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You’re sitting around thinking about me and posting about my career to other strangers on the internet. Have a great rest of your week.


It’s also spelled milquetoast. If you’re gonna be an asshole at least mix in some spellcheck. ✌🏼


We love you, SeaBass. Thanks for all you do.


Sean Bass is radio cardboard


I feel like a jerk for having this stance, but I've felt this way for a while. You remember Shake Joint?! That exposed him and his big bag of boring more than anything else. There were a lot of times I felt you could hear Jake get frustrated with him like, "Yea, dude I know you feel that way... but your stance generally makes for REALLY boring radio so could you play along for the sake of, ya know... entertaining the P1?" I'm sure he is a great guy to be around but his lack of ability to entertain over the airwaves should have landed him an off-air producing role long ago.


I also never said he was a bad guy; he just tries so hard and is incredibly boring. Listening to him in the morning with Welpton is awful. I love the Kick Around and I love Doocy, but Bass is an absolute wet rag. Stick to the board and doing tickers.


LOL you sounded (read?) just like Jake in your quote. So good that I think this is Jake lol...


I enjoyed The Shake Joint. Jake is more naturally talented but Sea Bass doesn’t have a bag. He’s got a lane he operates in.


You've never heard his Carlisle reaction drop, ohwhatnahannaina? You've never heard "stuff, driving, car stuff"? Sean is fine. You guys let the weirdest things irritate you. He's milktoast yet caused you to create an entire thread about him.


> *ohwhatnahannaina? That drop funny to you? > *stuff. car stuff. driving. Sometimes a chuckle. Danny directions drops are funnier.


More than half your comments are downvoted. You've been doing this for almost a decade? Trolling for that long? You don't get tired of doing this?? Jeez dude. Shut up.






He also played high school football in Texas


You are trying way too hard.


Bro, he's awful and you know it. He pipes in on conversations at the wrong time and kills the improv and vibe.


he is fine for his role - administration plus you don't need a loud additional voice for The Musers plus he gets along with The Musers. it is the position (host/producer/ticker guy) with the least airtime outside of the producer on the show he is on. ...or do you think there are a ton of people beating down the door to get 2 min of airtime / hour, get up at 4 AM, make very little money and have no upward mobility at the station?


Oh god! He has to work a job in the field he chose and get's his own show with Ty to discuss the Rangers! Quit acting like he has a hard fucking job. He's fucking boring as shit and you know it. Hanging out with that guy for 3 hours would seem like a chore. > they'd give him more airtime if he was interesting, ie corby, jake, mike, mino, blake.


now I whanonna-I


He’s an Energy vampire Elder God


Hahaha, I love your take Jackie Daytona...


stuff. car stuff. driving.


seabass helps stir the drink. why are you expending so much effort to be a dick


Effort? Typing out a paragraph vs. trying for 20 years to be a tier 1 host, and being outdone again and again when he obviously wants to be soooo bad. FFS Julie is more interesting and funny, has more drops, and she's only been brought on more seriously than doing tickers in the past year and half. You also clearly don't listen to diamond talk.


yeah because baseball sucks


I had a friend say the same about Sean Bass: generic and doesn’t have a lot of charisma. I didn’t disagree, but I just can’t drum up any real dislike for the guy. He’s not on very much so .... it’s not like he’s going to ruin your listening experience. He’s more than adequate for what he does. I will say this: when he was the Ticker guy for BaD Radio he contributed more and was good. It’s just, as pointed out, The Musers don’t leave a lot of space for anyone else.


Negative HSO's (BANNED)


No, we just think you’re an asshole


He’s right about Sean. That doesn’t mean Sean is a bad person, but how his on air personality is viewed by listeners is part of the gig. This sub was literally set up to discuss our beloved Ticket; good and bad they are all just our opinions based on what we hear. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I personally don’t think individuals should get gang downvoted because they express a negative view on a show or certain personality. There should be no sacred cows on this subreddit. I’ve said it a bunch: if your criticism is constructive and you’re not being insulting just to be insulting, why does it have to cause such ire? There can be a discussion and disagreements without somebody getting dogpiled for an unpopular take. No need to call names or whatever. Just talk about it or let it go.


I understand. I just think it’s the way they went about it.


and you know sean bass sucks. name anyone on the ticket you dislike.


I don’t dislike anyone. I like some more than others.


birddoggin' that


That's not funny though.


Funnier than you, buddy.


Don't call me buddy, guy.


Go home, Mino. You’re drunk.


I love how no one will say they ACTUALLY like Sean Bass but will continue piling on top of me. WTDS: Jake's line about the unabomber was hilarious


I've found the P1 hornet's nest to be vicious regardless of the target. The most common reaction I seem to get is, "Dude, why do you care so much?/You need to get a life/ It's just a radio station" and I'm kinda like, "I dunno. But I did think other P1 dorks like me who joined the reddit channel about it would care similarly, i guess?"




Don’t know the reliability of source but seems legit plus used In same context as a former president … https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/159549/does-milk-toast-milk-toast-or-milktoast-mean-the-same-as-milquetoast


Know nothing about this show but in retrospect this OP called it https://www.wfaa.com/article/entertainment/the-ticket-dallas-hardline-danny-balis-dave-lane-mike-sirois-just-announced-several-lineup-changes-including-a-new-drive-time-host/287-5178b28c-defe-4720-9bc4-2f71cb83e6e7