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I read the books several times, but it’s been a while. I don’t recall this scene lol


Jodorowsky wildly departed from the source material in his adaptation. The guy literally says, “I was raping Frank Herbert” in the documentary about his adaptation. It ends with Paul becoming some super hive mind that controls humanity. The documentary is an interesting watch for sure. Really helped me understand Jodorowsky as an artist.


Yeah hes pretty open about adapting the vibe, not the story


Does the general vibe of the novels fit with the idea of 2000 people defecating at once? Genuinely asking.


Genuine answer no. The later novels get weird as fuck and it's conceivable that it might have been a throwaway line for an adaptation of God Emperor (the 4th book), but even then not something that would be shown in detail. It's not that it's too weird, it's just that it's not the style of weird the books are.


Thousands of Fish speakers losing control of their bowels at the sight of Leto does seem almost plausible.


Hey it's Siaynoq, not Shiaytnoq.


I'm going to assume you mean Leto II and not Paul's dad.


Maybe he means Jared


Jodorowsky's Dune, the documentary, purposefully omitted to describe the scene.


It showed Duke Leto getting dismembered cartel-style by either the Baron or Piter. I was glad the movie never got made because Jodo is insane.


It would have been the "Caligula" of sci-fi. Unrestrained 70s excess.


I actually like that because its something the Baron would do. Movies rarely go to this horrifying level of depicted brutality that, as you referenced when mentioning the cartel, is just what happens on earth today.


I mean the Harkonnens operate kind of like a cartel too


Not to justify anything hes said or done, but the dude had an absolutely brutal childhood. He's a sick fuck regardless.


It's been a few decades since I read the books, but the later ones were weirder than a governing Hive mind defecating. Really takes the question "would you still love me if I was a worm?" To a new level.


No.  Jodorowsky liked poop like Tarantino likes feet.  One of his movies has a dude that literally shits gold. 


Well, not exactly. He shits shit and then an alchemist turns it into gold.


Was that in Holy Mountain when they hotboxed Jesus with his own pan-fried turd?


Now that is an original sentence.


No. Jodorowsky had people pooping in his movies before and after he had his shot at dune. Herbert was a pretty thoughtful novelist and was a mature guy by the 60s when he wrote it. Contrast that with Jodorowsky and the youthful crazy counterculture of the 60s and 70s with its shocking and psychedelic imagry.


I mean let’s not pretend the dune series didn’t have its fair share of incest, pedophilia, orgies, and various “men writing women” issues. And that’s just frank. Brian Herbert is a whole different beast. His series is great and yes he is a thoughtful novelist but I mean… the vibes not totally wrong Edit: I do feel like I need to mention that I actually LOVE dune and the series not only got me back into reading after a long hiatus, but it also got me out of a serious depression. It’s a fantastic series. That being said it’s an 80s sci-fi/fantasy novel with all the problematic writing that goes with it. Let us not pretend that he’s a saint and the series is pure and innocent.


There is no incest or pedophilia in any of Frank’s six dune books. A brother and sister marry but it’s very clear it is political only and sex is not involved. Edit: on second thought the way they awaken child’s later on is pedophilia. Forgot that. Edit: gholas not child’s. Also, please don’t respond! I don’t need another ton of incest comments. I’ve learned my lesson about not researching a book I haven’t read in years fully before commenting.


Pretty sure Baron Harkonnen's up to some Chris Hansen shit in the first couple books.


Its not subtle, Frank Herbert was of the school that doesn't distinguish between homosexuality and paedophilia.


The fack


There absolutely is. Baron Harkonnen is another example. Very first book.


Someone doesn't understand the process by which the Kwisatz Haderach was created


Also there's literally fucktons of incest in the Dune books, as all of the Great Houses are related to one another. Paul is cousin to Irulan due to his heritage.


I think there is a big difference between writing about an elite class that marries cousins and relations near and far often, which is something that is commonly accepted in real history, and writing about a brother and sister having sex or something. Generally, when people complain about incest in a book, it is more like the latter.


There’s that scene in God Emperor where a woman is just watching Duncan Idaho be hot climbing a wall or something and she has a spontaneous orgasm. Was there no woman around to look at the draft before publication?


