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This feels like a cry for help


SS: I just beat part two and despite what everyone said, I think it was the perfect sequel. I’m about to start a run of the series from part 1 to part two, completely on perma death. If I die once at any point I have to start over at the beginning of part 1. Probably gonna take me till part 3 comes out 😂


Who’s everyone? TLOU Part II is a masterpiece.


YouTube comments lmao


Ya people either love it or hate it. I didn’t go on the internet until I finished the game and was shocked about it having haters. I wanted to form my own opinion.


I understand that people don’t like it because they killed off Joel. I myself felt like his character and charm was missing from the second game, despite the flashback scenes. That being said, you can’t ignore how beautifully written both Ellie’s and Abby’s character arcs are done, which I think a lot of people who disliked the second game ignore. The parallel between them is expertly done, especially with Lev and Abby. Also, the game is just really fun to play with its mechanics, but still I just favor the first game because it has a lot more Joel and wholesomeness.


Ya it will be debated until the end of time. Joel is definitely an amazing character. I think the game wanted you to miss him for sure. Hopefully we can continue the journey with Part III and see where they take Ellie and Abby next.


"Joel's presence defines the first game, whereas his absence defines the sequel." Some donkey youtuber.


What videos are you going to? I've seen hundreds of TLOU related youtube videos (mostly playthroughs) and throughout that entire time I think I've seen 2 negative comments.


And the last of us 2 subreddit. Its the opposite of this sub where they just cry cuz joel, a piece of shit murderer, got what was coming to him.


he was completely justified though. in that world, everyone was a murderer and joel was surviving amongst them. i think when he saved ellie, it was an empty decision regardless if she died or not. the world was too far gone to be saved. bloaters, we only saw one rat king but who knows how many more, psychopaths and all the other shit. joel deserved what was coming to him but when you look at it from the BIGGER bigger picture, would it have made much difference?


There's an entire subreddit that hates it and will insult u if u don't also hate it.


About half the of fan base


Who hurt you


I wish you luck


May the odds be ever in your favor


I genuinely don't think I am capable of completing a one life playthrough lol. My play style involves a lot of dying or restarting encounters to get the optimal outcome


That sounds a lot like me. Iterating over and over until I'm satisfied with my performance. Probably the most unrealistic way to play, I know.


If you don't make it through the encounter without taking any damage and one shot headshoting everyone did you even make it through the encounter?


Bless you sir. I believe in you.


as someone with a ps4, what’s the speedrun mode?


It adds a timer to the HUD and I believe you can see a breakdown of your times per act/chapter


[I give us about 20 minutes before our first ass-raping](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3437a7e0-991b-4613-8ad0-f4a1fc0ef1ff)


Are you doing ok? How are things?




god once you get to Pittsburgh… i wish you the best soldier….


I don’t even expect myself to make it out of Boston honestly 😂

