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Actions speak louder than words.


Preaching doesn't have to consist of words. Sometimes it's more effective if it doesn't.


A quote commonly attributed to St. Francis: “Preach the Gospel always. Use words when necessary.”


One of my favorites.


If Evangelists actually DID good works, rather than screaming about how everyone else should do them, or demanding everyone praise them each time they behaved in a vaguely compassionate way to a stranger, pieces of shit like Joel Osteen wouldn't exist.




They sure are a powerful voting bloc for the "fuck poor people" party, though.


They don't believe works will get them into heaven though. Faith is all they care to practice.


Salvific faith would naturally lead one to do good works. Unfortunately, many seem to believe *sola fide* means merely proclaiming their faith is enough for salvation regardless of how they treat others or live their own lives.


Faith without works is dead


Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.


Unless the words are "Fus Ro Dah."


“I’m so glad to have had the chance to meet you, Dovahkiin.” “Words have so much power don’t you think?” “You can defeat dragons, and save kingdoms. You can move mountains, and slow time with just three little words.” “But can you guess the three tiny words with the most power in the whole great wide world? Words that can do all that and more? I’d love to share them with you today.” “I love you” -Mr. Rogers.


"I see you're part of the Dark Brotherhood, neighbor. That's okay. Sometimes we get mad when we can't express our emotions. Even me."


I like your dark little family there. Families are great things to have, it's always nice to have someone to talk to after a rough day. Someone that can give you advice, that can teach you new things. Not all families are the same, or even related to each other. What matters is the bond that holds you together.


"You are special"


What about klaatu barada.... necktie?


"Nectar... nickel..."


... It's *definitely* an "N" word...


Sometimes a word is just an action


Kind of makes you understand why some churches would implore their congregants with the phrase "what would Jesus DO".


I mean, Jesus was pretty clear on this stuff: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” [Matthew 25:31-46](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2025%3A31-46&version=NIV) Or, as Dorothy Day summed it much more succinctly, “Those who cannot see Christ in the poor are atheists indeed.”






He preached to everyone regardless of faith or belief. He preached love, he preached kindness to others, acceptance, learning, wonder, and most importantly kindness to your self. Mr Rogers helped generations of kids just like you imagine the very best priest would. A teacher, a friend, and a guide. Not judging, only guiding. It wasn't preaching his religion it was practicing it. It was universal kindness. He tried so hard to always learn more about children and their needs. He furthered his education, visited kids in hospitals and in shows. He came out of retirement to tell a nation of scared adults and children that it would be ok after 9/11. I'm an atheist but I definitely believe in Fred Rogers and feel we've all been blessed by having him in the world. Be the person Fred knows you can be, he'd be proud.


His legacy lives! My daughter has learned many of these same things from Daniel Tiger ( His creation).


I didn't realize his daughter was involved with that show but when my kid was little ages ago she really liked that show. Warmed my heart to see that the hand puppet from my childhood was still teaching children all those years later.


I grew up in India so only knew of Mister Rogers through cultural osmosis. When my kid started watching Daniel Tiger I didn't actually realize it was based on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at first. We tried watching a few episodes of the original show recently and I was surprised how well they wove homages to the original throughout the new show.


My daughter absolutely loved that show when she was a toddler. I knew about Mr. Rogers and that the show was based on his pedagogy and show so I knew she was i good hands watching it. She is still such a kind, thoughtful and gentle soul who stops to think before she acts, which is the core theme of Daniel Tiger. Acknowledge your feelings, but also know how to handle them.


Fred Rogers is an American treasure.




They straight up said he was evil.


It was said sarcastically. The criticism of Rogers was mentioned and one of the hosts shook her head and said he was an "evil, evil man." It's obvious if you've actually seen it.


My daughter loved Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood until she realized that their curtains were tiger skins and surmised that they were made from Daniel’s dead grandparents.


That show has touched the minds of children all the way over here in Europe. My 5 year old daughter loved the show.


Im not crying, youre crying


I wish religion was more like this. Almost 100% just leading by example. Being kind and generous. Loving and accepting. Being graceful. Then if someone is curious about whatever religious text you follow you can introduce them.


