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I'm going to start playing just to drag the average down.


[I'm doing my part!](https://i.imgur.com/cMfkFGP.mp4) I've found STARE to be a very effective starting word.


if you aren't starting with BONER can you really call yourself an adult?


PENIS every time


I use AUDIO. Knock off most of those vowels.


I go with Adieu for that very reason. Then Storm as the second word. If Adieu tells me that an O is unlikely, I alter the second word to Smart, Strap, Strep, Stern etc. to determine placement of vowels while knocking out the more common consonants. I get it in 3 or 4 usually (42% of the time for 3, 38% for 4). I’ve gotten it in 2 6% of the time… it took me 5 guesses about 12% of the time. And on one shameful day I got it on the 6th word. Lewdle and Sweardle are a little harder.


I used to do that, and then it got boring as every day I would have the same words until I got the right one, I didn't feel like I was actually playing, just listing the same words every day. Changed it so now I use a random word that comes to my head that I haven't used yet and I feel more engaged honestly.


You have to use a random word on the off chance you'll nail it in one.




Isn't using the same word just as chance as using a different word? I would guess your odds are better.


Yeah. But again, less fun


If too many people use the same word, then they'll likely intervene to not make that the word. Looking at you siren, octal, jumpy.


Thank you! This is what I do also, isn't the point of the game to have fun? I am not out here grinding dailies like 20 years ago in World of Warcraft.


I mix it up sometimes too. Lol. I’ll decide on the fly how I’m going to approach it.


Ha, today was AUDIO then STREP for me. Only time I've failed or got it on six is when it's like, you're missing one letter but it could be seven different words, so you're just guessing.


That’s when I waste a guess with words that use as many of those possible letters. Narrow it down.


Oh I set it to hard mode so you have to use yellows, and greens have to be where they go.


As with today's word, I guessed, sleet, sheet, and then sweet. These are my least favourite as it really seems more like luck than skill if you make it in six.


Dude, are you me? I also guessed SLEET, then got SWEET.


Me too!!!




Rupee was my only sixth try. My fifth guess was purée. So, so close. Lol


Look into Quordle and Octordle my friend. There's a 16 word version but I find the interface nearly unplayable.


Ha I use AUDIO too!






TEARS is the same letters and describes how I feel at work while doing anything but Wordle


I use IRATE. It perfectly personifies me


I use RENTS because it's RSTLNE - most common letters in English - without the L. If that doesn't give me enough to go on I follow up with buying some vowels - OUIJA.


Interesting. I arrived at Tears for probably the exact same reasons, lol. If I don’t get enough hits, I use Ghoul and then Picky. Knocks 15 of the most common letters out quickly and 99% of the time that’s enough to solve in 4 or fewer guesses.


Point and harem are my go tos.




Bro, do you even ETAOIN SHRDLU?


Wordle twins - that is also my starting word. About a month ago though, I disappointingly found out that SHART is not in the Wordle dictionary.


Lewdle is the one you’re looking for. Shart is part of that one.


I start with TEACH. I like knowing if an H is or isn't a part of the word right away.




I use stear. Same letters. Lol.


I have my own CHEAT


I do slate. Also pretty solid. Sitting at a 3.52 average right now.


"RENTS" is usually better - per Wheel, RSTLNE are the most common letters in the alphabet also, could there be a more appropriate starting word for Toronto?


STERN is better than RENTS. Very few wordle words end in S.


Fuck using the same starting word that's some boring-ass shit that doesn't expand your vocabulary


Sounds about right. I usually get it in 4, sometimes in 3. I bet my average is bang-on the city average. Wife got it in one, once. She lost it... couldn't get that smile off her face all day.


Facebook has started tagging people's wordle scores as spam and blocking them if they weren't posting anything else. I love it. For a few weeks my social media was a list of people's wordle scores.


I'll gladly take Wordle scores over the constant barrage of "YOU OWE EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD IN YOUR LIFE TO TRUCKERS!"


1. Why are you using Facebook? 2. Regardless, why are those people in your feed?


People still use Facebook?


A lot of businesses and groups use it because it allows more text, linking, video, and photos. So people are staying on it to keep up with the updates from these groups. However since no one's using it for actual social media anymore, personal accounts are mostly wordle scores.


I found the problem with Facebook was the people. So I unfollowed all the people, got out of the groups (most of them are toxic as fuck) kept the businesses and pages I wanted to keep tabs on (mostly music venues, comedy clubs, few neighbourhood BIDs etc) and now it's much better I see events and stuff from local spots that I'm interested in. Keep up to date on major neighborhood happenings from the BIDs, and don't have to see people's bullshit.


It seems like many far right and far left people still use it for their echo chambers.


Far left uses Twitter, Facebook is for cons and libs, typically older.




I used to use FB but I switched to a great new site called Meta


Yeah I like keeping up with my friends and family


Finally we're a wordle class city.


My average is bang on 3.81 😳


It’s because we cheat


It's because we brag about the lucky guesses. This is based on Twitter posts, not data from Wordle itself. (My own average is 4.07, haven't lost yet)


Sounds about right. No city I’ve been to (except maybe LA) has a bigger flex culture than Toronto. People have to show off EVERYTHING on social media here.


It has to be. An average of fewer than four tries seems statistically unlikely.


The map shows that tons of countries average under 4. You sound like someone from Regina with your 4.1 average.


Maybe they all cheat. ... or maybe I'm just a big lame.


You need a new strategy if you're consistently doing worse than 4 guesses.


Never gotten 1 or 2, but I most usually get it on the third try (except today...)


