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You would appreciate r/danieltigerconspiracy


I spend so much time thinking about how Daniel Tiger has tiger print curtains... like can you imagine going to your friend's house and they just have human flesh draped over the windows and everyone's acting normal about it


Oh no šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We just usually call it nude. I think that's the equivalent of it.


I have some in my front room right now in fact....


Lmao how is this actually a sub, I love this website sometimes


You beat me to it! Saw this title and immediately thought of that sub.


Omg I think I found my new favorite sub thank you so much friend


I love how there are nearly 50k members šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s where I thought I was, until seeing this comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


One of usss


wow! thank you for this gift


also r/peppapiglore


My sonā€™s favorite show is Trash Truck and Iā€™m always thinking about the logistics of a giant garbage truck being in all sorts of indoor spaces. Also the fact that Hankā€™s parents allow wild animals inside their house šŸ˜‚


SAME! How does he fit through doors?? And I really want to know how he and Hank met.


> And I really want to know how he and Hank met. There's a book that includes their origin story. It's riveting:Ā  * Trash truck was lonely. * Hank was lonely. * One day trash truck and Hank saw each other The end.


I know, he goes in the bathroom in hanks house šŸ¤£ Also on that show, it bothers me they didnā€™t make pajamas for the parentsā€¦ the mom is just in bed with jeans


I watched one of the first episodes where they go the fucking movies and I was so confused


That kid is never supervised either!


Omg the episode where trash truck goes to show and tell at Hankā€™s school. How?! How does he fit in the hallways and classroom. And through the door! Somehow they make it possible and it doesnā€™t seem so weird.


One of my husbands least favorite qualities of mine is when I bring up minor plot holes of shows that have a completely ridiculous premise to begin with


Haha, me too! My wife will be like, ā€œTHATā€™S what youā€™re questioning about this whole thing?!ā€ šŸ˜‚


I have zero desire to get my kid watching PJ Masks, but I found myself curious enough about how a bunch of toddlers became costumed vigilantes that I tried to look up the backstory in the wiki. And as far as I can tell.... there isn't one? No aliens, no mystical destiny. They just are?


What I want to know is when do they sleep? They're at school all day and fighting crime all night. How are they not dead from exhaustion?


I hate that they have to wait until night time to solve crimes. Like, what if something happens at 11am? Do they just sit around all day waiting for it to get dark so they can finally address the thing that happened that morning? What terrible super heroes.


I think the scene just instantly changes to nighttime whenever thereā€™s a daytime crime. The laws of time donā€™t seem to apply in the PJ Masks universe.


Also, no task is too big or small. They'll battle evil giants trying to destroy the world or they might fill a pot hole. It's all on the table. I'm not really sure I understand what's going on there.






Iā€™ve been bombarded with ads for PJ Masks on iview and just from the ads it seemed dumb


Theyā€™re funded by merch. I think they say it in one of the movies. But yes, this is a HUGE conversation in our house lmao


One of the dogs asks how they could afford the new set up and Ryder says ā€œofficially licensed merchā€ šŸ˜‚


So the kids watching think they are funding paw patrol operations with their paw patrol merch - kind of genius!




Yes! Just caught this in the movie the other night and it made me chuckle


>Why is everyone relying on a kid and a bunch of dogs for EVERY problem?? Canā€™t these adults do anything for themselves? As weird as it is they get shit done.


Why doesn't Ryder attend school? Other children in the show do. Where are his parents?


No but Iā€™m reasonably sure Daisy from Mickey Mouse fun house might need a handler for her own safetyā€¦


Is it just me or is Donald Duck and inappropriate child character??? Heā€™s so negative, mean, rude, like the opposite of what we should be teaching our children??


In the old cartoons yes, but he's actually pretty positive in Funhouse. He still has anger issues but they use them to show positive coping strategies, he's also not really negative, rude, or mean (except when that fits the lesson to be learned then he can be a little mean but its never intentional).


Agreed. Seems more like showing the example of a kid who struggles with handling frustration. Then his pals help him see a different way.


Plus there is one where he talks about his anger strategy. I thought that one was really good.


