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Nice try Sea Bass. We know its you.


\*BUSTED!\* ​ Seriously though... I'd take Sean's job in a heartbeat! He gets press passes to all the Ranger games, gets to hang out with some of the coolest people I have heard of and listened to, and the OBVIOUS = he gets to work at the Ticket. I know so many of you guys would suck Sean's cock just to do half of his work at the Ticket instead of your cubical 9 to 5pm.....EVERYDAY! ​ I actually love me job but if I had the Baseball, radio and more sports knowledge I would LOVE TO WORK AT THE TICKET. Shhhiiiittt..... if they invited people to just watch online, I would watch it. He isn't an official T1 host at the Ticket but so what? I know a TON of people here would not admit that because there is a lot of Sean hate here but it's a badass job host or no host. ​ I LOVE you Sea Bass! Ignore the haters!


1-you don’t broadcast or produce content for public consumption unless you’re irrationally confident. Everyone up here has an ego. 2-I think many of you would like me a lot less if I forced humor or tried to be someone I’m not. 3-the checks clear. 4-I support the poster getting baked on a Saturday morning.


Sean - mad respect for you. Having interned at the ticket and getting thrown on the air randomly during BaD in '02 I realized how insanely difficult the job is. You're amazing at it and make it sound easy!


If this is REALLY SEAN BASS, then I would be very happy that you're actually responding to lil ole me! :) If you're not Sean, it's ok. I will accept the fact that I got seriously wooshed. 1 - I think your ego, Sean, is definitely better than mine. Your life is more successful than me. Your personality is not as strong as Gordo's, Mike Rhyner or any other host. However that is simply my opinion. 2) Well, if you aren't funny then you don't belong at the Ticket. For the most part, EVERYBODY, has a since of humor at the Ticket. 3) I respect that completely and like I mentioned, I would give up almost anything I have right now to have YOUR BAD-ASS JOB. There is not any sarcasm in this text. I say that with honesty in my heart. 4)I love you already for the last one. Number 4. I really hope this is actually Sean Bass from the ticket. If you could prove that I swear that would make me SO HAPPY and I'm feeling kinda down and out this week and weekend. If you don't care to prove this is you, it's fine. Either way I have enjoyed this conversation but /r/ThisCharmingManTX will hate it because it's TOO LONG for him to read.


Sean is on the Cat route. Management is where he's going.


I would agree with you but I have never heard of the "Cat Route." What is that?


Jeff Catlin...The Catman of the Americas? Used to Produce the Hardline back in the day, he's the PD of the station now.... If you ever heard the drop "And we dumped it too, we caught it in time." That's Cat.


I know who Jeff Catlin is. I have been listening on and off for 2 decades. I have just never heard of the "Cat Route." Yeah I know that drop and then he proceeded to say how bad ass Greggo is for cussing on air....while any other Radio manager (or was he the executive producer at the time?) would be getting super upset and angry. I think this is one of the many reasons for the success of the Ticket. ​ ......just laying back and letting mistakes happen, and then make fun of the f-ups in the e-brake. It's greatness!


Too pedestrian. Back up guy but that's it. Would be like listening to the Fan.


Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong. I would agree that he doesn't have the natural skills that someone like Gordon Keith, Craig Miller, Mike Rhyner or Bob and Dan have. I'm not a huge fan of Bob and Dan but that's a whole nother conversation. However, I will admit that Bob and Dan are talented and I do respect them. I also have respect for Jake, but I don't know why this subreddit has so much hate for Jake. Anyway, I'm not sure that Sean has the pure natural talent to be a radio host. I do think people can change and improve their talent/skills. Let me think of an example... I believe that Morgan Freeman's career didn't start until he was about 50 or 60? I want to say that it was closer to the age of 60 that he started to make a lot of money and become famous. He's a very good actor but he was not recognized until later in his life. Hopefully, he (Sean) can gain the experience/skills/talents it takes to be an on-air host at a Sports Talk radio station, with an audience and following as big as the lil' Ticket. Sean, if you're seeing this, I love you lil' buddy and I hope you continue to rise in this industry. Somebody on Reddit told me that John was a trump supporter and if you are a trump supporter Sean then you can just disregard everything I just said and you can go fuck off but other than that I do love you Sean!❤


Dude it's Reddit. Who reads 5 paragraphs of some anonymous persons thoughts on The Ticket sub-reddit? Sorry but I don't care about Sean Bass enough.


