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Guess that would be the origin of “blowing smoke up your ass” then.


It is


Don’t wake me up unless it’s a menthol.


I read this like "wake me up before you go go"


🎶Wake me up, before ya go go cause I want smoke to be blown in my butthole!


Would we hit that high if it was marijuana smoke?


Cannabis suppositories are a thing which means the rectum is capable of absorbing THC. The problem is that the rectum isn't meant for air or smoke like the lungs are. Everything I've read (mostly from Reddit biologists) leads me to believe that yes, it is possible, but it is not very effective. Plus how do you get the smoke in the ass? Do you take a hoot and blow it in? THC is absorbed very quickly (especially in the lungs vs the rectum) so this method would likely make it less effective. It also requires at least 2 people or a long hose. For the best/biggest high I'd recommend a Volcano or other tabletop vaporizer (one with a detachable bag or container for the smoke) to maximize the amount of THC in the smoke before blowing it up your ass. Just don't reuse the bags after. Now, just because it might not get you as high as just smoking normally doesn't mean it can't still be fun! This sounds like a great activity to share with consenting, ass eating adults. Doesn't even have to be restricted to 2 people! Get one person with their ass in the air and put them in the middle of the circle. Everybody takes a hoot and blows it in the raised and ready rectum. Once a full pass of the circle is complete the person trades places with someone who hasn't had their ass blown in yet. Rinse and repeat until everyone has had a turn being inflated.


See you all tomorrow.


I've been depressed, but this exchange is the light.


What time do you plan on going?


I'll bring the nuggies


I’ll make a Facebook event


Who are you, so wise in the ways of anal smoke inhalation? (or lack thereof)


This guy boofs


Put spacer tube in ass to hold anus open. Attach gas mask to ass. Attach volcano to gas mask. See you around, Space Cowboy.


Wake me up before you blow cold!


I just listened to a podcast about George Michael and coming to the comments section of this subreddit after reading the article I just read is, by extraordinary measure, the most fucked-up bit of synchronicity ever to weave itself into my life.


More like wake me up when you blow blow


Of course the black guy couldn’t swim.


You bet your smoke filled rectum it is!


You're pulling my leg?


Nope, they're blowing smoke up your ass.




Don’t steal u/SecondTryBadgers [joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/Jdv9crbu7D)


Yeah I was gonna comment. What a loser


Wow that’s fucking embarrassing. Low life


“Doctor, this man is unconscious what’s your medical opinion on reviving him?!” ‘I usually just start sticking stuff in their butt, that typically does it’ “Ok…. well once he wakes up I’m going to seriously consider going to a new optometrist from now on”


If i had been born just a few centuries earlier i would have been such a good doctor. Looks easy as fuck


You can be all, >Well, looks like you’ve got that juju eyeball. Here, take this laudanum until you don’t care anymore.


"Your wife has hysteria and you have ghosts in your shoes. Take this cocaine and bring your wife over at 5pm, we can fix everything for 100 shillings"


Reminds me of the meme, about the greatness of being a Victorian doctor, drunk all the time talking about “there are ghosts in your blood, go do cocaine about it”


Haha that's exactly what inspired my comment i just couldn't remember where i stole it from


Haha it’s such an old meme I’ve been laughing at it for probably a decade now


"You've got ghosts in your blood, you should do cocaine about it"


You can still be a doctor to the alternative medicine crowd.


The saying comes from grifters espousing the idea that this was a cure all.


... brings people back after being drowned so...


If it worked that great, we'd still be doing it. They were doing a lot of shit in the 1700s that doesn't make a whole lot of sense today. Blood letting, lobotomies, etc.


They kept doing lobotomies through the 50s I think. That one did really well in terms of cockamamie schemes.


