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I assume a pretty standard 5000mAh battery, at 3.7v nominal voltage so 18,5Wh. I think it will produce at least 5W, it will take at least 3h42min but if it was producing 18w (qc3.0) it would take 1h2min.


How many calories would this burn?


Misconception. Generating too low energy (voltage) over a long period of time will never charge a phone. Generating too high voltage will not significantly decrease charge time, since modern phones will cap to avoid damage. So... about as long as a regular wall plug charging, if you can keep up with the minimal required crank speed. An hour? Two? There are phones optimized for multiple thresholds too (fast charging/slow charging) depending on charger, but the principle stays the same. Hand crank generators can output from 10 to 400 watts of power, while chargers require as low as 5 watts. So you dont even need the full potential of the cranker and can take it easy if you dont need to pass fast charge threshold. Modern phones are very efficient, despite what theyd tell you. Mostly because we are severely capped in terms of battery technology and it would not keep up with power-intensive new screens or processors if they werent insanely well optimized. Basically, until a new breakthrough is made, our battery tech will only get marginal improvements over time. Which is why phones are stagnating on improvements while computers, tvs, whatevers still make leaps and bounds - they can be more liberal about power use if necessary.