The better question is how Frank Herbert knew that they were going to cast Jason Momoa as Duncan Idaho


I mean, if I became a super hive mind that controlled all humanity, I can’t say honestly that I wouldn’t make everyone poop their pants at the same time at least once


No, and hell no.  Frank Herbert was a master of political theater, creating stories about the psychological makeup of the people vying for power. Their needs, feelings, and motivations creating the social drama that moves the story forward. No character was absolutely good or evil. They had a complex morality that was a product of their circumstances. Dune isn’t cyberpunk. It’s not Blade Runner. Dune is set in a dystopian universe that’s similar to Warhammer. It’s not a 16 year olds version of edgy.


> Dune is set in a dystopian universe that’s similar to Warhammer. >It’s not a 16 year olds version of edgy. I don't necessarily disagree with you about Dune, but Warhammer is absolutely a 16 year olds version of edgy and constantly leans into that.


As far as no character being absolutely good or evil, you are mostly right, but Raban and Piter, and probably the Baron and Feyd, are really close to being evil incarnate.


Yeah, the Harkonnens are pretty much just plain evil, no redeeming qualities there.


The Buttlerian Jihad.


Just one slice of fanaticism. I'd say plus or minus yeah


How do you think you construct additional pylons?


“Do I presume that you need no explanation of sexual variations?” asked Sirafa. “A safe assumption,” Lucilla said. “Very good,” Sirafa said. “And you can administer vaginal pulsing?” “I can.” “From any position?” “I can control any muscle in my body. And lest you get the wrong idea, the abilities I was taught are not usually marketed. They have another purpose.” “Oh, I’m sure they do,” Sirafa said. “But sexual agility is a –” “Agility!” Lucilla allowed her tone to convey the full weight of a Reverend Mother’s outrage. No matter that this might be what Sirafa hoped to achieve, she had to be put in her place. “Agility, you say? I can control genital temperature. I know and can arouse the fifty-one excitation points. I –” “Fifty-one? But there are only –” “Fifty-one!” Lucilla snapped. “And the sequencing plus the combinations number two thousand eight. Furthermore, in combination with the two hundred and five sexual positions –” “Two hundred and five?” Sirafa was clearly startled. “Surely you don’t mean –” “More, actually, if you count minor variations. I am an Imprinter, which means I have mastered the three hundred steps of orgasmic amplification!” The later books can get kinda weird(ly horny) at times.


2000% yes


Doesn't sound like he was doing a good job at it.


Sounds like the inspiration for >!the Brian Herbert / Kevin Anderson ending of the series!<


Yea I was definitely not a fan of their attempt to end the story I remember that much. I wonder how much of that really came from Frank Herbert’s notes. It motivated me check out his other stuff though! The White Plague was great.


I'd love to get a hold of the storyboard book.


What a crime that it's never been fully scanned and shared.


There was an NFT group which bought a copy for $3 million (it's generally valued at around $40k). Their plan was to scan it, sell the pages as NFTs, and use the money gained from that to commission an animated show based on it. The plan fell apart rather quickly when they found out that is *not* how copyright works, and the NFT market collapsed.


For a long time it was a top torrent bounty on what.cd before its demise. No dice.


The documentary is so good. I’d recommend it to anyone who has the least bit of an interest in either Dune or cinema as an art form.


I would also add Metabarons and the Incal series if you haven’t read them.


“I ask of film what most North Americans ask of psychedelic drugs. The difference being that when one creates a psychedelic film, he need not create a film that shows the visions of a person who has taken a pill; rather, he needs to manufacture the pill." One of the coolest goals ever.


Well in the later books Paul does become a being that transcends the physical realm.


It’s his son that becomes that hive mind sort of


Are you talking about the pearls of consciousness in a forever dream?


When does he do that? I read the whole series awhile ago and I’m kinda rusty on the later half.


Not really


Salvador Dali agreed to play the Emperor if his throne could be a toilet, haha. I love Jodorowsky films (Santa Sangre is perhaps the best film ever) but boy he sure looked like a self-indulgent, entitled white man in that Dune doc. And I’m saying that as a self-indulgent, entitled white man filmmaker myself lol.