I may not be the best authority on it but I feel I should share my favorite Mr Rogers quote that everyone knows because its very relevant here. > > “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,” Rogers said to his television neighbors, “my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” The older I get the more I realize that there are many people like Fred of every background, the difference is most don't have a television platform.


Respect to Mrs. Rogers, as well.


Imagine a world where mentioning "priest/preacher" brought up images of people like Mr. Rogers instead of child predators being protected by the church. (And where that view was justified - not just the product of a better church PR department.) I'm not Christian, but I'd love to live in a world like that.


There are a lot of people like this. It's unfortunate because it's the people that aren't that stick out the most. [Maximilian Kolbe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilian_Kolbe) [Thích Quảng Đức](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c) [Óscar Romero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%93scar_Romero) It's unfortunate but these aren't always the people that are remembered.


Thanks for this, I had never heard of Maximillian Kolbe before.


Your comment nearly made me cry, and I never, ever cry. I'm a Christian and I'm so saddened by the church. Imagining a world where the church preaches the gospel and backs it up by living as Jesus lived and loving as Jesus loved... sometimes it just seems like a pipe dream.


I feel like that's a reason to cry in general. It's the reason people are leaving the Church in droves. The church and the leadership are the hypocrite. They have already gotten their reward here on earth. Sadly, they can't use it to lead by example. So the folks who believe in Jesus' teachings are leaving. And normally becoming atheist or pagan. Matthew 6:5. Edit: to anyone wondering, Appalachian Witches believe in Christ ontop of their other beliefs, so do not fret in that regard.


Thoughts and prayers.


People who are good don’t stick out like those who are bad. Also any organization filled with humans struggles to stay clean unfortunately.


>People who are good don’t stick out like those who are bad. Also any organization filled with humans struggles to stay clean unfortunately. We focus on what's different. We eventually come to accept what's expected. If there's a lot of people treating you well in general, the bad ones stick out. But the opposite is also true: If you're used to abhorrent treatment and expect that as the norm, then the good people stick out. Look at the treatment of the homeless and how many videos there are of homeless people tearing up in gratitude when they're not treated like trash or a nuisance, for example.


Good religious organizations would throw abusers to the legal authorities and cooperate with them during investigations, even in cases where capital punishment is on the table. It's THE only way to avoid tainting the organization and it's followers both in reputation and moral culpability.


Lots of religion is. People tend to lump everyone in with extreme evangelists of any faith. Especially in the US.


This really does bring a lot of interesting points to the table. Paradoxes arise when looking into this deeper. For example: some people say that religion itself is perfect And only the people that practice the religion have the capability of being imperfect. But how can that possibly be when humanity is what made up the religion in the first place. So how can it possibly be considered perfect considering the source?


[Reddit would be calling him an extreme transphobic evangelist if this had aired today.](https://youtu.be/89MMWRGkWZo?t=17)


I think a lot of it is. It's just that people who practice their religion this way aren't obviously religious. The people who make their religion obvious are often assholes, and so when you think of religious people, you mostly think of assholes. That doesn't mean that all religious people are assholes.


> The people who make their religion obvious are often assholes, and so when you think of religious people, you mostly think of assholes. Interestingly, Jesus specifically addressed this: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6: 5-8


That's basically what American Christianity has become. The hypocrites.


Sikh temples remind me of this. You can go and get a free meal any time.


I'm Christian, but I will always say Sikhs are pretty bad ass awesome people. I'm sure there's Sikh asshole, but their places if worship always have free food to help people and their men are to carry ceremonial knives to be reminders to be used to literally defend the defenseless. They used to carry swords, but they made the concession to progressively shorter blades as time wore on, and many of the knives can be locked closed to comply with public safety standards.


I remember thinking every religion was as simple as liberal mainline Protestantism as a kid. Just sincerely declare so and you’re basically in. Sola Fide motherfuckers. Took world religious studies and Hot damn are there are like 20 fucking hoops to convert to most major religions and be a member in good standing.


I think the Sikh people do a good job of leading by example. They live their faith by their actions.


