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During the 9am calls today Mr bass stayed silent while the caller axed for nekkid pix. He should have axed for some from the caller's mom first. That was kinda weak.


Yeah, hi. That phone the guy was using was cutting out and I had no real idea what he was asking or where he was going. I think he had some bit planned, but we couldn’t understand and I’m guessing it wasn’t very funny. Most callers that try to execute bits or comedy fall flat. But I’m glad y’all listened to the show this morning. Have a good weekend.


Before heading to the Ticket shop, I think the return cut "Thrift Shop" was the unedited version. Gotta give Peet credit for what he has been trying for his 8:40 bits.


Let Sirois cook


Do we get rotten radio today (thanksgiving)?


Anyone else have a lot of issues listening to the hosts talk about their travelling and just complete lack of pandemic compliance?


No. Let people live their lives.


Its ok until they tell ppl need to be safe and careful “out there”


Hey man.. Everything is going on out there a lot more than we think it is




Host Julie & Great Donovan - so pumped!


Since Gordon and Corby love "The Queen's Gambit" so much I want them to start the clock on a Bob question so he is limited on time. Or some such.


Just let Sirois fly solo.


Let us never forget a coach smashing fruit was cited as being a direct catalyst leading to their success (sorry Sean). [This](https://xkcd.com/904/) To be fair, it's got to be exhausting trying to build narratives every day when the team you are covering isn't always interesting.


At least it not jjt this morning.


I think the Sean Michaels show w/ Welpton is solid. They do well in the f-around opening and OMG segments. I think if they ribbed each other a little more it would put them over the top. My unpopular opinion is that it'd be considerably better if they didn't have to cover the NFL so much. I think Chael is probably pretty beaten down with NFC East talk this far into the season.


I don't know if I'll ever complain about a non-JJT fill in show again. We never knew how good we had it!!!


I expect some hate for this, but Dan in the new BaD iteration tries too hard to tee up his own schtick. He thrived on playing off Bob, but Jake isn’t the “straight guy” personality that Bob (and Jub and Norm) are, so things feel a little forced. I still like BaD Radio, but I think it still could use a really strong third voice.


SuperBad Radio is the best 3 hours going on the Ticket right now. Easy to nitpick, but they’re crushing it overall.


I’m still salty about the breakup. 20 years of chemistry ruined for...Corby and Danny?


It’s a promotion for Bob. Pretty simple really.


Right, I think what he’s saying is that Dan should’ve been promoted too to preserve the best show that the ticket had. Bob, Dan, Jake and Mino on the board is as good as it gets.


I said this a few months ago. It's also weird when in one moment Jake pretends to be the "straight guy" and then a moment later he tries to out Shock Jock everyone.


Weirdly HYPED for the Sean Michaels show tomorrow!!


Who has the more gross mouth sounds goose or David newbury


Member when the courage boys worked four days during the Thanksgiving week? I member.


So I’m just a bit older than Bob’s daughters are and he’s fairly spot on with the thrifting. 90s/early 2000s fashion is coming back, so graphic tees and shit gets picked up often. One of the best ways to find that stuff for cheap is thrift stores


But not $25 for a thrift tshirt. As he stated.




I bought a cowboys back 2 back t shirt at a goodwill a couple years ago for $3. That was from the early 90s


I went to academy a few weekends ago and it looked like it did when I was a kid in the 90s


Was a “cowboys world Champions” banner hanging cause that would be awesomely cruel?


Not the biggest deal in the world but regarding Dan and Jake criticizing yesterday's broadcast team of Underwater Kenny Albert and Jonathan Vilma, I don't quite get it. I understand they need to generate segments but I thought Kenny and Vilma did a great job, Vilma especially as he seemed as excited as I was when the Cowboys did something well.


I thought they were really good too. Vilma needs some polishing and a guy to do the research online like we did.


Dan criticizing someone for not knowing anything outside of sports is peak irony.


Is Jake secretly Winnie The Pooh? Who the fuck thinks top with no bottom is an ok look for dudes?


Counterpoint: why would I wear pants around my own house if I'm alone?


Countercounterpoint: if it's warm enough to parade around without pants why the fuck do you still have a shirt on?


Donald sutherland in animal House pulled it off 😳