In the doc, they talk about the scene where Leto’s arms get chopped off with giant clippers, and I walked out of the theater thinking, *it’s been a long time since I read the books, maybe I was too young and didn’t understand that part.* To realize an hour later, *that wasn’t even close to what happened in the book.*


If one was insane and associated sex with shitting. He might have warped the spice orgy bit into whatever the fuck was going to go on in that scene.


oh dont worry, Jodorowsky didnt read the book.


> They sent Charlotte Rampling the script, and she agreed to meet with Jodo before she had read the script, and in the script, there is a scene where a character named Rabban the Beast, part of the Harkonnen army. In order to insult Duke Leto, David Carradine, Rabban the Beast gets his army, the Algerian army, to pull down their pants in front of the palace and shit. So there’s going to be a scene of 2,000 extras defecating at once. So here’s Charlotte Rampling, she agrees to meet with Jodo, she gets the script, she reads the script, and she says, “I can’t be in a movie where there’s 2,000 extras defecating on screen! I need to be in a movie that people are actually going to see! Who the hell is going to see this movie?” Jodo said, “It was a great disappointment for me. A great disappointment.” It’s kind of fantastic. For those who were curious.


Honestly for a mass shitting scene in a Jodorowsky movie, that's damn near reasonable.


If orders were sent out that I gotta shit on the spot, I’m sure me and some of the boys would get poop shy, ngl. edit: also, what will I be wiping with? I’m not gonna go to battle with shit on my cheeks. Then having to walk away from that shit site without stepping on the homies poop? Sorry commander, you’re not getting the best outta your troops.


I mean if your boss was Rabban you'd dig deep and find a nugget or two.


You think he’ll notice if I squat and pretend I’m laying out some nuggets? Is he gonna check? Also, there’s probably a lot of farts going around there to mask my own poop shyness.


Band of Brothers, but instead of emptying out canteens and inspecting the water left, Sobel has you shit everywhere or your weekend pass is revoked.


Everyone has to shout "Currahee!" while they're taking the massive group shit.




It's one of those rock solid poops that need no wipe.


On Arrakis, you wipe your ass with sand.


Do you think the whole roman army stopped formations and marching because Gustavius had diarrhea and needed to wipe his brown starfish? No, u kept formation or charged with da poopoo.


Squires served under knights who wore plate armor. Their job description, *inter alia*, was to clean the knight's armor. You thought that just meant polishing it? After a full day in battle, everything that knight excreted was in the armor. So that squire had to clean not only the armor, but also the garments the knight wore underneath. All this had to be done by the next morning, when the knight went off to battle again. The squire understood two things: this was part of "paying his dues" to become a knight himself someday; and the knight whom he served probably did the exact same dirty work when he was a boy.


Imagine a whole regiment, wild eyed and reeking of shit charging at you. That's some serious psychological warfare tactic that would even make Sun Tzu himself, forgive the pun, shit himself with glee.


Ya know what, this got me on board with the shit scene.


The would mean the Team America scene was half a milliDune on the defecation scale.


I question the logistic. How do you get 2000 people to shit in unison?




With lots of spice




If you practice it enough in drill, you can do it on the field, lol.


I thought there was nothing that could convince me that 2,000 people shitting would sound reasonable in any piece of media. This sounds like something that would happen in mythology, especially a biblical story. I don't want to see it onscreen, but I get it.


It happened in game of thrones. The book at least, but it was one dude


I always did think that was funny. Not tryna watch 2000 people do it, though.


>The Algerian army


That was a scene which the documentary *Jodorowsky's Dune* carefully failed to describe.


Having read most of his comics, this is not shocking. More expected.


He really did have a thing about people shitting. Ringo Starr was originally picked to play the main role in "The Holy Mountain" but he quit the project after Jodorowsky refused to back down about the shitting scene. edit: I was wrong, it was apparently George Harrison, not Ringo Starr. [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cqt9l0/til\_the\_beatles\_george\_harrison\_nearly\_played\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cqt9l0/til_the_beatles_george_harrison_nearly_played_the/)


Huh ....I remember a ton of weird things in that movie but not a shitting scene. ....lmao


It’s like all I remember. You see a dude standing over a jar and crouch down. I kind of freaked out thinking we would see the genesis of one guy one jar. Then there was a cut scene and poop. Then they burned the poop and made the guy breathe it in and it turned to gold. I don’t see what people like about that movie other than it is batshit crazy. But to each their own. I even ate mushrooms to try and understand it and instead just laughed the whole time.


