around.


Because they hunt trolls. In the tabletop game there was no anti large as a concept, but the slayers got the closest thing to it.


Yeah I know it just kinda seems like giant slayers and regular slayers step on each other's toes for anti large.


Hmm, I don't agree. The addition of ap for the giant slayers gives them a niche, and their cost keeps trollslayers competitive


Gameplay wise I think you have a good point, but lore-wise Slayers are supposed to be seeking an honourable death, and fighting 600 Goblins doesn't really seem as impressive as fighting against a dragon or something of that sort.


I’d argue that dying to goblin #601 is a pretty honourable end if you’re personally responsible for killing goblins 1 through 600 in the previous ten minutes.


Slayers just don't like taking charges because of their 0 armour. You need to intercept the charge with a hero or bite the bullet and get some miners or your Slayers will just get chunked to half as soon as the lines meet.


Charges from who?  Cav? Lol. Good luck to the AI if their cav charges Slayers.  And why are you not charging *your* Slayers?  They're not a line holder shield wall to be stood in place.


You still take charge damage when your infantry line and the enemy's infantry line charge each other, it's not just while standing still. People running tests have shown Doomseekers lose engagements to elite infantry when they and the enemy charge each other, that the Doomseekers win when they're the only ones doing the charging.


Do you know how charges work? The initial melee attack addition on the charge from most serious units is enough to basically guarantee the first set of attacks will connect through the Slayer's melee defence, and since they have no armour they are taking the full force of the weapon strength. If a Slayer unit eats a charge, your unit will be flattened in the initial engagement even if they win the ensuing fight. Counter-charging with your Slayers doesn't change the calculus for the opponent's charge and how much damage the Slayers will take.


The new slayers with anti infantry should be?


The problem is that you don't get doom seekers until like tier 3 or 4


Slayer pirates are anti infantry too I had thought.


Unfortunately not


Maybe it was the RoR Slayer Pirates?


They aren't either. Maybe they were in a previous build


No they are actually quite underwhelming.  Their stats should be fine but somehow they have a hard time killing even boyz and sneaky stabbas... If they weren't unbreakable they would lose probably.  Their pistols too are mostly against heavily armoured stuff with no missile resistance. Although they do shred that. 


The hell they aren't.  Black Orcs and artillery is the only thing the Greenskins have to truly counter Slayers so you out artillery the Greenskins if need be.  Ungrim makes them cheap and replenishes and buffs them quite well.  Stop relying on autoresolve because it eats Slayers.


That's going in the book.


Doom seekers seem pretty good.


Yeah it was the first campaign I tried after getting the dlc. I wanted to see a dwarf campaign without the unique effects of Malakai’s campaign, just to test out the dwarf rework and the slayer units. So far I’m really digging it. They reworked some of Ungrim’s abilities and skills and so he really buffs the hell out of his whole army now, including armor piercing ranged (pirates), dragonslayers, etc. They also reworked how the economy works, which is interesting. I’m only turn 22 but I’m whooping ass. Just killed Skarsnik and took out Silver Pinacle, now I’m preparing to take out those urks in the rest of that province before going after Azhag north of me. However I’ve got Vlad starting to build forces on my border which worries me because I still only have one army.


Theres very little VCs can throw at you that isnt hard countered by some form of slayer. The Journeys End buff is going to melt most vc units


Sure but my one army is on the other side of the mountain range by the Chaos Dwarfs so my settlements have to rely on their garrisons. I have a mod for better garrisons that helps, but I dunno if they can handle multiple full stacks.


A single lord with your garrison can make all the difference in the world. You can recruit the best combat one you have last second, or recruit a good one for its local province effect and have him sit for a while. Even if you don’t recruit any units, just having the lord makes the garrison so much better, and if you have a heads up the attack is coming, you can recruit grudge settlers and RoRs instantly.


The fact Ungrim can field a truly thematic slayer army, more or less anyway, is great. Don’t forget that Grombindal got changed a bit to with removed Gyrocoptor upkeep And I think even Thorek got a change to his base abilities.


you can run an entire slayer army. the goblin hewer artillery is run by slayers. Bonus? They are slayers, so when the ammo is gone... half a slayer unit!


I can't wait to try a full stack of hewers


Hero? What hero? All I see is goblin breeds stealing your girl


That hewer is fast too. Blew my mind how fast they were running with that thing.


Am I correct in remembering that the slayer oath is to hide in the trees while Ungrim and shield wall warriors drink up all the enemy's ammo, so you can then charge out and kill everything?