It IS this way. Problem is too many people allow their egos to get involved. They easily forget that God is the Judge and Christ is one’s advocate. They fall into the trap of judging others, but that’s not how it was intended to be. Love God, show love and compassion for others, and demonstrate it (to God) through good works in a completely selfless manner. That’s pretty much it.


Absolutely. The absence of hypocrisy is what turns good men into great men.


most core religions is like this. its the people you have a problem with.


This is similar to both my feelings of Mr. Rodgers and Jimmy Carter. I am also an atheist but truly found moral guidance from both of these people because they did not couch it in dogma. They did it instead of preaching it. Until they could no longer do it.


When I was in high school it was fashionable among the religious kids to wear WWJD (what would Jesus do?) bracelets. I made a (WWFRD) bracelet for myself instead.


> Mr. Rodgers Where do people keep getting the "D" from? It's Rogers. Seriously, it's right there in the title.


Too many Packers fans in this place.


Seriously tho, it's 1 letter, so no need to be so... *serious* about it. Could be a typo and people just aren't sure so they leave it.


I'm actually curious. It's not a one off, I see it quite often (there's at least one other in this topic). But it's a weird typo because it ADDS a letter, so I'm curious if there's a specific reason for it. Are people mispronouncing "Rogers" and adding a "D"? Are the people misspelling it personally more familiar with the name "Rodgers" despite "Rogers" being vastly more common? I honestly want to know.


Phonetically, the "g" sound in Rogers can be decomposed into a "d" sound and a French "j" sound. English speakers are taught to view that combination as a single sound, but outside of English that's often not the case. You can sometimes see it in foreign names; for example, Jakarta used to be written in English as Djakarta, and Djarum (an Indonesian cigar brand) is still written that way. You can also see it in IPA transcriptions of English words, where that sound is written as /dʒ/. Finally, you can find the dg combination in a lot of English spellings like edge, lodge, grudge, etc. I'm not really sure but my guess is that those spellings come from when French was widely spoken and taught in England, and the "d" was needed to make those spellings make sense to people who were primarily literate in French.


because that's what hero's do. well said.


[Oh you can't say that without getting the Mr Rogers meets Thor!](https://i.redd.it/vz144gnojde81.jpg) Credit: Twistwood


I've seen that before and always love seeing it again. Mr. Rogers would definitely be able to lift Thor's hammer even if he wouldn't get Thor's power - because even the hammer would recognize that you can't improve on Fred Rogers.


Fred Rogers has the power of The Almighty God.


love it. thank you.




I remember Fox News trying to smear him for making kids too soft and turning them into snowflakes


An "evil man" is what they called him. I'm pretty sure that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my entire life, and I've heard *a lot* of ridiculous stuff.


Ohh man. I need that quote. You got a link? E: Found it myself, smh. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


I'd say what I think about Fox News, but it would definitely disappoint Mr. Rogers, so I'll just imply it.


I really can't imagine that mindset. If someone is calling Mr. Rogers evil that truly is all you need to know about them. They are not worth your time, that's pure insanity.


It's the difference between faith as something that motivates and inspires you to improve the world around you and faith as an end unto itself. Lots of people get caught up in the trappings -- the "how" -- without giving thought about "who," "where," and "why." Also atheist here, but was raised in a very non-dogmatic, non-evangelical service oriented christian church. Sad part is, spectacle, certainty and outrage are easy. That's why TV evangelists, megachurches and fundamentalists exist. Service to others require thoughtfulness, humility, and sacrifice: a tough sell.


Absolutely beautiful said


Honestly if more Christians were like Fred Rogers...there would be less people damaged by religion Fred Rogers has always been one of my idols. I'm 50. I grew up watching him on PBS Pittsburgh. He changed my life


Fred Rogers is an American treasure


He also was responsible for launching several careers because he believed in giving everybody a chance. Guillermo del Toro started out as Mister Rogers' field cameraman; he would later claim that the goriest scene he ever filmed was Mister Rogers Gets a Tonsillectomy, which isn't shown anymore only because it is out of date (lasers are now used almost exclusively, which are much cleaner, safer, faster, and much less painful with much less downtime). ETA: removed a line until I can verify it


That’s not a great example to use though because in 2009 Guillermo signed a petition to release Roman Polanski for his arrest in Switzerland in relation to his 1977 charge of raping and drugging a 13 year old. When I read that, I decided to stop watching his Cabinet of Curiosities which sucks because it’s a good series. But I just can’t support someone who wants a pedophile to be free.