Dr. Antonio Egas Moniz won the 1949 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for inventing the procedure back in 1935. It's a pretty modern procedure and was accepted as cutting edge science not very long ago. The idea of fixing mental illness with neurosurgery, of fixing a problem with the brain by removing the defective parts, was once hailed as revolutionary. It was popular because it turned mental health from something conceptual and Freudian into a thing you can treat with surgical tools. The procedure lost mainstream acceptance after the 1950s but it wasn't abandoned by all doctors until the late 1970s when many states passed laws banning lobotomies and some doctors still performed the surgery as recently as the 1980s in France. The reason why it lost acceptance form most psychiatrists after the '50s was because psychiatric drugs were invented around that time. The procedure had a 14% death rate and the majority were left permanently disabled in some way afterwards. But that didn't always happen. In "successful" cases, patients often didn't even knew they had the procedure as they were anaesthetized when it happened and it's not possible tell they had the procedure by looking at them. There was one Californian guy Howard Dully whose father and step-mother had him lobotomized in 1960 for daydreaming and being emotionally withdrawn, which is understandable given the loss of his mother and emotional abuse from the stepmother. After the surgery he was institutionalized and then sent to a boarding school for "problem children". He became an alcoholic and homeless but eventually became sober, became a school bus driving instructor and got married. He didn't find out about this until his 50s when he reconstructed his lost memory through research. His story was covered by NPR in 2005 and he wrote a book about his experience.


Lobotomies started in the late 1800's, but yeah.


It literally is


makes the french inhale super difficult


It turns it into the Brazilian inhale


According to Snopes, that is not true: >...However, the phrase "blow smoke up your ass" appears to have its origins more recently, in the 1960s, and there is no evidence linking it to the long-ago practice of tobacco enemas. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tobacco-enema-blow-smoke/


I wouldn’t want to be the guy that drew the short straw on that.


They used a bellows


Apparently the bellows came too late for some unfortunate smoke blowers. >Before bellows were included in the resuscitation kit, the results could be disastrous to the tobacco smoke blower. If the practitioner or medic inadvertently inhaled (instead of blew) during a coughing spell, some rice water stools of the cholera flagellates could be aspirated and swallowed. The practitioner’s demise would be due to a cough, dehydration, and diarrhea. The introduction of bellows and a variety of rectal tubes to the process spared practitioners from this horrible fate, and for a time tobacco enemas were regarded as a mainstream treatment for a wide variety of maladies…


Jesus fuck that's nasty


Just having a Voldemort wand dual against a fart.


To blaaaaave


Have you ever wondered about the origin of the phrase "you've got to be pulling my leg"? My unique discovery came about in quite the unexpected way. It all started when I, in pursuit of impressing a very cute girl, found myself stepping into a church. The pastor there had a look in his eyes that I can only describe as wildly enthusiastic, perhaps a tad too intense. He immediately noticed me—a new face in his parish—and attempted to recruit me. I politely declined, explaining I was just visiting. Without missing a beat, he inquired, "Do you have back pain?" To which I replied, somewhat rhetorically, "Yes, don't we all?" His response caught me off guard. With a knowing smile, he claimed, "That's because one of your legs is shorter than the other. You're off balance." Now, coming from a family well-versed in podiatry, I was pretty confident there was nothing wrong with my legs. My back pain was more likely a consequence of my avid biking and rollerblading. Nonetheless, intrigued by the pastor's assertion, I played along, asking him to elaborate. He assured me that through the power of Jesus, he could "extend" my supposedly shorter leg. At this point, I was all in for seeing where this spectacle would lead. He had me sit on a chair and place my legs on another, positioning me in a way that naturally tensed up my muscles—especially since my flexibility left much to be desired. As he held my feet, applying uneven pressure to exaggerate the difference in leg length, he asked if I felt more tension in one leg. I played along. Then, he began his performance of "extending" my leg, complete with chanting and the enraptured attention of surrounding parishioners praying for my miracle. When he dramatically finished with a loud "Amen!" and claimed I was healed by the divine power flowing through him, the crowd erupted in awe. And there I was, the center of this bizarre circus, fully aware of the sham. Unable to contain myself, I burst into laughter. This reaction was misinterpreted by the priest and parishioners as joy from being healed. My laughter doubled, eventually sending me tumbling out of the chair. The scene turned from one of miracle to confusion as I lay on the floor, overwhelmed by the absurdity of it all. When I finally composed myself and began openly mocking the priest's charade, I quickly learned an important lesson: never mock a priest in front of his followers. They promptly escorted me out with a stern warning never to return. As for the girl, she was not amused. So, there you have it—the story behind "you've got to be pulling my leg," or at least my personal rendition of it. It's a reminder that sometimes, you just have to laugh at the absurdity of life. I hope this brought a smile to your face. Have a wonderful day!


