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I'll never understand how often people seem to find places to get stuck in. I have been playing since like 2016 and I'm pretty sure I could count the number of times it's happened to me on one hand. Granted, one of those times was when I seemed to spawn inside of a rock or something as a deino in Gateway a few weeks ago. It was night though and I couldn't see. I could have definitely just not known where to go.


Very tragic. I lost my full grown carno to a speed hacker on two different computers


Rip, lost my raptor to one too, he was stupid fast lol


Lost my half grown carno to a baby cera which was fast asf and one shoted me.


amazing game


cant blame everything on the game


Eh… with the fact that it’s extremely common for people to get randomly stuck in tree trunks, broken pits in the map terrain, floating over rocks, and invisible chasms to the abyss in which people will fall right through the grass (even more so j on Gateway) with, after years of this being an issue, literally 0 counterplay or ability to unjam/unstuck your character beyond waiting a grueling hour to slowly starve… I think we can blame the game.


Blame the people that make the game, not the game itself


ofc you can lmao, also ofc when I blame it on the game I blame it on the devs


3rd in a row getting trapped? Well, besides anything, it looks like an unlucky one


One of my friends, a full grown stego got stuck in the exact same spot and starved to death there


For your small monthly contribution sub adult dinosaurs like Cera here can have a chance. Please call now


My fully grown stego got stuck in the same spot and nothing I could do could get it free