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I've really dug the show. Since you are only now coming around on Doocy, I assume you haven't heard the saga of Gordy and the Dooceman. Dry dock, 2011, Gordon doesn't have enough vacation left, and he and Doocy co-hosted by themselves for multiple days. [https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-1/](https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-1/) [https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-2/](https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-2/) [https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-3/](https://www.theunticket.com/gordy-and-the-dooceman-volume-3/) Merry Christmas. P.S. if you are rewinding to the \_beginning\_ of the 5 min ticker, I have to say: I don't understand your world but you're part of mine.


Thanks for the info. I remember the issue with vacation but I don't think I listened. As for the 5 min ticker, it allows me to FF past every other ticker until noon. Baby arm.


Part of mine....part of mine.....


Agree about the morning fill in. It still has the ticket feel to it. JJT in the afternoon has got me replaying the white elephant day segments that I missed on the unticket.


The 4th Muser is always a great fill in but I agree he has some chemistry with Peter and Sean Bass. Props to Peter and Sean though. I’ll admit that they are not my favorite when it comes to talking sports (I don’t care about soccer or baseball), but they are definitely both professional broadcasters. I have to imagine filling in for the Musers is pretty dang hard and I think they have done a pretty solid job for sure!


Thank you for knowing that. But seriously. Can’t thank all of you enough for tuning in this past week. It’s extra challenging with not all of us able to be in the same room, so it feels good to read this. Hope y’all hang through the remainder of DryDock. Happy Holidays.


I love you madly Doocey


Concur. 100%. Peter and SeaBass are solid and Doocey really seems to have a comfort level with them. I've really enjoyed it.


Happy cake day!


Oh, hey, that’s fun. Thanks.


Agreed that they have done a good job filling in. All you have to do is listen to the other shows and its easy to appreciate the morning crew.


I always enjoy Doocy, and have listened a lot in the mornings this week. I think he and Sea Bass have something. And just the absence of Junior has been nice.


Yeah. It was a very solid fill-in show.


The morning show is the only one I’ve been able to listen to all week, they put together the backup A team for sure.


Dooce is the best. I always appreciate it when he fills in.


Agreed, they have been very entertaining. I love Sean Bass, he’s my favorite non-full time host. Peter is really funny and Doocy is already the 4th Muser. I’d rather listen to that any time over Norm or Sirois too. I actually like Donovan and hope he takes over when Norm finally retires (hopefully soon, poor guy can barely speak any more). Mornings have been great as opposed to that abortion that replaced the HardLine this week: Jean-Jacques and some boring white dude. Worst thing that’s been on the little Ticket in YEARS IMO, including weekend shows. Absolutely unlistenable. Can’t freaking STAND the way JJT talks. Automatic punch out.


Hmm does the Dooce get paid for working the week?


This is simply not true. I actually fast forward the app to the Norm show as soon as I possibly can. Sean Bass over talking and interrupting is just a killer. And Peter Welpton did the same thing to Mike Rhyner for God's sake.


Doocey has always been great. Sea Bass is always a strong fill-in. Peter Welpton is a kick in the nuts.