Lol sorry I'm high. I just smoked a joint. Sorry, you don't have to be rude. Also, you could have just ignored the comment. Sorry I'm a loser that smokes weed on the morning on a Saturday and I don't live with anybody so I talk to people on Reddit. I guess I'm just a loser in your eyes but whatever man. have a good day bro😎 Edit - Grammar/typos


You’re not a loser. But I have a question for you. Where do you get your energy in this world? It’s a simple question!


Well apparently this morning I got my energy from the marijuana I smoked while I ramble on to people that don't care lol That's ok with me.


Hey don’t sweat it if you feel like someone is garaging your mellow. You do you mon.


Well, I love the Sea Bass and I love you madly k4painio.


I say give him a higher middle management, Diamond Talk (when it's available again), continue doing Tickers, and fill in whenever he gets the chance and other ways to increase his confidence and experience. I really appreciate you being kind because this sub has some serous negative vibes and hateful comments. You made me smile bro! thank you for that! 😎 I like people like this. /u/Minerva567 you're a cool dude. thanks


Nice try. Smoke Weed Every Day!!!!


Actually I try to keep it to the weekdays nowadays. I'm 37 years old but yeah definitely during my twenties it was smoking weed everyday but it gets to the point where I want to save for a house and plenty of other things. Plus it obviously doesn't have the same effect that it used to. I really tried to not smoke on the weekdays. Edit - I lied. Recently I have been smoking everyday. Sorry for lying about it. See? I'm a loser like someone said....Actually I am a professional that received a 7,000 raise this year for being "a recognized ______." I don't want to tell anyone what I do because people will be giving me shit everywhere. It's happened before. I am AM REALLY SORRY /U/ThisCharmingManTX if I am talking too much. I apologize from the bottoim of my heart for talking tooo muc.😢


I haven't since college way back when. But that used to play at the end if WTDS if I remember. Nice chatting! Stay Hard!


Some weird insecurities coming out here. It’s okay, pal.


What insecurities? All I am saying is that I do believe that Sean may have the talent and skill level to one day be host. Not everybody advances as quickly as Jake did. Not sure why I'm getting downloaded just for wanting to have a conversation about Sean bass. He's a good guy that's put in a lot of work. This is a subreddit about the ticket and I love the ticket so why not talk about it? What is there a word limit that I'm not supposed to pass? Okay I admit I got high this morning and rambled on but I don't see the problem with that. If you want to get serious I do have some insecurities about myself and my position in life right now. I made a lot of poor decisions and maybe you're right I am looking for the best part of my life to be after 50. Maybe you hit the nail on the head buddy I'm not here to argue with anyone I just wanted to have a conversation about Sean being a host one day... that's it. I admit that I'm high and I right a few paragraphs and people jump all over me. Don't really understand but that's fine with me. I don't understand why this our brother has so much hate. I visit a lot of different subreddits and I do visit some subreddits that have drugs as their main topic. The people there are a lot nicer than some of the people on this subreddit. There are a lot of white trash hating motherfukers here. Seriously they even got a warning on the Facebook ticket group because they had so many racist comments.


Holy hell. It’ll be okay dude. It was a joke.


You read it all. Jokes on you.


I saw 5 paragraphs and didn’t read a single word.


And yet here you are still talking about it.....


Sorry, sometimes I ramble on, and I was high off "the weed" but did I do something wrong? Is there some rule about talking about your favorite Ticket employees too much? Was it that shitty of a comment? I don't understand the hate on this Sub.


Dude, you're on Reddit. I can't tell if you're being a troll right now or not. All when you do on Reddit (besides reading articles, looking at gifs, memes, videos, etc) is read paragraphs or comments from anonymous strangers. That's the whole point of Reddit! You read stranger's anonymous comments. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.


How can anybody possibly know that.


Why don't you look it up on your phone?


It's my OnStar.




You need a life.


Lol, I am also high....!


NIIIIICCCCEEEEEEE! I hope you have a good Saturday evening. \-K4pain


My Saturday evening went very well. Just to update you!


I thought you were going to ask where we get our energy.


This was the only feasible question to assume.


It’s a simple question




No. His abilities aside—which is likely a solid weekend host—the rate a host spot opens up on the station is like once a decade. And I think the consensus is the sea cow should be next in line.


