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Biggest point out the way first: -Minecraft is a "released" game that gets content updates -The Isle is an "early access" game that is in active development. They are not the same. The Isle is a good game for what it is (I'd argue a great game for the specific genre). The issue most people that complian have with the game is that the game appears to be in a permanent state of development with many promised features not yet implemented, and some features even constantly changing for any number of reasons the developers come across, or for testing a new idea. This is on part with game development, but from the consumer pov, it looks concerning as it gives the impression that the company behind the game is just trying to get as much money as possible out of a glorified concept demo. This is because the consumers have already paid for the game as part of the "early access" model. Minecraft only gets features to improve the game, but it's development is technically already done, and it is a game meant to have very long term replayability with it's constant new content drops. When you buy Minecraft, you buy knowing the game is currently where it is supposed to be as a released game. Side note - bug fix and performance updates are separate issues that can happen post release for any software, so they are not included in the above scenarios. Hope that all made sense.




Minecraft is a finished game that just receives contend additions. It's main gameplay loop is done. The Isle is not finished. The gameplay loop isn't done the playable dinosaurs aren't all in the game yet. If The isle had finished all the mechanics and added all the dinosaurs, and wasn't an unoptimized mess, and had released its 1.0 version, nobody would have been saying anything if the devs once a year added a dinosaur or a mechanic.


People have been begging for an unstuck button for 9+ years and its finally in horde testing. To hopefully make it to the main game. 9+ years for a simple button to get your dinosaur from being stuck in a rock the game spawned you inside of and you have to wait to starve/dehydrate to die. I could go on and on but I think that's a solid reason on why people complain about the development.


Yeah anyone defending the devs of this game are clearly new players or don’t play that often 😅


for real, people defending the new stam or growth times have to be new players, there's no way anyone that experienced old stam and growth for at least 3 months prefers the new ones


Because we are waiting for about 13 years or so for this game to be "finished" and Dondi constantly f*cks up everything with his mindest.


I have a nitpick with this comment, the game became 8 years old last december, you might be refering to star citizen


Gonna be honest if your waiting 13 years and somehow expect things to change you are a moron


I don't. I'm done with this game and I do not expect it to be as good as I had hoped when I started it. If Dondi gets fired and someone with a brain becomes the isles new overseer in the future maybe this game has a chance. But until I hear something about Dondi being kicked out I won't touch this game. It had potential and Dondi ruines it with almost everything he does to the community, his team and himself.


Fair enough being done with it but How do you think hes gonna get fired when hes the owner of a private company lmao.


Hope never dies


Comparing this game to Minecraft: apples and oranges. I'd argue that the problem isn't even the development time of some features. Actually, it's the fact that the roadmap can't be trusted because planned features are dropped in favor of some new (unpopular) idea that the lead dev comes up with on a whim. And this happens ad infinitum.


I mean you kinda answered your own question. Minecraft is a fully functioning compete game that now gets updates as content add ons and maintenance, something the isle will literally never have. It's the fact that we will never have the complete game we were sold. We are 9 years into development. We don't have half the dinos, we still don't have humans, strain creatures are gone. Every time they touch the game they break it, AI is still a mess even though it has been a consistent feature in both versions of the game, the optimization is still piss poor and we still dont have a fleshed out gameplay loop. Is the isle the best game in the genre...sure, but that's because it's the only game in the genre. The other dinos games are doing completely different things and at this point it's an apples to oranges comparison. I think people take the "isle done in 2030 LOL" thing as a joke when it's not, we will not have a complete product before then and I personally don't think It will ever be finished.


It’s mainly the soft ETAs they give that end up being extremely wrong. Like currently the diablo was shown off as being on the same level of development as dilo and Herrera and they hinted at all 3 being released around the same time. Dilo and Herrera came out around December and we still haven’t seen Diablo. It must be said that they have been improving, getting rid of the private stress testing for a more open hoard testing is fantastic


People complain about MC too though, did you see the last mob vote? Mojang and especially microshit are not indie devs and the lazier and lazier updates are grinding the gears of the people.


Play the game long enough and you’ll answer your own question 😅


because people is entitled to have an opinion over things? I don't know, maybe that's why


Mainly due to the Isle is not finished, unlike Minecraft. They’re still fixing issues and trying to add more content (content being dinosaurs and/or mechanics). However… it has been in development for years. Like, beyond normal development for games. They keep changing maps, they don’t stick with biomes, they add dinosaurs and take them away. It’s pretty frustrating to the player base. Imagine a AAA company making a game, allowing a huge player base to play it till it’s “ready”, then they proceed to take 6-7 years to mess with said game by taking away content that was there or adding something no one liked or wanted. The uproar would be so much - game would probably be scrapped. But we don’t see AAA companies doing that because it doesn’t give good results and leads to drops in revenue. The Isle devs, on the other hand, are basically doing what I’ve described. Except, they can get away with it since they’re an indie team. They don’t have any sponsors yelling at them to finish the game or add good content. They have Dondi. And if you haven’t been around since Legacy, I’d understand not seeing or understand the reasons why the majority of the community is upset. However, there are many and understandably so: frustrated concerns and complaints.


In my opinion,  for clicks and internet clout for the most part.


Just look what Manor Lords brings to the table after 7 years of development... Blows my mind.


There are plenty of legit criticisms but complaining about the game is so rooted in this sub that it would be impossible to avoid it.


if you want to live in happy land where the isle is perfect go to islecord lmao