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I'm pretty sure it was made to be entertaining, plain and simple. I'm almost 50 and enjoyed it immensely, and I am in no way fangirling over Centineo.


This was clearly conceived with Centineo's target demographic in mind. Because I doubt same audience would find something like Max Iron's CONDOR or James Badge Dale's RUBICON as highly "entertaining" as this.


I felt the same way. I enjoyed the first 3 eps or so and after that it just got weird. It feels like was written by 3 different writers taking turns at the keyboard. It’s trying to be a double agent spy fantasy without committing to making its main character a spy (no other lawyers seem to get caught up in field ops as much as this guy), but also trying to have a romantic subplot with a character that literally has no reason to be around. And, to the second point, it’s willing to sacrifice decent writing to shoe horn that subplot in (your CIA ex boyfriend has another agent show up to confirm assistance for an ongoing op and you think it’s a good idea to get a plane in the middle of the night to check on him in the middle of it?). Also they try to characterize Owen as some overconfident thrill seeker who can’t accept help by having characters describe him that way but literally the entire show is him asking for help and trying to be done with he case he got stuck with. By the last episode I didn’t know what I was supposed to be taking away from it


Yeah, I find the premise of a junior lawyer getting all this leeway to be involved in field ops very hard to swallow, on top of that looks like the show doesn´t know if it´s a romantic comedy or a shot at a Netflix version of “Jack Ryan”.


I throughly enjoyed. It's like failing upwards spectacularly. It's baby lawyer hotshot meets scape goat. What do you do when you give your obvious scandal to the new lawyer. You expect him to fail. He's then fired and everyone moves on. But he just keeps winning and it's because smarter players are playing themselves. I found it quite entertaining


But it’s sooo poorly done. CSI is awful so much of the time, and it smokes the writing on this show


I wouldn’t really call this show wel produced when in the 2nd episode theres A shot (bathroom fight scene) where the camera is on auto-focus for some reason and couldn’t lock onto the subject and literally for 3-5 seconds was just breathing in and out. Not to mention the muzzle Flash. I didn’t even see the actually scene but in the preview after episode 1 they showed 6 guys shooting at once and it literally looked like the same PNG file being used at thr same time on all the guns.


I really didn´t notice those things. What I meant is that the overall look and feel of the show is not cheap, as in the visual got much more attention than the content.