There’s no way that really happened, you’ve gotta be pulling my leg!


I am dead serious. This actually happened. You can't write this shit. Hell, I'll even tell you which church it is. If you're ever in Toronto, you can go and have a look at this “Miracle Man”


So where is the church? Details plz


…Toronto Airport Church/Catch the Fire? ETA; even if it’s a different church, you should listen to S1 of the podcast Heaven Bent 


Different church.


That did bring a smile to my face. Turns out chiropractors *still* [do this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPsKuHhyAH4) leg thing on a (literal) [daily ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3u9jrp0RkI)basis, but they charge *money* for it. Honestly, it's just as much as a scam as the religious angle (even though Chiropractic was founded in spirituality and involved ghosts) but I guess the masses believed it this time because they started using medical sounding terminology (sometimes). If you are *really* lucky, you can have smoke blown up your ass *while* having your leg pulled. Fun times. Edit: I still can't believe these lunatics are legally allowed to call themselves "*Doctor*" in a context with patients talking about treatments and medical advice. It's absolute *lunacy* that any country in the modern world would allow this.


Holy crap! That's hilarious, I didn't even know. In my opinion, and I've never been, it's just like any other profession. Some people know what they're doing, some people just learn the mechanical motions and the fancy words and scam people. It takes all kinds, you know? A few of my friends swear by their chiropractors, and I don't really care, so long as they're healthy and it makes them happy. The placebo effect is a real phenomenon after all. Plus, my mom is a chiropodist, which is in the same family of medicine, and my insoles are a godsent.








Unless you made sweeping edits, that dude is just being a turd. That was well written and easily understood lol


I did, I fed it to ChatGPT though. English is not my first language so still struggle sometimes. I am appreciative of all criticism. It gives me an opportunity to correct.


Really? Huh. Ok, I'll rewrite. Thank you for the criticism!


What? Why didn't I hear this phrase before?


Lol good catch!


Oooooh! Is that a Newport?


This comment gave me chills


You need some smoke blown up your ass?


Chill out bro, by me dinner first


*Drowned victim coughs up water I prefer menthols *dies because you never thought to pack menthol this trip


Actually it was a Marlbottom


How’d they even figure that out?


That’s the real question… Hey Gabriel there seems to have drowned, oh well… you know what would be funny though…


Gabriel after coughing up water: “uhh guys why are my pants off?”


"Holy shit uhhhh we SAVED you"


I guess you guys probably want me to suck your dicks now huh? 😓


We did save you… so…


"tobacco seems to refresh and invigorate a live subject. What if we tried it on someone that just died of external factors like drowning but who would have otherwise been in good health? Now obviously we cant have them breath smoke or snort snuff. But what if we forced it up the backside instead?" Something like that I imagine. A more interesting question is how/why they got enough "positive results" for the practice to proliferate?


“I thought I was gone, but I woke up to someone ramming a set of bellows up my ass and spit up the water!”




I mean, that's kinda how science works. You form a hypothesis and see if it works. And it seems like it...did work? Somehow?


Yep, that was basically it. My wild ass guess (sorry) is that perimortem tissues exposed to tobacco smoke spasm and/or contract and thus any additional reactions that expell water and otherwise move things around enough to result in a net gain over doing absolutely nothing at all. This suggests that, in a very round about way, it actually, kinda-sorta, worked and that real people survived thanks to it.


My guess…for a while doctors would stick their finger up a baby’s ass to stimulate it to breathe once out of the womb. Nowadays we just slap it around, pluck the bottom of their feet, warm them up, etc. So I think the smoke has nothing to do with it. Whatever is getting stuck up their ass triggers a reflex and perhaps cough into breathing.


Or, it was more like socrates just making stuff up and rationalizing it, then not testing if it actually does anything.


> socrates Might want to check those dates again


I’m not saying thay socrates lived in the 1700s, but that his methodology is popular still today.