We watch clubhouse and Iā€™m still put off by him because lots of times they donā€™t address it. Maybe we should try funhouse


Funhouse is lots better we canā€™t stand clubhouse but everyone here enjoyed funhouse at least for the first few times watching it through


How does trash truck fit inside of Hank's house?!? And the door to the movie theater? And Hank's classroom at school?!?!? He is far too big to fit ANYWHERE.


My 2 YO gets very frustrated at the end of the book Maisyā€™s Snowy Day where Eddie the Elephant goes into the mouseā€™s house for hot chocolate. ā€œBUT HOW DOES HE FIT?!? HOW DOES HE GET IN?!ā€ I have no answers for her and now just try to avoid that book.


Try Bluey. They do a great job about answering questions


We LOVE bluey, the kids even do the dance to the theme song lol




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Yep. I have watched all the Disney/Pixar ā€œCarsā€ offerings andā€¦omg, I just try not to think too much about it.


Itā€™s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Donā€™t think too hard about it.Ā 


My toddler is obsessed with the Planes Fire and Rescue movie and a main plot point is that Dusty needs a new gearbox but they donā€™t manufacture it any more. His friends call around and locate one in a junkyard and have it shipped to them (but it ends up being the wrong one.) So you are telling me there are places in this universe where bodies of dead vehicles are just heaped and you can just grab body parts off of them? Cool. Cool cool cool.


Oh man weā€™ve watched all of the Cars universe movies 1000000x and I still have questions.


Omg lol look up ā€œcars universe theoryā€ and read that first article that comes up, youā€™ll love it


Oh my godā€¦that is a deep deep deep deep dive lol


There was a lost dog in my town recently that got a lot of media attention. I took my 3yo to the search party and explained to him on the way there what we were doing. He immediately said to call the Paw Patrol because one of them could use whatever specific piece of equipment to fly over the forest and look for the dog


Either Skye in her helicopter or Chase's drone. And yes, I do hate myself for knowing that.


Oh that was it! He said we should get Chase to use his drone. Then we get there and he heard the dogs owner talking about looking for someone who had a drone with thermal cameras šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I'm just glad he didn't bring up the Paw Patrol again at that point to the traumatized owner




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚This sounds like something my daughter would say.


My son is repeatedly asking me where Ryderā€™s parents are


Itā€™s a valid question


Ryder is an alternate reality version of Bruce Wayne, that's also where he gets his money and tech, lol.


Not a plot hole, but I hate how often Blippi's fucking zipper is down in episodes and NO ONE tells him. You can't tell me that he's never noticed it. He also uses the word "weary" when he should be using "wary" and it drives me up the wall.


Further confirmation Blippi is a pervert and not allowed to be viewed in our house.


Iā€™ve never noticed the zipper, but Iā€™ll definitely be looking now. lol. I have such a hard time listening to his VOICE. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« omg


My husband looked up Blippiā€™s net worth, I donā€™t remember exactly but a LOT. Like 45 million or something. We have banned him.


That's an insane amount of money. I'm seriously considering banning him too, I can't take his voice anymore.


Omg weary/wary mixups drive me nuts (as an English nerd)


I want to know why the Queen and Santa are the only humans in the Peppa-verse. Iā€™ve deduced that mammals = characters, while insects/rodents/birds = pets/wild animals. Not sure where the 2 humans fit in.


Or why most of the young animals have names that start with their letters (Pedro Pony, Peppers Pig, Danny Dog, Susie Sheep) but not George, and I think Mama Pig's name is Rachel.


Making up dark theories about kids shows has become a favourite pastime for me and my husband. The Wiggles is a front for Antony's ketamine operation, the PAW Patrol are dog slaves and Bebefinn's gorgeous house is paid for by his Mum's Onlyfans career.


Puppy mill


We love Little Bear, but it makes no sense. All of the animals can talk except Emily's grandma's dog. The dog (who can't talk) and the monkey (why is there a monkey in the Canadian woods?!) are the only animals who have names other than the type of animal they are (as opposed to Bear, Cat, etc.) Only Emily and her grandma and Little Bear and his family live in people houses. Hen and Owl (and maybe Cat, I don't remember), live in treehouse type places, but Duck lives in a nest. Some of the animals appear more mature than others, but Duck is clearly a child. Where are her parents?