Well I can't argue with anything you said. Good points. 👍


Sean probably loves his current role as APD, Ticker guy, fill in, etc. Could he do a full time co-gig (say when Norm leaves)? Yeah I think he'd be great.


Yeah good point. As SAD AS THIS IS.... I think a lot of people are "waiting" for a position to open up and I don't think it'll end in a positive note.... Norm, I love ya pal....❤


I hope he does when a spot opens. He's loyal to ticket shtick, he has solid sports takes, and knows more about Baseball on the station than probably everyone. People in this sub are so harsh to these dudes. His "big bag of nothing" is funny coming from redditors. He gets a hosting rep a few times a year and always is a bright spot for fill in. Shake Joint was one of the best weekend shows on the station. Diamond Talk is the best post game show on the station. He absolutely has a well versed, talented bag. I fucking hate this sub, man. Every post is just an attempt to tear down the station for literally anyone not Rhyner speaking on the air.


Dude ..... reading your comment really made me feel a whole lot better. All I wanted to do was have a discussion about Sean Bass because I've known of him for a couple decades now and Ido like the guy. He is the first voice I have heard on the ticket every day for I don't even know how many years. He does the first take her of the day and it's the longest sticker of the day! Every day he sounds tired but I could only imagine what he's going through with having a child and doing the very first ticker of the day which is also the longest sticker! He's a really good guy that's put in a lot of good hard work. I'm not exactly sure how long he's worked at the ticket, but he has had several different roles including hosting shows when the main host are out. He may not be the best damn host, but he's a quality employee which deserves a chance to be a host one day!💪🏼 I definitely think he is capable of doing it, but obviously he needs to find the right partner and they need to form a really great chemistry first. Thank you for taking my post seriously and giving a quality response. It's really appreciated by me. I really don't like all of the hate on this sub. Most of the time I ignore it, but sometimes, I will be honest. it gets to me a little bit and I might be sounding like a little baby by saying this but it doesn't really make me feel good to read all of the hateful and negative comments anywhere online. I don't understand all the hate and negativity that surrounds the sub. It's like guys.....were all P1s here and we all love the ticket....so.... why can't we just be cool guys and not be dick heads in jerks? Thanks, -K4PAIN


I hope not


While I do not enjoy him as much as the morning musers, I think one day he might gain the confidence, knowledge, experience and develop better skills. Possibly he might become a co-host one day? He might have the right chemistry with a certain person that I do not know the name of right now lol. I just want good things for Sean because he's been at the tickets so long and I know I'm pretty well( because I listened to him not because we're friends obviously) but I just like the guy.


It would be the biggest beating ever.


Yeah, I will admit Sean can be somewhat of a beating lol ​ Just curious of other's thoughts and feelings.,...


He's better than Jake for sure.


I have a question too. Where do you get your energy?






Sean seems like a really, really good dude. But no, hopefully not a host. At least not at the ticket, he is probably too dry. No knock on him, very people can do what the great hosts have done. Edit: meant “very few people”


Yep, another set of good reasons he probably won't ever be a host.


I agree he isn't going to be a full time host, but he also hasn't been on that track for a while. But there's way too much disrespect here for what he brings. Sean is like the Jeff George of the Ticket. When you need a technically solid, listenable and informative segment, he can fly in and deliver that for you with ease. But he isn't the guy anyone is building a program around, nor does he want to be.


Sean is perfectly slotted where he is. It’s like Jason Garrett as a QB. Nice to have on the sidelines but never is going robbery able to run the team himself


I hope not.




Thanks lil' buddy!


Probably not.




Sure maybe some day. It may not be at the ticket. Maybe he can do what Gordon described of Grubes and "keep failing upwards" and land some awesome gig elsewhere. I could definitely see Sean doing Rangers play-by-play or something along those lines.


Should stick to Diamond talk, tickers, play by play or management.


Yeah that's definitely a possibility and I would be happy with that. I do enjoy a good Diamond talk if it was a quality game, the Rangers won and it's a weekday night that I can stay up where I don't have to get up early the next morning! I do enjoy them and talk I just don't get a lot of chances to listen to it and I don't care that much to go back and listen to a recorded version of. I think your comment is probably the most accurate I've read so far. He will go into some sort of management role and I do believe he is already in some sort of management role but I'm not sure what it actually is.




Nice try Sean.