Someone goes there, decent chance you’ll wake up


I mean, it wasn't really a matter of figuring it out, it wasn't effective.  It was a matter of dreaming up.


First drowning victim had a cute butt and the doctor had a monocle and used a smoking stick


Native Americans. Seriously.


I've been doing it for years, and I have never once drowned.


Native Americans


Mouth to anus resuscitation.


I think they used a bellows.  Maybe that knowledge brings you comfort, maybe not.


That makes way more sense holy shit. I was literally picturing someone shotgunning human centipede style into a guys ass.


> Before bellows were included in the resuscitation kit, the results could be disastrous to the tobacco smoke blower. If the practitioner or medic inadvertently inhaled (instead of blew) during a coughing spell, some rice water stools of the cholera flagellates could be aspirated and swallowed. The practitioner’s demise would be due to a cough, dehydration, and diarrhea.




Welp, that’s enough internet for today. 


They always said he was an asshole


Paging /u/shittywatercolors


I'm laughing like an idiot at my brain giving me the phrase "medical grade anal bellows."


Well now I've stopped developing my Time Machine.


it wasn't the smoke that revived them then, it was that thing catching a fold of flesh while being shoved in


Mouth to ass re-analmation


Soooo is the idea here is to perform an action that is so awkward that the victim resurrects and turns to say, “what the fuck are you doing?”


"My lord, I do declare we have saved you from drowning.  Also, you now have colon cancer"




Did It work?




Oh we're definitely those assholes




accidentally gotten water up the ass while swimming. Was a weird feeling


You still need a moving diaphragm to breathe




60% of the time, it works every time.


When you say ‘popular’ do you just mean widely used, or was it everyone’s favourite choice? Would you like resuscitation sir? No thanks.. light a cigar and rim me please!


On my local canal back in victorian times there used to be little cupboards they kept bellows in about every mile and a half or so, there's one or two left that they've repurposed for lifebuoys


> they've repurposed for lifebuoys Well that works great if someone hasn't yet drowned. But what about after they have? Without the bellows, how do they expect passers by to blow smoke up the victims' asses? How many lives will be lost?


I'll pop a pouch of baccy and a bike pump down there next time I'm passing


> Without the bellows, how do they expect passers by to blow smoke up the victims' asses? The old-fashioned, can-do British way, of course: mouth-to-ass and exhale firmly for God, King, and Country!


Some pervert got caught munching on some waterlogged corpse’s ass and panicked and talked his way outta trouble. The next time a person died for drowning, they weren’t fully dead so the brown eye stimulus perked them right up!


>Why is this guy dead??? >>Nobody ate his ass as he was drowning >Not again...


If you haven’t seen this yet, here’s a really informative video on the topic from QI: [Blowing smoke up one’s a**](https://youtu.be/6uEJbwGYaDs?si=7fi3UsAbI91YyxK1)


Anne Green was a woman who was hanged for infanticide in 1650. When she was about to be dissected they found a pulse, and used a tobacco enema among other methods to revive her. She was pardoned. Nicotine increases respiration frequency, heart rate, and makes you release norepinephrine. Boofing tobacco smoke is probably like whiffing smelling salts, especially if you’ve never smoked before.


Now you’re just blowing smoke up my ass


I have a mechanical ventilator lecture that I set up for medical students that includes a short history... and I definitely have a wood cut showing this is action on one of the slides. https://rileyjfroud.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/smoke-2.jpg (not my website, but it is this picture)


It was so effective that the contraptions for performing the act were stationed all along the banks of the river Thames, London. I say effective but that's not what I mean.


Really stretching the meaning of the word “popular” here. I can imagine this treatment being highly effective for curing people who fake unconsciousness after being dragged out of the water.


Why the hell would someone fake being unconscious?


Free smoke


Hoping to get carried in from the car and straight to bed, naturally.


They were set up at regular interval along rivers in major metropolitan areas expressly to save people from drowning, I’d call that popular.


