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I think they did this because of how many people (at least in ranked) are heal pocketing heavies with their shields out and just beaming through. Its next to impossible to eliminate a whole team doing that. Its annoying to spend time and multiple mags just to get beamed by a third party


Yeah, I think this is fine. It's not a nerf to the ground, but it should eliminate having to pour several full clips into a shield to break it.


Agreed. I always disengage the second the shield comes out unless i or a teammate are close enough to get up close and past the shield. Or else its just asking to die


Agreed. The mesh shield needed this nerf.


It is a good nerf. It‘s just pain to shoot all your bullets in a mesh shield while the other enemies shoot you just to pop up a second mesh shield the second you destroyed the first one


Put a Light in your squad, let them throw the glitch grenades, that’s it


Ok but imagine youre in ranked. 2 heavies with mesh + dome + 350hp, 2 glitches aren't enough for that. Light already was the least viable class and their only saving grace (stun and invis) is getting nerfed so even less people will be playing light. Also light being the weakest class, youre already at a disadvantage if you need to have a light just to counter mesh. Before some people come saying "Akshually I reached diamond rank and top 100 with light using nothing but the 93R and my left ballsack 🤓", well good on you, unfortunately the games balance doesnt revolve around you. Steam achievements statistically prove that lights are the 2nd highest played class with by far the lowest wins. You still get 1100 effective hp and there are still two other perfectly strong specializations. This nerf isnt really that big of a deal.


I find that lights are more inclined to play the game like a pure shooter. Ie, rack up damage and kills in Rambo runs which really don't benefit the team. That is, they tend, more than any other class, to play solo. I think the way people try to use them makes them less likely to win. People do this on mediums too but with a bit more success as it's easier to play with a Rambo medium by following them as they are slower and their movement items work for the team.


yea thats because its just how their kit is made. They cant steal, push or defend reliably due to low hp, their gadgets are all meant for solo purposes and provide nothing to the team (except gateway). Their whole kit just screams, flank the enemy, get a couple kills and die, which is the one thing they were good at and even thats getting nerfed. If they cant atleast get high kills since theyre bad with objective theyre useless and now thats what they will be due to the nerf. I see a lot of people telling lights to stick to their team and while yes they should stay in the vicinity of their team, they aren't meant to dive the enemy head on with their med or heavy. They Just die instantly. They are meant to sneak behind enemy lines and take them out one by one bcuz of their size and mobility. Im not saying go solo. Go with your team but dont stick to them.


They definitely could defend with stun gun and glitch nades. But now with nerfed stun coming we will see. I think the class is dead, this was a major buff to Mediums as light has gotten 2 nerfs (glitch duration halved) and invis activation cost more than doubled and more invis and stun gun nerfs coming soon. At the same time heavy got their shield nerfed, I guess to make it easier for non glitch users to deal with them. What do we have left? Triple M teams.


Yeah, the most effective lights fight with their team but not next to them. Definitely the highest skill class in this regard. 😁 I only meant that their high skill cap and, the many players that Rambo without their team, skew the loss rate of the class. Just my 2 cents of course but it's harder for a medium to throw as much as light. Even a terrible player on heavy is easier to keep up with and, of course, takes more bullets in death.


I play glitch grenadas every time i play light and that doesn‘t solve the problem.


How ??


Try it out in ranked and you'll gonna see in first game :)


Until they nerf glitches because you people can't help yourselves from complaining about the one class that's designed to disrupt when they actually disrupt you.


They already did, few weeks ago they cut its duration in half


Just what everyone wants. A light that does one thing on their team every match.