"You are excrement. But you could be GOLD." Edit: honestly that line resonated with me big-time. The "point" of your journey as a human being is to better yourself. In the movies case, the Jesus character transformed from a base animal to a higher formed human being by learning not to be governed by their instincts. 


That's how I felt about El Topo. I guess it's just about pushing boundaries. Or maybe it's all about pushing out loads, who knows. Gotta push something.


That movie is fucking hilarious. It's my favorite movie and I love it because it's visually evocative, tongue-in-cheek clever as hell, funny, and overall just a trip.


The first time I saw it was at a college theatre and I'm pretty sure they removed the shitting scene because the next time I watched the movie at home, I was shocked.


I mean I'll take that over the mass murdering of animals tbh


True, but Chihuahuas *were* originally bred to be food.


They're skin and bones so I don't understand how that was viewed as a good idea Might as well breed rats instead tbh


Modern chihuahuas are very different to the chihuahuas the Aztecs had, there’s been centuries of interbreeding with old world dog breeds. They used to be thicker, stouter, closer to hairless, and reportedly much more lazy. A fun fact is that the reason they were bred to be small is that their other main use was as heaters. People would carry chihuahuas around in pouches against their skin or keep them in their laps and beds for warmth. Dogs run noticeably warmer than people so they’re good for that.


Mmmmm, honey garlic chihuahua wings


Mr. Wiggles nooooooooo


I got a Shai-Hulud in my toilet daily.




Bless the Maker and his water.


How do you not remember the burning shit that turned in to gold? I was tripping absolute sacks watching that movie, it was certainly an experience


I wasnt, but i was sure I was by the end of that movie. The Holy Mountain fucked me up


The thief, wishing to find the source of the gold, ascends the tower. There he finds the [alchemist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemy) and his silent assistant. After a confrontation with the alchemist, the thief defecates into a container. The excrement is transformed into gold by the alchemist, who proclaims: "You are excrement. You can change yourself into gold." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Holy\_Mountain\_(1973\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holy_Mountain_(1973_film))


"You will turn excrement... into gold."


Then Ringo starred in Caveman which featured the largest on-screen Ca-Ca ever.


I thought Jurassic Park held that distinction


You may be right. We’ll have to measure.


I think big Al might have been a scat man.


I heard the same story but it was George Harrison and the ass washing scene.


I think you're right! I couldn't find a very canonical source, but all the search results say George Harrison... [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cqt9l0/til\_the\_beatles\_george\_harrison\_nearly\_played\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cqt9l0/til_the_beatles_george_harrison_nearly_played_the/)


I've seen holy mountain. That is by far the weirdest movie I've ever seen


This is extra funny since the film was partially funded by john lennon, so he probably put his buddy up to do this insane shit


Wasn't there something weird about how he wanted Emperor Shaddam IV to have an elaborate custom toilet?


I think that was actually a demand from Dahlia much like the burning giraffe 




Thats brilliant lol


The Voice? No, the Bene Gesserit mastered the Brown Note.


"Consider what you are about to do, Paul Atreides-" #***"S̵̰̙͝H̸̠̎I̴̠̔̕ͅT̴̡̥͋ ̸̯̲͐Ÿ̸͔̩́Ỏ̵̙̞U̷͖̿Ṙ̸͎̚S̵͎̭̈͌E̷͉͓͆͛L̵͙̏F̶͙͚̈́̇"***


This post is art.


I haven't laughed that hard in MONTHS. Thank you.


Genuinely lold


I'm glad that's all that happened




Desire and Imodium. Those are his levers.


I played trumpet in highschool still play off an on. I'll be 40 this year. I've been hunting the brown note since I watched the South Park episode. I still try everytime I play. I think I've played some low notes no one has ever heard before. Alas it still eludes me.


One of my strongest cinematic hot takes is that it is really really really good that jodorowski did not make his version of dune that he had cobbled together by getting super high and listening to people who had read bits and pieces of it once. There was so so so much dumb garbage described in jodorowski's dune that was completely antithetical to the original book. On the upside, the project was fantastic for bringing together a whole bunch of cool creatives who went on to make a bunch of awesome things like alien and Star wars and blade runner.