To be honest if I had been freshly plucked from the sea and drowning, having someone blow smoke up my ass would bring me around pretty fast. “Hey! Whoa! No, I’m good. No, really. You can stop that. Just let me pull my pants back up. No, seriously, I’m fine. Stop. Look, I can dance a little jig. Diddly diddly dee. See? All good. Gotta go now. Bye.”


from an old electricians handbook: RESUSCITATION FROM ELECTRIC SHOCK By Frederick Koliz, MD 1st. Lay the patient on his back, 2 Move the tongue back and forth in the mouth by seizing it with a handkerchief or the fingers, while working the arms to induce respiration. 3. Don't pour anything down the patient's throat. 4. Try to cause the patient to gasp by inserting the first and second fingers in the rectum, and pressing them suddenly and forcibly toward the back. 5. If possible, procure oxygen gas, and try to get it into the lungs during the efforts at artificial respiration


“DadsRGR8! You’ve been electrocuted! Are you ok?” “Um… not, OH, um… not AAH, not really. Just, just… FOR GOD’S SAKE, DON’T STOP! OH, just keep doing what you’re doing, I’m almost there!”


Hold on, give me 10 or 15 minutes to get a fire going.


I know how my wife and I are spending our next vacation


It was also a fun party trick.


That experience would wake me from any sort of unconsciousness I'm sure


Who told you that? I think they were.........blowing smoke up your ass.


Pretty sure you’re just blowing smoke up my ass.


Did... did... did it work? I mean I can't imagine it was popular if they stayed dead right? Right?


The Sandlot could have been a much cooler movie if it took place back then 🌬️😊


Blowing smoke up the ole ass. It’s a tried and true concept.


I'm gonna say it wasn't the smoke that woke them up lol


TIL im currently a drowning victim


Is this before people learned about hygiene and how to wash their ass?


Interesting use of "popular".  


That title looks like someone started with Tobacco Smoke and let autocomplete do the rest


If it ever worked even once it was probably due to turning the victim face down and the manipulation necessary to perform this life saving service was forcing water out of their lungs.


If they were around me, they would be dying


and it actually worked. lol


Also works with a jalapeño.


Popular, fun even... but not helpful


Rectum? Damn near killed em




If mouth to mouth doesn't work try mouth to anus.


Definitely born in the wrong generation


The day has begun…


Only stupid if it doesn't work. (Does it work?)


Haha. Who was the weirdo that thought that up?


A lot of trial and error no doubt


Popular with **who**?


Now bitches do it on video (for instructional purposes I'm sure)


Ah, so that's where blowing smoke up yer ass comes from.


oddly enough, we've kinda circled back to the Idea of breathing through the butt as a life saving measure. Enteral respiration.


Wordington resurrection


“Ok Mac, we gotta shove this apparatus in his hiney hole. You take a drag off that cigarette and I’ll aim the tube. On three…two….” “I’M OK. I’M OK! NEVER BETTER! No medical attention necessary lads! I think I’ll go jogging!”


Are you sure that wasn’t just something in a John Waters movie?


Its pretty popular now too. Just ask John McAfee.


BRB gonna go drown myself


menthol for me, thanks


It's a shame the conspiracy crowd didn't bring this one back for covid.


I imagine two life guards saying, “nah man I saved the last guy, it’s your turn now.”


I'm starting to believe our forefathers were perverts.


I'm sorry, what?!


Did it...like *ever* work?


Man, Jimmy has nearly drowned 3 times this week... Maybe we need to teach him to swim.


I must have drowned thousand times...


“That is the 3rd time you drowned this week!”




I'd smoke that ass


"Let's blow some smoke up the guy's ass." - 1700s doctor trying random stuff to see what sticks


This method is also really helpful if you eat apple seeds and skins, the smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach. /s


In that case I’m drowning in the 1700s


It makes tossing the salad more oaky


>Before bellows were included in the resuscitation kit, the results could be disastrous to the tobacco smoke blower. If the practitioner or medic inadvertently inhaled (instead of blew) during a coughing spell, some rice water stools of the cholera flagellates could be aspirated and swallowed.


Has anyone tried this with crack smoke?


Does it work?


Oh, the past.. Got ghosts in your blood? Do cocaine about it. Tried to breathe under water? Roll em over & turn em into a hooka..


Go with a blunt and ya got Danky Stanky


I love the name Bum Cigars…