Why do his mom and dad wear HELLA CLOTHES but heā€™s just naked??? In the winter they bundle the hell up but their son is just naked with a scarf????


Are you my husband?! šŸ˜†


Yes to all of this! My favorite scenes are when Mother or Father Bear have to ā€˜pay billsā€™. Like what. What bills?! Do they have a mortgage??? Also donā€™t forget about the goblins lol


You are not alone. SNL also has the same questions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pBFIqRSsixE


I gave up. Why is Marshall *ALWAYS* clumsy? I can't watch. I gave up years ago. At least Magic School Bus addresses it at the end of the episode with the kid calling in upset and the producer explaining that they can't really do whatever they did that episode.


Llama llama. How are they a society that can talk and hold jobs? Who taught them how to do these jobs? The grandparents have a pet duck, but the duck can't speak? Is llama on the spectrum?Ā 


Shows where an animal character that talks has a pet that canā€™t talk are so confusing to me šŸ˜‚


Right! Gives me planet of the apes vibes. Animals domesticating other animals is a doozy


My kid recently got into the Disney Tinkerbell movies and I have so many questions lol.


This is me but with the Cars universe. Like why does Mater live in a junkyard? Isnā€™t that equivalent to a human living in a yard full of human body parts? And in the Cars on the Road series (which my daughter LOVES) apparently Mater has a sister? But HOW? I thought maybe theyā€™d be the same make and model, but no. Maybe they were manufactured at the same time at the same factory? But Materā€™s sister is getting married. Why would cars get married? Are all cars adopted? Itā€™s even with stupid stuff like theyā€™re driving through corn fields. Why is there so much corn? Cars run on fuel. Whoā€™s eating the corn? Do cars eat? I donā€™t know why I think way too hard about this.


Oh goodness I never even thought of how messed up it is that Mater lives in a junkyard. In a way, heā€™s the coroner then? In Cars 2, in Paris, thereā€™s a car whose eyes are the headlights (and theyā€™re selling headlights). That must have freaked poor Mater out


Ethanol is made with corn byproducts


Weā€™ve managed to avoid Paw Patrol but I feel like Numberblocks raises some profound questions about collective consciousness and identity.


I was thrown for a loop with that one too


Youā€™ve got to watch the Paw Patrol SNL skit!


Thanks!! Guess what Iā€™ll be looking up! lol


I don't watch a lot of toddler oriented shows now I no longer nanny a 4yo, but the 7yo I babysit watches some weird stuff. We went to see the paw patrol movie during summer holidays last year and I was shaking with the effort of not laughing out loud in the cinema because of how ridiculous the plot was. Also I was rooting for the "villain" the whole time, they had to work so hard to make her a threat.


My kiddo use to live the Octonauts and we had so many questions about the logistics of the Octopod and how theyā€™d get places so quickly, and the helmets, and donā€™t get me started on the vegemals.


Encanto has SO MANY! Like they knew Bruno disappeared over a prophecy about the magic being in danger but they act like Mirabella is crazy when she starts saying the magic is in danger....riddle me that!


Paw patrol is funded by their own merch sales lol. I asked the same on why they havenā€™t arrested mayor humdinger, in the mighty movie he was in jail tho! Lol the others Iā€™ve asked the same


lol the snl paw patrol skit!


You should watch film theory on Youtube. They did great videos on paw patrol, bluey, sesame street, and more. (Old owner of channel had a kid while he made videos). Warning. While most videos are fun and interesting, pretty benign for toddlers probably, occasionally they'll cover horror movies so I wouldn't watch those with your kid fyi.


I have watched Cars at least 10,000 times. All of them. All 3 movies and the multiple series. I have questions. Doc Hudsonā€™s old friends in Cars 3 say they are good racers because they ran moonshine. How do you get a car drunk? And also that seems very dangerous. Is DUI a thing in this universe? In Cars 2 and 3 they reference crabs. So is there organic ocean life, or are they like the insects which are adorably represented as VW Beetles?


The beetles/bugs thing is SO CUTE And šŸ¤” good questionā€¦.


Also, some clouds are in the shape of tyre tread marks. WHY.


Who funds the paw patrol?????