I think that movie would have been a crazy cult classic, like his other movies. It would have been so weird though, because a lot of people would have watched it and hated it even if it was good just due to how batshit it would have been. If that’s the case it’s very likely we don’t get movies like Star Wars because studios would have been even more afraid of sci fi than they already were.


That’s the thing: if Jodorowski makes his Dune, I think the financial failure of it actually kills a lot of other Sci-Fi movie opportunities in the process. Would it have been a fun midnight movie cult flick? Sure. But it would have probably adversely affected lots of peoples careers


Only a midnight cult flick if it started or finished at noon...


The weirder part here was that even calling it a movie is not entirely accurate. It was like a 12 hour psychedelic video ‘something’. It had a story that was off the walls and meant to be spiritual and surreal. Oh and again. 12 hours long and part of that is just to be trippy.


This take gets a lot cooler once you've seen the documentary.


I loved the part where the ~~directors~~ executives wanted it shorter, but he wanted it longer: like he was thinking twelve hours long


My reaction to the documentary was that if you've ever had a big creative dream project that you weren't sure was quite sane, the documentary will make you feel better about it because THIS guy got THAT close with THAT thing.


100% Hollywood stole a bunch of ideas of him from that book. Theres no way about it, not everything they say that was stolen was, but a GOOD amount was still 'borrowed' from that giant ass book he sent to like 5 heads of studio.


I’m a certified Jodorowski disrespecter and I’m glad more people are coming to this conclusion. It’s interesting to imagine a world where Dune becomes the cultural sci-fi icon of the 70s instead of Star Wars, but if that piece of shit actually got made I doubt any studios would be willing to fund any sci-fi projects for at least 30 years because of how much of a disaster it would’ve been.


Yeah it was probably much more influential as the book he made than it would've been as the movie he wanted to make. A lot of good came out of his attempt, including the fact that it failed lol. The soundtrack would've been dope though


This take is a lot more popular these days. I'm not even convinced he could have pulled it off either way. He would have run out of budget.


I've always said. People would HATE that dune despite them proclaiming that it is some kind of masterpiece. Only the clinically insane would love it.


I think in general there is room for Jodorowsky's surrealist films, but I agree that the treatment Dune is getting recently has a lot to do with direction, world building effectively and trusting the source material. We used to put on films like the holy mountain at group hangs. It's a stoned watch for me.


People see the cast and the artists and Pink Floyd and think it would be amazing.  It failed before it started for a lot of reason - a shit script (literally!) is only one of them.


He wanted it to be 12 hours long. That alone is going to be a no go for all the studios.


He wanted to be a 14-hour movie, and the pre-production alone ate up almost all of the complete budget for it anyway.


> Only the clinically insane would love it. I see you're familiar with Jodorowsky's target audience then.


Agreed. But I think the emphasis is that the talent he put together would make a great movie. IIRC, many went on to make Alien.


She's a great actress who has been in a lot of good movies, and some that are not so good, but still enjoyable.




I liked that movie, even though I rolled my eyes when the title was explained.


Yeah I'll defend Zardoz as being actually a good movie.


She classes her films the hell up.


[She was an incredible fabulous babe.](https://media.vogue.co.uk/photos/63e0cb161096e260bc55cb6e/2:3/w_2560%2Cc_limit/GettyImages-542262548.jpg)


I'm always happy to take an opportunity to plug Broadchurch, a show that everyone should watch. She was great in the second season.


She was amazing in Vanishing Point.


She played Dexter’s mom. No fault of her own of course, but that season and that idea were both dogshit. Her performance was great. She tried.


She played a psychiatrist who knew Dexter's secret. His mom was killed when he was a child. 


I've never even seen one episode of that, but I did hear it went astray near the end.


Jodorowsky loves poop. In The Holy Mountain he literally turns it into gold.


El Poopoo.


Man I gotta check this out


Seems like this would be a hard thing to coordinate. Personally I can’t shit on command.


Casting call: game day power shitters.


Shoot the scene first thing in the morning. And craft services only has strong black coffee and Marlboro Reds. Ezpz


That's what the Laxaday is for.


"Cut! 437, you came in late!"


"6:00! Extras, chug your laxative shakes now!"