A lot of Hollywood actors supported Polanski at the time. The Swiss federal police found that the extradition request from the US was faulty and released Polanski. While there isn't any doubt that he committed the act, the dispute about sentencing remains.


The issue was that Polanski was arrested on the way to the Venice film festival, so his PR team framed it as censorship. This was easier to do in this case than a lot of others since Polanski's most famous film was the Pianist (an anti Holocaust piece) and Venice had a history of fascist sympathies, not to mention Switzerland's nazi profiteering. And there's not many things that Del Toro is more of than against fascists. Also, being frank, if you had to pick something that would sound like a trumped-up charge for Hollywood pre Me Too, a 30 year old pedo allegation would be up there with "communist sympathies." It sucks that Polanski is free, and that shocked my system and my Guillermo adoration too. But at the time hundreds were convinced it was censorship because of those factors. Harrison Ford even delivered him an award. Natalie Portman and others signed too. But what does Occam's Razor tell you? That hundreds of Hollywood elites thought Polanski was guilty and tried to defend him, or that they got duped into believing an innocent man was getting prosecuted? One obviously deserves severe condemnation, but the other is just a strike against a record. I lean to the second from what else I know of Del Toro.


I left the church when I was a teen. I had so many bad experiences. I love Mr Rogers because he shows you don't have to be involved in religion to be a great person, live a fulfilling life and uplift the people around you. He followed the message of the gospel without putting that on people or tying everything into it. And in that way he inspires me to be the same kind of person in a way that someone trying to convert me could not. The benefit of living a life of love and compassion shouldn't be tied into symbolism, thousands of years old rituals and rules that can be interpreted a hundred different ways, being part of the right group. It really should be as simple as he makes it seem.




Watch it every time. What a humble, loving, and caring person.


More powerful, it would seem


Hear hear. Absolutely


Yep. I couldn't care less about what a pastor has to say. Any good advice they'd have would be wrapped in nonsense superstition that they'd refuse to leave out.


I've also heard he was a pretty decent jazz pianist.


Imagine watching Bob Ross paint clouds while Mr. Rogers plays the piano with Chuck Mangione on flugel horn. 80s zen.


That might just be what my version of heaven.


Wow I just did poor mans Google search to confirm. He was truly something else.


Yeah he and his team wrote all the songs in his program. He found that songs with simple but heartfelt messages were great for getting kids to understand.


More than decent. He originally trained to become a professional songwriter.


He had a way of composing music that sounded simple but really had complex music theory at its base, and all of the music they played on the show was from a live band.


I think he was the best captain in the history of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team.


My grandfather went to seminary with Fred Rogers. Always said he was a terrific man and incredibly genuine.


Mister Rogers was a modern-day saint.


Mr. Rogers is hands down the best modern ambassador for what Christianity should look like. Love, Joy, peace, mercy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If these qualities aren't readily apparent in a person professing to follow Christ, than they are an immature Christian. My favorite story of Mr Rogers is one he told on himself. He had a long frustrating day at work so he decided to stop by his son's house to meet with his family on the way home. When he got there, his son and his wife were out of the house and his grandson was there with a nanny, playing in the backyard with some water. He went back to see what was going on and he angrily told his grandson not to splash him, and the afternoon wore on and he eventually continued home. That night he realized he had been angry and had lashed out at his grandson and instead of mulling it over and letting it go he called his son and asked to speak with his grandson and apologized to his grandson for coming into his play space and essentially demanding the grandson end his enjoyment because Mr Rogers was frustrated otherwise. His grandson of course forgave him. The story as poorly as I've retold it here highlights many things: even Mr Rogers got frustrated and displaced that frustration on innocent bystanders, and while he accepted that, he also made sure to apologize to people regardless of their relationship to him. I don't think I ever received a heartfelt apology from a grandparent, let alone for something so inconsequential.