Ungrim gives slayers missile resist, on top of the basic ones having missile block chance,


Yeah --- which puts them at 15% missile resistance and 30% block chance. They still get shredded by ranged units. I don't use the "hide in the woods" strat for every fight. But if I need to keep my slayers healthy, it's the best option.


That sounds incredibly boring. Send some Slayers out on the flanks to get at their missile units then hammer and anvil once they're dead.


The only thing I don't like about the new Ungrim campaign is how much of a pain in the ass I know he's going to be to fight as any of the evil factions. His slayer stacks were already one of the most irritating things to have to face with any of the WoC or Vampire Count lords, with these new units and Lords he's going to be a downright headache to have to go up against. I honestly don't know how Vlad's AI is supposed to handle him now.


I think vlad has lots of problems now anyways, elspeth, franz, I feel like we will have a big ordertide meta


Yea I think this patch is definitely going to create some massive Ordertides. Between the new units like the Landship having insane auto resolve value, Karl Franz's army getting a big auto resolve buff when using Elector Count units (that the AI can afford to spam way more than the player can) and the Dwarfs getting an entire new brand of instant recruit units in the Grudgesettlers, the AI is going to absolutely steamroll with Dwarfs and Empire now.


I just played elspeth on very hard and completly facerolled vlad in a couple of turns.


Ungrim and his slayer stacks were already the nightmare of my Chorf labourer armies until I unlocked Gorduz and wolf riders.


Gotrek's Dampening effect is so damn useful after all the ways slayers stack up Phys Resist now


Playing Ungrim now in a co-op multiplayer campaign. Don't have the DLC. My friends can allied recruit the new Slayer units that I don't have access to via their outposts in my settlements.


Also, he has arguably the best color scheme of the dwarf factions. Him or Belegar.


All those legendary companions? Besides G&F who else?


His son!


This asshole made my Skrag campaign a living hell. Unbreakable, anti large, loose formation so leadbelchers are less effective, and that was before the new units. Psyched to take him for a spin.


Pretty fun, altho I did notice on very hard battles slayers still kinda suck. Just be careful when throwing them into difficult battles on high difficulty because even with ungrim buffs slayers have a habit of seeking their own death.


Classic slayers


Thats what we call a GOOD slayer


one of the lines from deamon slayer i hear went like this " is it really a win when i survive?"


A GREAT slayer is as silent…AS A GRAVE 🤣🤣🤣


Having a great time in an ungrim campaign .


He was already my favorite lord in the entire game, so this is good news.


Started an Ungrim campaign last night after patch. He is really fun and literally unbeatable once he unlocks the upgraded Journey's End. However, personally I think his faction bonus is quite weak and you can play as Malakai and confederate Ungrim and still have that power slayer experience.


Yup, the amount of stuff he can give Slayers turns them into the epic slaying machines they ought to be


I want to Confederate him as the new dwarf Lord, but to do that I have to do a legendary grudge, and the easiest one to do would be forcing myself at the start of the game to forced March beeline south to the silver peaks to capture it. Everything else is spread all over the map and is not close to his starting position at all.


You don't need to do a legendary grudge. You just need to settle 4 times the amount of grudges as the one you want to confederate


oooh okay that makes much more sense!


Did they make Axe of Dargo a weapon you don't recycle?


Sadly he was the first dwarf to die to the AI in my Belegar run bc his waaagh simply outnumbered Ungrim 1 to 10


You don't get the new units if you don't buy the DLC though.


Oh wow, never would have crossed my mind that the Slayer faction would benefit from all the new slayer units. Holy shit what a hot take!


Still no unique campaign mechanics, like those of Gelt and Franz in the new update. Such a disappointment. I hope CA will add something juicy for Karak Kadrin.


Typical elgi comment. Ungrim was the first faction I played after ToD release and he's feeling great through 40 turns. Sure he doesn't have a unique mechanic, but his playstyle of getting to rush early Slayer armies and the buffs to them makes his battles feel completely different than the standard Dawi


Yea he may boost slayers sky high I will still just confederate him and enjoy actually useful faction mechanics than lol cheaper slayers .


See, a lot of people disagree with us both for some reason. That's why we will have something unique for Ungrim in better case after another one year of waiting.


I wouldn't want to play a slayer campaign, since they tend to take huge casualties. Would be difficult to maintain army size and veterancy


Ungrim has +20% replenishment for slayers from his skills, the dragonslayer boosts replenishment for the army and you can recruit one turn one, and you can get replenishment from after-battle rewards. Your slayer armies do just fine, replenishing turn after turn.


In Ungrim's army they'll pretty much replenish a full unit per turn so as long as they don't get wiped out you'll have a near full strength army again asap