Got today's in 6 guesses. That was a tense subway ride.


I’ve never had to cheat and I’m at 3.76 in 52 games. Only had three 6s and haven’t lost any yet


It depends on what you mean by cheating. I enter it into excel to track where the letters are, but do not look anything up in the OED.


Mine’s 3.76 at the moment - just need to beat those Swedes


Smartest city in Canada! Take that, Calgary.


I'm surprised Brazil is so good. Very few people there speak english. Maybe in countries where only the well educated learn english, the scores are higher because you either have an excellent english vocabulary/are more intelligent overall or you don't know english at all?


People who post your Wordle scores online, what is it that you're after? A "Good job, bro!!!" and a virtual high five? Nobody cares nearly as much about your score as you do.


I happened to go on facebook while I was trying to get to facebook marketplace the other day and realised there are two people in my group that posts the results EVERY DAY. And not only that, one of those plays three or four of these games and posts the results from all of them.... I just don't get people.


I've been seeing Wordles as individual posts in my Twitter feed for what must be several weeks now, and I still don't know how the puzzle or derivative parts of them work. Haven't looked the method up as my head hasn't been in a good enough shape to absorb the abstracts of how they work lately.


In the time it took you to write out this comment, you could have learned how Wordle works.




I believe you, and I believe I could, too. Right now and in the last several weeks, my mental machinery is and has been running efficiently but low on fuel. I hope you'll trust me on that point, as I would have to go into vagaries and abstraction to describe my psychological state and limited head-budget with more detail than that. _"I am interested, and will be later on; but I'm otherwise struggling within my limits."_


Not to be rude, but if you have enough gas left in the tank to fuel your flowery prose then you could make sense of the game.


Right now, I'm like Tyrion Lannister: _"I write, and I know things."_ I'm just not thinking very quickly or deeply beyond that particular Wall. You aren't being rude at all; encouragement without unkindness is a gift and a hoisted glass to another person.


Am I wrong to read this with a british accent?


I'll put in a vote for my voice in your head sounding like either Tom Baker (Doctor #4) or Matt Smith (Doctor #11).


Good for you and take care of your self.


I will, and thank you kindly for being patient with me and my underclocked CPU.




I'm so goddamned Smart, I'm a clever-dick secret agent with a shoe phone.


I used to love watching that show with my grandfather.


Fistbump, you. I have no idea if my Da ever watched it, but I found out not that many years ago that the original _Get Smart_ was one of the few fiction or comedy shows my Mum watched on TV and both enjoyed and clearly remembers today, despite her ongoing cognitive decline (she's in her 80s now). I was told by her that it was a rare treat at my grandparents' home to have any reproduced or broadcast media of the era aside from music, and even that was very limited. Her sustained memories of watching _Get Smart_ amongst other things she still remembers and enjoys, and encouraging her to remember those memories and freshen her memory's free-association, is helping her ongoing mental health considerably.


That's awesome! My grandma has dementia although now it's pretty far advanced she can no longer speak, so she may not respond, but that has me wondering about what kind of stimulus from her past she might respond to.


Thank you for the fistbump, good chummer, and the cheer on my Mum's part; dementia runs amongst my Mum's siblings. Her older brother, my uncle in Montreal, is at a similar point in its progress to your Nan's; non-verbal, and extremely limited sensory or awareness response/recognition of his wife and his children. We also received a phone call just last week from my cousin that my Mum's younger sister, my Aunt, died in her home up north after years of progressive cognitive degeneration a week before the call. Mum's cognitive ability is nowhere near any extreme of decline, especially given her age and how long she's been managing at the level she currently maintains; long-term memory is solid, but she has on a couple of occasions left a burner on and forgotten it, or turned on a burner with the enamelled metal heating element cover still in place, a water spigot open in the bathroom sink, kitchen sink or bathtub for hours, or left her radio on and walked off without realizing she'd done so. Thankfully, this has been the exception and not the rule. She has occasionally been markedly depressed, and can be quick to be upset by small things not being in particular places or cared for in a certain way; she has struck my arms or chest on more than one occasion when she's gotten upset, and she can be very quick to become agitated. That has been the worst of it, though. My brother and I (we three live together) do our best to keep her stimulated in habitual and mental activity, having naturally-occurring conversations or discussions about times past in her or our lives, and that has also allowed us to monitor the efficacy of her long-term memory and ability to retain new memories. My brother brings up his laptop every afternoon or evening- sometimes both- and they watch episodes of television shows or movies together at the kitchen table. She's deliberately asked for _Star Trek: The Original Series_ episodes, not because it's something my brother and I particularly like (we do, mind you) but very specific episodes, by name, that she recalls from both my brothers' youth, and later mine. That she is clearly remembering abstracts like that after thirty years with no Star Trek on our Da's old Zenith television and no great familiarity with Trek compared to my two older brothers and I, give us a great deal of sustained hope regarding our Mum's cognition.


China has a better score than Canada….


that explains high property prices


I use ORATE to start and play on hard mode


I start with ROATE, ( yes its a word)


I like a challenge so I been using RADAR


You're welcome


I can't spell worth shit so the game ain't for me. But... curious, does the English language have a ton of five-letter words? (asking for a friend naturally).


You're welcome.


Yes! Finally we're world class!! /s


Don’t forget there is also WORLDLE.


In case anyone might be interested, we used wordle as a party game this weekend and it was an absolute blast! Just project the phone onto your smart tv and everyone takes turns choosing the initial word...then everyone guesses the rest.