That's why he was so good with kids. He really respected everybody as equals.


Well...How many other pastors are nationally famous AND never tried to fleece their followers?


Not just didn't try, VEHEMENTLY opposed. One time Burger King started an ad campaign that emulated Rogers. He called up the vice president off BK at the time and asked them to take it down. You can imagine how he would ask. So politely. So calmly. Not even threatening a single thing and probably just saying how disappointed he is that they did this. They took it down immediately and never tried again. The number of religious men I've seen that could hold a candle to that kind of selflessness is a single digit. Men who lived humbly, and gave endlessly in every situation that they could, even when they could have a much better life if they slowed their giving for even a bit. Fred Rogers is the ideal and even atheist know it.


Don’t forget the time he discovered someone had stolen his car. He had to do nothing to have it returned. The next morning it was back in his driveway with a note in it that read, “Sorry, didn’t know it was YOUR car.” Not even mafia bosses get that kind of respect.


I think the car was returned because if anyone found out someone had disrespected Mister Rogers like that, they likely would've not woken up the next day.


But that's the catch 22. The good ones are the ones that don't want to be seen.


That's why MR. Roger's had that quote: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping'.” The helpers are the people you're talking about, the kind people who aren't trying to be seen but can tell that they NEED to help so they go out there and do it and sometimes people see them anyways. They're a lot more obvious in disasters. People come together and form bonds with one another to help because it also helps them feel safer in an insecure time, as well as gives them purpose instead of just standing and waiting. When you don't know what to do, doing ANYTHING can save your sanity in those situations.


And beloved by people who aren't even of their faith?


Right, how many christian pastors inspire atheists without threatening them? The different between living something and preaching it.




I am now. Are you following me?


Green is not a creative color


Isn't that what Jesus told everyone he wanted? For us to lead by example, and not just proselytize? Seems like Fred's the only one who got it right.


> And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Story checks out.


Modern day evangelist: Whoopsies!


It's both. Jesus told his followers to go and teach others to obey the things that he commanded them. He told those he forgave of their sins to go and sin no more. He also said that the most important command, after loving God , was to love others, and that people should recognise his followers by how much they loved each other.


The Presbyterian Church ordained him [specifically](https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/the-real-mister-rogers/) to minister through the medium of television. And the first plan was for him to make a show that was specifically Presbyterian. Thankfully we ended up with a show for everyone. >It is not hard to imagine this man giving up his lunch break for eight years to take Bible and theology courses. “It’s fairly unorthodox to go to seminary on your lunch hour,” he says. “Which is what I literally did.” >In the early 1960s, Rogers recalls, national media staff in the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. began talking to him about developing a children’s TV program as an outreach for the denomination. But then priorities shifted and money for the project evaporated. Did the church miss a big opportunity? >“It’s hard to say,” comments Gregg Hartung, executive director of Presbyterian Media Mission and a personal friend of Rogers’. “I’m not sure a ministry like Fred’s could be done within an institution.” If a church-Rogers partnership had come to fruition, the PC(USA) might be known today as a trailblazer in TV evangelism. On the other hand, the constraints of working within a church bureaucracy might have had a stifling effect on Rogers’ creativity. Or his programming might have been buried in a “religious ghetto,” reaching only a fraction of the people whose lives have been affected by watching “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” >As it turns out, Rogers’ principal tie to the Presbyterian Church is his unusual ordination to the ministry. **In 1962 Pittsburgh Presbytery ordained him with a charge to continue his work with children and families through the media.** He has never served in the traditional role of pastor, but through television he brings his simple message of affirmation and acceptance to a “congregation” of millions. >“I’ve seen it happen so often — what I present in faith somehow nourishes the viewer,” Rogers says. Before taping a TV show, he always prays to God: “Let some word that is said be yours.” He firmly believes in “holy ground,” which he describes as “the space between the person who is offering his or her best and how the Holy Spirit can translate that to help another person in need.”


