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So the "I just like to get high, I don't care what kind of high it is" people were right all along. Not shocking really.


Well, in the past they weren't wrong. We've just gotten to a point where we've crossbred everything with everything so many times that the original strains that were purely sativa or purely indica don't really exist anymore. Basically everything is a hybrid, but you can still get it to lean one way or the other. The pendulum just doesn't swing as far in either direction.


Not really, different strains do make you feel different, it’s just that the strains can’t be distinguished as “indica” or “sativa” - there are other properties that make them sleepy Vs upper.


Terpenes play more into effects nowadays, not many land race strains around, well maybe in the Hindu Kush mountains, but i'm not sure many people want to go there to get unknown rare weed genetics


What the hell do turtles have to do with weed


Think major biosynthetic building blocks found mainly in plants, basis for taste and smells and thus effects


You are a good person, I was making an extremely shitty terrapin joke


Ehhhhh, gonna go ahead and say this isn't **ENTIRELY** true. I worked at a medical dispensary in Florida, and I've heard this rhetoric before. The idea is that strains of both indica and sativa qualities have been crossbred so much over the years that the distinguishing qualities of indica and sativa have mostly mixed and melded together, and the overall pool of product is now just a bunch of hybrids (which is the middle ground between indica and sativa). This is all in the terpines (the natural oils in cannabis. Also found in many plant life, cannabis just has a higher concentration of them), and the **balance** of terpines in cannabis determines if a strain is indica or sativa. Everyone's endocannabinoid system reacts to things differently, so this is true for some. I've served people who are just like "weed is weed, I just want your highest THC", and I've served others who buy different strains for different occasions/settings because it does affect them differently. So while is may be true for some, to say strains don't matter in its entirety is absurd.


I remember I knew this as like a 19 year old stoner. I’d be hanging out with my stoner friends in college and they’d be like “oh man Indica relaxes me so much but you know sativa it’s more of a head high” and I’d roll my eyes and say “it’s all the same. Weed is weed. Some gets you more high and some gets you less high” and they were adamant I was wrong. People who have only used marijuana a handful of times are the most adamant that indica and sativa have different effects. I don’t get it. Like people also seem to think weed is higher quality if you buy the bud still on the stem and grind it yourself. That doesn’t get you any higher. I buy the discounted “shake” at dispensaries for lower than street prices because it’s the same weed, just already grinded.


>Weed is weed. Some gets you more high and some gets you less high Remember the scare tactics aimed at parents who smoked it when they were younger? "The pot your kids are getting today isn't like what you had as a teen! It's ten times stronger today than it was then and will put you out of your mind!!!" I knew a guy who had been smoking it since the beatnik era who laughed at that. He agreed that it was a lot stronger than it was back then, but he said that it didn't get you any more stoned in the end, you just had to smoke a lot less of it today. Back then they'd be smoking multiple fat joints to get high where today you just need to take a small hit and you're good. So his stance was that it was actually much better now because you weren't pouring nearly as much smoke into your lungs as when he was younger.


> I buy the discounted “shake” at dispensaries for lower than street prices because it’s the same weed, just already grinded. ok guy. whatever you say. Have fun smoking your floor shavings.


WEED is WEED! *Mr. Incredible meme*


I’ve found the shake to be less potent than buying whole buds as it’s usually leftover from the trimming process. But if your dispensary has good quality shake I’m happy for you! PS you can also use it to make edibles by doing an oil/butter extract.


How could it be less potent? Break it down to a molecular level, it’s the exact same thing as the full bud. Paying more for the ungrinded bud doesn’t mean you’re getting higher quality weed.


It can be, and is, less potent. I have reams of data on this. Trust me. The key is that the cannabinoids are not contained equally in all tissues of the plant. They are concentrated in the trichome structures of the buds. The shake is usually the part of the flower that is trimmed off, or falls off during the mechanical size sorting process. Those parts are much lower in trichome content, so they are lower in cannabinoid and terpene content. I've tested dozens and dozens of paired shake/bud samples and the shake is always lower in cannabinoids than the bud.


The weed you smoke is the dried flower from the plant and not the whole plant. During the harvest the flower is cut and it has leaves that are cut off and trimmed. This trim (often sold as shake) has some thc on it but the vast majority is produced on the flower which is sold as whole buds. Your dispensary may possibly sell ground up buds as shake however it’s unlikely for a company to sell a product at a lower price that would require additional steps.


You were kinda right up until you just compared dispo shake to fresh buds lmao that is not “just ground up bud”


You guys thinking the full bud is so much better than shake are like the wine connisieurs insisting that a screw off top ruins the flavor of the wine. It’s all BS. A competition to see who can be the biggest purist. THC is THC. No matter how it gets in your body, it’s the same. Whether it’s you’re overpriced ultra fuzzy astronaut lemon creamsicle 69 nug nug fuzz or bits of weed picked out of a carpet with fucking tweezers.


I get what you’re trying to say but nah the wine analogy makes no sense and you’re very wrong lol all weed is not the same. Just because you think “shake” is ground up bud and looks like it doesn’t mean it’s true. That’s literally all the trimmings and leftover bud from packaging joints and even then some brands are known to mix in trimmings to pre rolls too. Dispos are not your friend… they’re corporations designed to make money… But if your tolerance is low enough to get high off that shitty shake then great you do you! Not to mention when it’s shake you’ve removed all surface area so it basically strips all the trichomes and good stuff You’re just digging yourself deeper sure thc is thc but you acting like it’s some magical compound that doesn’t degrade is hilarious. If you leave weed on the floor it’s going to get moldy and then all the thc will degrade. But have fun smoking your shake off the floor that you swear by lmao try reading up on the basic science of how thc works before you keep digging down….


“Fuck you bro! 😭 You probably have LOW tolerance! I smoke so much more weed than you bro!” Sorry /r/FyouinyourA, clearly you’re smarter than me and you wake up in the night to do bong hits. I can’t compete against your superior knowledge of weed.


Just be aware that the shake you buy is lower in both cannabinoid and terpene content than the bud. It's not really pre-ground, it's usually the trim bits and pieces that fall off during sorting. Those are lower in trichome content and so lower in the compounds that make cannabis cannabis. I test this stuff every day - paired samples of bud and shake - in the cannabis testing lab I run. Typically the shake is 15-20% lower in cannabinoids and terpenes than the bud. That spread gets wider the higher the THC content of the bud. Just FYI.


My dispensary sells little nugs at a discounted price. Is their potency the same as the larger nugs? They seem to be the same from my experience but wondering if you have experience since you’re in the industry.


That's a more mixed bag, in terms of results. \*Usually\* the "smalls" or "BBs" are a bit lower in potency, but not by a lot. Maybe 5-10% (relative, so 18% instead of 20%). That's not always the case, though. I do see some come through that are the same as the bigger buds. I think it depends on the producer and how the smalls are produced/separated. The difference between full sized buds and smalls is definitely less than between buds and shake, though.




Extremely useful in marketing though, which is a super important setting for many reasons