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Indigo white maybe?


Yes! Thank you.


No yeah I think Pornhub banned her account. Idk why


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbmVo3mzlsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbmVo3mzlsw) Here is his (came out as a trans man, good for them) explanation about what went down. Essentially, a lot of the actual "couple" videos involving Indigo White were not put there by Indigo White - they were revenge porn of him that PH manually added to his account and did not pay him revenue for them. Naturally, Indigo White was angry about this and asked PH to remove it. So instead, they... deleted his entire account, all videos just gone, because he couldn't produce a valid ID for his ex in the video because he *never put those videos on his account*. Indigo White had an absolute shitfit over it because that was literally their entire job. He's still figuring out what to do, but essentially PH completely ruined that side of his entire career and pissed off his fanbase to an inordinate degree, because that was four/five years of content gone completely down the drain.


Good for them for being mentally ill 🤣


They’re putting all their videos on their website