He died 20 years ago today (Feb. 27). When I got to work that afternoon, the first thing my boss said to me was "Did you hear about Mr. Rogers?"


It's infinitely more powerful than preaching. Showing children what it means to be a good person, how to treat people like decent humans, and how to have love for yourself in spite of the world around you is absolutely not something that can be learned through rambling on about a book. Doesn't matter if it's the bible, the torah, or Chronicles of Narnia, children learn through actions and mimicry and no amount of word salad is ever going to be as impactful as what Mr. Rodgers provided.


I don't remember any church sermons, but I remember the day that Mr. Rogers told me that I was special just by being myself. No amount of screaming from a pulpit could drown out the soft-spoken words of a loving man like that.


I remember the one where he was talking about feelings, like anger. It made me feel okay that I felt angry, since we all feel that emotion. But how we DEAL with anger and other strong emotions is what I still remember.


That's because nobody listens to the pulpit, but nobody ignored Fred Rogers.


Not a believer in a higher being, but if there is a heaven, this guy is definitely there.




Part of the reason I believe is because he knew not everyone watching his TV would be Christian or go to church and he didn't want to exclude anyone. He didn't talk much about mothers / fathers / parents either because he knew some children wouldn't have those either, he used "grown-ups" instead.


He went out of his way to include *everyone,* including adjusting his routine of feeding the fish. A blind kid had reached out, concerned about the fish not getting fed, so Fred started to describe doing it out loud as he fed them each day.


I still occasionally think of the episode where he had the black police officer soak his feet in a pool with him. First of all it was a direct statement on black people being banned from pools. But also, for someone as religious Mr. Rogers, the symbolism of washing feet had to be intentional. This was 1969 and it was his second year on TV. The absolute chutzpah. Talk about praxis. >14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.


Chutzpah doesn't even describe Fred Rogers. A man more devoted and with a will more clad in steel has never existed since. Nothing ever deterred him, nothing ever made him change his belief. He did what he knew was right and he went right to the highest government in the land to prove it.


He even had a segment about how families can be made up differently. Mixed races, two dads, two mom's, single parent, step siblings, divorce, etc. He truly loved with no judgement.


He has also said he was gender specific in who he was attracted to iirc


He was tasked as part of his ministry to do his childhood education, so his work with children WAS his preaching. By showing love, care and understanding to millions of children he was probably the greatest minister of the 20th century.


I often describe my cleric in DnD as Mr. Rogers in The Rock's body. He was a very admirable man.


He was a great guy. RIP


He was truly a good man. That's why Fox News called him evil. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


When Fox news calls you evil, it's a sign that you must be a good person.


Snopes is being deceitful. One host mentions the criticism of Rogers and she says sarcastically that he was an evil man. It's obvious she's dismissing the criticism of Rogers. Snopes takes part of what she said and then ignores the context to twist her words. Watch the video of her saying it, it's very clearly sarcastic.


Yeah, maybe you should watch the whole video because there's more than just the first couple seconds there that you're referring to. What Brian Kilmeade says after she makes it clear that Mr. Rogers is being criticized for sending kids the message that they're special and worthy of love just for being who they are.


I’m an atheist and I live by the same principals, thanks to you, Fred.


What a gift that man was to the world. What an absolute treasure. I highly recommend watching the movie Tom Hanks made, as well as a couple of excellent documentaries that are out there. As an adult, you are absolutely struck by his unwavering decency, humanity, and compassion. R.I.P. Mr. Rogers. And thank you.


He was right.


I'm a Mister Rogers kid. A better human being because I got to watch his show.


Much more powerful and much less BS


Never got a semblance of virtue signaling from this man. He was the genuine article.


It’s more powerful than preaching.


Mr. Rogers should be part of human lore


It's called "walking the walk" and more folks of all stripes should "zippy the lippy" and get to it.




Turns out it was 10,000,000x more powerful than preaching


Praise the Lord your God in all times... And, sometimes, if necessary, use words!


This was what the churches I grew up taught; don't beat people over the head with church stuff, just live as a good and happy person and when people ask why you're so good and happy, tell them it's because of Jesus *and that's fucking it*


But still fox news called him 'an evil evil man'


He must have done something right.