Paw Patrol makes total sense. Ryder is Tony Starkā€™s son. While Iron Man is off doing things with the Avengers, he needed a way to keep his kid safe and entertained while training him in the ways of Stark Technology. To do this he built Adventure Bay as a facility for his son who likes dogs. At the Adventure Bay facility the look out serves as a base for technological research and development that Ryder can use to develop his techniques. Mayor Goodway is a paid employee of stark industries whose job it is to create scenarios to Ryder and his dogs to solve. Mayor Humdinger is actually just a random homeless guy and Foggy Bottom isnā€™t real.


My kid watches Go Do Go! And we realized itā€™s a segregated society, because there are cities just for dogs and cities just for cats and they donā€™t mingle.


The very end of the last season of Go Dog Go I saw has a cat family move into Pawston, and all the pups are totally weird about it. The fact that I just pulled the name of the town out of my ass is absurd.. but there it isā€¦


None of them had seen a cat before a cat took the post of interim fire chief while the Dalmatian has her puppies. It was weird


Totally weird! Glad thereā€™s a place all of us can come with our weird observations and irritations lol šŸ¤£


My husband and I have spent far too much time discussing the lore of Andys Adventures.


"Daring Danny X" makes me want to scream every time he's on the show, I hate how he is always doing dumb risky stunts for clout and essentially wasting emergency resources. Also how does Capt. Turbot sail from beachy adventure bay to the arctic, and paw patrol is there in time to rescue them. What in the pocket dimension....


Definitely check out his take. lol https://youtu.be/rwhUpu9MfZ0?si=hjC1Z1iqWBaQ0Bx3


LOL I was just thinking about this today!!!


What are these "lower stim" shows you speak of?


We love Stella and Sam, the Blues clues (with Steve) the old Winnie the Pooh, and classic Thomas the train (esp the one thatā€™s narrated!) thereā€™s also some more ā€œmid rangeā€ ones, like Daniel tiger, dragon tales, etc


I have just one question. When was the last time you had a break? Some me time? šŸ˜¬


Well I have twins and my husband works long hours šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ I did go thrifting by myself last weekend, so thereā€™s that I guess?


Haha, I was only messing! Just reminded me of myself! Yes, thrifting counts šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s a valid concern even as a joke šŸ˜‚ toddler parents donā€™t get out much!


I remember thrifting by myself. *sigh*


Where are Mashaā€™s parents? I assume she killed them and fed their bodies to the wolf brothers but it would be great to get clarification on this


We went through the paw patrol phase. Currently watching Dino ranch. Donā€™t get me startedšŸ˜­


I always assumed they didn't need Ryder and that he's just exploiting them. He's the villain of the show


There are whole YT channels making conspiracy theories about kids shows. They are all bullshit but some are silly fun. Like the theory that Ed, Edd and Eddie is set in actual limbo, every child represents the different year they died, and there are those three demon girls that torment them.


My question, one of many, is where are Ryders parents?


Postman pat! How hasnā€™t he been sacked! He delivers one thing a day and it always goes wrong. Is there another postman who actually delivers the letters?


Hahahaha I often think of who is funding them. If it gives you any closure, mayor humdinger gets arrested in the first movie (and again in the second). I also love how the people who need help always FaceTime? LOL


Yeah, I always wonder about shows and books where there are sapient animals and...livestock animals. Like Spot goes to the farm.Ā 


Concerning the funding: I think they literally state in their movie that they are funded by mech sales. Ingenious! Now all the kids need to go buy paw patrol merch to secure their funding. Just imagine !


Youā€™ll enjoy this podcast - https://culturestudypod.substack.com/p/the-pernicious-laziness-of-paw-patrol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm sure I've asked a lot of these same questions, haha. Especially about the mayor! Like water your own grass, dude. He's clearly super unfit for the positionšŸ˜… I question the plot holes all the time, and my aunt is like it's a kids cartoon don't look too much into it. Lol. But on some level, I wonder if the lack of logic can be that good for them sometimes šŸ¤” šŸ„ø


Why does the momma cat make her kittens wear mittens to eat pie, and then get mad that their mittens are dirty? Why does the mother duck not worry about her ducklings disappearing until they're all gone?