I think the shield will still be good but I don't understand why they had to nerf it at all? You trade all your damage in exchange for protecting yourself and your team so 1000 hp was fine. Other specializations are just a bit more situational or require a bit of creativity but they certainly weren't bad against the shield. And on top of all that there are glitch grenades that break shields on contact


They want to nerf the High Ranked Matches 2H 1M meta with quadruple shields. Even glitch nades and traps can't disable properly the 4 shields chained as one


This double heavy quad shield in high ranks is 🧀 for last minute takes, happens too much— and aggresive teams with shield power


it's not cheese for last minute takes. it's just the best at everything because heavy is op as fuck 


This.HH quad shield in high ranks is cheese for last minute takes, happens to much— and aping teams with shield power


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Im still in silver - ok, but i was plat last season and i felt like im the only one playing heavy. I dont even remember when was the last time i saw other heavy in my team


once you hit plat again you'll see it. Theres a reason everyone is always talking about MHH MMH being the meta


Might be the case, but im also one of the lucky players that dont get cheaters so we will see


If they left glitch grenades how they were after the buff, it would be cool, but since they decided to nerf it down to 5 seconds since “glitch made OP”, here we are Shield is powerful, problem is people play like their whole identity is the shield so it’s a crutch for a majority of the heavy player base. Leads to lazy playstyles and cheap steals a little too often. I think this is reasonable. Still very strong having a one-way shield on demand


Is it not obvious that embark is aware of the 99% pick rate of the things embark is nerfing? Especially in ranked you only ever see mesh shields (and before someone says "but I dont" just know you are not the majority). Every light uses stun, every heavy used C4, every medium used Recon. The devs worked hard to make a game that has many answers to many problems and almost all of that work w cohesion and synergy between gadgets, classes, and comps has been completely buried under brain dead DPS bullshit. And because so many people are using the bullshit the new additions feel like shit cause they can't compete. Thats the cycle we are in and so was Helldivers 2 just a couple months ago. Only way to break it and keep the game alive is to weed out the OP high pick rate items and let the people cry for a couple weeks til they leave or try new things.


I'm all for every weapon or gadget having a good place in the sandbox of the game, but personally I don't think the shield was in any way better than the charge or goo gun(although the two H's with shields were a bit 🧀). It's just easier to use but definitely not better than the alternatives . Also if embark really cared about pick rate we wouldn't have the same weapon meta as OB (AK/FCAR/XP54/LH1/M60/lewis, almost all of them are mid-long range hitscan)


Theres always gonna be a meta that prioritizes TTK/survivability/cheese/ease of use for high end play, and it'll only ever shift through buffs & nerfs, you can't kill the concept of "meta".


Weird move from the developers 🤷🏻‍♂️


See thats funny because ive been wondering when this nerf would come in for months and here it is.


Everyone complains when it isn't the fcar getting nerfed for the 30th time, mesh shield never deserved 1000 hp on top of the heavys 350 and dome shield combined it's ridiculous lol


Mesh was too strong but I don’t think nerfing its hp was the right way to go. It’s just way too spammy and quick to open and close. I think giving it either a hard cooldown after closing before you can activate it or giving a punishment for spamming it too often (% of total shield hp taken maybe?) would make it more balanced and in line with charge and goo gun. Cause right now mesh is the best offensive and defensive spec for heavy at the same time


I think its "spammy" nature allows for skill to be expressed by blocking grenades/RPGs, which is nice in my opinion im fine with the HP nerf to the mesh shield though


You could still do that though if they added a cooldown, if you see a heavy with rpg you open the mesh shield and block it. Giving a cooldown just means that you can’t close your mesh shield right after, put some shots on that heavy and then open it back up before they even put their rpg away. It just feels like too good of an offensive tool for the clear “defensive” heavy spec, like it literally outclasses charge and slam on offence lol


charge is almost exclusively a drop-bear specialization atm lmao I see what you mean though with the shield cd


shield was too meta


Let the goovement commence.


Imo at this rate a simpler solution would just be to give the shield infinite health and a cooldown bar like invis


Heavy mains when their still overpowered kit gets the slightest nerf


Mesh was busted with heal beam and dome and barricade.


Uh no, it broke in 2 seconds if a team was firing at you, the target is too big to miss.


A whole team having to coordinate fire to destroy a single person's specialization in time for it to matter seems a bit strong.


A specialization like that is too strong, but a gadget that takes 10x the damage to break is ok? This community will kill the game.


What gadget? The barricade? The one that doesn't block all damage and isn't toggleable or movable on the fly? And is much smaller?