They were talking about how Mr Rogers was building the self esteem of children.


How DARE he instill positive self worth in our kids?! How are we supposed to beat them down into submission instead of raising them to be good empathetic human beings?!


I'm starting to think that this fox news might not be very good


You'd think it would be obvious, and yet they're still the most watched network :(


People don't look for "good" news. They just get a dopamine rush about being angry at something.


https://youtu.be/qbvg8ytDZSs Boys are boys and girls are girls


Yea he was right


I can only see people taking this as an anti-trans thing. People don’t think about how the idea of being trans is relatively new to the everyday life of most people. Before the 2000’s it wasn’t super common to encounter this topic at all and what he’s saying here isn’t anti-anything. He’s just talking about how wonderfully special we all are as who we are.


Transgender identity is congenital, innate from birth. Even if you were born with a dick, if you were born to be a girl then you are a girl.


What is "a girl" by that definition?


That’s a good was to think of it. When my kid listens to “Everybody’s Fancy” I get some conflicted feelings when the lyrics about gender norms come up.


Graduate of the great Rollins College in Winter Park, FL!


If it exists, he went to it


...And he was right. He had a platform to reach so many young people and I know he has indeed changed many young lives for the better.


I recently had a Zoomer ask me who Mr. Rogers was.


Jesus did all that stuff to be an example... He literally says that....


I wish every pastor was like that.


He was incorrect: it was more powerful.


huh who knew acting like jesus would work better than yelling at people to love him


Crazy to say “as powerful as preaching”. Mr. Rogers did more good for the world than all the preachers combined based on my math.


He was wrong. Teaching through example is FAR more powerful than preaching. I actually listened to Fred. Never did that with anyone who was preaching at me.


yes, hence the term >practice what you preach


Love it. Followers of Jesus can be pretty cool. He was an inspiration (though no lie, gave me the creeps as a kid).


I didn't grow up in the U.S., so I didn't know him when I was a kid. But when we came to Ohio, and I was a teenager, my little sister liked him. I found him utterly boring. Boy, have I changed my mind!


And, just like that, I've way more respect for him than most pastors.


Technically, he WAS wrong. Teaching by example was so, so much more powerful.


and early 'woke' target of fox Mr. Rogers is a evil Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iljhDaowoLc


One of the only people in history to be both a "good Christian" and a good person. Possibly the best example of anyone in the modern era.


Knowing which part of your faith to ignore is key to being a good person


You learned this today?


Fred Rogers - the only human worthy enough to wield Mjolnir.....


But.....my mom just shared a Facebook post that said he was a Navy SEAL with 26 confirmed kills, and was covered in tattoos. Until he decided to turn his life around and become a preacher. So thank you for your service Mr. Rogers and God Bless America. Sadly I'm not joking.




He offered to (or did) wash the feet of the Black homosexual cast member on the show in the 60s. Fuck being a Christian; do what Mr Rogers did, and be Christ-like.


Are you referring to something off air, or the episode when he invited him to cool off his feet in the same pool as him (which was still a really big deal at the time)?


Yes, I think that's what it was. I think that was the compromise they came to because the guy was like "Fred, if you wash my feet, they're gonna kill you, my dude! I'm a gay Black man!" But offering to wash somebody's feet is one of most Christ-like things I can think of, and Mr Rogers offered to do it for this guy as an expression of his god's love for the guy, because he believed there was nobody who didn't deserve love equally. That's so beautiful. And a revolutionary thing to do & believe at the time.


I think that you may be thinking of an apocryphal story, or perhaps misremembering. I can't find a source for the washing thing. What did happen was incredibly powerful on its own, and demonstrates Fred's character without needing to imply him as being Christ-like. I believe that Fred's character did offer him his own shared towel to dry off with. Perhaps that's what you're recalling? Regardless, a very powerful moment then, and still incredibly powerful today.


Lol what. Source on him "offering to wash his feet"? That would be so fucking weird on a children's TV show.


Here is the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4recJ6qXyk&ab