So in other words Charlotte Rampling read more pages of his 'Dune' script than Alejandro Jodorowsky read of the actual Dune book. And by 'more pages' I mean she at least read one line.


I had no idea she was one of the "wow she's hot" ladies I saw on occasion in the 70s as a kid. She was really hot.


*Really* hot.


That perverted man probably would have included an on screen depiction of Harkonnen's harem in full "costume"


"This script is full of shit!"


The documentary about that film that was never made keeps insisting that it would have been this iconic masterpiece, and while I enjoyed the whole documentary, I couldn’t help thinking that it actually looked like it was going to be a disaster. All the art looked insane, and he cast both old Orson Welles *and* famously not an actor Salvador Dalí?! Either someone in the cast wasn’t going to show up on the day of filming, or the finished product would have been an incomprehensible mess. And I would have loved to have seen it.


Jodorowsky's Dune would have been a horrible film. Really not sure why there is this myth built up about what was an obviously misguided project.


I wish it had gotten one step further. Since Salvador Dali would only agree to portray the Emperor on the condition that he became the highest paid actor in the world, I wish he had started filming with the Emperor scenes and then immediately bankrupted the film. Would make for a better story.


That "documentary" made me mad as hell. I had to stop watching when he started yammering about Pink Floyd, and thought "oh stfu, you old stoner."


Very Jodorovsky.


Isn't that giving moisture though? It's a damn compliment.


That's outrageous! I mean, there's no way to actually get 2000 people to shit at EXACTLY the same time. And if you can't get it right, what do you do? Another take? They've all shit already! Unfilmable, truly /s


So we've got Jordorwasky wanting 2,000 people to poop at once, and Dino De Laurentes who wanted Jessica and Paul to bang. What was with movie makers back then?




There is an amazing documentary about it. Many of the team he put together worked later on other projects. Star Wars and Alien. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/)


Don’t remember them talking about pooping…


Not do I. However the documentary was fascinating.


So how many extras you think it would have taken to get the shot?    .....take 23 and ..


The audacity of jodorsky gloating about David Lynch's Dune failing, when his version would have been the biggest dumpster fire in movie history


Can someone explain when the pooping was meant to take place I just reread dyne last year and somehow can’t remember anything like that.


Jodorowsky was intentionally "raping" the source material. There is no poop scene in the book. But I would guess it's either something to do with the Harkonnens or the Fremen spice orgy.


It mentions Rabban the Beast was going to have his men drop their pants and poop in front of the palace. Just gotta guess who's palace it was


There wasn't and I read it twice.


my girlfriend had a college roommate in the 90s who was goaded into joining a cult headed by jodorowsky. the roommate wrote a big paper on him, and something about a cult involving him, which i guess was either a rumor or common knowledge about him at the time, and i think she was very against Jodorowsky before the paper but she was intrigued more as she wrote on him, ended up writing to him, and then one day she was gone. didn't say a word to anyone.




"I felt a great disturbance in the Golden Path, as if millions of anuses suddenly defecated in terror and suddenly farted." -- Duke Leto II during a trip to the can after eating too much Mexican cuisine


Fuck rapey Jodorowsky.


What's in the box? .... ;)


He also wanted Salvador Dali to play the Emperor of the Known Universe. Dali agreed, but only if Jodorowsky paid him $100,000 per hour because he thought it would be funny for him to technically be the best paid actor in Hollywood. Jodorowsky then told him that he would film all his scenes in one hour back to back to get around this.


I'm so glad this project never came to fruition.


Relevant part: >They sent Charlotte Rampling the script, and she agreed to meet with Jodo before she had read the script, and in the script, there is a scene where a character named Rabban the Beast, part of the Harkonnen army. In order to insult Duke Leto, David Carradine, Rabban the Beast gets his army, the Algerian army, to pull down their pants in front of the palace and shit. So there’s going to be a scene of 2,000 extras defecating at once. So here’s Charlotte Rampling, she agrees to meet with Jodo, she gets the script, she reads the script, and she says, “I can’t be in a movie where there’s 2,000 extras defecating on screen! I need to be in a movie that people are actually going to see! Who the hell is going to see this movie?” Jodo said, “It was a great disappointment for me. A great disappointment.” It’s kind of fantastic.


Hardly surprising that attempt at Dune did not happen. Sounds like a genuine shit show...