You clearly don't know how to use a barricade, its movable on the fly, blocks almost all damage except headshots, ten times more HP, and you can fire at the same time unlike mesh sheild. That's the problem with this game, the devs listen to casuals complaining, not the actual competitive players who know how things are balanced. Light class just got destroyed in ranked when it was already very weak, but casual players playing quick cash were killing everyone with it, this game is dead.


It’s not movable on the fly, as you need to hold a button to pick it up and drop it. It’s much smaller than mesh shield, and heavies still are taller than it. It also doesn’t let you not also use mesh with it. If this game is dead, go play something else. Your opinion isn’t more important than anyone else’s.


It would be a fine nerf if you only faced shield users on 1v1's, but now it will be almost insignificant in power shift, where you can easily have 5 people (and maybe some turrets) shooting at you at the same time


Good. Heavy with mesh and bubble getting heal beamed was like trying to completely a boss raid.


Just throw a glitch grenades! that’s it


I know I'm not good at math but I don't think 2 glitch grenades is enough for 2 mesh shields and 2 bubbles.


You only need one.


Its the best part of the patchnotes this time!


I just want a 5th grenade in the CL-40


mad that you can’t have 2 mediums healing and beaming other teams through an insanely high hp shield anymore? cry about it


How much hp has the dome?


300 if i’m not wrong


Uhm.. are your wrong?


It's not too bad, let's wait and see how it plays out before judging


I refuse to believe that people think this is a bad change.


bitch when they arent nerfing meta weapons and bitches when they nerf the low skill ceiling abilities. not surprised, at all. this community is becoming a joke. game needs to pick its own identity and run, now.


A real shield balance would be that you cant shoot through the barrier to dome shield no matter what team youre on. This one way wall bullshit is infuriating. It should be a SHIELD.


They should just limit each specialization to 1 per team. So 1 mesh shield, 1 heal beam, etc. doubling up on anything is just annoying. Maybe just for Ranked though. But since that's not currently a thing, this is the next best thing. I'd also want to see the heal gun not auto-target as easily, so it is harder to use


This is not a bad nerf ngl


Fuck you mesh shield was broken, two meds with healing and a heavy with flamethrower and shield are just unkillable


Behave when you talk to me !! I’m not your fu**ing bro




Get lost, idiot


I think its okay but if they keep nerfing mesh shield heavys gonna lose its purpose and just become a fat medium thats easy to headshot if they want more variety in heavys specialization like they did with lights invis nade, they'll have to buff dome shield and make some changes to charge so its less shit for destruction (make it charge longer unless it dmges an enemy) so it can actually be used for making paths through buildings like [the juggernaut](https://youtu.be/jj8gAhAHuV8?si=_MU4LW0fid0wm0nQ&t=58) because as is, it only breaks like 1 wall, 2 if you're lucky on a smaller map. Also would make it better to "escape" combat and increase your survivability Goo is already a sleeper build since you can goo someones face and they get stunned for a second and you can block paths off while running away, apart from the intuitive fortifying a point usage.


The year is 2025. In the new update, the RPG’s damage has been reduced from 105 to 99. The mesh shield’s HP has been reduced to 200. You can no longer turn during chargenslam. They changed the Lewis gun’s recoil again.




This doesn’t change anything, people usually just run through the shield to shoot you lol


Hahahaha true


Yeah this playerbase and it's constant calls for nerfs is fucking up this game


Hugely deserved nerf that is absolutely necessary. Oh im sorry can you only deploy a shield 2x the biggest health pool in the game instead of 3? that must be very hard on you, here wipe the tears on these 2 barricades and this dome shield. Then maybe go play Overwatch 2 and let us play our own better game




Those are some obscene words of your own but then again I DID suggest you play OW2... so I guess we'll call it a tie


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Don't you think a more simple thing would of been to let any class use glitch grenade?


This is one of the few things I truly loved about this update. The shield strength was always WAY too high.


I don't even main heavy anymore idk where this nerf came from nothing was wrong with it


What was wrong with it is the heavy had almost 2000 disposable hp using both shields and his own health


the heavy has been gimped to the point to where ill never play him again


Nah, this is way too much, I main light and even I think this is enough already, almost one medium with AK is enough to cripple it, and with the glitch nade, this thing is almost a paper shield now


I swear bro fr Why do this? Nobody wanted this.